The Broken Ones

By _ThePsychopath_

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"Hi, I'm Tony Blackwood." "Sacrifice is sometimes needed for survival." "What....?" "I love you, I don't care... More

Chapter 1: "Days Gone Bye"
Chapter 2: "Days Gone Bye"

Chapter 3: "Guts"

23 2 10
By _ThePsychopath_

The radio cackled again before the voice returned. "Hey! You alive in there?" It called out. Rick stumbled over, hitting his head against a pipe as he did so. "Ha, loser." Tony mumbled, as he picked up the mic, "Hello? Hello." Rick said into it. "Oh there you are, you had me wondering." The voice said. Tony stood and crouched next to Rick, listening as well.

"Where are you? Outside?" Rick, somewhat desperately said into the mic. Tony looked down at the object as she slid the rubber band out of her hair and let it fall on her shoulders, "Can you see us?" Tony asked. "Yea, I can see both of you. You're surrounded by walkers, that's the bad news." He said. Tony grabbed the mic, "Oh really? I couldn't tell, it's not like we can hear the moaning and groaning coming from outside. Anyways, you got any good news." She said the first part sarcastically. "" The voice answered.

Rick took the mic from her, "Listen, I don't mind telling you, I'm a little concerned in here." The radio cackled a bit, "Oh man. You should see it from over here. You'd be having a major freak-out." The voice said, sounding a bit scared. "Got any advice for us?" Rick asked into the radio. "Yea, I'd say make a run for it."

Tony put her thumb and index finger under her chin, thinking about what he said. "That's it? 'Make a run for it'?" Rick asked, hoping he was kidding. "My ways not as dumb as it sounds, you've got eyes on the outside." The voice, obviously a man's, defended. "The walkers, they should be distracted by our horses." Tony added, remembering that both of them went down.

"Exactly! There's still one geek on the tank, nothing you two can't handle. With me so far?" The man through the radio asked, making sure that he wasn't wasting his breath. "Yea." Tony and Rick answered in sync. "Okay, the streets on the other side of the tank are less crowded. If you both move now, while they're distracted, you stand a chance. Got ammo?" He asked. "In that duffel bag, I dropped out there, and guns. Can I get to it?" Rick asked, making Tony's eyes go wide. "You dropped the bag?" She asked, wanting to make sure she heard him right. Rick nodded, and before Tony could tell him off about his stupidity, the guy from the radio interrupted, "Forget the bag okay? It's not an option. What do you have on you?" Tony checked the pistol she had gotten from the police station, mag full with 15 rounds. Checking on her arrows, because she shot 4 arrows, she had 26 left, and of course all her other weapons. She looked up to see Rick had found a grenade.

When he looked back at her, she signaled not to tell, since it could come in handy later. He nodded and returned to the radio, "I got a beretta, full clip, 15 rounds." He said. "I have 2, with 2 and a half clips." Tony notified, not mentioned her other weapons. "Make every shot count. Jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. There's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards. Be there" The man spoke through the radio, finishing off the instructions. "Alright." Tony said, going to the top opening of the tank. "Hey, what's your name?" Rick asked, making Tony face-palm. "We're running out of time Rick." She said, pushing the latch open. "Listen to the girl! Now go!" The man said, making Rick nod, grabbing a shovel from inside the tank and hopping out, Tony following close behind.

When they were out, Rick hit the Walker that was still on the tank off, getting a nice slice in his face. He and Tony jumped off, Tony landing on her feet while Rick fell on impact. "There's no time for your laziness!" She said, grabbing his arm and helping him up. "I got back, you get front." Tony said, wielding her hatchets and immediately killing of two walkers as she brought them down on their heads. She heard Rick using his beretta. After Rick shot 12 bullets, she turned and saw him stop, holding his gun up to an open fence. "Whoa! Not dead!" The voice of the guy over the radio said, holding his hands up in defense.

Tony turned, killing another walker with a single swipe of both her hatchets, the turned back. "C'mon c'mon!!" The man said, as he started to run down the alley. Rick and Tony followed, "Back here!". Rick shot two of the walkers that were coming through the fence, letting Tony pass him. "Come on! Come on!" The guy shouted, starting to climb up the ladder. Tony followed right after him, hearing Rick shot down one more walker. The man looked down, past her and to Rick, "What're you doing?! Come on!!" He shouted, still climbing up. Rick climbed up just in time, missing the dozen walkers that just tried to grab him.

Once they reached a cage on the ladder, the guy hopped onto it. He turned, helping Tony and Rick on as well. "Come on, get up." He said as he helped Rick up. Once everyone was on, they panted. Tony regained her air quickly and leaned forward on the rail, looking at the walkers that kept piling themselves against the ladder. The other two joined her, the new guy in the middle. "Nice moves there, Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff? Come riding in to clean up the town." The man sarcastically said, earning a light chuckle from Tony. "Wasn't my intention." Rick answered, still breathing heavily. "Yea, whatever. Yeehaw. You're still a dumbass. At least your friend here knows how to be quiet, which was useless with you shooting up the place." He pointed at Tony in the last sentence.

"Rick. Thanks." Rick said, ignoring his last comment. "Glenn. You're welcome." The man, known as Glenn, shook his hand. He turned to Tony, who was looking down at the walkers piling up. "What's your name?" Glenn asked her, making her look up and look at him. "Tony, nice to meet you in this time of hell." She said as she shook his hand, earning a weak chuckle. Glenn leaned over the rail a bit, looking at the ladder, "Oh no." He said in a not-so-worried voice. Rick put his empty beretta in Glenn's green bag.

Glenn grabbed onto the ladder's railings, and all three of them looked up. "Bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us." Tony and Rick looked down with an unamused expression. Glenn shrugged, "I'm a glass half full kinda guy." He started up the ladder, followed by Rick, then Tony.

The three of them made it to the top, looking down the ladder. The walkers kept trampling over one another, not really letting them climb. "We should be safe from them." Tony verified, walking away.

