Truly,Madly,Crazy About You.

By knick15

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A Niall Horan fan fiction. More

Truly,Madly,Crazy About You.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
part 7-flashback
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
part 17
Part 18- Happy endings

Part 16

695 9 1
By knick15

'hey babe. Come listen to this song I've been working on!' Harry excitedly yelled at you from his music room. 'coming!' you hollered back at him. You made your way to the only soundproof room on the premises. 'hi, my love.' you said as you walked up behind him and kissed him on the cheek. 'sit. I want to sing to you.' he instructed you. ' do the boys know about this song?' you asked. 'no, just me and well you're about to if you ever hush and let me play it for you.' he said. 'okay,okay. Point taken. I'll be silent, you sing.' you said.

He grabs a keyboard and starts singing a song, you knew now was called Don't Let Me Go. It seemed he was nearing the end of the song when he just stopped playing. 'is that it?' you asked. 'I need a final line and I was hoping you could help me out. Maybe?' he said sheepishly. 'sure.' you responded. 'how about cause I'm tired of sleeping alone?' you suggested. 'perfect' he said as he sloppily added the phrase to the lyrics that sat in from of him.

'y/n, say you'll never let me go and I'll never let go of you.' he insisted. ' how could I let go of you? You're an amazing catch.' you responded. 'I'll never let you go. I love you.' he told you. 'I'll never let you go and I love you too.' you told him.

It was the first time you two had said those three words to each other and you knew that the statement was genuine from both sides. Little did you know I love you didn't men forever in Harry's book.....


You should be happy right? It was the night before you were to marry your best friend. Then why did you feel like crap and couldn't sleep even though it was nearly two o'clock in the morning. You did the only thing you could think to. You called a cab and went to the hotel where the boys were staying. You got the receptionist to tell you what room he was in and got a key card. You thanked her and continued onto the elevator.

You stood in front of his hotel room. You slid the key in the lock and quietly opened the door. You saw his figure in the bed across the room. You made sure to make minimal noise as you walked across the carpeted room until you were right beside where he lay.

'we need to talk.' you told him, as you touch his broad, sleeping shoulder. He woke up in a started daze. The first thing you saw was his gorgeous green eyes that caused you to fall for him in the first place. 'okay.' his low voice said in a sleepy tone. 'let's take a walk, Harry.' you told your former boyfriend.

He threw a pair of sweatpants and a pair of Nikes on before joining at the door to exit his room. 'so you couldn't sleep either?' he asked. 'not a wink.' you said. You both entered the elevators and were headed down to the lobby. 'it's nearly your big day. terrified yet?' he questioned as the elevator open showing the same lobby you'd been in just moments later.

You remained silent trying to remain instep with Harry all the way out the hotel doors, which was quite a daunting task. You could feel his eyes on you but didn't feel the need to bring it up. 'okay, what's really going on y/n?' he finally pipped up and said about ten minutes later as he stepped in front of you. 'what do you mean, Harry?' you asked him.

'cut the crap, y/n, would ya!' he shouted. You turned away and look down at the ground you both stood on. 'hey.' he said softly, grabbing your chin, making you look up at him. ' I just know better. I'm not exactly the first person you'd come to at two in the morning to just take a nice little stroll with. I didn't mean to yell out, but serious. what's going on?' he said. You could tell from his voice he cared, so you decided it was time for you to be upfront with him.

'so let me get this out of the way to start off. I know I have terrible timing, so let's just get that out of the way. okay?' you said. 'okay'' he said.

'well I was laying awake thinking and the melody of Don't Let Me Go got stuck in my head and well I remembered back to when we were working on that song together and how we said we'd never let each other go, but then just a few months later you went and cheated on me with Caroline at Grimshaw's birthday party and I wasn't supposed to be there but I came anyways and I saw how you two were hanging onto each other and how you kissed her with so much passion and I just had to leave and get away so you didn't see me cry. I didn't run back to my flat, or yours. Do you know who's flat I ran back to that night, Harry, do you?' you asked him, he nodded no.

