Because You Love Me

By thegirlwhowrites11

905K 30.2K 5.7K

Alaina Evans was considered dangerous and locked away...until the Death Eaters came for her. She was saved b... More

1. There's Something Wrong
2. Welcome Home
3. Meeting Harry
4. The Last Stand
5. Dead and Gone
6. A Night at Spinner's End
7. The Boy Who Lived
8. Arrangements
9. Number 4 Privet Drive
10. The Funeral
11. Sirius Justice
12. Finally Eleven
13. An Old Friend
14. Muggle Studies
15. Welcome to Hogwarts
16. The Hogwarts Express
17. Sorted
18. First Classes
19. A Lesson in Flying
20. Potions
21. Late Night Talks
22. Suspicious Minds
23. Midnight Adventure
24. Halloween Blues
25. Troll in the Dungeon
26. Jinxing the Broom
27. See Me After Class
28. The Mirror of Erised
29. Christmas
30. Their Deepest and Most Desperate Desires
31. The Sorcerer's Stone
32. Detention With Hagrid
33. Something Wicked
34. Fluffy's Secret
35. The Trap Door
36. Two-Faced Villian
37. Hospitalized
38. Points for Gryffindor
39. Going Home
40. Blissful Summer
41. Dobby
42. Meeting Malfoy
43. Another Year Begins
44. The Elf's Warning
45. Second Year Classes
46. Mudblood
47. Enemies of the Heir
48. What Lies Within
49. Rogue
50. Dobby Returns
51. Moaning Myrtle
52. Parselmouth
53. Petrified
54. Christmas Revelations
55. The Diary
56. Wrong Place, Wrong Time
57. Into the Chamber
58. Tom Marvolo Riddle
59. Reborn
60. Voldemort Has Returned
61. Dead or Alive
62. A Marked Man
63. Free
64. Escape
65. Big Black Dog
66. There's Something Out There
67. Out in the Open
68. Everything's Changed
69. Outcast
70. Lupin's Request
71. Buckbeak and Malfoy
72. Sighted
73. Severus and the Boggart
74. A Shocking Revelation
75. Trouble in Hogsmeade
76. The Doctor and Sirius Black
77. The Fat Lady
78. Freefall
79. The Marauder's Map
80. The Firebolt
81. Return of the Black Dog
83. A Rat Among Them
84. The Whomping Willow
85. The Truth About Scabbers
86. Attack of the Wolf
87. The Stag
88. Cleared
89. Preparations
90. Nightmares
91. Haunted
92. A Wedding at Hogwarts
93. The Message
94. Seven
95. Burning at Both Ends
96. The Exchange
97. The Death of Harry
98. Shattered
99. Reunited
100. New Beginnings

82. Seeing the Impossible

4.8K 170 20
By thegirlwhowrites11

 It wasn't long before the holidays were over and the students were due back at school. Harry had gone to Hogsmeade with Alaina the day before they were to come back to get Hermione and Ron each a gift. He couldn't wait to see the both of them and to show them his Firebolt. Hermione probably wouldn't care much about it, but he knew Ron would be just as excited as he was. He was waiting for them when they got off the train. Alaina and Severus had allowed him to go alone only because the both of them were standing not too far off. Ron and Hermione got off together.

"Hermione! Ron!" Harry called them.

They both looked in his direction simultaneously and grinned. Hermione ran up to him immediately and threw her arms around his neck.

"I missed you," she breathed.

Harry grinned. "I missed you too." He pulled a small box out of his pocket. "I got you something."

Hermione took it into her hands. While she was opening it, Harry got a handshake from Ron. He really wasn't much for hugging. Then he watched Hermione's eyes light up.

"Wow. It's beautiful!" It was a bracelet made of pearls. She put it on immediatlely. "Where did you get it?"

Harry smiled. "Hogsmeade. There's a jewelry shop just outside the village. Mum took me." He turned to Ron. "I have something for you as well." He walked over to the bench by the train and grabbed the box that was there. He handed it to him.

Ron tore into the box like a wild animal. Harry always seemed to know just what to get him. His eyes stretched when he saw what was inside. It was a box full of stuff from Zonkos and a little bit of candy. He couldn't have been more happy.

"Thanks, Harry. I really needed that."