Rick and Glenn followed, Glenn jogging next to Tony. "You got a group?" She asked, knowing that he wouldn't have made it this far on his own (IM SORRY GLENN BUT IN THE FIRST SEASON YOU ARE WEAK ;-;). "Yea, how could you tell?" He asked, an expression of curiosity appearing on his face. "Just instinct." She shrugged, she'd been around many survivors and could tell whether they had a group or not. Glenn nodded, "What about you? Anyone besides Clint Eastwood back there?" Tony chuckled at the last part. "Nah, I actually only met him yesterday and now we're partners. Before that, I never had anyone." She answered, Glenn's eyes widening in amazement. "You've been alone for 2 months!? And still in decent condition! Wow, remind me if we ever split up to partner up with you." He laughed, making Tony chuckle. She wasn't sure what it was, with either Rick or Glenn, but strangely, she felt like she could trust them. 'Maybe I should wait awhile to see... I don't want to give my trust away so easily.' Tony thought.

The three of them walked across a bridge-like structure that lay over an alley, connecting one building to the other. "You the one who barricaded the alley?" Rick spoke up, making Glenn turn to face him. "Somebody did-- Guess when the city got overrun." Glenn climbed up a small wall as he spoke. Tony and Rick only pushed themselves on hopped over, not putting as much effort as Glenn. "Whoever did it was thinking not many geeks would get through." He broke into a jog, Rick and Tony at his heels.

They got to a rusted latch. "Back at the tank, why'd you stick your neck out for us?" Rick asked, waving his finger between him and Tony. Glenn opened the latch, dropping down the bag and started to climb down, before pausing. "I call it foolish, naive hope. That if I'm ever that far up shit creek, someone might do the same for me. Guess I'm an even bigger dumbass then both of you combined." Glenn looked up at them, smile on his face, then continued to climb down the ladder. Tony shrugged, while Rick looked around for any walkers. They looked at each other and nodded. Rick went in first, since Tony still had weapons and if any came down she could easily kill them. Tony then followed, closing the latch on the way down.

When they got to the bottom, Glenn picked up his bag. Panting from the ladder he had just climbed down, he began to run. Rick followed, Tony at his heels. They were running through an what looked to be where a bunch of real estate agents worked, except emptied out. When they reached the exit, Glenn pulled out a walkie. "I'm back, brought to guests. Plus 4 geeks in the alley." Glenn said, then abruptly stopped, making Rick and Tony as well. In the alley, were the four walkers they had seen earlier. Three of them took notice and began to limp towards them. "Tony, think you're weapons can come in handy right about now." Rick said, Tony nodding and pushing her way through. "Are you insane, shooting will just bring mo-" Glenn stopped when he saw Tony grab her hatchets and slice through a walkers skull, the two top pieces went flying.

Before she could attack the other walkers limping towards her, two men in gear ran through the door, each holding a baseball bat, and hit the walkers down, beating their skulls with the bats. Glen and Rick sprinted down. "Let's go!" Glenn yelled over his shoulder, as Rick grabbed Tony arm and pulled her in with him. "Morales, let's go!!" Shouted one of the geared men, running inside, the other one close behind. The one that called out shut the door once 'Morales' ran in.

When everyone got in, someone pushed Rick against some flattened boxes. "Son of a bitch, we outta kill you." The blond girl said, holding a pistol up to Rick's head. Tony gripped her hatchets and held both of them up to her, left one above her head and right one dangerously close to her neck. Her expression appeared stoic, glancing to the pistol. 'The safety's on. Dumb bitch doesn't even know how to use a simple pistol.' Tony thought, then glancing at Rick who was looking back at her, panting.

"Just chill out Andrea, back off. You too." Morales said, taking off his gear. "Yea, ease up." Another women to,d the two of them. "Ease up? We're dead because of this ass-" She was cut off by Tony applying pressure with her hatchet against her neck. Tony suddenly smiled a creepy smile, "Listen mate, if you wanna make sure your life doesn't end right now, drop the weapon. Do that now, before your head is cut into two pieces." Her voice was as sweet as honey, yet as venomous as a cobra's fangs. Everyone, even Rick's eyes widened at Tony's threat. Andrea huffed and dropped the gun, making Tony return her hatchets to either side of her belt.

Andrea backed up, "We're dead--All of us. Because of you." Andrea said, seeming like she was gonna cry (like the little bitch she is -3-). "I don't understand." Rick said, looking at everyone in the room. Tony sighed as Morales began to pull Rick with him, "Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is?" Morales pushed Rick, slightly pissing off Tony since that was her partner. Her and the rest of the people there were following them. "Surviving! You know what the key to surviving is? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like its the O.K Corral." Morales said. "Every geek from miles around heard you popping off rounds." A black guy ((listen, it's not racist when you call someone 'black', 'white' or 'darkish skinned' ok! It's racism when you're judging. LOOK IT UP AND STOP BEING ARROGANT!!!!)) with a white Brooklyn shirt said, Tony did put hear his name.

"You just rang the dinner bell." Andrea said. Tony followed their gaze and saw why they were so pissed off. Dozens off walkers were piled up at the door, cracking the glass. One even had a rock! 'Huh? Well there's something you don't see everyday.' Tony shrugged, looking at walker with a rock. "Get the picture now?" Morales said, looking at the two.

A loud crack was heard, making everyone but Tony start to back up. Tony only leaned forward, "Definitely no openings here... But maybe there are others." Tony spoke to herself, closing her eyes and putting her chin between her thumb and index finger.

"What were you doing out there anyways?" Andrea asked. "Trying to flag a helicopter." Rick answered, Tony nodding. "Helicopter? Man there ain't no helicopter." The man in the Brooklyn shirt said, obviously not believing them. "You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens." The black woman that had tried to calm down Andrea earlier said. "I saw it." Rick said, in a I'm-not-changing-my-mind tone. Tony nodded, looking at the group, "I heard it as well. And as far as I know, you can't hallucinate the same thing at the same time." Tony said, shrugging.

