Moonlit Snake // R.L. Maraude...

By dokyeomdotcom

41.3K 1.4K 383

It was Kelsey's fifth year at Hogwarts, she and her friends were all studying and getting ready for their O.W... More



1.2K 53 6
By dokyeomdotcom





My mind went blank.

"You're what?"

"I'm pregnant," she told me again.

"Oh my god,  but that's great! Congratulations!" I told her, but she only grimaced.

"It's not a good thing."

"It's Ted's right?" I asked her as soon as she said that and she nodded, so I calmed down a bit.

"This baby will ruin us both," she looked about to cry.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"Well, I don't exactly know, but I'm getting symptoms of pregnancy. I can't go to St. Mundo's, because they'll tell my parents and I'll be a disgrace. I don't know what to do, and I know I can trust you and I don't know."

I thought for a moment. I could ask Lily, but I don't know how she would react. No way in hell could I tell Sirius and James couldn't help even if I told him because he would say go to St. Mundo's, and then tell Sirius. The only other person I could tell is......

"We can get help from Remus," I told her and she looked hesitant. 

I looked at my watch, we had five minutes to get to class.

"Hear me out really quick, he can help is, he's a half-blood, he'll know where we could go for help in the Muggle world, I can't tell anyone else they would tell the whole school and wreck you and Ted's reputations, plus your family would disown you. Meet me in my room at ten tonight. I'll tell Remus to come too, but getting him in the dorms will be harder. Now come on, we have to get to class." I hugged her tight.

"I will help your through this okay?"

"Okay," was all she said and we walked out of the abandoned classroom.

I hurried down the hall towards the Potions classroom, just as Lily  walked through the door, I snuck up behind her.

"boo!" I grabbed her shoulders and she jumped.

I had to clutch my stomach I was laughing so hard.

"Kelsey!" Lily hit me with her book bag.

"Don't do that again!" Lily said for every hit. 

It didn't hurt, I wiped under my eye because I started to cry from laughing.

"Ladies, please take your seats." Professor Slughorn told us. 

His gaze lingered on me and I think it was because of the task Dumbledore has given Remus and I. He hasn't asked me back into his office for a while now and I was started to get anxious. I needed to know more, I had to keep reminding myself to actually talk to Remus about this soon.

"Today, you will be making potions given to each pair of you." Professor Slughorn grabbed a basket from his desk and started to walk around the room.

I watched as people pulled little papers with their potions out of the basket and he finally got to Remus and me.

"Miss Clearwater." he held the basket out to me and I stuck my hand inside and pulled out a paper with the potion Remus and I will be making.

"What's it say?" Remus asked me once Professor Slughorn walked away.

"Draught of Living Death." I read it to him and he started to look through the Potions book to find the recipe.

"Okay here it is, we're going to need a bunch of ingredients. How about you get those and I'll get our supplies?" he asked.

"Okay." I took the Potions book and went to the ingredients cabinet. 

I grabbed what we needed and headed back. I look around as I saw Severus was already stirring his potion. Makes sense, he was always the best at this class. I'm only in it still because I want to be an Auror, so I work my ass off.

"What do we need to do first?" I asked Remus once he came back with our Cauldron.

We looked over the Potions book together and hit our heads together.


"Ow!" I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked me rubbing his head.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah," he hit the side of his head with his fist. "I've got a thick skull."

I laughed at his poor attempt of a joke and he smiled. We got to work, I was chopping, slicing, separating, any ingredients I needed for this potion and Remus put them in the cauldron and mixed it. Soon we were almost done and I smiled at our hard work. Sadly Slughorn told us to stop working, so we didn't get to put the last few ingredients, but I think we did well.

Professor Slughorn came to us last.

"Ah, Draught of Living Death." I pulled what looked like a lead out of his coat pocket and dropped it into our Potion, but only about half of the leaf disintegrated.

"Not bad, not bad at all you two." He praised us and I just about stopped breathing.

"Five points to both Slytherin and Gryffindor house. Not most Fifth Years could get this far for making this type of potion. Not even most Seventh Years, a good job both of you." He smiled at us and walked back to his desk.

"I want a four-foot-long parchment on the potion you and your partner did today, you must work together." He looked right at James and Lily.

James smiled weakly and as usual Lily looked murderous at the thought of working overtime with him. I laughed a bit.

"It's due in two days." he finished.

"Want to go to the library after and just get it over with?" Remus asked me and I nodded cleaning up our workspace, he helped me.

I was thinking through how to ask Remus to come to the Slytherin dorms later and I didn't know why. I mean it to help Andromeda, it's not like he and I were going to make out or anything.

I flushed at the thought of kissing Remus and looked at him. I flushed again a darker red and shoved my Potions book into my bag.

"Ready?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded at me and we headed towards the door.

"Miss Clearwater, please wait!" Professor Slughorn called me from his desk.


"Please, I need to speak to you." I nodded at him.

"I'll meet you at the library, Remus."

"Okay, take your time." he smiled at me and left.

I walked towards Professor Slughorn's desk.

"Professor Dumbledore wished for me to give you this." he held out a small piece of parchment to me.


"I don't know what's on it, but he also said to read it with Mister Lupin, so run off now." he smiled warmly at me and I smiled back nodding.

I left the Potions classroom and headed in the direction of the library.

I was still thinking about how to tell Remus when I walked into the library.

I found Remus sitting in the back of the library writing some sentences on a parchment.

