
By fieryballofemotion

29.8K 1K 44

Emily Dawson has been through hell and Was never truly loved by anyone but her brothers. But her father kille... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors Note
Authors Note

Chapter 1

1.6K 62 3
By fieryballofemotion

* 7 years later *

My front door swings open and I already know he's back, and he's drunk. My boyfriend, Dakota. Always drunk, never happy. I hate it when he drinks, but I can't get him to stop. I don't even know why we're still together. We have almost nothing in common. The only thing we share is a house and a fascination with Gotham's most infamous villain, the Joker. Anyways... he's drunk, as usual, but this time it's different. Because this time he has a girl with him, and they're making out on the couch when I come downstairs. "Dakota! What the fuck are you doing!?" I shout.  "Uh...Hey Emily...W-what are you doing home..?" he slurs as he stands up. "I got off work early. Whar are you doing with her!?" I shout again. "Umm...we were just..uh-" I cut him off. "Don't you dare even try lying to me, Dakota!" I scream. "Stephanie...why don't you go..." he mutters to the girl, then turns to me. I walk up the stairs to my room and grab my purse and cellphone. "Where are you going?" he asks. "Anywhere but here." I reply brushing past him and heading back down stairs. I walk out the front door and decide I'll walk to my friend, Lacey's, house. She lives just down the street. Dakota follows. "You're not going anywhere!" He shouts after me. He pins me against the brick wall of a building and pulls out his switchblade. "You don't look very happy, Em. Why don't we put a smile on that pretty little face of yours?" he whispers in my ear, chuckling. Then he lightly runs the blade down my cheek and over my bottom lip. "No! Dakota, no! You're fucking insane, let me go!" I scream, trying to get out of his grip. "Shh- Shh. Its okay. Just be quiet and I'll make it quick." He whispers to me. "Dakota, let me go! I think you're little 'fascination' with the Joker has turned into full blown obsession. Just let me go!" I shout. He chuckles, "I warned you, sweetheart." he says, sticking the blade in my mouth. As he's about to cut into my cheek, I hear a "tsk, tsk, tsk" come from behind Dakota. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a voice says behind him. I would recognize that voice anywhere. It's the Joker. "Now, didn't your mommy ever tell you it isn't nice to pick on girls, hm? Why don't you, uh, let the girl go and leave? Hmm?" he says to Dakota. I stare into Dakota's eyes and the annoyance and anger in them is clear. "Why don't you mind your own damn business?" Dakota grumbles. I hear a sigh, then the metallic click of a gun. "How about you let her go and, uh, I'll think of letting you live." Joker says. Dakota then takes the blade out of my mouth and lets go of me. I slide down the wall and sit, trembling. Then he turns and lunges at the Joker. I gasp as I hear the gun go off. Then Dakota's body falls limp and the Joker steps over him. I look up at him as he stretches his hand out to me. I grab it and look into the eyes of the Joker. The person who just saved me..



Okay, so i hope you guys like this story. I'm kind of new at this, so don't hate me!

Don't forget to comment and vote! I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

Love you guys


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