"Hey T-Dog, that C.B. Can you contact the others?" Morales asked, as the black man, now known as T-Dog, got out a walkie and started to try and get a connection. "Others?" Rick asked. "The refugee center?" Tony finished, slightly confused since Glenn had told her they had a group. "Yeah, the refugee center. They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us." The women sarcastically responded, earning an unamused look from Tony.

"Got no signal. Maybe the roof." T-Dog suggested. Just then, gun fire was heard from the roof. "Oh no, is that Dixon?" Andrea asked, already jogging to go find out. "What's that maniac doing?" Morales said as everyone started to take off but Tony, Rick and Glenn. "Come on! Let's go!" Glenn ushered, joining the others. Tony and Rick did as they were told and followed.

Everyone was going up a spiral staircase, Morales in front. Once they reached the door, Morales angrily pushed it open. "Hey Dixon, are you crazy?!" Morales shouted, storming towards the man holding up a sniper, shooting the walkers below. Everyone else followed Morales out, everyone a couple yards away from 'Dixon'. Dixon only laughed in response, shooting another walker. "Oh jeez." Andrea said, already annoyed by him being disobedient. "Ha ha. Hey! Y'all outta be more polite to a man with a gun!" Dixon shouted, jumping off the ledge he was on. "Only common sense."

T-Dog got pissed and ran over, "Man, you waisting bullets we ain't even got!" He shouted. Morales followed T-Dog, but stood alongside the edge, which was about a yard away from his friend and redneck. "And you're bringing more of them down on our ass! Man, just chill!" T-Dog said the last part almost desperately. "Hey, it's bad enough I got this taco-bender on my ass all day, now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so bro, that'll be the day." Dixon said, walking up to T-Dog, sticking his jaw out with his gun at hand. "'That'll be the day?' Man, is there something you wanna tell me!?" T-Dog pointed to himself, also walking up to Dixon. "Hey T-Dog, man just leave it." Morales tried to step in. "No." T-Dog answered. "Alright? It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble already." Morales said, using his first name instead of his last one. Merle only smirked at T-Dog.

Tony and Rick looked at Glenn, (the order was Tony, Rick, then Glenn), who only waved his hands in front of him and shaking his head, signaling that it'd be best not to get involved. Tony sighed, "This isn't gonna end well..." She muttered, Glenn nodding in agreement.

"You wanna know the day?" Merle asked teasingly, taking another step making him and T-Dog only a foot apart from one another. "Yea." T-Dog answered, sounding mad and annoyed. "I'll tell you the day Mr. 'Yo'! It's the day I take orders from a nigger." ((Actually said in the show, Merle's words not mine)). That got T-Dog pissed, "Motha--" T-Dog started to swing at Merle, but kept missing. "Hey, come one Merle. That's enough!" Morales raised his voice, only when T-Dog got hit with the butt of Merle's shotgun right in the face. Everyone jumped in at this, even Rick and Tony.

After Merle punched T-Dog a couple more times, Rick grabbed his vest, "Hey back of--" Rick got a fist to the face and was sent flying over an ac duct. "Dixon!!!" Yelled Andrea, as Merle kicked T-Dog one more time. "Guys cut it out!" Glenn yelled, hopping down but not getting to close. Tony hopped onto a pipeline, just as Merle began to drag T-Dog over to it. Before Merle could slam T-Dog beaten up face onto it, Tony kicked him square in the nose, sending him flying back. Merle got onto the ground, but just as fast got right back up. "I'll deal with you later." He glared at Tony, who glared back. Merle the began to kick T-Dog in his ribs, earning a bunch of shouting from everyone. Merle then got down, his knees straddling T-Dog as he repeatedly punched him in the face. Morales tried to step in, but got elbowed in his gut, making him stumble back.

Tony was about tackle Merle off, until he pulled out a gun pistol and held it up to T-Dog's head, making everyone stop. "No, no, no. Please." Andrea begged, standing next to Glenn, Morales, and the women from earlier. Tony stood on the other side, stoically looking down at the two of them. Thunder began to rumble in the background, and T-Dog whimpered, scared for his life.

Merle looked T-Dog dead in the eye, before spitting and rubbing it on his shirt, making T-Dog grunt in pain. Still pointing the gun down at him, Merle slowly stood up, "Huh, yea! We gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about, who's in charge! I vote me, anyone else?" T-Dog crawled back, the woman from earlier crouching down next to him, along with Andrea and Glenn, pulling him even further from the madman with a gun. Tony still stood at the opposite side of them, her expression unreadable. "Huh? Democracy time y'all, show of hands!" Merle said, raising his hand, voting for himself. "All in favor, huh? Show of hands, come on. Let's see 'em." Morales slowly raised his hand, making everyone look at him in disappointment. Morales only shrugged, signaling he didn't have a choice. "All in favor? Yea, that's good." He said, scanning the gun across the group. Everyone raised their hands, the other woman raising a middle finger up. "Alright that means I'm the boss right?" He said.

Merle then directed his attention to Tony, the only one who didn't have her hand raised. "What about you girly? You seem like you'd vote." He laughed, holding gun up to her head. The others gasped while Tony simply glanced at Merle, "Why would I want a racist, horrible excuse for a human being be our leader? You don't even know how to use a sniper without the scope." She emotionlessly said, pissing Merle off. He put down his gun and with his free hand, and with much force, punched Tony right in her stomach. Tony fell to her knees, huddling over and gripping her stomach and coughing up a bit of blood, trickling down the edge of her mouth.

"Hehe...." Tony creepily chuckled, making everyone look at her with a shock and confused expression. Tony put her hands on the ground and pushed herself up, facing Merle and having her back to the others. Her eyes were dark, bangs slid over a bit of her right eye, and she was leaning to the side, a smirk on her face. Her eyes quickly flickered behind Merle, making her smirk only grow. "What's up with the smirk on your face?" Merle asked, finding the girl amusing. "Only that you're about to be impeached." She answered, cocking her brow towards what was behind him.