The three of them started talking. Hermione started by telling them about her holiday and then Ron went on about Christmas dinner and the pranks Fred and George kept playing on him.

"So," Ron said, "anything new with you?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, actually. I got a new broomstick."

"Great. Who got it for you?"

He frowned. "That's just it. I have no idea. Mum and Snape checked it for curses."

Hermoine and Ron both stared at him like he had spoken in French or something. Harry proceeded to go into detail about the events that had transpired while they were away ending with him telling Alaina and Severus about the black dog.

"Merlin, Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "Ron and I missed all the excitement."

He smiled. "Yes, you did."

"I just want to take a turn on that broom," Ron told him.

"Sure. I've been riding it since Snape gave it back to me. We'll go out to the Quidditch pitch later if you want."

"I'd love that."

"I'll come to," Hermione volunteered. "I can always use the time to get caught up on my reading."

Harry and Ron both laughed at her. She was defensive about it at first, but then she broke into a smile as well. They walked together, talking about other things as they walked up to the castle. Alaina and Severus followed close behind them holding hands and keeping watch. They followed him all the way inside and then stopped off at the Dungeons. At least inside the castle he was presumably safe.

"I have to stop worrying about him so much," Alaina said. She squeezed Severus's hand lightly as they walked down the stairs toward his office. "I'm giving myself gray hair."

Severus chuckled. "Look. What that man told you might not even be true for all you know."

"That would explain a lot, Severus. If the person after Harry is on the inside, that's how they got to the Fat Lady and everything. Besides, he had no reason to lie to me."

"Maybe he just wanted to scare you."

"For what reason?"

"I'm not sure, but it sounded reasonable."

She smiled. "I'm just glad I have you to keep me sane."

Severus opened his office door for her. Once she was inside, he followed and shut the door behind him. "I'm glad I have that effect on you. Anything I can do to calm you down, just let me know."

"How about a kiss?"

He smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."

Severus walked over to her and captured her lips with his passionately. Alaina nearly melted in is arms, glad to be kissing him, because as long as he was she could forget about everything else.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Severus and Alaina pulled apart and he went to get the door. Much to their surprise, Dumbledore was standing there.

"Oh I hope I'm not interrupting something important," Albus teased, his eyebrow raised.

"Just a bit of snogging," Alaina said. "Come on in."

With a smile, Dumbledore came into the office. Severus closed the door. He knew what the Headmaster was about to say was probably something he wouldn't want no one else to hear.

"What brings you here, Albus?" Severus asked.

He sighed. "Nothing disastrous. I just wanted the two of you to patrol around the castle tonight if you will. The story you told me about Harry's Firebolt is chilling especially if it was Sirius as you believed it to be, Alaina. I just want to make sure that no strangers find their way into this castle."

Alaina and Severus had gone to Dumbledore's office after talking to Harry that night and told him what happened out on the bridge and what the stranger had said.

"Did you get a chance to look into anyone inside who might want to hurt Harry?" Severus asked curiously. He didn't want to admit it, but it had him worried too. Especially if there was any truth to it.

"Alas, no. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Not one of the staff members exhibited any characteristics that would suggest they were under the influence of the imperius curse or polyjuice potion or anything like that. Everyone seems normal."

Alaina let out a sigh of frustration. "It doesn't make any sense."

"No, it doesn't."

"We will do the patrol tonight," Severus told him. "We'll be on the lookout for anything strange."

She nodded in agreement.

"Great. And if I do find anything alarming I will let you both know."

"Thank you," Alaina said.

Dumbledore told the two of them goodbye and then went on his way. Severus turned around to face Alaina once the door clicked into place. He smiled at the way her nose was wrinkled in concentration. She looked up at him.

"I guess it's going to be a late night tonight, isn't it?"

Severus nodded. "Yes. Do you suppose we should take a nap right now to prepare?"

Alaina grinned slyly. "I like that idea."

She led the way to his private quarters and shut the door once they were inside. If there was one thing she definitely didn't get enough of, it was sleep.

~ * ~

Harry slipped out of his dorm room quietly. Most of the students had already gone to bed. They were tired from the holidays and wanted to rest up for classes the following day, he assumed. He had somewhere to go though. He had not told a soul about his plan to learn how to take care of the Dementors. Only he and Professor Lupin knew. It was late so Harry thought about putting on his cloak, but since he was doing something with a teacher he didn't think that would really be necessary. He found his way to Lupin's office without any problem. His professor was leaning up against his desk when he walked in with his arms folded on top of his chest.

