AuthorFist (BOYXBOY) OUAT/Hen...

By DanteNavas

1.4K 17 6

A boy trapped on Neverland,no outside connections,no recollection of what happened to him to make him who or... More

Season 4/Part II
Season 4/Part III
Season 5/Part IIII

Season 3/Part I

795 7 0
By DanteNavas

A/N The character is based off of me.And if anyone asks,I really don't have any ideas for switching out the points of view for any other character.And I will continue the story as more episodes of the show are being released.
I continued to avoid Pan and his ragtag team of Lost Boys.They continued to chase me until I reached a dead end."End of the line.Come,join us.Join Pan."I smirked,"No.Not after all he did to me.How bout you join him?In hell!"My Premium Celica pendant (that allows me to control the elements) glowed as I punched the ground,causing a small earthquake,stunning them and buying me the chance to escape.So I ran and ran and ran.I hurried back to my camp to research my map,the one I drew for a way to escape this God forsaken island."Someday,I'll beat him.I'll get out of here I just know it."I whispered to myself as I suddenly felt a new presence,and a lot of them.I watched from the bushes and saw as a young man my age was being pushed around by a man and a woman.I followed them closely and when they created a fire,I found the Lost Boys trying to take the boy,in which case I took the fire they'd made and shot it at the Lost Boys as the woman told him to run."Go,I'll catch up with you!"I shouted as I distracted the Lost Boys,I managed to escape after seeing the woman getting shot in the back with an arrow.I followed to where the boy ran but he disappeared in the thick of the jungle.I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and stepped on the ground to sense where they are.I found the boy and followed him,but he was with someone else.I sensed the Lost Boys trying to cut them off and I shoved them through the trees and resumed my chase.I found them at the edge of the island and I could no longer sense them which means one thing,they're no longer on the ground.I watched as he and his companion began to fly and jumped off the cliff at the sight of the Lost Boys getting closer.As I jumped,I froze the water beneath me and ran towards the Echo Caves.The cold icy platform cracked beneath my feet but I ran and managed to get to the other island.I saw another group and followed them,they were already made camp,except for the blonde one.Pan gave her a parchment and they all began to discuss how to read the map it's supposed to be."Excuse me?Hi,hello.I want to help you."I said as I approached their camp."You a Lost boy?"The blonde one asked."No,in fact they want my head on a spike." "That's great,why don't we trade you for my son?"The imposing woman in black asked me."Because I'm ready and willing to help get him back.You see,I am the last living practitioner of a lost art known as The Dragon's Fist.And I will not hesitate to use it against Pan.I have seen them,I've been to their camp,even stole from it a few times." "Do you know how I can crack the code to this map?" "It's as Pan said,accept who you really are.You have to truly dig deep into what you've been through,the decisions you've made,all the doubts and fears and pains etc...They all form the key to that map." "Do you have a name?"The black haired woman with a pixie cut asked me."I...actually don't have one.I wanted to by called,Tyler or...simply Ty,and...and I want to help reunite mother and son."Emma kept staring at the map,reviewing the basics of who she is.When it didn't work as she declared herself "The Savior",Regina cast a Locator Spell,causing it to fly into the Dark Jungle."So it appears we are venturing into the Dark Jungle then?"Captain Hook asked."You mean the one you said never to set foot into?" "That's the one."I sighed as I followed them.We arrived in a path as Regina said,"Wait,Pan.He's here,I can feel his smugness." "Shall we?"David asked as I followed him.I could feel Emma's doubt."Hey,we can do this."I promised her as we ventured ambush."Hello Emma.Don't you know?Cheaters never win."I sighed as we were surrounded by Lost Boys.Emma,David,and Hook drew their swords,Mary Margret drew her bow and an arrow,Regina clenched her fists as I put on my leather combat gloves.I clenched my fists and used my control of the earth to entrap some of them with vines and I dodged the arrows of some of them while I closed in and dealt some of my powerful punches and kicks."I told you it'll lead you to Henry.But only if you follow the rules."Pan told us as he and his crew dissipated into the brush.
We set up camp and I immediately went to sleep,knowing we'd find Henry eventually.When I awoke,Emma came to us with the map.She finally accepted herself and we managed to find Neal,Emma's ex boyfriend,Henry's father,who would help us find Henry...However when we did,he apologized before plunging his golden heart into his chest and dropping to the floor while Pan continued to ascend."What'd you do to him?!"Emma asked."I didn't do anything,he gave me his heart." "Well I'm taking it back!"I shouted before he caught my kick."That's just pathetic."He smirked and I roared as I lifted my other leg into a fire kick into his face.He cracked his jaw back into place before tossing me aside."Ty!You'll pay for that!"Emma cut him before he chuckled and flew off."How is he?" "You're gonna be alright Henry.We're gonna get you home."Regina said as she held his hand while Neal helped me to my feet."This preservation spell should give us enough time to get to Pan."Regina said as she cast the spell."You were a Lost Boy,do you know where he'd be?" "I know where he lives."Neal offered."Well that's stupid we all know that." "Hey,we'll save him.I know it."I stated.Regina almost cried as Emma asked her what she wanted to do."Pan was powerful before,with Henry's heart I don't know if we can hurt him." "Yes we can.Emma nicked him and if he couldn't be hurt he wouldn't spill blood,nor would he have to snap his jaw back in place no matter how hard Ty kicked him.And that was some kick.Not only that,but if he can bleed we can hurt him.If we can hurt him we can kill him.And we will."I nodded in agreement with Regina.We went to the Lost Boys to ask them where they are."He's already won.Pan never fails." "He hasn't,I know that!An innocent boy is on the verge of death!And I've been fighting that demon for all my childhood and I haven't come this close to fail now!What do you people want from us?!"I shouted out of anger with tears blurring my vision,holding back the tremble in my voice.Emma turned me to face her and looked into my eyes before whispering to me as she looked at Mary Margret."What every kid wants.A mother."She turns to them as I walk towards Henry."Guys,we're not gonna hurt you.I know you're loyal to Pan and I get that.But you are making a terrible mistake.For a long time I felt like I would never find my family,I was an orphan like all of you.A Lost Girl.But I was reminded today that I am not alone,and I have a lot of people who love me even though I never thought it would happen.If that can happen to me,it can happen to you." "Pan is the only family we need."Felix stated."No,family doesn't do what he did.Pan lied to you and made you do terrible things.He lied to Henry and convinced him to give up his heart." "To save the island." "No to save himself." "Don't listen to her.Pan cares about all of us." "No,we care about you,we can save you and take you home with us to our land.You don't have to fear Pan anymore." "Can you really bring us home?" "He's at his Thinking Tree.It's where he goes when he wants to be alone." "Can you tell us where that is?" "Yes.If you promise to take us home." "We are going home.Together."Mary Margret promised them when Emma finished her speech."The Pixie Woods,where the Pixie Dust used to grow." "I know where that is."I stated as I nodded at Emma."Let's gather up the Lost Boys and get them onboard the Jolly Rodger,get her ready to fly."I saw all but Felix smile at what Neal just said."I'll lead you guys there."I said as Emma,Regina and Mary Margret got ready to leave."If you think I'm not spending my last moments with my daughter you're crazy."Mary Margret said before I smiled at her and we left for the Pixie Woods.We found the box that held Rumplestiltskin hostage.Mary Margret almost grabbed it before the four of us were snagged by the tree behind us."Peter Pan never fails.But I guess I shouldn't be surprised,you're mothers.Well most of you.Very tenacious about your offspring.But if you're looking to see Henry again,I have to tell you there's only one place you'll be reunited.In death."I glared at him as I struggled to free myself,suddenly unable to use my pendant's magic.As Pan smugly fueled the flames of our regrets,Regina talked about how she doesn't regret any of the horrible things she's did because it got her her son.Just then she ripped Henry's heart out of Pan's chest and we rushed it back to him,waking him up a few moments later."I'm--I'm sorry.I just wanted to save magic.I just wanted to be a hero." "There's plenty of time for that."I said with a relieved smile."I'm sorry,but who are you?" "I'm Ty.And I'm glad you're okay." "Only the best for our guest of honor.To the captain's quarters."Hook said as he lead Henry there while Regina held his hand and tucked him in.Neal opened Pandora's Box to reveal his father before they had a hug filled reunion.Rumple imprisoned Pan who tried to take Henry's shadow before Regina captured Pan's in the Jolly Rodger's sail.I smiled and touched the clouds,and smiled at Henry as he came up to the deck and smiled at me.
We arrived in this new land and I smiled as I nervously gripped the railing of the ship.Regina put her hand on my shoulder and lead me off the ship."I have to admit that for a minute there,I didn't believe we'd get out of there."Emma said before David said,"But we did,and we're all okay." "And we owe a lot of it to her!Regina helped save us all!"Mary Margret shouted."Hey mom,dad!What about Felix?He's still free."
David,Emma,Regina,Neal and I walked over to them as Regina said,"Henry's right.What do we do with the oh-so-loyal Felix?" "Oh don't worry,there's plenty of cell space for this guy." "Mind if I stand watch?"David looked at me curiously.I nodded and he nodded back saying,"Yeah,but first let's get you some new clothes." "I think Henry has some things you can try on."I followed Mary Margret to her loft where I tried on Henry's clothes,taking in their smell.I put on the black hooded vest,white to black forest tee shirt and some jeans before grabbing my pink ribbon."What a cute ribbon."Mary Margret complimented."Thanks,I am told it was my mothers." "What was your mother's name?" "I never knew.This ribbon is the only thing I have of hers and I watched her die in front of me.I can't even remember who killed her,so I can get revenge." "I'm sorry.I had no idea.Look,I don't know what it's like to lose your family that way.But I know one thing,revenge is never the answer."I smiled and nodded at her as I tied the ribbon around my neck and completed my look with a pair of black sneakers.I looked at my pair of black combat gloves with the rest of my things."I was taught to always keep those on me,at least keep them on my person."Mary Margret smiled and hand the gloves to me and I stuffed them in my belt.
I found Felix at the sheriff's station in a cell and I sat in a chair and winked at him.
"You know,I should let you join me,this is just making you jailous."I made that horrible pun while I browsed the internet until randomly I heard screaming.I found that the Blue Fairy was murdered by Pan's shadow."Why would the shadow kill her?"I asked."No idea.But we know it only takes orders from one person."Neal and Hook went to the ship to get the candle that traps shadows."So Pan can still hurt me?"Henry asked as he and Regina arrived."We have to assume he's still a threat."Mary Margret told him."You'll protect me,right?"Henry asked Regina."Yes of course."Regina said as she hugged him."I'll come with you guys."I said to Emma,Mary Margret and David as I followed them,Emma nodded at me and I nodded back before we headed off to Mr.Gold's Pawnbroker.Emma persuaded him to let her go along with her plan."There's no magic beyond the town line.Open it while you're not in Storybrooke,Pan will be powerless to fight back."Mr.Gold stated as Emma walked across the town line and opened the box."Emma,be careful."Mary Margret stated."We'll be right here if you need us."I reassured.Pan was freed from the box as Emma aimed her gun at him.He looked genuinely perplexed for some reason."Mom?" "What?" "Wait what'd he just say?" "What are you waiting for?Shoot him!" "No!I'm Henry.Pan he switched our bodies." "You expect me to believe that?"Emma asked sarcastically."He did it right before Mr.Gold captured me in the box I swear." "Maybe this is why I can't shake the feeling that something's off about Henry...If you really are him,tell me something only Henry would know." "I got trapped in the mines,I tried to blow up the well.I like hot cocoa with cinnamon." "I'll keep that in mind."I said under my breath."Pan may know facts but life is more than that.Life is made of moments,he can't know all of them.The first time you and I connected,not met but connected.Where was it?And what did you tell me?" "It was in my castle.Right after you came to Storybrooke and I told you I knew why you gave me up,you wanted to give me my best chance."We shared a reunion."Sorry I doubted you,Henry.And sorry I put you in this box." "I would've done the same thing."We hurried to Regina's vault to find it was sealed.Gold struggled to open the vault and after a few attempts,I amplified his magic with the aura that was forced upon me and found Regina knocked out on the floor.Gold woke her up and Regina hugged Pan and Gold looked at a little box."Please tell me you didn't keep it in here." "Where else would I keep it?"Regina asked him."What?" "The Dark Curse.It's what brought us all here.But why would Pan want it?I already cast the curse." "He wants to make a new Neverland.Time will stand still,no one will no who they are and he would be in charge." "How can we stop it?" "I never told you there was another way to stop it.By using the scroll itself.It can be destroyed by the person who first used it and your curse and Pan's will end.But there will be a steep price." "What do you suggest?" "Instead of going to him,you'll bring him to us with a spell.One that will bring them back to their own bodies." "Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell." "With the right tools,I can.The Black Fairy's wand." "Hook,Neal and I will go to the covent to get it from Mother Superior's things." "The rest of us will go to my shop to prepare Henry for the spell."We hurried there and let Henry relax as Mr.Gold enacted the spell after Gold and Regina told him the plan.Afterwards,we went to find Henry who ran towards us with the scroll."It's me!It's me it worked!"Emma,Regina and I hugged Henry before Regina held the scroll and collapsed."Regina?Regina!"When she awoke,we helped we up as she told us that she saw what needed to be done.That is before Pan took the scroll and froze us all.Gold said his goodbyes to Belle and Neal before his shadow returned his dagger to him and he stabbed his father."Rumple...don't do this...We can start over...Remove the dagger...and we can have a happy ending..." "Oh but I'm a villain!And villains don't get happy endings."Twist the blade and the two of them vanish in a flash of light as I stand there in shock while Belle falls to her knees crying with Neal's hand on her shoulder."Regina?You okay?" I'm...I'm fine.It's just what happened when I held the scroll.Everyone who was born in the Enchanted Forest has to go back there.Storybrooke will weed out of existence as if it never here and everyone will go back...except Henry.He will stay here because they were born here.And Emma,you have to take him." "Emma you have to go." "But I just found you." "And now you have to leave us again."Mary Margret stated in sorrow."But we're a family." "And we always will be.You gave us that." We arrived at the town line and Henry chuckled as he noticed something,"You're still wearing my clothes." "Sorry,I..." "No,keep em.It looks good on you."He extended his hand to me before I wrapped myself around him in a tearful hug to Henry."I'm sorry I just...I always wished we could be friends...You would've been the first one I've ever had."I said with a tearful smile."But we are friends.And I want you to be happy,try and find your family wherever they are." "I don't have family.But I want you to have hope,I've only heard stories about your grandparents but if there's one thing I know about them.It's that they always find each other.Your aura tells me that it runs in the family."I reluctantly let go of his hand as Emma nodded at Regina and the two of them got in her yellow bug and drove through the town line.

We arrived in the Enchanted Forest before Prince Phillip and Aurora."Snow?Charming?What's going on?" "...We're back."Snow told them.As Snow and Charming got caught up with Phillip and Aurora,I waited outside until we rode to Regina's castle.Hook wasn't coming with us to the Queen's castle so he could find the Jolly Rodger."Let him go.I completely understand."Snow looked at me and hugged me sympathetically."I'm sorry we lost them." "It''s fine.I'll be okay,Snow.I will."I had to be strong.I nodded and followed them to the Queen's castle.
"Regina's castle should be just up ahead."Snow said before Charming corrected her."I think you mean our castle."Grumpy told Snow that Regina was gone,so she went to go find her.When the two of then returned,they were attacked by a winged monkey that I shot with an icy spear of after Robin Hood shot it out of the sky with an arrow."Milady.You're injured." "It's Your Majesty and I'm fine." "A simple thank you would suffice.I'm Robin of Locksley."We got introduced and he and his Merry Men accompanied us on our journey.When we got there,Regina found a protection spell that she didn't cast."Someone hijacked it.But I'm going to find out who's eating my porridge.Nobody sits in my chair!Nobody steals our castle.Whoever did this,is going to suffer." "Regina it's our home.We'll make it safe again."Robin offered temporary shelter in the Sherwood Forest while Snow,Regina,Charming and I figured out how to get in there and kill whoever hijacked the castle.Robin's toddler tugged on my pants.I gasped and smiled as I held his hands."Who is this little bundle of joy?"I asked excitedly as he held onto my index fingers."This is my son Roland."Another flying monkey attacked and I covered Roland as Regina pulled us out of the way and turned the winged beast into a stuffed animal.I smiled and nodded at Roland as I gave him back to Robin."See?Not so scary.Now you have a new toy."She said as she smiled and gave the stuffed animal to Roland.
Regina and Belle deduced that the Wicked Witch of Oz is the one taking up residence in our castle."Of the East or West?"Grumpy asked."Does it even matter?"I asked with a shrug."Indeed,neither one sounds good." Snow agreed."One of them you drop a house on,the other you toss a bucket of water at."Regina headed off to the castle and Robin trailed after her.
"It's down!"Grumpy shouted before Charming nodded at me and I blinked ahead."We move on the castle!Now!"Charming said as I ran towards the castle,ahead of the army and adorned my enchanted Diamond Heart gauntlets which increase my striking power and continue to do so over time.
When we arrived,there was only Regina and Robin.Unfortunately there was no one for me to beat the crap out of.But we quickly adapted and made ourselves at home.

Months later,Snow found out that she was pregnant and she and Charming told Regina,Aurora,Phillip and I about how they were going to announce it publicly."You're gathering the entire kingdom for this?!There's a wicked witch out there just waiting to pounce!"Zelena arrived and froze the six of us to find out if her child is worth taking from them and then turned Aurora and Phillip into her hideous pets,no offense to them.
We held a council meeting and decided to break into Rumple's castle.Snow,Charming and Regina found out how to stop Zelena before...much to my disapproval,cast the Dark Curse."I'll just...ready the kingdom?"I asked."No,we need you somewhere else."I raised an eyebrow before Charming said,"That's right,you need to find Hook so he could help you escape the curse." "No!I want to help!" "Yes,you can help us by easing our minds and escaping the Dark Curse."I nodded before Regina teleported me to the Jolly Rodger."What are you doing here lad?"He asked me."The Charmings wanted me to escape the curse with you." "Aye."He nodded as I put my hands on the railing and looked out to see a bird.I whistled to it and it came to me with a message and what smelled like some kind of potion attached to it's leg."Hook!Get over here!"I commanded as I showed him the message that told us to find Emma and give her the memory potion."So we have a new objective lad.Prepare yourself for the Land Without Magic."I nodded as I thanked the bird and sent it off.
I chose not to have Tinkerbell in the story,I feel like she was a small price to pay for my character to appear.No offense to ANY Tinkerbell fans. P.S I feel like Ty may be a little too thirsty for Henry but I hope you guys are okay with that.Besides this would be only the second LGBT Once Upon A Time story besides Mulan and Aurora so I hope you guys are enjoying it

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