"Huh?" Just as Merle asked that, someone whistled. Merle turned only to receive the butt of his own shotgun to the face. 'Perfect timing Rick.' Tony thought, as said person put his knee on Merle's face, careful not to apply to much pressure that could break his skull, and threw the gun out of his hand. Rick then grabbed some handcuffs out of his pocket, cuffing his hand to a pipeline.

Rick quickly got off, lifted Merle by his shirt and pushed him against an air duct. "Who the hell are you!?" Merle shouted, looking up at Rick. "Officer friendly." Rick answered, glaring down at him, getting close to his face. Tony chuckled at Rick's answer, knowing that'd be her new nickname for him. Rick pushed Merle away and grabbed the gun pistol he had kicked out of his hand, and cocked it. "Look here, Merle. Things are different now. There are no niggers anymore, no dumb-as-shit, inbred white-trash either. There's only dark meat, and white meat, that's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart." Rick said, glancing at Tony, then right back at Merle. "Screw you man." Merle said, ignoring what he said completely. "I can see you make a habit of missing the point." Rick sighed. "Yea? Well screw you twice." He answered, chuckling. Rick held up the pistol to Merle's head, "You ought to be more polite to a man with a gun." "Only common sense." Tony finished, cracking her fingers with her thumb.

Everyone else, who were still in the same place as earlier, looked up at the three of them. "You wouldn't, you're a cop." Merle answered, looking away. Rick put down the gun, "All I am anymore, is someone who's looking for their wife and son. Anyone who gets in the way of that's gonna lose.... I'll let you think about that." Rick said. He then started to pat down Merle, checking for anymore weapons. Reaching into his vest pocket, he pulled out a single bullet. "You got something on you nose there." Rick said, flicking Merle's nose then stood. "What're you gonna do, arrest me?" Merle laughed, Rick, with the bullet in his hands, walked over to the edge of the building. "Nahh, he's just gonna throw away your bullet...... Literally." Tony indicated, making Merle start to yell. "Hey, that's my stuff! Hey! If I get loose, you'd better pray!!" Merle yelled, pulling at the cuffs. "You hear me you pig!?! You hear me!!"

Tony simply sighed and walked towards where T-Dog was. "Is he alright?" Tony asked,crouching next to Glenn. "He'll be fine. Luckily nothing was broken." The woman answered, which slightly surprised Tony, since it definitely looked like Merle's punches could break bones. "Speaking of getting hurt, Tony are you alright?" Glenn asked, concerned about the girl (they're actually the same age >~<). Tony nodded, "I'm fine, it wasn't as bad as it looked." She shrugged. "You have blood dripping from your mouth! What do you mean, 'wasn't as bad'?" He said, pointing to where it was. Tony touched the edge mouth and traced it down to the side of her her chin, the lifting her hand in front of her and seeing the crimson liquid. "Huh? Never noticed. But really Glenn, it's no big deal. I'll be fine." Tony reassured, wiping the rest of her blood off with her sleeve, staining it. Tony then looked at the women who had answered her about T-Dog, "I never caught your name." She pointed out. "I'm Jacqui." She answered, smiling sweetly towards Tony. Tony smiled, not as sweet.

Tony stood and leaned over the edge, Andrea, Jacqui and Glenn did the same, while T-Dog was lied against the small wall, trying to get a signal. "Welcome to the city." Morales said to Rick, who were having a conversation. "God, it's like Times Square down there." Andrea remarked, Tony shrugged in response. "How's that signal?" Morales asked T-Dog. "Like Dixon's brain--weak." He responded, Merle held up his middle finger at him, only making Tony chuckle. "Keep trying." Morales instructed. "Why? There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing." Andrea walked off.

Glenn walked to a set of rusty stairs, looking at his own walkie. Tony slid over to where Rick and Morales were, both Rick and Tony looking to Morales to know who they were trying to contact. "Got some people outside the city is all. There's no refugee center, that's a pipe dream." Morales explained. "Then she's right we're on our own." Tony said, looking down at the walkers. "Then it's up to is to find a way out." Rick said, turning away from the city and looking towards the group. "Good luck with that. These parts of the street ain't safe from what I hear. Ain't that right sugartits?" Merle said, looking at Andrea.

Tony simply looked back at Rick, deciding it'd be best to not listen to Merle's flirting skills. "You know there's no way to get past those walkers without drawing attention." Tony said, scanning the streets. "Now there's an understatement." Morales stated, looking at the two. "What about under the streets? The sewers?" Rick suggested, making Tony nod. "Oh man. Glenn, check the alley." Glenn immediately stood at Morales's command and jogged over to the edge of building so he could see the alley they had ran through moments ago. "You see any manhole covers?" Morales asked, cupping a hand to side of his mouth to make his voice louder. "No," Glenn began jogging back, "Must be all out on the street where the geeks are." He said, standing next to Andrea. "Maybe not." Jacqui spoke up, making everyone look towards her. "Old strong building like this--built in the 20's. Bid structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding. Down in the subbasements." Jacqui informed. "How do you know that?" Glenn asked, looking directly at Jacqui. "It's my job--was. I worked in the city zoning office." She looked at Rick and Tony. Rick looked at Tony, "What do you think?" He asked. Tony looked up at him, "I say we take our chances, but don't get your hopes to high." She answered, walking towards the door they had gone through earlier.

~Skip to Subbasement~

Tony, Rick, Glenn, Morales, Jacqui and Andrea all walked toward an opening in the ground, with a black railing around it and a metal ladder going down, with chipped, yellow paint. They could still hear the thudding and cracking glass from the walkers at the store's entrance. When they reached the railing, Morales and Glenn shone their flashlights down it. "This is it? You sure?" Morales asked, not feeling completely up to the idea now. There were some makeshift stairs that lead down into a sewage opening. "I really scooped out this place while I was here. It's the only thing in the building that goes down.... But I've gone down it. Who'd want to right?" Everyone looked at Glenn, besides Tony, whom was still studying the sewage. Glenn looked back up at, and gulped. "Oh. Great." He sarcastically said.

