Do I want him or him?(Slow up...

By ParkRinn

488 22 5

Elizabeth Noelle Darlings have always loved to read and watch romantic/comedy movies and stories. Even though... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Not an update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

118 4 0
By ParkRinn

Picture above is Lizzie.


"Eddy! The new lawnmower is here~!" Mrs. Darlings shouts from her master bedroom.

"Lizzie! Can you get the door, sweetheart? I'm kind of busy in the kitchen!" Mr. Darlings shouts back to me.

This always happens at the Darlings. Mom would ask Dad and Dad would ask me to do what he is told to do. I bet everyone who is an only child, like me could relate to me in this matter.

Hi. My name is Elizabeth Noelle Darlings. I am the only daughter to Edward Darlings and Esmeralda Darlings. I have always found it sweet that my cute little family's' name all starts with the letter "E". Whenever we return back to England to visit my grandparents and my aunties, uncles and cousins; they will always refer us as the "E" family. The "Joker" uncle, who always thinks his funny, would actually "joke" and refer us to the "enormous" or giant family.

My parents are the tallest among all their siblings. After their wedding, Mom gained a couple of pounds when she was having me. However after I was born, she lost back the weight before she return to work. My parents weren't only the tallest but also the best looking couple in the family. Dad has sexy emerald green eyes, shady brown haircut like the very handsome Pierce Brosnan and the most heart-stopping smile, while Mom has irresistible luminous dark blue eyes, thick ebony black hair that is envy to many women and beautiful fair skin.

My classmates literally call my parents the Greek gods, who fell from the great heavens to give them role models for them to follow and look up to.

Despite the fact that my parents are the Greek gods, I on the other hand am not as lucky. Sadly, the only assets that I inherited from the "Greek" parents of mine are; my Mom's ebony black hair, Dad's green eyes but a shade darker, thick lashes from both my parents and of course the height too; standing at 1.71cm tall. Well, Mom does say that I have Dad's heart-stopping smile but on the softer side. However, instead of having a sexy body like Mom or a fit body with abs like Dad; I am a little on the plum side.

When I was one years old, my parents had job offers in Los Angeles. My grandparents were happy for them but there was a price. They would only be allowed to go if I were to stay with them until I was 9. My parents were appalled. Nevertheless, they had no choice; the job offer was to great to decline.

Therefore, I stayed with my grandparents until I was 9 years old, and with the new raise; my parents visited me on every holiday. It's not like I blame my grandparents, I love them with all my heart. Yet, I have to say that it was partly their fault. While I was growing up, being their only granddaughter from their youngest son, they took care of me and fed me enough, well more than they should.

The chubby nine years old, English girl who transferred from England; well I stayed that way all through high school. Naturally, as I grew older I lose a couple of pounds and gain some and lose some again.

Therefore here I am, 20 years old, just started college and now walking towards the door for our new lawn mower. Why do lawnmowers come so early in the morning on a Saturday? I hope the new lawnmower was as nice as Pedro, our previous lawnmower; who had to quit because he was living for college in New York City. I liked Pedro, he was nice and quite an eye candy, but he was a good friend. I hope the new one is a nice guy too.

"Hi!" I open the door and for the first time I was actually face with a very broad chest instead of a face. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bare chest, the chest was covered with a tight hugging white t-shirt.  I look up to the owner of the perfectly wide chest, which is a charm I find on guys very attractive. No surprise, to perfect the already perfect body of my dream man. The dream guy looks around my age; short black hair that popped out of his grey beanie; round brown eyes; slightly tan, flawless skin; tall nose; full, red lips; prominent Adams apple. Can such a guy exist in this 21st Century?

"Hello, I'm Michel the new lawnmower that you called for."

The dream guy just perfected everything with his smooth and slick husky voice. I need to control myself.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Michel. My mom will come down soon, why don't you wait in the kitchen with my dad?"

Controlling myself from bursting into a goofy smile and look like an idiot in front of dream guy, I mean Michel. Michel's lips slightly quirk upward in a kind smile. I hope to God my cheeks weren't burning red. Michael step in and I close the door.

" I didn't get your name, Miss... Are you English?"

"I'm Elizabeth, and yes, we are. The kitchen's right down the hall, come." Breathe, Lizzie, you can do this. You always do awesome poker faces. Michel follows me from behind as I lead us to the kitchen. Dad turns around and sees us coming.

