Suburbia (Troyler AU)

By TheGayAteMySoul

19.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Completed ~ Ever since Tyler moved to Australia from America, he and his neighbour Troye became best friends... More

About This Fic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
A Note From The Author

Chapter 9

445 36 10
By TheGayAteMySoul

I am not in the mood, I am writing this to venture out my frustration from reading 'Glazed eyes, empty hearts'.
Troye's POV
As soon as Tyler left I went on a cleaning spree before my parents came back. The living room was packed with dirty plates and the kitchen had empty jars of Nutella everywhere. The one clean room in the house was my room, since you know, I wanted to make a good impression on Tyler.

I quickly collected all of the dishes and carefully placed them in the dishwasher. I pulled out a big black bin bag and threw all the trash that was laying around in it.

I managed to clean the while of the downstairs in what seemed to only be five minutes. The doors swung open and my dad entered, he had a wide smile plastered on his face. The rest of the family had the same expressions on their faces. Well I can say the trip went well.

"Troye!!!" Sage ran up to me and engulfed me in a strong embrace.


"How was it all alone?" She pulled back and looked at me with a wide smile.

"Good I guess. I hung out with Tyler-" I was stopped when my dad whistled in the background.

"Sorry son, my inner fangirl just came out." Sage turned around and faced my dad.

"Your inner fangirl is gay?" The room erupted into laughter at Sage's words.
"Since we're on the topic of Tyler, I have something for him." She pulled out a little box out of her handbag.
"It's a keyring. Could you take it to him? I would go but I just wanna collapse on my bed."

"Sure." She handed me the box and ran up the stairs. As my parents were sorting out the suitcases I grabbed a coat before I left the house. Gently I opened the box with the keyring, it was a little kangaroo wearing a hat and holding a little replica of the Sydney Opera House.

I stood dead in my tracks when I faced the doors to Tyler's house. I heard loud and violent noises behind the doors. It was if someone was fighting.

I quickly knocked on the door and then I heard it, a scream. No. Not just any scream, it was Tyler's voice. Without a second thought I turned the doorknob, luckily the door was open.

The door swung open and I was welcomed with a horrific sight. Tyler was laying on the floor, blood on his face, cuts and scratches on his body and bruises clearly visible on his exposed stomach.

"Oh my God! TYLER!!" As the words left my mouth his eyes closed and his body became limp. I checked his pulse, he was still alive! Thank God!

I reached out to grab my phone, shit, it wasn't in my pocket. Full of panic, I ran out of Tyler's house and headed to my house.

I forcefully pushed the doors open and shouted for help.

"MUM! DAD! ANYONE! HELP!" I frantically ran around the house to find them. I halted when I ran into my mum. She wrapped her arms around me and I began crying.

"What is it Troye." She spoke softly. The rest of the family made their way behind her.

"It's T-Ty! H-he's un-unconcious!" I stuttered out, I gasped for air with every word. My eyesight became blurry with the hot tears running down my face.

"Shaun! Go quickly! Sage! Call the ambulance. GO!" My mum ordered and everyone did as she told. Tyde ran up to me and pulled me in a hug. My mum left my side and ran to help out my dad.

"Troye..." Tyde whispered softly, he hugged me and I cried on his shoulder.

"They're here!" Sage shouted as the ambulance sirens sounded through the whole street. I pulled away from Tyde's embrace and ran out of the house.

The ambulance stopped infront of Tyler's house. The medics ran out of the vehicle, one of them was holding a large bag.

The two people entered Tyler's house and I ran after them. However my dad walked out and stopped me from entering.

An hour passed since the incident. The medics said that there was no serious damage to Tyler's body and health. They did however ask if we wanted him to be taken to the hospital or if we would look after him.

The medics also asked how this happened and called the police. I was the only one who had the slightest bit of information.

"Someone attacked him. I have my theory who it was." I was sitting down in my kitchen. A police officer was asking series of different questions. He jotted down my previous answers and looked up at me.

"And who may that be?"

"Well, the only person who was in his house was his dad."

"That's a serious accusation, are you sure it wasn't anyone else?" I aggressively stood up from the chair and slammed my fist on the table.

"I'm sure! I mean the clues were there!" The officer stared at me with pure bewilderment.

"What clues are you talking about mister Mellet?"

"I'm talking about the way he acts around his father," I started, and only then did I really realise what was going on, why he always acted tense around his dad, why he never wanted to show his body, and most importantly I realised that this was a normal thing that happened to Tyler. Well, maybe he never got knocked out like this, but he was still being abused.