Andrea looked back at the rest of the group, she was next to Tony, who was next to Rick, who was next to Glenn, the rest of the group behind her. "We'll be right behind you." Andrea said, nodding. "No, you won't, not you." Glenn answered. Tony finally looked up, eyes landing on Glenn. "Why not me? Think I can't?" Andrea answered, getting defensive. Before Glenn could answer, Tony sighed, "Listen mate, before you start the whole sexism rant, let Glenn explain his reasoning." She said, clearly annoyed. Glenn nodded a thanks towards Tony, her nodding back.

"Look, until now I always came by myself-- In and out, grab a few things, no problem. First time I bring a group-- Everything goes to hell. No offense." Glenn held up his hands in defense at the last part. No one said anything, signaling him to continue. "If you want me to go down this gnarly hole, fine-- But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If I run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me, getting me killed." Glenn momentarily paused, thinking a bit. "I'll take one person. Not you either." Glenn said, knowing Rick was already gonna volunteer. "You've got Merle's gun and I've seen you shoot. I'd feel better if you were out n that store, watching the doors and covering our ass." He explained to Rick, who nodded. "You got the only other gun, so you should go with him." Glenn was now addressing Andrea. "You'll be my wingman, Jacqui and Tony stay up here." Glenn pointed at Morales.

"Hold on," Tony butt in, then looked at Morales. "Do you have family waiting for you back at camp?" She asked, stepping up to Morales. He nodded, "Then, Glenn take me instead." Morales, Rick, Andrea and Glenn looked at her with a confused expression. "We don't know what's down there, up here you'll know there's trouble cause you'll hear either one of them yelling or gunshots." She explained. "Ok, but why should I take you instead?" Glenn asked. Tony turned to him, "2 reasons. One I have silent weapons so if there's a bunch of walkers, they won't hear us and two, I don't have anyone to get back too, while he has a family. I doubt they'd like to hear there beloved family member died on a run." Glenn pondered on the thought and sighed. "Alright, you're coming. Morales, stick with Jacqui. Something happens, yell down at us. Get us back up here in a hurry." Glenn instructed. Morales nodded, actually relieved he didn't have to go. Rick put a hand on Tony's shoulder, "You sure about this?" He asked, not really wanting the person he trusts the most out of them leave. Tony nodded, and reassuring smile on her face, "Don't worry, I'll make it back with everything intact." Rick nodded, then put his hand on Glenn's shoulder. "We all know our jobs. Let's go!" Rick said, him and Andrea walking back into the store.

Glenn nodded at Tony, then put the flashlight in his mouth, going down the ladder. Tony followed Glenn down. Once they both stepped onto the gross, green-ish water, Glenn held up his flashlight and Tony got out her daggers, since in reality you could only survive with one and in case anything happened, she could easily throw one to Glenn. 'Let's hope it doesn't get to that. Because afterwards I'd have to cut his hand off....... Possibly all his forearm.' Tony thought jokingly, well 98% jokingly. I promise you, try and steal her weapons, she'll feed you to the walkers.

They looked up at Jacqui and Morales, gave them a nod, then began to walk into the sewers. With Glenn's flashlight, they began to look around the sewer they were in. It was a mossy green, with a small stream of water and a couple of rats scattered across the ground. "Dah..." Glenn winced as a rat squealed. "Don't let them bite you." Tony said, still looking ahead of her. "What, why?" Glenn asked, glancing at her from the side. "Their bites are actually just as bad as a walker's, except the effect takes much longer to spread." She explained. Glenn was still confused. After a couple more steps, Glenn asked another question, "How are they infected?" Tony pointed at the water, "Sometimes walker blood gets in the sewers, and since the rats live off of this, they get infected. It's like food poisoning, instead they don't feel it." Glenn nodded, "Ok, final question, how do you know?" His face had a confused and nervous expression. "Experiences." Tony simply said, keeping it as vague as possible.

They were silent as they continued down the tunnel. "You think this is it?" Tony asked as a door came into view, otherwise a dead end. Glenn nodded, "It had to be, otherwise we don't have anything else to go through." Tony slowly opened the door, looking around. When it was clear, they walked down the steps, leading to a sewer tunnel. "It's barred." Tony analyzed, looking at the metal poles, both vertical and horizontal. "Can we cut through it?" Glenn asked, Tony shook her head. "We'd either have to melt it at a high temperature or cut through, and forget cutting it cause I saw your tool bag, no way is that hacksaw gonna cut through." Tony heard crunching and looked down to see a walker eating into a rat. "Glenn back up." She said, pulling Glenn back as the walker threw itself into the bars, trying to grab either Tony or Glenn. "Nothing here, let's head back." Tony said as she looked at the walker. It had green eyes,s short hair that curled up at the end, and it's mouth was blood red. It made inhuman noises as Glenn and Tony ran out, shutting the door behind them.

Both of them started to run back, already wanting to get out of the sewers. It didn't take long, since it was only about 12 yards. "You guys find anything?" Morales asked as Glenn and Tony emerged. "Just a walker behind the bars of the sewer tunnel. Not a way out." Glenn answered. Just then they heard glass break and thuds and groans of the walkers a bit more clearly. "Shit!!" Tony muttered as she took off sprinting towards the shop, the other three following after her.

When they got there, they saw that the walkers had already burst through the first glass doors, now they were right at the second line, only showing the group how much time they had. Rick had his gun up to the door, "What'd you find?" He asked over his shoulder, towards Tony. "Not an exit." She responded, gripping onto her daggers tightly. "We need to find a way... And soon." Andrea responded.

"Wait, now two of them have rocks?"

