Meeting Prince Charming-

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Sorry for the late update! I'm sorry if it's short but I promise the other ones won't be!



Chapter 2 (Two)~~

"Look, sorry, if I'm being mean, but if you just want an apology just say it. Gosh, I didn't mean to slap you, okay? I'm really sorry." I apologized, smiling a bit.

He supposedly didn't get it. I looked behind me to find no one there but us, I came closer to him and my face was inches from his, he was shocked as I went past his face and now my mouth is near his ear, I whispered.

"Your girls are here, Lover boy." I smirked. Walking past him. Out of the door. Sure, I was intelligent but not that stupid to say some words. But hey. I'm still nice. I was just teasing the guys anyways. I don't get it why he doesn't get mad like the barbies in my class do. Maybe he was different from all the other guys. No. No! I am not supposed to think about him. Focus, focus, Scarlet. I went out the door and he was instantly crowded with girls. Oh my, don't you know the word, Guys? I mean, all he was with all day was girls, girls, girls.

I was seriously not in a good mood right now. My brown hair flipped to the side as I reached for my books at the upper part of my locker.

"Hey, Scarlet! How was it?" Cassy asked with an amused smile on her face.

Woah, woah, woah. What is she talking about?

"What are you talking about?" I said raising my hands up in the air with a stressed look on my face, to be exact, my eyebrows were about to meet together, my eyes full of mystery. 

"Ya know, come on, don't play dumb!" Cassy smirked at me. Okay. Oh. Oh, oh! Oh my god!

My eyebrows separated from each other as she said that and I felt that what I was doing is wrong. Everything right now is. 

"Look, Cassy, I am over with him, no, I don't like him, not in hell," I rambled." H-He's so mean, he thinks he can just embarass me over and over again cause I slapped him in accident because I don't  even intend to do that, I never did, I swear, he always smiles at me, Oh, that evil smile!" I breathed quickly. "I ne-" I continued but was interrupted by Cassy, forcing me to turn around.

As I saw, it was him. He was standing there with his blonde hair flipped to the side an his blue sky-like eyes that almost made me flutter, He gave his most charming smile and crossed his arms.

I faked a smile. Then after a few minutes, he was still there staring at me. I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, sorry, for slapping you, go away now? Cause probably, the girls would kill me and be all like ninja style." I apologized sincerely. Every truth in my words. He chuckled slightly.

"I forgive you," He smirked. " But, I want to know your name." He smiled even wider, what? My name? Why did he want my name?

"Her name is Scarlet!" Cassy interrupted our conversational talk. Yeah, rock on, Cassy. You do great!

"Dean" he handed out his hand, I slowly took it and squeezed it gently. My head turning to Cassy, my face panicked.

I glared at Cassy, and crossed my arms. Feeling too annoyed at Cassy right now.

"Okay, then, Dean, Uh, Could you excuse us for one second?" I raised an eyebrow at him expecting a nod but all I got was a smile which surely meant approval. I pulled Cassy over to one corner away from him.

"Thank you very much for telling my name." I gritted my teeth.

"Well, You're welcome!" She said smiling and opening her arms enveloping a hug.

I gasped in shock at her, she didn't get it did she? Her brown eyes full of joy and excitement.

"Really, Cassy, really?" I put my hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows suspiciously.

"Come on, don''t make such a big deal out of it." She rolled her eyes dragging me back to 'Dean'

"But, what if he tells all my friends and the people in school about it, what if the girls who stalk him and like him and are so obssesed at him follow me and punish me and trust me I know how this happens, you walk around the streets thinking no one's there and somebody just jumps out of nowhere and scares jaggers outta you and then put you in a sack or a box and they will bring you to a abandoned place and they start getting freaky and threaten to kill you! What if he laughs at me for believing we were friends? What if his friends laugh at me? What if his friend's friends laugh at me?! What if his friend's friend's friends laugh at me?!?!" I ranted on what could happen to me, "It's kinda getting dangerous now that he knows my name, he can just tell his freaky girls to stalk me and boom! There you go! Full story! Trust me! It will happen!" I added.

Looking like a pyscho who was talking about nonsense but seriously, I know that would happen.

"Look, Scarlet," Cassy put both of her hands on my shoulder looking at me with wide eyes. " Are you nuts?!" She questioned.

"Ugh, Let's just please return to him, we'll talk later!" She yelped. Her eyes wander back to 'Dean'

I faked a smile just to make sure everything was okay, I walked over to him and looked up to him.

"Can we talk, uh. . . . Tomorrow?" I asked batting my eyelashes innocently at him. I might be getting into trouble. Really, I mean it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2011 ⏰

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