"Hey Kelsey, how does this look?"

"Remus we need to talk." He looked taken back at my bluntness but nodded nonetheless.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Andromeda., I started. "She's well....." I looked around and realized there were other people around our area.

"Hold on," I pulled out my wand and cast a silencing charm around us.

"Kelsey, what's going on?" he asked looking very worried now.

I took a deep breath.

"Andromeda may be pregnant, but we don't know how to tell. She says she's been suffering symptoms of pregnancy. She can't go to St. Mundo's because they'll tell her parents, the only way to tell is to go to a Muggle doctor." I told him and it seemed to dawn on him while I was telling him this.

"You need my help to get her to a doctor?"

"Yes, I can't go to anyone else because none of my other friends, other than Lily, have any Muggle in them, but I can't go to Lily because I'm not sure how she would react."

"How can I help though?"

"Do you know where we can go?"

"The hospital in London, but how would we get there?"

"Meet me at eleven o'clock tonight in front of the Slytherin dormitories. You'll see two bodies of armor with the Slytherin crest on their chests, stand in front of them and I'll come to get you." I stood up.

"Oh, and wear black."


"When is he coming?" she asked dropping a black bag onto my bed along with a Broom. 

It was one she had borrowed a long time ago from Regulas and he never asked for it back so she kept it.

"Eleven," I told her and she nodded. 

She was in a robe because I told her she can borrow my clothes. She owned a lot of black clothes but the majority were dresses.

"Here." I handed her a pair of black jeans, a black tank top, and a leather jacket.

"change into this, it'll keep you hidden." I smiled at her and turned so she could change.

I was in a similar outfit, but I was a bit tighter than what she was going to be wearing.

"Done," she told me and I turned back around. the outfit looked great on her.

"Here, I know we're the same shoe size." I handed her some boots.

It seems like all the clothes I own are black too, the life of a Slytherin, I guess.

"Andromeda?" She looked up from lacing up the boots.

"How long ago did you and Ted have sex?"

"Over a month ago," she looked down at her feet.

"Okay, it's going to be fine you know, for all we know it's just a sickness." I have her a smile and looked at my watch.

"Ten-thirty, should I go out and wait for him? I mean he won't be coming until eleven but,-" I stopped when I looked at her face. "What?"

She was smirking at me.


"You like him don't you?" she pried and I blushed scarlet.

"I don't know. I'm having mixed feelings I just broke up with Regulas two days ago I'm not ready to date yet."

She nodded in understanding but still had a smirk on her face.

"Well, if you were going for noticeable, he's going to have a hard time keeping his hands off of you. I'm shocked he hasn't slammed you against a wall yet and kissed you senseless. I mean you're gorgeous and you've got a nice body too. I think he's noticed that as well."

I blushed at the kissing part. I mean I'm not complaining, but I just don't want to rush into another relationship. maybe after Christmas.

"I'll go wait for him." I walked out of my room blushing while Andromeda sniggered behind me.

I walked down the hall into the Slytherin common room, t was empty now since it was a school night and it was late.

I sat on one of the couches by the light fire and thought.

I've ways viewed Remus as a brother but I never really hung out with him. He's a shy guy and I was always causing trouble with Sirius and James. I mean I always saw Remus as attractive don't get me wrong, he's funny and sweet too. I don't know what to do.

Should I run with these feelings and see what happens, or ignore it and get through the year?

I need to find out tonight. I looked at my watch.


I had been sitting there for a while. I got up and stepped out of the common room into the dungeon hallway.

I walked down it a but and his behind a wall, so I would be able to hear Remus.

After about five minutes I heard footsteps and I came out from behind the wall.


I lit my wand up and saw Remus standing there in dark jeans, shoes, and a black hoodie.

"You ready? The common room is empty now. Andromeda is in my room. We're going to go over the plan for tonight," I told him.

"Alright, let's go."

I nodded and put my wand light out.

We walked towards the entrance wall.

"Pureblood," I told it. 

I went in first and motioned Remus when I saw the coast was clear. We hurried to the room and walked in. Shutting and locking it behind us.

"Remus." I heard Andromeda greet him he mumbled hello to her.

I stuck my wand in my boot and went to my closet, pulling my broom out I out it next to Andromeda's. Then I grabbed my bag I was bringing and opened it. Inside held some potions in care of emergency and the letter Professor Slughorn gave me earlier. I hadn't opened it yet, I wanted to with Remus. I closed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. Andromeda did the same with her.

"Okay, what's the plan?" He asked.

"Kelsey, it was your plan, you can tell him," Andromeda spoke.

I nodded at Andromeda and silenced the room in case we were overheard.

"All three of us know how to get to London, but you know how to get to the hospital. we will all most likely miss class tomorrow because this will take a while, but it's for a good cause." I looked at Dromeda and smiled.

she smiled back.

"We take brooms, land in a back alley where they can stay there. No one will take them most likely. None of us can do magic, at all. So don't even think about it. We're going to need to sneak out of the school and I know you know a secret passageway, Remus, so we'll need your help there too. I have and extra broom you can borrow." I grabbed the other one I had gotten two years ago from my dad for my birthday and handed it to him.

"Are you both ready? There's no going back."

"I'm ready, thank you so much for doing this for me, Kelsey." Andromeda go up and hugged me. 

I hugged her back tightly and we let go.

We looked at Remus.

"Let's do this." he smiled and we headed out.

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