"Hello! I am Edward."

"How you doing, sir? I'm Michel."

"Okay, I'm going to leave the two of you and head upstairs. Nice to meet you Michel." I interrupt.

"You too, Elizabeth."

"Sweetheart, can you call your mother down?"

"I will."

I turn away from Dad's smiling face to see a smiling Michel looking at me; he has the sweetest smile, his high cheekbones made his eyes smaller than before. How cute! I have to say that Dad's smile is not my top smile in my Best Smile list any longer; Michel's smile was so pure and kind.

I quirk up an awkward smile and turn on my heel up to my room; I close the door and run to my bed. I have never seen such a guy before. He fits all my standards for my dream guy appearance like a glove. He is the type of guy I want to spend my life with. Of course I did not meant him. A guy like him would usually already have an attractive girl by his side. I would never end up with him or a guy like him.

A dream guy is a dream guy. He is supposed to stay a dream, a dream that forever stays a dream or maybe with capital "M", "A" and "Y" could be fulfilled; by other pretty girls but not me.

Nevertheless, I needed to inform my best friend, Natalee Williams, about my new very attractive lawn mower. Natalee and I had been best friends on the first day of high school. We had the same hobby, which was dancing, and singing. From the first day of school we were in the same class. Nearly every class we had was the same, except for our electives; I took art and she took literature. Other than that, we are always together. Mom and Dad always refer her as their second daughter.

I stretch out my hand towards my side table and took the phone receiver. I dial Natalee's number and wait for her to pick up on the other side of the line. After three rings she picks up the phone.

"Hey beautiful! What's up?"

"Hey sweetheart! If I don't tell you what happened this very minute, I think I could die!"

"Ha-ha! Chill pretty head! Is it regarding the new lawnmower that is taking over sweet Pedro?"

"YES!!! I-have-not-really-spoken-to-him-as-in-in-a-conversing-conversation. I-just-said 'Hi'-and-showed-him-to-the-kitchen-where-Dad-was-and-said-good-bye-and-ran-upstairs. Lee!!!! He is the living and breathing version of my dream guy!!!"

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Chill kitty, you're talking like a bullet train. He is THAT good looking huh? Is he still at home?"

"Yes, he just came only a few minutes ago. And and and Lee!"


"He is taller than me and can you believe that I find his smile much more heart-stopping than Dad's?"

"Ha-ha-ha! Are you serious? Dad's smile was the top smile on your list! He topped that? I have to see this guy! How old is he?"

"I don't know. But he looks around our age? Or a little older?"

"Okay Elle, I'll come by your house if he's there till 2pm."

"Ha-ha-ha! Lee, lawn mowing does not take that long. It's only 9am, he'll be done by 11am."

"Bullocks! I guess I can only see this dream guy next Saturday when we return for the weekends again."

"Ha-ha-ha! I have to say that I've influenced you greatly in the way you talk. You can pass as an English lady. He-he-he! Okay than see you tomorrow at 3pm, outside your house. It's my turn to drive us back to school."

"Ha-ha! Of course! I need to pass as an English lady if I want to score one with an English man. Okay Elle, I see you tomorrow! Wait, why don't you talk to Dream guy and get to know him?"

"Dream guy's name is Michel, and no I think I'll pass for today. However, I think I'll go down to talk a juice or something and steal glances at his wide chest and nice build biceps! Heeeeeee!"

"Ha-ha-ha! Stop squealing on the phone and give your eye some eye candy! I hope Michel takes his shirt off and give your eye some eye-orgasm!"

"He-he-he-he! I hope that happens too! Okay love, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, tomorrow! Muaks!"

I really do hope Michel feels hot and takes of his shirt. It's summer and we are in Los Angeles. I walk to the window to check whether Dream guy started with the front yard, but there was no sign of him. I guess not.

Oh! Bullocks! I forgot to tell Mom to go downstairs. I jog out the door towards the master bedroom and found the door wide open. Phew! Luckily Mom took her own initiative to meet Michel. I took a great long breath before stepping down the steps towards the kitchen. I take one step at a time down the stairs, and by the fifth step; I decided to press play on my poker face button.

Surprisingly, I couldn't hear anybody talking. Where were they? I shrug the chance of me seeing Michel shirtless and continue walking to the kitchen. When the counter was in my sight, I spot an unfamiliar grey beanie on it. Could it be, Michel's? I smile to myself, he is still here somewhere; I continued walking towards the kitchen.