"Hello? Mister Mellet?" I snapped back into reality when the officer called out.
"What else?"

"You don't need anymore evidence. Trust me."

"I'm afraid I can't just do that."

"Then I'm afraid that you're letting a dangerous man run around free." And with that he left.

"They said that they'll keep us informed on the case." My mum spoke and sat down in the chair infront of where I was just sitting.

"But I already know who did it."


"No! Listen to me! It's Tyler's dad, he's been fucking abusing him right under your fucking noses!"

"Troye!" I hurried up the stairs to the guest room where Tyler layed. He was no longer unconscious, instead he was laying facing the ceiling with the faintest of smiles on his face. Sage was sat next to him, his hand in hers.

"How long has he been up?"

"He just woke up." Sage looked up at me, she had the expression of pain and anger on her face.
"That fucker is going to pay! I swear I would have never have guessed it was his dad!"

"How do you know?" I sat down next to her.

"Ty told me. I guess you figured that out from what I could tell."

"We need to tell the police that he admitted who did this!"

"How about I do that and you stay here with him." She stood up without a second glance and left me alone with Tyler. I placed my hand on his, I weaved my fingers though his and with my other hand I softly rubbed circles onto the back of his hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly, I feel like shit. But on the other hand I feel good. Maybe the police didn't catch him but I'm sure my mum will."

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Do you want the long story of how this all happened? Or the short one just from today?"

"The long story."

"Okay then." He breathed out loudly and turned his head towards me.
"It started when I came out-"

"Oh my God! Did he do all this because you're gay!?"

"Troye, don't interrupt me please." I nodded and squeezed his hand slightly.
"As I was saying, when I came out my mum was still here in Perth so he didn't do anything. But as soon as she left all he'll broke loose. Firstly it was just homophobic and just in general painful words. However after he saw me holding another boy's hand he snapped. He began hitting me, never my face though, he didn't want to get caught. I couldn't leave, I mean I didn't have any money, I didn't have any plans. I didn't tell anyone because his threats were simple, if I told anyone he would just straight up kill me." Tears poured down his face, I reached out and wiped them off.

"It's okay Ty. You don't have to continue."

"I do. I finally can tell someone, I just need to let it all out." I shuffled over from my sitting position to a laying one. My head was leaned against the headboard. Ty lifted his head and rested it on my chest, I wrapped my arms around him. My left right hand moved down and found his hand. We interlocked our fingers and he relaxed under my touch.

"Okay Tilly."

"He only stopped when mum came over for a few weeks. As soon as she left however he started again. That's why I usually was out of the house. Today however I followed him after I overheard a conversation. I followed him and I saw he was kissing another woman. I love my mum so much, I couldn't just watch him cheat on her. That's what happened, I confronted him and that must have been the last straw for him since he went all ape shit crazy on me."

"I'm so sorry..." I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss in his hair.

"It's not your fault." He brought his arm over my chest.
"Goodnight Troye."

"Goodnight Tilly."

I listened to Tyler's steady breaths as he drifted off to sleep. I ran my hand up and down his back hoping to relax him, in reality though, I was relaxing myself.

I brought my other hand to his hair. Whilst twirling and playing with his soft lilac hair and I gently sing a beautiful song.

'Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's only just a dream
Oh sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you

I could be the one to give you all I am
With a gentle touch and a foolish love
You could be the one to carry all my troubles away
With all the words you say, all I need to hear so

Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's only just a dream
Oh sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you

Ignorance is torture but your love is right
Tip to tip a gentleman of the night
You feed my fascination with your skin like silk
And I'm still filled with wonder you could fool me easily so

Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's only just a dream
Oh sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you

So lay here and press up next to me
Cause we'll be alright, we'll be alright
But when we leave it know it's hard
Cause it's all we know but we'll be alright, we'll be alright, right

Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's only just a dream
Oh sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you'

When I finish I look down to see Tyler smiling in his sleep. My eyes wander over to the bedside table to see the digital clock showing 00:01.

"Happy birthday Tilly." I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep next to the man I have fallen for.

YAAAAYYY!! I love this chapter just because of that last part :D
So I said that after this chapter there will be no more bad stuff so yeah! I can't wait for the chapter were the dad gets caught!
The song in this chapter is sleep baby sleep by broods.
Also I just finished Glazed eyes empty hearts and I'm fucking pissed!!

What else... oh yeah, today the most exercise I did was dancing to youth when I was alone in the house.

Stalk me on Twitter

Have a fantastic day my lovelies

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