Hunters Love

By MaddieHomoelle

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What if Katniss got pregnant by Gale and she took Prim's place eight months into her pregnancy. The questions... More

Hunters Love
chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
False Victory
Author's Note
Fall Of White Roses

Chapter Twelve

1K 17 4
By MaddieHomoelle

             Katniss's POV

                                                   I wake and run to the bathroom and get terribly sick. After I am done I am sweating and trembling. I turn on the shower and jump in. Right before I am about to lather my hair I notice I am still in my under-ware. I rip them off and wash my hair and body, taking a break to puke again in the shower. Then I get out and dress into some pajamas.

           I sit in my bed with my hair sopping and my mother and Prim come in with some toast with tears in their eyes. I was about to crack a joke but then I just burst into sobs.  So much for being strong. They coax me into eating the toast and drinking the tea. Prim brushes out my hair and then they lay me back down and cover me up. "What about Blaze?" I mumble and Prim shakes her head. "You can't nurse with that much alcohol in your system, I already fed her a bottle." Then I close my eyes and fall asleep with my head pounding, thinking of how I am going to leave my daughter for good.

                Peeta's POV

                    I walk into Haymitch's and find them both on a hangover and I give them both some soup. As they eat I throw every liquor bottle away. Haymitch looks at me with crazed eyes. "Boy that's my liquor!" "Well this is for your own good and Katniss's! We need you both sober for training, which we are going to start today! And I don't care how bad you two feel, you brought it on yourselves!"

                       They both groan angrily and I huff. "I will meet you by the fence in one hour." I wait there and they do come, complaining about their heads and achy bodies. I make them do push ups, climb trees, run around the square fifty times, and when Haymitch pukes I could care less. At the end of the day I have to carry Katniss home and Haymitch drags his sorry butt back to his hell hole. Then when I drop her off I briskly walk back home.

                        Reaping's Haymitch's POV

                                                                           Katniss is already on stage and trying to be strong. The Capitol is going to let her bring Blaze with her so it's a lot better than it could have been. Then Effie walks over to the boy's bowl and picks out one of the strips and opens it. "Haymitch Abenerthy!" I go to walk up and Katniss and I exchange a glare. "I volunteer!" I turn and see the boy running up to the stage. Everyone sighs and awes which I could care less. Then they walk back into the justice building and I know this is where the road to hell begins.


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