Dad, Mom and Michel was in the back yard; I walk towards the back door. Dad sees me and waves me over. I took a short breath to get ready with the battle of my easily burning cheeks.

"Hey sweetie, can you show Michel how to use Pedro's lawnmower? Your Mom and I tried but it didn't work..."

"I tried too" That husky voice! Erghh! I could literally feel my goose bumps appearing.

"Oh? Maybe the battery is dead? Pedro could have forgotten to charge it before he left. It charges fast so it's okay. Just leave it charging for an hour or so and it'll work perfectly."

"Cool. Where is the usual place that Pedro charge it at?"

"Erm... If I am not wrong, he uses one of the plugs outside the shade."

"Why don't you show him, sweetheart?"

"Okay, Dad. Come on Michel"

I think I can pull it off as an actress. I am good at keeping my nerves down and pretend that I am okay in front of my dream guy. I help Michel to plug in the charger and then we head back to my parents.

"You can rest inside and get a cold drink or something in the meantime. My Dad makes the best lemonade ever!" I have to pat myself on the shoulder or the job well done, that doesn't sound nervous at all!

" Great! This is my first time having English family as my employer."

"Really? We are not that different from any other American family anyway. We have lived here since I was 9. At least for me my parents came here when I was 1."

"I see... That explains the American feel towards their English accent."

"Really? I didn't realize that they do. Well, make yourself at home and welcome to the Darlings beloved home."

"Thank you. How old are you, Elizabeth?"

"You're welcome. I am 20, you?"

"Cool, I'm 20 too. Are you in college?"

"Yes, I am currently studying in Princeton University."

"You've got to be kidding me. I am too!"

"Seriously? Wow... what a coincidence."

He is my schoolmate. Why haven't I seen him in school before? Oh yes right, my school is huge. We enter the back door back to the kitchen and sees Mom and Dad kissing by the sink.

"Ehem! We have guest here, your greatness Greek Gods of love."

"Ha-ha! Well, I apologize for the great affection that you have to witness, your greatness Princess Elizabeth. And sorry to, Sir Michel."

"No, please I am in awe to see such love and affection between a man and his wife, your greatness, Greek Gods of love."

Michel joins my family randomness of talking like queens and kings.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Well-done Michel! You are the perfect lawn mower for we unique Darlings!" Dad declares with a wide smile on his face.

"Good job Michel! When Pedro was in your situation he just turned pink!" I had to praise him right?

"Really? Ha-ha! You guys are one cool family. The coolest family I have ever worked for!" His laugh just had to be just as adorable as his smile.

"So far... Ha-ha! You just meet us like for at least 20 minutes" This dream guy is just so adorable. He is the perfect eye candy for my eyes! Mom made us breakfast and asked Michel to join us too.

"No no! I do not want to disturb your family breakfast."

"Come on... You have to wait one hour for the mower to finish charging anyway..." This guy is too polite. I didn't know there was such guy still exists. William, my best friend who stays in London would always remind me to not fall for the barbarians aka American boys and return back to London and get myself an English gentleman.

William Watson has been in love with me since we were five years old. Thanks to grandmother who always insisted for him to go with me wherever I go, even to my girlfriend's parties. Nevertheless, we stayed friends until the present time; thanks to the ever-improving technology we keep each other updated in every way possible.

"No you're not interrupting in anyway possible. It's nice to have four instead of three of us every Saturday now. Right, honey?"

"That's so sweet but I bet Elizabeth's boyfriend come for breakfast sometime. Don't tell me you guys disapprove of him or he's an owl who prefers to eat supper instead of breakfast? Ha-ha-ha! Kidding!"

"Sadly, neither. Our beloved Lizzie has no boyfriend."

"Mom!" Can this day get any worst? Mom would never do this to me, yet she may still do if she has another reason behind it.

"What? It's true! You've never brought any boyfriend home to introduce to your Dad and I. You are young sweetheart; you should explore the fishes out in the sea. Get a heartbreak or two, if you're lucky find the right one at the first try."

"You're kidding right? Don't tell me you've NEVER had a boyfriend before, Elizabeth?"

Yes, the day just got worse. How can he ask me such a straightforward question like that!

"I have a great idea!" Mom exclaim excitedly.

"What is it?" I have to ask what 'brilliant' idea that she had.

