part 17

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'But do we really have to leave?' you begged your husband, not wanting to leave the paradise you'd spent the past couple weeks in. 'Yes,my darlin' we have to go back to the UK. I have to record some tracks and work on finishing writing a few songs for the new album before we're back on tour next year.' Niall explained to you.

'Well when you put it that way....' you drew out the last word for dramatic effect. 'are any of those songs you're working on about or for me?' you asked excitedly. 'not if you keep asking.' he said knowing he'd get the reaction he wanted from you. ' fine. I'll hush. I've got to find a way to fit all my clothing plus souvenirs into my suitcase anyways.' you replied, he just laughed at you and followed you up to your hotel suite.

'it's been so lovely it just being the two of us. married and happy as I've ever been in my life.' Niall said as he cuddled you in his arms and kissed you on the top of the head. 'it has been hasn't it?' you replied. The words lingered in the room for a while before broken with your thoughts.

'so this means we've got to house hunt when we get back.' you stated. 'suppose it does. The flat's been nice for being a bachelor but not exactly ideal for having a family in.' he responded. 'crazy having to think about things like a family and married life.' Niall added. 'yeah it is.' You uttered.

*a couple days later*

'hi sweetheart!' Maura shouted as she ran up to you at the airport terminal. 'hi Maura.' you responded followed by a hug. 'how was the Maldives?' Chris asked. 'gorgeous and relaxing' Niall answered his step dad extended his hand for handshake. 'thanks for coming to get us.' you said to your new in-laws. 'not a problem.' Niall's step dad responded.

You chatted all the way back to Niall's flat about the honeymoon and the Maldives. Once you finally got back to Niall's, you were happy to find Cason playing with Harry on the floor in the living room. 'hey, you're back!' Harry said getting up from the floor. 'great observation, Styles.' Niall said snidely. Harry laughed very sarcastically at his comment. 'how's the new Mrs.Horan?' Harry asked as he made his way across the room to give you a hug and a peck on the cheek.

His arm lingered around your waist as he waited for a response. 'I'm doing well. Just glad to be back home with friends and family.' you answered. 'well you got yourself a nice tan while you were gone, so that's good. You were so ghostly white before, it was pretty scary.' he said as he pulled you closer to him to emphasis his joking comment.

'not all of us tan as well as you do.' Niall remarked. 'it's a gift.' Harry said in his best girl voice. This caused all of you to start laughing. At this point Cason had found his way to your feet and was sitting, waiting for you to pick him up, so you did. 'well I get out of your hair so you can get settled.' Harry said as you all finally stopped laughing. 'thanks for watching the pup for us while we were gone. I appreciate it.' Niall said as he and Harry shook hands. 'no problem. he's a cutie.' Harry said as he came over to pet Cason. 'thanks Haz.' you said as you walked him to the door. He turned and waved and then made his way to his car and left.

'home sweet home.' Niall said as he shut the front door and locked it.

Truly,Madly,Crazy About You.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora