The Darkness Within

By cynical-romantic

27K 1.5K 382

"So tell me, what's worse? Being predetermined to become a monster or choosing to become a monster?" His onyx... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight

Chapter Seven

2.1K 151 9
By cynical-romantic

Thank you so much for your patience, sorry it took me so long to update this story. I hope you enjoy, love you all! :)


Arie's P.O.V

My jaw dropped as I stared at the so-called "activity" we were called in to participate.

We were standing in a polished, spacious dance studio, decked with mirrors stretching across all four walls. It was so huge that even our amazed breaths began to echo.

I looked at Dax with suspicious curiosity.

"What are we doing here?"

He gave me a mistrustful look, his mouth curling up into a mocking smirk.

"I think I should be asking you that, princess. After all, you're in cahoots with them."

My heart dropped into my stomach, as my eyes widened in surprise.

What the--? How did he know?

Anxiety ripped through my gut, making me feel as if I could puke at any moment.

How much does he know?

Just as my mouth opened to ask the burning questions in my mind, Dr. Reynolds walked into the studio, her presence demanding utter silence.

It was unnerving--the way her mere presence could stifle your thoughts and movements, how her eyes calculated every inch of you and the surrounding environment, the cold mask covering any shred of humanity in her.

Is that what I looked like?

I've never seen another psychologist look so cold and dark as her. So...inhuman.

"Well, I can see that both of you are thoroughly confused," she pointed out, clapping her hands together. It sounded like a gun shot, as the violent smack ricocheted throughout the room.

She walked closer, her black pumps clacking across the wooden, polished floor. Her black, crisp blazer was buttoned tightly, her white blouse only peeking slightly. Her matching black slacks were ironed to obsessive perfection, similar to the perfect, hair sprayed up-do she was sporting on her head.

She reeked of artificial superiority.

"What are we doing here?" Dax's throaty grumble sounded throughout the room.

A glimmer sparkled in Dr. Reynolds' eyes.

"Welcome to your second home," she said, her arms motioning to the spacious area around us.

Confusion gripped me.

"Wait, I don't get it," I responded baffled. "What do you mean by second home?"

She stepped closer to us, her smile too wide, too bright for anything that she was about to say to be good.

"Since neither of you participate in our therapeutic sessions, I've come up with a new way for you two to express your emotions."

I cast a quick glance over at Dax's suspicious figure, his arms crossed and face pinched into a brooding expression.

Don't you need emotions in order to express them?

"What exactly do you mean by 'express our emotions'?"

Her ice cold eyes turned to stare into mine directly. It felt as if I was suddenly downed with freezing water. I swear I could hear my own bones rattle.

"Every two to three hours you two are scheduled to come here where you will be able to hang out unsupervised, in a camera-free zone," she said.

My jaw dropped in shock and both Dax's and mine's protests rang through the air.

"In what world do you think that's alright?! He's a sociopath!"

"I refuse to be stuck in a room with a glorified shrink! I'd rather rip my own goddamn heart out!"

"Enough, you two!" Dr. Reynolds shouted at us, ceasing our complaints. Her eyes sparked with ignited fury, shooting lasers at both of us.

I bit my tongue, holding back the choice words I wanted to scream at her. I could feel my anger thrumming through my veins, begging me to hit something, to hit someone.

When she said she had a plan for me to study him more, I didn't think she would mean anything like this.

I mean, what the hell is she thinking? Does she want me to get killed?

I swallowed back my dark thoughts.

Who knows, maybe she does. She hasn't liked me from the get-go. And everyone around here is terrified of me for some unknown reason. Maybe this is her way of getting rid of me. 

It would be so easy to blame it on Dax. Sociopaths can be unpredictable and cunning and deadly and seductive. It wouldn't be hard to believe that he charmed me into a trap and then simply, strangled me out of existence. 

It would be so easy for her to get rid of me. Too easy.

I shuddered, as I tried to bat away my chilling thoughts. 

What am I thinking? She's not the enemy; we're on the same side. She gave me the deal knowing we would both benefit from it. I profile Dax for her, she let's me go free.