"Since you both are schooling in the same University... Michel, I bet you have lots of good looking nice boys among your friends that would be lovely for Lizzie. Why not you introduce her to your buddies and get her a date? It'll be nice if you explain to your girlfriend why you needed Lizzie to follow along during outings with your friends so she won't misunderstand." Mom is more excited than I am. Who is the one getting set up with a date with someone you don't know, her or me? I turn my gaze over to Dad who is just happily turned away from my gaze, drinking his lemonade. I scowl at him.

"Mom! There is no need for that. You make me sound desperate! Sorry, Michel ignore what my Mom said. Save your girlfriend from all those misunderstanding that I can imagine coming between your relationship... Scary! The last thing I want is to come between a couple's relationship!" I really meant what I said, I didn't want Dream guy to lost his girlfriend just because he's finding for me a boyfriend and lost his love along the way.

"No problem. It'll be a pleasure! And no worries about the girlfriend problem, I am single at the moment. So maybe we could trade, I introduce you to my buddies than in return you introduce me to yours! How's that sound?" Michel just agreed to Mom's absurd idea!

"You can't be seriously accepting my Mom's idea Michel! That's absurd! I am capable of finding my own boyfriend thank you very much."

"Well, if you did why didn't you? Even during high school, who did you bring to your prom then?"

"FYI, Mr. Michel I attended girls school ever since I started my schooling journey. For my senior prom, my school collaborated with St. Patricks' therefore I went with my partner that was assigned to me. Don't worry I wasn't alone for my prom." I smile sarcastically to Michel.

"That is actually kinda cool. A collaboration of the girls and boys school for prom, it's very ancient like. But, a girl's school is not an excuse for not finding a boyfriend. You still have other friends, like neighbourhood friends."

"Ha-ha! You really think so? I liked it too. I bet you're an English major and you're into poetry and ancient history of the old century."

"Ha-ha-ha! Guilty as charge, so what is your major then?"

"What major do you think I am in?"

"Hmm... I have a feeling you're from the Art department."

"Good guess! Yes I am an Art and Archeology major. How did you guess?"

"A psychic never reveals his secrets! Ha-ha-ha! So back to the finding you a boyfriend project."

"Finding me a boyfriend project? Why don't you just live happily ever after with your girlfriend and leave me and my love life alone, comprende?"

"Ha-ha-ha! I've told you I'm single now! I have no girlfriend at the moment, so you can find for me one too."

"You really don't have a boyfriend, I mean girlfriend?"

"Ha-ha! I have lots of boyfriends! Yeah, I have no one by my side at the moment. Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Ha-ha-! Well, it's not that it's hard to believe. But a guy like you usually have 'followers' or a flock of girls chasing after you yet there would always be one lucky lady that would forever be by your side. Err... Sorry... Romantic novel much"

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Nah, its okay; well yes I do have my followers at school. I had that one lucky lady. But sadly she didn't feel lucky like you said, so we went our separate ways. So what type of guy do you like?"

"Ahh... I see... If you want to know what is the right guy for me, you have to know me first. I can't tell you what type of guy I like since I don't have a preference at the moment."

"Really? Okay then give me your number and we'll get to know each other. Getting to know each other is a good idea. So we can both try to set each other with the right guy or girl that fits the shoe. We haven't even start yet and I already feel excited to play cupid!" Michel dips his hand into his pocket on his pants and took out his iPhone.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am. I really want to do it."

"Okay then." I take his iPhone from his hand and dial my mobile number.

Michel takes his phone back and saves my number; looks at his watch and then returns up and looks at me. "I think I better resume to being the lawnmower. We were so focus on our conversation we didn't even realize your parents were gone."

I look around the kitchen and he was right, Dad and Mom had left us alone. When did they left? I did not even realize that they weren't with us anymore. Weird.

"Oh my, we didn't even realize they left. Okay then I shall leave you to attend to your duties and shall return back to my tower, sir Michel. Good day to you."

"Good day to you too, Princess Elizabeth."

I pick up my plate and was about to pick up Michel's but he gave me a look instead. He scrunches his face in disagreement and took our plate to the sink himself; rinse it and place it in the dishwasher.

"See you then!"

"Alright! Have fun mowing!" and he left me in the kitchen alone. Michel is a cool guy. I am actually feeling the excitement to be a cupid too. Michel must have passed the excitement virus to me.

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