' I ran to Niall's flat, Niall's! I'd only talked to him a couple times at that point, but he still let me even though it was nearly 1 in the morning. He didn't make me explain why I'd come to his flat, why I was crying, what was going on. None of that. He just gathered me his arms and wiped my tears and got Kleenex for me as I needed them and he was just so nice to me and he didn't even know me. When I saw you that next day I was so sick to my stomach. I didn't want to see you ever again at that point because you just acted like nothing had even happened. NOTHING! my whole world was falling apart!'

You stopped at that moment to catch your breath and wipe your tears. Your voice had gotten more and more emotional as you divulged all of this. Harry started to say your name but you stopped him before he could.

'let me finish, please.' you told him. He nodded and you continued on. 'Haz, do you want to know why I stayed with you for those months even after I'd seen you with Caroline that evening? I stayed with you because of something Niall said to me. He told me never let someone get the better of you, no matter how awful the thing they've done to you is. I took that to heart, I got my act together and I stuck with you even through everything I'd seen. I know we weren't joined at the hip or legal bound, but Harry you and me our relationship has always, always been different from anyone else's and you know that just as well as I do. We can't deny it, but I'm in love with another man and he's rightfully earned my love. He's our best friend Harry. I've told him everything you said that night after our movie day. I explained to him our secret relationship. He knows, It hurts me too much to hide stuff from him ,Haz because that's what REAL love does to a person. It makes them hurt when they hide stuff from the other person.'

You decided you'd ripped into Harry enough for one night so you found a bench seat and started to cry. You felt him sit down beside and start rubbing your back, knowing that was the only thing that could calm you down at a time like this.

'I remember, y/n. I remember every bit of it. It's been a long time, but there isn't a day I don't think about what we were, what we could have become. I know I shouldn't be say this as a groomsmen in your wedding, but I do still love you and I really did mean everything I said that night and when we wrote Don't Let Me Go together I couldn't imagine that we'd be over in such a short span of time after it. But I look at you and Niall and I see it. I see the reason why we ended. I can't, as much as I'd like to, deny that you two were meant for each other. He makes you happy, right?' He asked.

You glanced up at him and nodded your headed, chuckling a little bit. 'and I know for a fact you make him happy too. I've never seen a boy so giddy. He can't help but smile loads when he finds out that you're going to be in an interview with him. And here's something I bet he failed to mention to you. When he got back from asking your father for your hand in marriage I was the first person he came to see. He asked me if I approved of him asking you to marry him and he was beaming when I said I was okay with it. He started asking me how he should propose to you and when and all this other stuff. The only thing I told him was that you liked labradoodles and that he better get that ring on your finger quick or some other guy was going to steal you from him.

You could help but laugh at Harry. Here was a boy who'd once been madly in love with you got kicked to a back burner and still enjoyed being the best friend to you and your almost husband and gladly excepted the roll of groomsmen. So many times you yelled and screamed at him. You told him to get out of your life on multiple occasion, but he still remained to be there to rub your back to calm you down after it all and a part of you knew that he wouldn't be leaving your life anytime soon.

'thank you, Haz.' you said plainly to him. 'for what? giving bridezilla her first person to yell at on her wedding day.' he said, laughing as he did. 'yes of course for giving bridezilla someone to yell at. no just for always being there to talk to even at 2 o'clock in the morning.' you explained to him. 'no problem, but I have a question. How'd you manage to get into my hotel room?' he asked.

'you know me Styles. I have my ways.' you answered. 'but honestly how?' He reiterated. 'I asked the receptionist for a key and she gladly gave me one.' you answered in a chipper tone. 'wow. They really aught to fire her. You could have been a murderer and she wouldn't have even blinked.' he said. 'hey! I don't have the look of a murderer!' you responded. 'no,but you will have the look of a very tired bride if you don't get back to Maura's soon.' he told you. 'I do believe you have the bit right however.' you said.

You both walked back to the hotel and said your goodnights and then you caught a cab back to Maura's. It was nearly 4 when you got back so you made sure to be very quiet as you reentered the house.