I shot Dax a sidelong glance, studying the dark expression on his face. His eyes were narrowed in irritating suspicion, his eyebrows knitted together. The twisted grimace of his mouth only depicted how utterly frustrated he was. I could practically feel the fumes of unwavering anger radiating off of him. It only seemed to set flames to my already burning fire.

I turned to face Dr. Reynolds again, my eyes flickering between her and Dax.

My mouth set into a hard line.

No, I did not have to fear her. It is him I have to fear.

He's a dangerous person to be around—a ticking time bomb. One spark and he'll explode, demolishing and disintegrating everything in his path with no mercy.

"This is exactly what I mean! You two need to work out your issues if you are to be roommates. There is not another room we could switch you into because of the overcrowding due to recent circumstances," she remarked, taking an authoritative stance. "It may seem unconventional to put you two together in a room unsupervised, but there have been studies across the world that say that sometimes one-on-one human interaction helps patients. We'd like to test it on you two, seeing as you're both probably the most stable people here. I trust that you'll stay in full control of your emotions and maybe learn something from the other person," Dr. Reynolds finished the last part, her sharp, blue eyes turning to give me a pointed look.

She was reminding me of my deal. This was just another opportunity she set up for me to study Dax.

I felt my shoulders slump in exhausted defeat.

I felt as if I had no control over anything anymore and it was absolutely indecipherably annoying. 

To go from being someone of high importance and intelligence to a mere lab rat that is also an undercover spy for their sociopathic roommate is absolutely insulting and demeaning. 

And I would just have to shut up and take it.

So, I swallowed down my internal, bubbling screams and nodded my head with lips pursed in apprehension.

"So, basically this is what we're going to do in place of regular therapy sessions that the other patients have," I interpreted, looking at her quizzically.

She nodded with a practiced smile.

"Correct, Arie. You will start tomorrow and continue for about two months and then, we'll reconvene and see your guys' progress. Maybe, it would even convince my bosses to release you guys earlier," she mused, looking at me with a knowing glimmer in her eyes.

More like when we reconvene to find out whether Dax is insane or not and whether or not I'll be let go. 

"Anything to get me out of this place," Dax grumbled in his husky voice, sounding more like a growl than anything.

Dr. Reynolds clapped her hands together in finalized satisfaction.

"Great, that's it then. You two are free to go."

I closed my eyes in resignation, vaguely hearing the click-clack of Dr. Reynolds' shoes as she walked out of the room.

"Why the hell is she doing this to me?" I mumbled to myself, knowing the answer already.

Dax let out a bitter chuckle, running his fingers through his dark, ruffled hair. 

I stared at him questioningly, a creeping feeling twisting my stomach.

"What are you laughing at?" I scowled at him, crossing my arms.

He turned his onyx eyes on me, bearing down on me hotly. Dax quirked an eyebrow, crossing his arms at me as well.

"You, princess. Why the hell is she doing this to me?" He mocked me.

I shot daggers at him, feeling anger rushing through my body.

He stepped closer, an arrogant smile printed on his devious face.

"If anyone should be asking why the hell this is happening, it should be me. You and I both know that you know exactly what's going on," he whispered, leaning in closely, his minty breath hitting my face.

The blood in my veins froze.

He knew I knew something. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I muttered, stepping away from his cool presence.

He stepped towards me again, his mouth leaning in next to my ear.

"Sure you don't, princess."

I shivered, as he walked past, his woodsy smell lingering after him.

Profanities spilled from my lips.

He was already freaking onto me. What the hell was I going to do now?

"Oh, and princess," Dax called out, making me tense.

"Try not to snore tonight. I want to make sure I'm well rested enough to irritate you tomorrow."

His mocking laughter faded, as he left the room.

Irritation scratched beneath the surface of my skin. I closed my eyes, sighing at the ceiling above.

Maybe when I open my eyes again this will all just be a dream and everything will be alright again.

I took in a deep breath and opened my eyes.

There were no words for the absolute emptiness I felt when I realized this would never be just a bad dream.

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