Sean's Story With Me {Jacksep...

By YT_Sanity

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Little Y/n has been friends with Pretty Boy Sean when they just met at the park one day. As years passed, Y/n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/n (Important)
Book 2

Chapter 4

4.5K 196 290
By YT_Sanity

4 years later...

5th grade. Y/n's parents were divorced and Y/n had moved out of Dublin Ireland to live in Paris with her father. Y/n wanted to stay with her mother but Y/n's dad forced her to be in Paris. Apparently, things didn't work out between the two so now she was stuck.

But, Y/n wrote to Sean every month and he wrote back every other month Y/n wrote. It was simple and the best way they could communicate. But, it saddened Y/n that she couldn't be in Dublin with pretty boy Sean and that she couldn't be with her mother.

Y/n was now 10 years old going into the fifth grade. Now, she had to learn French. This means that she had to learn a full on year with a separate tutor, everyday, at home, to learn how to speak this new language.

Y/n did not enjoy.

She though made 2 new friends in school. Their names were Louis et Lise (it's a French name. It's not Lise, like the things in your hair. It's pronounced Lece. But spelled L-i-s-e). Louis and Lise were both in Y/n's class and they both are great friend to her.

The start of 5th grade. Y/n went to class and sat down in desk group. In her group was Jaquette, Bruno, Antoine, et Claude. All three of them were mean to Y/n but this year has changed some how. When Y/n sat down, they all smiled at her.

"Bonjour Y/n! Comment ça va? (Hello, how are you?)" Jaquette asked.

"Bien! Pas toi? (Good! And you?)" Y/n asked back setting her back under the desk.

"Moi je correct. Je faite une Poutine avec mon maman! C'est tes très bon pour mon premier fois! (I am okay. I made a Poutine with my mama. It was really good for my first time!)" Jaquette said.

Y/n smiled. She was happy to be in a different country but she couldn't see her mère amis. She missed Sean.


Y/n had her paper folded as she though on what to write about. She was supposed to write a letter to someone special that she knew. It could be in any language, just not Korean, Japanese, or Chines. Of course, she was going to write to Sean. She just didn't know how to start it. Then, it clicked in her mind.

She wrote:

Salut Seán!
Yes I'm writing early! Why? Because my teacher here in Paris made us do an assignment. She made us write someone special to us. Of course, I would write to you! You are my best friend and you really cheer me up. I can't wait to see you again! I know I always say that. But, I just want to see you and play with you again.
Hey butter knuckles! Guess what!! I'm going on a field trip pretty soon. The teacher didn't say when or where but she said we will love it. I didn't tell you either. I made new friends! But, you will always be on the top of my list! Their names are Louis and Lise. They are very nice to me!
Also, guess what!? I'm giving you a new nickname if you couldn't tell! You're new nickname that I'm giving you is butter knuckles. Butter Knuckles Sean! Even though it is wacky, that's what I am! Wacky!! I miss your wacky-ness. I wish I could see you more often. But, we are growing up.
In three years I will be 13 years old! So will you! That will be amazing! I wish I could invite you for my birthday parties but it's just very hard. You can't travel all this way just for me. That's sad. Anyway, something important I wanted to tell you is...

Y/n ran out of room on her letter. She grunted and erased the last part so it looked like this.

You can't travel all this way just for me. That's sad. Write soon! ~Y/n.

You folded up her letter and grew some pictures on the back of the card. She smiled the whole time.


A few weeks later...

On the other side of the countries, all the way in Dublin Ireland, Jack ripped open his letter from Y/n. He smiled through the whole entire thing and laughed a little when Y/n called him Butter Knuckles Sean.

Jack got up and skipped to his room. He sat at his desk and started writing a letter back to Y/n.

Dear Y/n,
Cool nickname bruh! It's really cool. I really like it. It suits me. Butter Knuckles Sean. Haha. Anyway, I'm glad you got new friends! I hope you are having a great time in Paris. Maybe I could come for your 13th party if my mom lets me. And if you invite me.
Can I give you a nickname? I'm going to. Sugar Sweet Wacko Y/n. That's is your nickname from now on. Sugar Sweet Wacko Y/n. Like it? I hope you do because it suits you.
My school has been doing good. I wish I could see you everyday and come home every night to play with you but it can't happen anymore. I really wish it did happen. I miss you a lot and you are also on the top of my list. Don't forget that!
I don't really have much to say. So, I'm going to be wacky like you did. Lipstick, wild cherry, candy, Kit-Kats, I don't know anymore. Anyway...

"Sean! Come and eat dinner!" Sean's mother called out.

He jumped out of his chair and ran for his food. After dinner, Sean did his homework and played video games for the rest of the night. Leaving the letter in the piles of paper on his desk, unfinished.

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