~Timeskip to Roof~

Rick was using Morales's binoculars, trying to find a way out. Tony was crouched in front of Merle, having a staring contest. Just as Tony felt her eyes begin to sting, she quickly blew into Merle's eyes, making him shut them. "You blinked." She said as she stood, and walked towards Rick, Morales, Jacqui, Andrea and Glenn. Rick had just put down the binoculars and pointed at a construction site, "That construction site, those trucks-- They always keep keys on hand." He explained. "You'll never make it past the walkers." Morales said, leaning over.

"You got us out of that tank." Rick said towards Glenn, trying to find a way out. Tony shook her head, "Yea, but they were feeding. They were distracted." Glenn explained. "Do we have anything to make another distraction?" Tony asked, also facing Glenn. "Right. Listen to them, they're onto something." Merle said, pointing at the two. "A diversion. Like on 'Hogan's heroes'" Merle said. "God. Give it a break." Jacqui shot back, making Merle shut up.

"They're drawn by sound, right?" Rick remembered Morgan saying. "Right, they're like dogs. They hear a sound, they come." Glenn answered, Tony nodded. "What else?" Rick asked, not completely sure on every capability they had. "Aside from they hear you? They smell you, see you, if they catch you, they eat you." Morales added. Tony had an idea, but it involved gore so let's say she was waiting for a better idea. "They can smell you?" Rick asked, confused. "Can't you?" Glenn said, furrowing his brows. "They're technically dead corpses, therefore they're still rotting, making the scent. You can easily tell a walker from a person by smell." Tony explained.

Rick grabbed Tony and took her to the side, "Please tell me we have the same idea." Rick asked her, as Tony looked up smirking. "You, Glenn and I wear coats, cut up a walker, smear it all over our coats, then walk amount them like walkers till we reach the gate? If so, then yes." Tony said, Rick chuckling and nodding. "Boy, this'll be fun!" Tony said, walking back to the group.

The explanation took a lot of guts, bravery, self-confidence......... And dragging Glenn down the spiral staircase.

~Inside Store~

Rick grabbed the gloves, while Tony grabbed 6 coats, hers already on. "If bad ideas were a part of the Olympics... This would take the gold." Glenn remarked as Rick began to give everyone gloves. Morales walked over to Rick, "Hey just stop man. Take some time to think this through." Tony looked at him she threw one of the coats at Glenn's face, "How much time?" She said sarcastically, continuing to give everyone their coats. "They already got through one set of doors. That glass won't hold forever." By the time he finished Tony had given everyone their coats and Rick their gloves.

Once everyone was ready, they went towards the exit that lead into the alley. Tony stood at the door, as Rick and Morales got ready to run. She looked back at them, "Ready?" The two nodded, everyone but Tony stood to the other side of the entrance, in case any walker that tries to get in. "Go." Tony said, swiftly opening the door and allowing Rick and Morales to get out. Both of them ran out, and grabbed the walker closest to them, which was only a yard and a half away. Rick picked it up by its arms and Morales by its legs and dragged it in. Tony took a final look outside, then closed the door, making sure it didn't slam.

Once they were inside, Tony spotted something gleam out of the corner of her eye. Turning around, she found a face shield, blue helmet with a clear plastic that slides down to cover your face. She bent down and picked it up, "Rick, I found something for you." She said, throwing the object at him, since they had already set the body on the cement floor. Rick caught it, and put it on, nodding a thanks towards Tony. Morales handed Rick a crowbar, and pointed towards an emergency axe.

Rick walked towards it, and with a single swipe, broke the glass with the crowbar and used it to take out any excess glass that stayed from the impact. Grabbing the axe, he walked over to the circle they had formed around the dead walker. Glenn took the crowbar and set it down on a stool, not being needed anymore. Tony looked down at the walker, making sure it wasn't still moving.

Rick lifted the axe and was about to bring it down on him, but at the last second threw the thing to the side, took his face shield and gloves off, and began to search through the walkers pockets. Tony was about to ask what in the bloody hell was he doing, till Rick pulled out a wallet and opened it. "Wayne Dunlap. Georgia license, born in 1979." Rick passed the license to Hlenn, who accepted it and scanned it. Morales shot a confused expression towards Tony, who shrugged. "He had $28 dollars in his pocket when he died.... And a picture of a pretty girl. 'With love, from Rachael'." He read aloud. Andrea and Jackie both looked heartbroken, T-Dog and Morales looked a bit saddened, while Glenn and Tony read the license. "He used to be like us--" Rick added, turning everyone's attention towards him. "Worrying about the bills, or the rent, or the super bowl. If I ever find my family, I'm gonna tell them about Wayne." Rick then put his face shield and gloves back on and stood, picking up the axe. "One more thing." Tony said, cocking her head towards Glenn. "He was an organ donor."

Rick lifted the axe in the air, then,  with a lot of strength, brought it down into its lower abdomen, making everyone wince and groan in disgust. "Madre dios." Morales mumbled, doing the cross,on his head, stomach and shoulders. Rick kept repeating the action, dark blood began to splatter. Once some pieces were chopped off, he'd slide them away and return to slicing and dicing. "Oh god..." Glenn said, putting his palms to his temples. Tony was looking down at all the gore, the disgusting scent reaching her nose. Scrunching up her nose, she patted Glenn's back, who had bent over at the scene.

Rick passed the axe and face shield to Morales, "Keep chopping." He said, slightly out of breath. Morales nodded, taking the items. With a disgusted look, Morales put on the mask and began to hack off more body parts.

Glenn, Tony and Rick all stood to the side and mentally prepared themselves for what was next. Tony tied her hair into a tight, low ponytail and tucked it under her coat, so that it wouldn't disturb her or get in the way. Glenn was still leaned over, "I am soo gonna hurl." He warned. "You can do that later." Tony answered, comfortingly patting Glenn's back.

Tony heard few more chops of the axe before Rick stopped him, "Everybody got gloves?" He asked, everyone nodding as Tony helped Glenn stand up straight. "Alright, remember don't get any in your eyes, or on your skin."