You awoke at 10:30 to the sound of chatter and laughter from downstairs. You quickly made your way down and saw Maura, your mom, sister, Denise and the twins, Lou and Lux, Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor. 'hi y/n' they said in unison. 'morning' you mumbled. 'guys, we have to be nice she was out at the wee hours of this morning after all. she just thought she could sneak out without being caught.' Perrie said. 'I hope not out to see my son. Hun, you have to know that's bad luck after all. to see the groom on wedding day and vice versa.' Maura said.

'I didn't go out to see Niall, Maura. No worries. I just really needed to smooth something out with a person before I could feel good about today.' you explained. A hush fell upon them realizing that their assumptions were wrong. 'sorry' Perrie murmured. 'you're fine.' you said to her.

Lux ran over to you from where she was and you bent down to scoop her up in your arms. 'Hi Luxieloo.' you said to her. 'hi y/n' she said, still not quite able to say your name properly but it was still adorable so you let it slide. 'are you ready to be one of the cutest flower girls ever?' you asked the 3 year old. She nodded her head really big and you sat her back down on the floor where she ran off to play with her toys in the living room.

'how are you feeling baby girl?' your mom asked as you walked up to her and gave her a hug. 'I feel really good. I can't believe it's my big day.' you said excitedly. 'well sit down and have some brunch and we'll get out your hair for a bit.' Maura said. 'we've got to get back to the hotel to start getting ready so we'll just head off.' Perrie,Eleanor, and Danielle said as the each came over, giving you a hug, then heading out the door with Maura.

'hey sis, you still okay with holding Lux's hand and pulling the wagon with the twins down the aisle?' You asked your little sis who sat on the other side of the table. 'not a problem.' she said cooing at the twins who were playing with toys along with Lux. 'did your wedding day seem to come really quick?' you said turning to Denise. ' yeah, but then again I didn't date Greg for nearly 5 years before he asked me to marry him.' she answered. 'yes, yes. I get me and Niall have been together for a long time.' you responded.

'that's not a bad thing, though.' Lou piped in. 'yeah I never meant it was a bad thing. I was just meaning our relationships aren't the same, but to answer your question. Yes it did seem like our wedding day came very quickly.' Denise said.

*a couple hours later*

You were at the church and could hear people coming in and filling up the auditorium. There was still about 30 minutes until the ceremony was to begin so you were starting to get very anxious. Lou had finished with your hair an hour ago and was just finishing your makeup. You were surrounded by your bridesmaids Anne, Kayan, Zoella, and Danielle.

'ready for your dress?' Lou asked. 'Not quite I need someone to take this letter to Niall for me and I don't want to be in my dress yet.' You said. 'I'll take it to him for you.' Lou insisted. 'thanks doll' you said to her as she left the bridal suite.

You and Niall had decided instead of doing handwritten vows you would both write other a letter. He got to read his while he stood at the front of the church as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. You were to read yours just before you were to walk down the aisle.

Your letter to him read as follows:

My love Niall James,

It's our big day darling, can you believe it?! :) After 5 years in a relationship with you, I still find something every day to love about you. Your most admirable attribute still remains your ability to be carefree and fun loving. You pulled me out of my shell and in the process made me become more and more in love with you every second. There were so many nights I sat up wondering if I'd ever find a guy who would love me, for me. And guess what I did, I found you! Right now you're standing in front of the church with our friends and family in front of you and even though you've played packed stadiums of people you are much more nervous in front of those you know. Am I right? You're an amazing person, but as much as you'd like to think it you haven't become that way all on your own. You have a great support system behind you. They keep you humble and level-headed and well you. Darling I will see you soon. I can't wait to say my vows to you and say I Do. Just remember I'll be the one in white at the back of the church when the doors open.

I Love You! :)

<3 Y/N

Lou returned shortly. Again asking if you were ready to get your dress on. This time you replied yes and the bridesmaids when ahead and exited the room to go get ready to walk down the aisle. They paired up with their groomsmen. Anne with Greg, Kayan with Harry, Zoella with Eoghan, and Danielle with Sean.

