Chim - Whole Lotta History

Por cryingonthemetro

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 49

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Por cryingonthemetro

Chapter 49: Sarah’s POV

I walked into the club and saw Kimberley instantly, it was if my eye sight was automatically drawn to her. She looked to be wasted already, she was practically being held up by a man and was stumbling all over the place as she talked. I shook my head, I couldn’t believe it, I was fuming, I knew that she had lied to me about Cheryl knowing where she was. I think I had instantly known when she phoned me but I definitely knew now just from seeing the state she was in. I stormed over, ‘excuse me, I’ll take it from here’ I snapped, the guy just smirked at me and raised his eyes, ‘I think we’ve got it thanks’. I glared at him, ‘Get off her and I’ll take her, she is my best friend and if you think im letting her go home with you, you’ve got another thing coming! Plus she has a loving fiance at home’ I screamed. They seemed to take a step backwards after that so I grabbed Kimberley and practically dragged her out of the club, not caring at all that she was stumbling all over the place due to her high alcohol intake.

I shoved her into my car and did her seatbelt up before jumping into the driver’s seat. It was only then that I stopped to take a breath. ‘Im sorry’ Kimberley whispered meakly. I turned to her and for the first time ever, looked at her with fire in my eyes. ‘You’re sorry? You’re sorry?’ I screamed, ‘well that must make it all ok then! What would you have done if I hadnt turned up on time Kimberley? Did you temporarily forget that you had a fiance that you left at the hospital? A fiance who was so worried about you when she realised you’d gone that she suffered another panic attack! Nadine had to calm her down before phoning me to see if I knew where you were!’ I continued my screaming. ‘I am fuming! Fuming! Because on top of all that you lied to me! What did you think you were going to achieve Kimberley? Did you think that you’d be able to forget about your daughter lieing in a hospital bed and your fiance dieing from cancer?’ I yelled, ‘well news flash, Cheryl got this cancer due to what you are doing now! And they are both fighters, Kara is going to be fine and Cheryl is going to have this surgery in the morning and she will be fine! You have to be possitive for Cheryl’s sake! Drinking yourself stupid at the first sign of trouble is not the way to deal or cope! I thought you’d have learnt that from your fiance’ I finished shouting and turned to look out of the window.

I was breathing heavily, id never flipped out at Kimberley before. She was always the sensible one, the reliable one and now what? I could hear Kimberleys faint cries beside me. I didn’t even hate myself for reducing her to tears, how could I after seeing her like that so close to doing something stupid. I was still fuming when I started the car up to drive to the hospital. The drive back to the hospital was silence, Kim was leant against the window crying and I just couldn’t be bothered to talk to her.

Once we had pulled up at the hospital, I got out, slammed the door shut and walked around to her side. She looked a mess as she stumbled out the car, it was bloody obvious that she was paraletic and pretty obvious that she had been crying aswell. I had to wrap my arm around her body to support her as we walked through the hospitals main entrance. I walked straight to Summer’s room and noticed both Nadine and Cheryl sitting in the two chairs talking. I dumped Kim on a chair outside the room and traipsed in.

Nadine’s POV

I looked up as Sarah entered the room, ‘You ok’ she mumbled, I nodded and watched as Cheryl did the same. I could tell that she was p!ssed off at something. I knew Sarah well enough by now. I stared at her as she just took a seat and ran her hands through her hair. ‘Whats wrong’ I asked after a while of just sitting their in silence. ‘I just need to get my breath back and calm down’ she stated before resting her elbows on her knees and colapsing her head into her hands. ‘Ok Sarah, whats happened’ I snapped, I don’t know why but I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach just from watching Sarah. It was a very rare occasion when Sarah reacted like this to something or someone so it must have been bad.

Suddenly Sarah just screamed out loud, ‘that make you feel better’ I asked amused, ‘no but it helped’ she stated calmly before resuming her previous position. ‘What’s going on Sarah’ I whispered, I noticed that she distinctively glanced towards Cheryl. ‘Sarah just say it, you might aswell, im going to find out anyway and its obvious that she actually likes lieing to me so she aint going to do it herself is she’ Cheryl snapped out of the blue before leaning back in her chair. ‘Chez don’t say that! She doesn’t like lieing to you, that’s ridiculous’ I said calmly. ‘Is it? Is it really? Coz she seems to do it enough! I mean everytime things get the slightest bit hard she just turns to alcohol, I mean that’s what she was doing right? Im not completely stupid and naïve! However much she thinks I am! Our daughter is lieing in a hospital bed and shes out drinking her life away! She doesn’t even care that that’s how I got this *Ducking* cancer in the first place’ Cheryl screamed.

I walked over, knelt down and wrapped my arms around her waist holding her tight. ‘hey babe, calm down, she is just using it as a way of coping’ I whispered into her ear. ‘Yeah, well, good luck with that but our daughter is in a hospital bed showing no signs whatsoever of getting better and shes out trying to kill herself. Maybe she should have got this cancer instead. I spent so many *Ducking* years trying to end it, Kara saw me being rushed into hospital so many times. However, for once im actually happy, for the first time in ages I actually want to live and might not get that chance! And there she is gettibng drunk and trying to get herself killed! Do you know how that makes me feel?!’ Cheryl cried as the tears continued to rack her petite body. I held her tight as she continued to cry. ‘It’s as if she doesn’t even care anymore Nadine’ Cheryl continued to cry as I ran my hand through her hair and wiped her tears. ‘She cares Cheryl, I promise you she does. I just can’t tell you how I know right now, ok’ I mumbled into her hair as I held her. I felt her nod against my shoulder as her cries began to subside.

