Jaria happy after

By powwla

12.2K 296 6

when the spark between Ezra and Aria died off, Jason wanted nothing more but to be supportive, he always trie... More

Part 2
Part 4
Part 6
Part 8
Part 10
Part 12
weekend at montegomery's
Part 15
Part 18
Part 20
Part 22
Part 24
Part 27

Part 13

413 7 0
By powwla

"what are you thinking?" Asked Aria worriedly. 
"having second thoughts?" Jason grabbed her hand in his. 
Aria shook her head. They were just waiting at the brew for all the girls to arrive to announce their big news. It's been nearly 3 months since their first lemon slice sharing in right this place, and things escalated since then. They are both surprised at the fact they were able to keep it a secret for so long. Everybody knew something was up but couldn't quite lay a finger on it.

 The bell above the door rattled as Hanna, followed by Spencer, Emily  and Alison walked in. Hanna was so heated up about the conversation they were having, she almost walked into a barista. Alison and Spencer blurred "sorry" at him whilst Emily was too busy covering her mouth and Hanna was too embarrassed to look the barista in the eye. They walked towards the couple and sat down, although they haven't said anything yet, it was obvious what they were going to say, they're not stupid and are capable of putting one and two together. 

Jason feeling slightly awkward held Aria's hand which he had a hold of in the air, squinted his eyes, kinked his eyebrows and screamed "surprise", then he just hoped for the best. Hanna started bouncing on her chair excitedly, Alison and Emily looked really puzzled, and Spencer smiled brightly. 
A few questions followed, what felt pretty much like an interview. 

Emily was so wrapped up in figuring out her own feelings towards Alison, and what they meant that when Aria told her there wasn't anything going on, she didn't question it. But now that the truth is being revealed, she is not sure how to feel about it. She knew that Aria always had a thing for Jason, and that he's a good guy, after all he helped them out on many occasions. But that didn't stop her motherly instincts kicking it. Emily was always the mum of the group caring for them, and she still remembers how Jason had to go to rehab, and his dating history. She decided to put all of that aside for the meanwhile, she has to figure out how she feels about it before she comments, she figured. 

Alison was too shocked to even comprehend that her older brother is in fact dating one of her best friends from school, but then again she dated guys who were much older than her, she knew he would use it an argument against her if she mentions the age difference, it's not like it mattered to her, and most importantly to them. At the end of the day she wants her brother to be happy, and if Aria can give this to him then be it. She wasn't happy about their choices, if something went wrong she'd have to pick a side and it's more likely her brother to screw it up then Aria would, and drama is the last thing she needs. 
"so are you happy" she just asked with a blank expression on her face, not knowing what to say but clearly felt the need to contribute to the conversation. 
"yes" Jason answered with a grin on his face. This is all she needed to know. Now she is at ease, well sort of, the dark haired girl, with tan skin who is sat next to her is making her feel anxious. Ali sneaked a peek at Emily and suddenly felt overwhelmed with butterflies in her tummy. She wasn't sure i it was a good thing or not, Emily seem to be sending her mixed signals, but she didn't want to make this about her, so looked back at the young couple who cosied up together and tried to focus all of her attention on them. 

Yet Hanna was ecstatic. She loves reading mystery books, and she had a good feeling about those two, but seeing them announce it together made her heart do a loop. "Mystery solved" she exclaimed as soon as Aria sheepily said "it is what you think it is guys". After everything that's happened to the both of them, they both deserved happiness. Aria was her best friend so it was obvious she would have her best interest at heart. Hanna is not blind, she knows a hot boy when she sees one, and Jason was definitely on the list. She also noticed how he would do all the little things to make Aria smile, that was even before they dated, it made Hanna's inside turn into mush a little bit, especially now that she was going through some things with Caleb, cute romantic gestures were on her agenda. She shipped them so hard, and there was always somebody telling her they weren't an item and to stop. Well who's the valentine now? 

They all chattered like birds for a while until Spencer had to make an exit. She expressed how thrilled she was for the two of them to get together, and acted like she only just found out not to make the other girls feel bad. Jason and Aria were both so happy with the responses they got from their friends. Now they don't understand why they were so worried. It went really smoothly, and Aria already started hinting it to her family, since the beginning of this week, her mother looked excited. "Aria as long as you're happy so am I" Ella told her with a wink. It was really reassuring as this is as much positive feedback as she ever got about any boy she has dated. Things are really looking up for those two, now it can only get better. Jason's helped Aria up the sofa and together they went to order a lemon cake, they won't miss out on an opportunity to eat cake. ever. 

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