All that was in the room was you, Lou, Maura, and your mom. Lou had you step into the dress. She shimmied it up to where it need to be and then zipped and buttoned the back. While she did this the entire room was silent. 'You look gorgeous darling.' she said giving you hug before leaving the room to get a seat. Your mom and Maura started tearing up. 'please don't. you're going to make me cry too and I can't ruin my makeup. Lou would kill me.' you said. This made them laugh a bit.

'my son picked a gem to marry. I'm so proud after today I'll be able to call you my daughter.' Maura said, as she gave you a squeeze on the hand and left the room. It was just you and your mom left. 'my baby girl.' she said, tearing up a little bit as she did. 'momma, I found him. I found my prince and I'm his princess.' you told her. 'I know, baby, I know.' she said kissing you on the cheek and leaving you all alone in the bridal suite that had just minutes earlier been so packed with people.

You heard a knock on the door. 'sweetheart, it's time.' you heard your dad say from the other side. You walked to the door holding your dress so it wouldn't snag. You saw him pull a paper from his suit jacket. You knew it had to be the letter from Niall. You took it gleefully.

It read:

My Princess,

You are one in a billion, literally. I didn't pick you because you were a fan of the band, even though it is quite convenient. I picked you because you never found yourself too high or mighty to be a goofball with me. You have a genuine heart. I've never seen anyone be so amazing with children as you are. Family is your number one priority as it is mine also. My mom has never been so excited about meeting one of my girlfriends as she was to meet you. Not a single one of my family members could pick something bad about you. I know I made you wait forever for an engagement. Believe me it was not my plan to make you stick with me for 5 years without any sort of promise of forever. But each day I found myself with you it felt like we were an old married couple. Comfortable in our own skins and comfortable with one another. Not caring what the other looked like just genuinely loving each other no matter how bummy the other looked. You've stuck with me throughout the numerous plane trips to locations all over, not because of the sites but because you wanted to spend that time with me. You're a music junkie like me. You managed to create a career that you couldn't be happier with. You have so many other places you could spend your days but you've chosen to spend them with me. Y/n, I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into!

Love You Darling.

<3 Niall James

PS. I'll be the one at the front of the church in a suit. just in case you forgot. ;)

'it's time.' your dad told you. 'I'm ready/' you told him. They opened the doors to the church. You saw loads of people standing on each side but the only person you could see was the man you were marrying.

You had the chorus of Truly,Madly,Deeply play after you'd joined hands with Niall. He laughed at the quirkiness of the song being played. You both said the I do's when you were supposed to and you gladly enjoyed your first kiss as man and wife.

*couple hours later*

You were showing your lovely blue wedding band off to a group of friends who had gathers around you. You had to show the inscription on the inside which read " for my princess. forever and always. NJames." along with the wedding date, all written in his handwriting. After this, your aunt had told you how adorable the twins being pulled in the wagon by your sister and Lux. You then saw Niall take to the stage at the wedding reception. You were expecting the rest of the boys to join him but they didn't.

'This is a song I've been working on writing for a long while. 6 years to be exact. It's taken me a while because I keep falling more and more in love with the inspiration for the song everyday and well that distracts me a bit. I finally finished writing this song early this morning and well I wanted to share it with you guys also, but mainly the inspiration for this song, my princess and wife, y/n.' He said and you began to blush as you felt all eyes in the room on you. He began playing the song acoustically. It was a beautiful song, very mellow and extremely sweet. Once it ended Niall came over to where you sat and made you join him for your first dance as husband and wife.

The wedding reception lasted until nearly 11 o'clock in the morning and you and Niall were absolutely worn out. You'd caught a cab back to the hotel you were staying at for the night before you headed off on your honeymoon the next morning.

Once you exited the hotel elevator onto the floor your room was, Niall picked you up bridal style. Only setting you down so he could open the room door before picking you back up and entering the room with you in his arms. He set you down on the bed and sat down right beside you.

'y/n, do you know why I'm most excited to be married to you?' he asked. 'no,why?' you asked back. 'because being married to you means you'll be the first and last thing I see every night before I go to sleep and when I wake up. Being married to you means that you're mine and mine alone. No one else can call you their wife except for me and I love that.' he said.

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