Out of the Woods (Derek Hale)

By bey0ndn0rmal

85.7K 2.9K 237

Sequel to 'Eleastic Heart' 'It takes ten times as long to put yourself together as it does to fall apart.' Ra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

3.4K 130 11
By bey0ndn0rmal

I do not own the Teen Wolf characters, but I do own my character Raviva and other characters that will occur and don't belong to Teen Wolf.

Sooo this is the next part :) let me know what you think about it in the comments down below and comment a trait you love about Derek and/or Raviva ;)

This story might soon be over I don't know the exact count of chapters I will write but it won't be that much till the story is ending happily or not so happily .. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing  this story (as long as I don't have a stupid thing called writers block) and reading your comments :)


Before I know what's happening I'm dragged through the sea of people into the cold night air where I finally regain my composure.

"What the fuck Derek? Maybe I wanted to stay at the party I was enjoying it!" I hiss at him as my blood begins to boil in my veins.

"I noticed that." He mumbles but it's so quiet that it must have been my imagination.

"You could've at least said it normally and not just turn up and pull me out like I'm a rebellious teenager!"

He stays quiet and just huffs before I hear his mumble. "Maybe then you shouldn't act like one."

This time it's not just my imagination and I finally explode.

"You know what, fuck you!"

Before I know what's happening I'm thrown to the ground rolling across the bumpy ground until I finally react and stop myself looking over to where I stood just moments ago.

I already open my mouth to complain about why he pushed me but my eyes go wide at the sight. Derek stands there an arrow sticking out of his chest near his shoulder.

My eyes take in the quickly growing bloodstain drenching his light blue shirt in a dark red colour. I feel my senses heighten automatically as I crouch down getting ready to jump out of the way if the archer should shoot another arrow.

I hear the rustling of branches and smell the aggressor in seconds making out his position. I feel my eyes flash red the second I jump up and run over to where the guy with the bow is. But before I can get to him someone jumps in the way cutting me off and attacking me with some kind of spear.

I see the shiny blade, a transparent fluid already covering it. But my attention is distracted when I hear another arrow flying through the air meeting its target with a twang. Derek.

The second of distraction nearly costs me dearly as my attacker jabs the weapon forward causing me to dodge the attack by leaning back quickly. But I'm not quick enough causing the edge to scarcely miss my head and cutting my cheek.

It only takes a second for me to get in full on fight mode as I focus on my opponent drowning out everything else that wasn't necessary for survival.

The guy looks at me with wide eyes for a second, like he didn't expect me managing to avoid the stab of his speer. But the shock is quickly overcome and he starts attacking me with quick jabs to my body again.

Happily I'm quicker and when he does his next lunge I grab his spear. With a quick pull he's landing face down on the ground and I make short process sending a hard hit with the other end of his weapon to the back of his head knocking him out good.

Remembering the strange liquid I take a closer look at the spear and smell at the substance. Wolfsbane. That's why he was so surprised he thought I was a wolf.

It's only then that I hear the sounds of fighting and remember my task of knocking out the archer.

I move quickly throwing the spear at the guy with the bow aimed at Derek who was fighting two other guys but he didn't look as strong as he usually was.

The archer slumps down to the ground as I hear his heart stop. Without a second thought I leave the line of the woods where the spear guy stopped me and step out to help Derek.

"Scott." I yell quietly so that he would hear but the people from the party wouldn't notice.

I hear a low growl and then I already see Derek tumble. He looks close to losing his conscious but he stays on his feet pushing one of the guys away. His moves are slow, too slow so he isn't quick enough to dodge the stab of the other guy with a pretty big hunting knife.

Without even thinking I run over stepping in front of Derek and pushing him behind me before the knife can hit him again, this time aimed at his chest.

But with pushing him away and everything I don't manage to avoid the knife. I just fend it off by raising my arm causing the knife to stab into my arm.

Before the guy can pull the thing out and stab again he is pulled back and I see a flash of Scott knocking the guy out cold while Malia does the same to the other guy.

"Raviva, are you okay?!" I feel a person touching my shoulders slightly and I just nod pulling out the damn knife from my arm.

"We need to get to Deaton. They had the weapons immersed in Wolfsbane." I say as I turn back where Derek is lying on the floor. His veins shining through his skin in a dark black bluish colour.

He grumbles something about not needing a doctor and tries to stand up but he doesn't even have the power to get up from the several wounds the Wolfsbane drenched weapons caused.

"I'll get the jeep." I hear Stiles say before he's already out of the scene returning a moment later in his car.

Scott helps me get Derek up from the floor and we sit him down in the backseat while I climb in after him.

"Scott you stay here and tell Deaton we're on our way. After that you need to call my dad. Kira go tell Lydia to keep her guests inside and away from the back of the house." Stiles orders before he hits the gas pedal hard and the car with us moves forward and races off.

My heart is beating fast as I look over at Derek. What if the poison is too much and he dies before Deaton can help. I wouldn't stand losing another friend. Especially not Derek.

"Hey. It's gonna be ok." I hear a small voice. "It's not even that bad."

I wanna laugh but my body feels like that laugh would only cause tears to flow and the sobs to free from my throat where I feel them stuck.

Silence falls over the car again and I meet my brother's eyes in the back mirror as he eyes me worriedly. Derek's breaths get shorter and his eyes fall closed from time to time.

"Okay, maybe I haven't got this." I hear him whisper as his head rests on my shoulder.

As if to verify his words coughs instantly shake his body causing blood to trickle from his mouth. Without thinking I grab his hand in mine drawing circles with my thumb on it.

"No, it's gonna be okay." I whisper with a raspy voice. "You're gonna be okay."

A rough laugh shakes him turning into coughing making me cringe.

"It's okay, Vive." He rasps. "Just don't run away again."

I bite my lip staring at our joined hands trying hard not to start crying.

"Only if you don't leave me." I whisper back as I catch a glimpse on his face, his lids dropping as he tries hard to stay awake.

"I'll always stay with you." He mumbles squeezing my hand softly.

"I-I lo-"

His hand slackens and slips from my grasp.

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