"Ah, Harry. I see you remembered our lessons. I forgot to send a note to remind you," Lupin told him.

"I don't think this is something I would have forgotten, professor. I'm anxious to learn how to do this."

Professor Lupin smiled. "I'm glad you're enthusastic about it, Harry, but you probably won't get it the first time around." He walked toward him. "Take out your wand. Now the charm you're going to be learning is called the Patronus Charm. It's very advanced and very powerful magic. Are you sure you're up for it?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Alright then."

Lupin gave him the instructions on how to perform the spell and then took a step back. He released the boggart for Harry to practice on. Harry tried the spell three different times and ended up fainting every single time. Lupin woke him up and gave him chocolate.

"Harry, the last time you almost had it. Do you want to try again, or do you want to rest for the night?"

Harry sighed. "I think I better rest. Thank you for doing this, Professor. Truly. I appreciate it."

"My pleasure, Harry. Same time tomorrow night. Don't be late."

"I won't."

Lupin rose to his feet. "I'm going to walk you back to Gryffindor tower." He helped Harry up. "You're still a little unsteady."

Harry didn't protest. He just let him guide him back to Gryffindor. Harry could hardly wait to get up to his room and get to bed. He got changed and crawled under the covers. He was about to take off of his glasses when he saw the Maurader's Map laying there by his bed. There was only a few sets of footprints moving on it. That wasn't unusual. He saw Lupin going back to his office, his mother and Severus walking down a corridor, and someone else too. His eyes widened when he saw the name floating over the footprints.

Harry got up out of his bed and grabbed the map. He put on a pair of shoes and ran out of the dormitory in a hurry. He followed the map to the place where he saw the person heading and stood there with his wand lighted. He knew that he was seeing the impossible. He knew he was alive, but how could the man get inside the castle? Harry looked at the map again. Peter Pettigrew, the name he had seen on the map, was coming right toward him. Harry whirled around. According to the map, he should have been able to see him, but there was nothing there but darkness. Panicked he looked all around, but he was the only one in the corridor.

Harry checked the map again. His mother and Severus were heading that way. He tapped the map with his wand and said, "Mischief managed." By the time they got to him, he had shoved it discreetly into his pocket.

"Harry, what are you doing out of bed?" Alaina demanded. "You should know better than to go wondering around the corridors at night!"

"I-I'm sorry, Mum."

"Harry," Severus said. "You should go back to Gryffindor tower. Now."

Harry nodded. He told the two of them goodnight and left. Once he was out of their sight he got the map back out and looked it over again. He was so busy looking at the map that he didn't see Professor Lupin walking toward him. They collided. Harry fell backwards, the map slipping from his hands. It was like he had hit a brick wall.

"Oh!" Lupin called out. "Sorry , Harry. I didn't see you there." He reached his hand down.

Harry took it and let him help him up. "Neither was I, sir."

Lupin frowned. "I thought I left you in your house."

"You did."

He looked down. His eyebrows raised when he saw the map. That's when Harry noticed it was lying there. He hadn't said the words to close it. His stomach turned inside out. Lupin reached down and picked it up. He was going to see it.

"Harry, where did you get this?" He recognized it immediately. He couldn't believe it was still there.

"Er- It was given to me."

He shook his head. "This map is dangerous. Did you ever think that in the hands of Sirius Black it might be a map to you?"

Harry's face went white. He hadn't thought about that at all. "No, sir."

"Well, you should have." Lupin thought for a moment. "I'm going to keep it so you don't get into any trouble with it."

"Okay." He was disappointed, but he tried not to let it show. "I don't think it's always right anyway. It showed someone in the castle tonight that couldn't possibly be here."

"Who, Harry?"

"Peter Pettigrew."

Lupin looked dumbfounded. "It showed him on the map. You're sure?"


"Very well. You go back to bed. I need to take care of this and I'll know if you take any detours." He held the map up as proof, showing him where he stood.


 Harry headed back toward Gryffindor tower in a hurry. He was disappointed that he might have just lost the Maurader's Map for good, but he didn't want to take the chance of running into Peter Pettigrew for fear of what might happen if he did.

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