Shadow Bearer [NaNoWriMo 2015]

By GreyFalll

330 31 48

Freedom. An odd term, isn't it? Freedom. Something no one can take from you. Freedom the ability to think for... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6

Chapter Two

49 5 0
By GreyFalll

A/N: By the way, I failed Nano if you couldn't tell. Banner by PokemonRio

"Tara!" Hiroya threw the door of the house open, blue-green eyes skimming his surroundings, in search of the woman. Stray objects were scattered across the tile, and the in the kitchen the drawers and cabinets were left open. Everywhere he looked there seemed to be a sign of distress, and scratches were visible on the floor and walls from the soldiers boots.

"Too late." He murmured under his breath, sending his fist flying at the wall, a strangled cry escaping his lips. An old picture frame fell off the sheetrock a few paces down,the glass shattering as it hit the floor. Hiroya reached out for it, ignoring the shards of broken glass, he ran his fingers along the lines of the image. His expression changed to a sad smile as he tried to name the boys in the picture from the image he'd created from Tara's stories.

"Cole's the younger" Tara she had always said with a smile, "he's more quiet, and he doesn't like the dark. Keiro's the older, but he's a loudmouth brat; if I'm allowed to say that." She had always laughed when she'd said that, and after seeing his pained expression had rested a hand on his shoulder. "He's a great older brother, even if it's just by a few minutes. Kinda' like you! Everything I do is for them, they're the reason I'm here!" He could remember her slinging an arm around his shoulders. " I bet your mom thinks of you every day, wherever she is. No matter what happens, a mother never forgets her children, ever." She laughed soon after, realizing how serious she was being. "I hope they grow up to be just like you. Kindhearted and sensible." She had ruffled his hair, lightheartedness reappearing, as she gave him a noogie, teasing him for crying at his age.

"Cole." He whispered, fingers brushing carefully against the photograph. His eyes shifted from Cole to Keiro, then back to Cole as he tried to pick out the differences in each face. Having no luck, he set the frame on the countertop, eyes drifting carefully around the small home, Tara had been the only one willing to stay in one place for more than a week, claiming that the ground wasn't good for her old back. He'd never asked past that, assuming that her children were the reason she couldn't just leave. But standing in the middle of the rundown house, it started to make sense to him.

It was like the walls had collected the love that had once resided within it, soaking up the happiness and laughter. The whole place emitted warmth, and family was the only thing he could think about while standing there. He's always been told that home was where the heart was, but he'd never stayed in one place long enough to label it home. This place, this building had so much behind its walls, and it made him smile.

The happiness was short-lived as another thought dawned on him,what were they supposed to do now? He couldn't simply leave her to die, but leading resistance soldiers into the heart of the city was a huge risk. One they couldn't afford. "What now mom?" He muttered. The second he realized his use of words, he flinched, and corrected himself. Tara wasn't his mother, and she never would be.
Neiko ducked between the two nearest market booths, gripping the pillar with clammy fingers in effort to subdue his tremors. He didn't dare let out a breath as the trio of soldiers searched the square, and relaxed only as they rounded the street corner. As the group of new recruits disappeared around the corner, he grinned, heaving the bag of stolen medical items over his shoulder. Another day's work well done, he thought to himself, as he tiptoed into the tree line. A few more cautious steps, and he'd be back at home base before he was caught. As his form was just beginning to disappear into the greenery, he stopped, hairs on the back of his neck shooting straight up as the cry of a girl echo through the market square.

He didn't hesitate to dart from the cover of the trees, and he simply followed his ears, weaving through the crowds, and avoiding soldiers as quickly as he could. Upon hearing a surprised yell, he crouched behind the last turn, peering around the edge to see two soldiers (no surprise, all trouble somehow led to them) and a small kid. She wasn't too much younger then he was, possibly ten at the most, and she was beat up and bloody. She twisted as the younger of the two men planted his knee on her stomach, ignoring her as she beat her fists against his leg and scowled.

"Let me go you big meanie!" She cried, digging her nails into his ankle, struggling to make him let go.

"You're the one, who attacked, ME." The soldier roughly pushed her back down, settling his weight onto her stomach, scowling when the girl lashed out and clamped her teeth on his arm.

"She just bit me!" He cried out to his partner, who simply nodded, and continued reading the book held firmly between his fingers. The second man was considerably older, and he seemed unaffected by the turn of events.

"Commoners tend to be spiteful." He remarked.

"But they don't just randomly attack us, especially not little girls!" A protest could be heard soon afterward, the girl proclaiming that she wasn't to be underestimated, which only resulted in a scolding slap across the face.

"Don't underestimate spite." Neiko's blood boiled, and the girl cried out once more as the younger of the two soldiers dug his knee harder into the her ribs.

"What am I supposed to do exactly?"

"Check for weapons and take her down to the station." The student did as instructed as the elder man returned to his book, and Neiko took this as his opening. He reached into the medical bag, rummaging through the contents in search of a knockout drug.As his nimble fingers pulled out the correct bottle, he sighed at the loss, and gingerly poured it over his pant cuff, ripping the fabric soon after. For a moment he stared at the elder man's back for a moment, deducing that he was far enough in his book not to notice him if he moved quick enough.

Readying himself for a sprint, Neiko clutched the piece of cloth. In a split second he had dashed forward, covering the students mouth for as long as he could. The teen thrashed in his grasp, something Neiko had expected, but what he didn't expect was for him to lash out and grab his mentor's pant leg. The soldier fell limp in his arms, and he caught the girl's grateful glance before he darted off, the older man catching glimpse of his red hair before he rounded the corner.

Neiko could feel his heartbeat in his ears as the elder man's gaze swept the area, and it quickened as he strode toward the younger girl. Now that his view wasn't blocked, he could see that she had blond hair, and her frame was burlier then most women. As she struggled to stand with her broken ribs, tremors shaking her entire build the elder man pushed her roughly, and she crashed into the ground. Her shriek made Neiko wince, and as he stood frozen in his hiding spot the soldier planted his foot firmly onto her chest, ignoring as the girl coughed, splattering blood over his boot.

"Come on out and explain yourself, or I'll kill her." Neiko hesitated, and immediately regretted his decision as the his ears picked up on a sharp crack, and then a scream. "I know you're there, come out." Neiko slung his bag around his shoulders, bringing his hands above his head. He stepped tentatively around the street corner, looking at his feet in effort to hide his face.

"Explanations." The man demanded, glaring at him with such ferocity that Neiko half expected his eyes to drill a hole through his nose.

"Our mother is sick, I asked her to distract you while I stole some medicine, I'm sorry, please-" He cut himself off as the man strode toward him, grasping his chin and tilting his head up to look at his face, searching for similarities between him and the girls.

"You don't look alike." Neiko panicked at the statement, struggling to come up with the rest of his lie.

"I-I.." The girl struggled to form words, fighting to stand up, " I-Iv-I've g-got a diff-f-erent m-mo-th-" She gave up, letting herself collapse into a heap on the ground.

"Please, I'm sorry, jus-"

"You know what we do with thieves?" Neiko knew of course, he'd seen the victims of such punishment before, it was never pretty. He gulped, shaking is head no, trying to keep his face fearful, struggling to contain his confident smile. "The both of you are in for a treat then." The girl whimpered, and he reached for Neiko's arm just as his captive slipped his hand behind his lower on his head. Tucked between his hair and his ear rested a thick wad of cloth, the same one from earlier. For the slightest second, the soldier caught the image of him smiling, before the denim was forced onto his face, and his form fell.

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