My Best Friend's Dad - L.H

By tryingtoohardagain

1.5M 40.1K 37.9K

It was not a secret that my best friend's dad is the definition of hot, but he is my best friend's dad, and I... More



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By tryingtoohardagain

3 months later

I didn't hear a word from Luke since that night. 

When I walked out the bathroom that evening, Luke had already left.

He didn't bother calling me, texting me, and sure as hell talk to me face-to-face. 

The words that I spoke to him must have hit him hard. 

I didn't realise how much pain I had caused him until that night. 

I didn't know that he was going through just as much torture as me. 

He wanted me back. I wanted him. 

Why was I so stupid of letting him go again?

All I ever wanted was him back in my arms and when he gave me the option of us I chose the wrong path. I chose the path of loneliness. 

It is for the best I guess. 

I keep telling myself, 

maybe it was just a stupid crush, 

maybe he actually never loved you and that is why he left once again, 

maybe, just maybe, I was never actually in love with him, it was nothing more than an illusion of  love. 

But even when my mind wants to believe these things, my heart is telling me otherwise.

I love him. 

I hate him. 

I love him. 

I hate him. 

I. Love. Him.

The last three words that my mind concludes is the truth is always the words that I dread is the truth. 

But I can't hide my affection any longer. 

It has been a long summer without him. 

My friendship with Mathilde is slowly building back up. 

I understand her hesitant actions, I would do the same, she cannot trust me. 

I don't blame her for anything. She has the right to her every move, but as long as she forgives me in the end I cannot care any less for the amount of time that it takes. 

"You ready for senior year?" Mathilde looked at me. 

We were standing in front of our school building, first day of the last year of school. 

"Yeah" I breathed. 

Mathilda nodded and started walking towards the entrance, me following closely behind her. 

After two months of summer vacation the halls seem so different. 

I have so many memories of this school, I have been here since my freshman year. Yet everything seems so unfamiliar to me. 

I looked around one last time before entering that auditorium at the end of the hall. 

"Seniors" Our principle started, "Welcome back". 

I rolled my eyes and tuned out, watching the wind blow a plastic bag, that lay on the floor, in circles in the air. It was almost as if the wind new that I was bored and tried to entertain me. 

"Your schedules will be handed out to you now" our principle continued babbling on, "when you have got it, please walk to your second class of the day." 

Our schedules were handed out quickly and chaotically. 

I grabbed mine and walked slowly to my next class, ignoring everyone. 

I have been sulking about Luke all summer, I just want to get to my lessons so I can take my mind off him. 

*      *      *

I walked the short distance from the bus stop, to my home. 

I didn't get any homework since it was the first day back and all we did today was introduce ourselves to our teachers. 

I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. 

I slid off my shoes and jackets, but stopped in my racks when I heard laughter come for the kitchen. 

I walked closer to the kitchen and I could recognise my mother's laughter, but did not recognise the second one. 

I stepped into the kitchen, and I saw someone that I did not expect to see.

There stood Luke in all his glory. 

His eyes were lit up with laughter and his mouth was curved up into a beautiful smile that showed off all his pearly white teeth. 

How could I not have recognised his laughter? 

"Oh Luke, uh-what are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly, generally very confused why he was standing in the middle of my kitchen drinking coffee with my mother. 

I thought they never got a long...

"Milla, don't be rude" My mum snapped, "is Mr Hemmings not welcomed here?". 

I could see Luke from the corner of my eye, giving a sly smirk. 

Damn that boy is cocky.

"No of course he is" I assured my mother. 

"Okay then, well, we have grown up business to talk about" My mum tried to hint for me to leave. 

I nodded, grabbing my bad and heading upstairs to my bedroom. 

I plopped myself down on my bed and grabbed my laptop from my bag. 

I opened it up and just went on youtube, nothing better to do yo why not?

About an hour later I hear a knock on the door. 

"Come in" I yell, pausing the current video I was watching. 

"Mr Hemmings, Mathilda and Sebastian are coming over for dinner" My mum said, her head peeking out from the doorway. 

"what?" I blurted out. 

"problem?" she asked, cocking and eyebrow up at me. 

"n-no" I stuttered. 

"Great, take a shower and be down in an hour, we are having lasagna for dinner" she smiled. 

I nodded and she closed the door.

Great. Just great.

This is going to be awkward af. 


New update! 

Sorry this update is a little bit shorter than my usual updates I just haven't been on wattpad for the last few days. 

But anyways I hope you liked his chapter, if you did please vote and comment! 

Love Ya


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