Once he was done, everybody kneeled down and began to grab some of the chopped up intestines of the walker. Everybody, besides Tony and Rick since they knew it was the only thing left to do, began groaning. Tony stood first and began to smear it on herself, getting as much of her stomach and waist as possible. Glenn and Rick stood next, doing the same but different areas. The rest of the group began to help, T-Dog and Morales smeared Rick, Andrea smeared Glenn and Jacqui had Tony. The gooey, muddy substance was a dark redd-ish brown, with an awful smell of the corpse.

"Oh god. Oh jeez. Oh, this bad." Glenn complained as they continued to get the gore spread all over him. "Just think about something else-- puppies and kitties." Rick suggested. "Dead puppies and kitties." T-Dog corrected as he smeared more of it on Rick. Tony felt Jacqui put another handful of the gore on her, smearing it on her back now.

Glenn turned away from everyone and hurled, not being able to take the scent or touch anymore. Tony kneeled down and rubbed his back in comfort. "That is just evil. What is wrong with you?" Andrea said to Rick, feeling bad for Glenn. "Next time, let the cracker beat his ass." Jacqui sassily said, glaring at Rick as she got more gore. "Well I don't see any of your dumbasses thinking of anything, so how about both of you shut the fuck up?!" Tony raised her voice and balled her fists, tired of hearing the both of them repeatedly complaining about the plan. Rick put hand on her shoulder, calming down his partner. Tony looked up at him, calming down and releasing her fists. "You suck." Glenn said, oblivious to what had just happened. Tony, once again helped him stand up and rubbed his back. Andrea and Jacqui both put part of the small intestine around Glenn's shoulders, while T-Dog passed Tony the kidneys. She accepted them and shoved them into her coat pockets.

"We smell like them?" Rick asked as everyone but the three backed away. "Oh yea." Andrea nodded, taking off one of her gloves and took something out of her back pocket (Tony, Glenn and Rick all have long coats that reach to their knees, while the rest are only to their waists). She pulled out her grey pistol, "Glenn." She called, holding her gun towards him, as he stood. "Just in case." She said, pushing a side of the coat out of the way and slid the gun into his belt, letting the coat return to its position. "When we get here, be ready." Rick said, Tony already walked towards the door with Glenn. "What about Merle Dixon?" T-Dog asked, not really to enthusiastic about him. Rick took out his glove and slid his hand into his pocket, taking out a single, small key. He threw it to T-Dog, who caught it, then backed away. "Hand me the axe." Rick said, sliding the glove back on and reaching towards Morales, who handed him the blood covered axe. "We need more guts." He said, making Glenn turn away as he brought the axe down onto the walker.

~5 Minute Timeskip~

By the end, three of their coats were completely covered in the gore, even having some ribs, hands, feet and parts of the arms tied to string and draped across their shoulders. Each had a weapon, Rick had the axe they used earlier, Glenn had a crowbar, and Tony had her hatchets. Tony nodded towards the other two as she began to slowly open the door. The walker from earlier was still there, it was the perfect time to see if they're disguises would work. Rick went out first, followed by Glenn, and finally Tony, who shut the door quietly. They all nodded to one another and began limping, walking like walkers. The walker that lived passed by them, getting extremely close to Glenn's face, then walked away. 'Seriously?! How much bad luck does this guy have!?!' Tony thought, continuing to limp.

They reached the bus that blocked the alleyway, and crawled under it. Tony went out last and the sight she was greeted with was so shocking, she nearly punched ((not pinched, she legit means punching, herself, in the face)) herself to see if it was a hallucination. All around them were walkers, all limping in random directions. Only a few had turned their attention towards them, but returned to limping in a random direction. The three of them began to limp towards the construction site, a good 3 blocks away.

There had to be around 150 walkers there alone. As Tony limped, one was crawling by her ankle. The thing didn't pay much attention to Tony but it definitely caught Tony's, with its shirt halfway up, you can see where she was bit. Her entire lower back was open, revealing a nearly empty body, the skin sinking into it. There were claw marks surrounding the wound, revealing more rotting flesh and redd-ish brown blood. Tony could already tell how she died, but still glanced at her ankle to make sure. Sure enough, it was broken, the bone sticking out a bit, but not enough to rupture skin. Tony looked back ahead of her and continued to limp.

Rick and Glenn were about a foot away from her, staying close. As they were still heading towards the construction site, they heard the sound of thunder. Tony bit her lip, 'That heading in our direction....' She thought, looking ahead of her to the construction site. 'Will we even make it?'

What felt like an hour, which was actually 10 minutes, they came about 15!yards away from the gate. "It's gonna work--I can't believe it." Glenn said, trying very hard not to say it loud enough to the point they could hear him. "Don't draw attention." Rick muttered back, knowing they shouldn't get their hopes up till they were driving away in that van. Tony glanced at Glenn, on her right, Rick on the other side of him. She noticed a walker start to get close to him, about 6 inches from his face. Thinking fast, Glenn made the best walker face he could, rolling up his eyes and started to groan. Tony would've burst into laughter, if it weren't for the huge amount of walkers in the area. Instead she looked back ahead of her and continued limping, listening to the growing thunder.

Just as they got 10 yards from the gate, Tony felt something start to softly hit her coat, which gradually became harder and more rapid. Glancing up, she saw a huge cloud of thunder, raining down on them. Tony felt the drops start to rinse off the gore, including its scent. Tony scanned around her, knowing the walkers had picked up the scent of an animal, otherwise known as them. She heard their growls, and they had their noses up in the air, trying to pinpoint the source. It didn't take long for all of them to start looking towards the three, he'll one even growled at them. "The smell's washing off, isn't it?" Glenn asked, his voice frightened, "Is it washing off?" Glenn asked, a bit more loud. "Yes, but we may still be able to make it." Tony answered, Rick and Glenn looked at her with a confused expression. Just in time, a walker began yelling and charging at Tony. Immediately, she gripped both hatchets and with a quick swipe to the left with both hatchets, the walker's half-brained body fell down. "We fight." She said, killing the walker behind her. Rick and Glenn immediately went into action, Glenn stabbing walkers' heads with his crowbar, while Rick kept bringing his axe down into their skulls, either lifting it or swinging it.