Summer’s POV

I lay on the bed curled tightly in a ball, I think mam, Nadz and Sarah thought I was asleep so I thought id just let them think that. I hated seeing mam cry, I just wished I could comfort her but I wasn’t exactly in the best state myself. Part of me hated mum for making mam cry but at the end of the day, mum was the one that brought me up and it was obvious to see that I had had a way better upbringing than Kara. I was lost as to who to blame now and I think in a way both of them were in the wrong but I knew that neither of them would admit that.

I flicked my eyes open to see mam staring back at me. She stroked my cheek and kissed me lightly on the forehead, ‘I love you babe’ she whispered as she ran her fingers through my hair. I smiled, ‘Whered Nadine and Sarah go’ I mumbled, she smiled slightly and glanced towards the door, ‘mmm they went with your mum to get a coffee’. I raised my eyes and rested my head back on the pillow. ‘You know mam, im not stupid, I am 17 and you can talk to me, im not going to take sides’ I grumbled. She smiled at me, ‘I know babe, they took her to the café to try and sober her up a bit’ she eventually sighed. I offered a weak smile, ‘Im sorry mam, im sure things will get better soon, things are just a struggle at the moment’ I whispered. ‘Thanks babe, you go back to sleep, ok, do you mind if I go check on your sister’ she whispered, running her hand through her hair whilst holding my hand in the other. ‘Of course not mam, She will be ok, I promise! She’s a fighter like her mam’ I grinned. Mam smiled, kissed me and disapeared from the room.

Kim’s POV

I sat at the table in the cafeteria just staring into space. I really wasn’t with it, Sarah had practically shoved three pints of water down my throat already and had just gone to get me a coffee but that didn’t change the fact that I felt like sh!t. I had sat outside that room and heard every word Cheryl had said. Part of me couldn’t believe that Cheryl felt that way but then again could I blame her? She was ill and I was making it worst. I was supposed to be looking after her, caring for her, helping her to get better but instead I was making it worst. I needed to make it up to her but I knew that I could only do that by sobering myself up. There was no way that she would take me seriously whilst I was drunk. It was amazing that we could go from being so happy to so unhappy in the space of a day.

I glanced up to see Nadine looking at me; I smiled weakly at her before bowing my head again. ‘How did it get to this Kimba? You were so happy yesterday, planning your wedding, wanting to surprise her and now this! You really upset her’ Nadine whispered before staring her eyes into the table. ‘I know, im sorry, I really am’ I mumbled, a pathetic appology I know. ‘It’s not me who you have to appologise too’ Nadine stated. I nodded, ‘I know, I will do anything for her Nadz, you have to believe me! I do wanna marry her, more than anything’ I cried. ‘Prove it to her then, that’s all im going to say because she needs you now more than ever’ she replied. I nodded my head vigourously as I tried desperately to rid myself of the tears.

Cheryl’s POV

I was sat beside Kara’s bed just staring at her as I held her hand in mine. ‘Please wake up babe, I need you’ I whispered as I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. I folded my arms on the bed in front of me and rested my head on top of them slowly closing my eyes. I was so tired and I had hardly slept in the last couple of days which isnt surprising considering. The next thing I knew and I was being shaken awake. ‘Babe’ Kim whispered, ‘What’ I mumbled, ‘That can’t be comfortable baby’, I just groaned and sat myself up. Im glanced at me, ‘look, im sorry, im so sorry Chez’ she whispered, I just nodded, ‘I know you but it aint the first time is it, I don’t want you turning out like me Kimba. You know what hurts the most? What hurts the most is that im dieing from a drink related disease and that doesn’t even seem to faze you! You still just go out and drink your life away’ I complained. Kim shook her head, ‘Its not like that baby, I panicked, I am so sorry’ she cried continuously.

I just nodded my head not sure what to believe anymore. ‘I want to marry you so much! Me and Nadine even visited that venue that you loved and we ordered that stunning wedding dress that you really wanted! You are not exactly secretive Chez, it wasn’t hard for me to figure out. The girls have their dress fittings as bridesmaids next week’ she spoke really quickly. It was hard for me to figure out what she was saying but the minute I did realise, a smile graced my face. I couldn’t believe that Kimberley had done all this as a surprise for me. I was in shock and it made it hard for me to be angry at her for too long. Kim walked around the bed and sat right close to me. She entwined her fingers with my other hand and kissed me on the lips. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could get the words out I felt a squeeze on my other hand. I slowly turned my head to look at Kara but her eyes were still closed. However I knew I had felt that faint squeeze.

Kara’s POV

Everywhere was black, I couldn’t see a thing, all I could hear were faint voices in the back of my mind. I couldn’t really feel much either but I did feel a faint squeeze on my hand so naturally I squeezed back. I glanced around but everything was still dark. I didn’t understand, what had happened? Where was I? Why was I here? My throat felt dry and I felt myself make an attempt at swallowing a couple of times to moisten it a bit. I blinked a few times before finally forcing my eyes open. I glanced around the white room before resting my eyes on my parents. ‘Mam’ I asked quietly, ‘What happened?’.

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