As they did this they began sprinting towards the gate, around 100 or more walkers running after them. Running through the rain at a speedy rate, they finally made it to the gate. Tony threw her hatchets over the fence, Rick and Glenn doing the same with their weapons, and all three began to clad the fence. Without seeing where she put down her hand,p when swinging over the fence, Tony cut herself on one of the pieces of metal sticking out. "Fuck!" She muttered in pain, but still jumped down from the fence after Rick and Glenn.

All three quickly took off the now useless coats and threw them to the side, "Glenn, get the keys! Rick and I'll cover you!" She said, picking up her hatchets and sliding them into her belt. Now, she pulled out her beretta with half a clip and started shooting walkers. Rick got around 2-3 more than her, him having training and Tony tended to not use pistols or any gun besides a sniper, since they were just oddly simple to use for her. Either way, they both stopped any from coming over the fence. "Rick!" Glenn shouted, making Rick turn and face him. Glenn threw the keys at him and ran towards the van. "Tony, let's go!!" Rick shouted, also running towards said van. Tony shot one final walker, still having around 4 bullets left in her clip, then sprinted off towards the van. Rick and Glenn were already inside, making Tony push Glenn in the middle and hop in, shutting the door. A walker, who had hopped the fence after Tony ran, threw itself against the door, making both Tony and Glenn jump. "Go, go, go!!!!" Glenn yelled as Rick went in reverse and put pressure on the gas pedal, driving away from the walker.

Just as Rick began to twist the wheel, making them knock over some gas tanks, the walkers broke down the fence and started to chase them. Rick went into drive and immediately applied all the pressure on the gas pedal, getting away from the huge amount of walkers that had stated chasing after them. Rick then burst through another gate with the van and started driving on a road, "Oh god, oh god!! They're all over that place!!" Glenn shouted, a worried look on his face. "You two need to draw them away. Those Rol up doors-- at the front of the store? That's what I need cleared." Rick explained, "Tell your friends to be there." Glenn got out his walkie. " We'll need a car for the diversion, a fast and loud one." Tony said, and looked out the window. "And I found the perfect one...." She said with a smirk.

~Timeskip to Car~

Rick parked the van and all three of them got out. Tony smirked as she looked at the beauty of a car she had seen. A red Dodge Challenger, with a black stripe going right through the middle of it. Rick grabbed the crowbar and with a lot of force, hit the cars' driver seat window, setting off the car alarm and may have accidentally broken a piece of Tony's heart. Rick cleared up some more excess glass, then opened the door. Tony jogged to the passengers seat side, opened the door and sat inside, "Rick, give me a screwdriver." She asked, looking at the keyhole. He did as he was asked, and Tony gently put the tip of it into the keyhole, twisting it so that it'd start. "Stay safe, I'll meet you at the camp." Rick said, taking back the screwdriver. Tony nodded, "You too mate, I'll be waiting for you." She said, smiling. Rick small smiled back then got out of the car and ran back into his van, Glenn entering the beautiful car. "Ready?" He asked, earning a smirk from Tony. "Hell yeah !!" She answered as they started to drive out the small parking and followed Rick's van, catching the attention of around a dozen walkers.

"Those roll-up doors at the front of the door facing the street-- Meet us there and be ready." Glenn said into his walkie, the threw it at Tony, who caught it. "Keep that with you, don't lose it." He said, Tony nodded and slid it into her pocket, the speaker and antenna sticking out. Looking ahead, she noticed Glenn began to pass Rick's moving van. "To the right!" Tony said, making Glenn turn and make a slight drift before going into the street. "Nice driving." Tony sarcastically yet jokingly said, looking at all the walkers who's attention they had caught. Glenn scoffed, "Like you can do better." He said. Tony dramatically acted offended, making a fake gasp. They both chuckled after a second but immediately went back to being serious and focusing on their task.

They finally drive to where the roll-up doors were...... Except Glenn had to slam the brakes since he nearly passed it. "Go in reverse, we can easily drift forward once they're following us." Tony said, taking out her nearly empty beretta and aimed it out Glenn's window, it being broken and she didn't want him getting bit. Glenn started to go in reverse, turning into the street. He stopped right in front of the roll-ups and waited a bit, nervously glancing behind him.

In less than a minute, the walkers ran towards the car, banging on it and trying to get to where the two were. "Back up a bit, lead them out!" Tony yelled over her shoulder as she shot a walker that had tried to reach into the car and grab Glenn. Glenn did so, but instead he only slowed then sped up. The walkers followed him, abandoning the roll-up doors. "Now?" He asked, as he began to slow down again. "Just a bit more..." Tony said, wanting to ensure nearly every walker had gone. "Now!?" Glenn asked again, his voice raising. "Hold on!!" Tony shouted back, shooting another walker.

That bullet was just what they needed to get nearly all the walkers attention. "NOW!!!" She yelled, Glenn immediately pressing on the gas and launching them back. Glenn turned the wheel, turning the car around completely and shifted into drive. He pressed the gas again, hearing the tires screech as they drove away, with a huge group of walkers chasing them. This only continued for about 30 seconds before they lost the walkers and drove onto the highway, alarm still blaring.

Both Tony and Glenn sat back in their seats, eyes wide and mouths as straight as a ruler. As if they had read one another's minds, they both slowly turned to each other, eyes still wide. "Did we seriously just do that?" Glenn asked, a small smile on his face as he talked. Tony nodded, "We just escaped the city alive, in a red Dodge Challenger, and we are now heading back to camp." She answered, a small smile on her face as she talked to him. Just as slow as they turned towards each other, they turned back into their own position.

After a minute of silence, they did the only the only thing that seemed needed at the moment.



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