World of possibilities (Camre...

By 5havidreader

309K 10.2K 3.2K

Camila Cabello is a sassy and outgoing social worker. With the world at her feet, Lauren Jauregui a rough Chi... More

Plans for change
Flirting with danger and getting to know you...
Saving a life
Paying it forward
Beginning of a hard day
I smell a dirty....
Being worthy of more
Sacrifices for the innocent
Dreams and endless possibilities
Rub downs and words of wisdom
Pushing too hard
Knocking some sense into you
Fuck now, date later?
Scares and meaningful words
Plans and plots of revenge
Preparing to fight back
It's a start
New experiences
The Drop Off
Whose The Bitch Now?!
Hall Of Fame
Deserving Eachother
Matrimonial demands
World Of Possibilities

Looking forward to someday...

9.6K 364 102
By 5havidreader

Camila blinked awake as the EMT's were wheeling her into the hospital, Stacy and Zayn jogging beside them.

The blonde female EMT looked down at her, noticing her eyes awake and alert, and started to assure her that everything was going to be okay.

"Everything is going fine Miss Cabello. You loss consciousness from the blood loss and shock. We'll get some blood in you and stitch you right up." The EMT assured her with a smile.

Camila looked at her as a wave of dizziness hit her again, and whined,"I feel like I'm gonna throw up, whatever you have to do, do it quick."

The EMT wheeled her into the ER and quickly informed the doctor and nurses waiting to work on her. They transferred her to another bed, and started hooking her up to a blood bag, Zayn having already told them Camila's type just in case.

Camila swatted hands away from her and said,"You check Stacy either first or at the same time. But Not after. No ones touching me until you look at Stacy."

The teenager blinked, and went to protest, but Camila gave her a look of silence, and authority.

The nurses called another doctor, and they set Stacy up in the area next to Camila so she could monitor everything that was done to Stacy. The teenager didn't know what to think or to say.

She watched as nurses fussed over her, barely paying attention while the doctors cleaned the gash along Camila's arm, the gash she got by sacrificing herself for a sixteen year old girl she barely knew.

Stacy's ribs were bruised, but not broken, but her face was badly bruised and her shoulder dislocated, along with a few knick's on her neck from the knife, and a busted lip. All in all she was okay, much better than her foster father was that's for sure....

She saw him as she entered the ambulance, and when she had asked Zayn about it, he said it was all Camila.

Her social worker was seriously tough, but then she was technically one of them, Stacy thought to herself with a smile.

Through out their exam's Camila had fallen asleep, only waking up when she heard shouts coming from inside her room.

Opening her eyes, she saw Ally and two other social workers, arguing with Stacy.

"We need to get you into your new home so you can rest, and sleep Stacy." Ally soothed gently.

"Not until Mila, I mean Camila wakes up. I have to say thank you. She saved me. I have to say thank you before I go anywhere else." begged Stacy, secretly afraid to leave her social worker.

The blonde teen cried, breaking Camila's heart. In that moment, as she listened to the heart felt cries of the teen, and remembered the trust the girl had in her, she realized maybe she saved this girl for a reason.

"W-wait." Camila croaked, trying to clear her dry mouth.

The room froze, and Camila stared into Stacy's eyes, trying to get herself to focus on anything but her body wanting sleep.

"I want her, and some juice if you've got it." Camila croaked smiling faintly.

Zayn quickly got his boss some orange juice the doctor left for her, and Camila drank it down, already feeling her body waking up after the second swallow.

Once she had drank a full glass, Camila had Zayn scoot her back so she was sitting up in her bed, better to see everyone.

"What do you mean you want her?" asked Ally confused, releasing her hold on the teen, and focusing on Camila.

"I want to foster her. I've already got Ericka, they can keep each other company, and its not like I don't have a big enough house, and there's plenty of adults around to keep watch over her." Camila said feeling her strength returning, and grabbing the bag of take out Zayn was offering her.

Camila greedily, ripped the container open and went to take a bite, when she froze, she glared at Zayn asking,"Did Stacy eat?"

Zayn nodded and said,"Yeah, while you were passed out."

Camila nodded in approval, and then proceeded to devour her panda express happily.

Stacy said nothing, she just stood frozen in shock at the fact that someone like Camila would actually want to foster her, when she didn't have to.

"But Mila, Ericka will eventually go to Lauren when she gets approved for a foster license. Stacy is sixteen, if you foster her now, she'll be with you until you decide for her replacement." Ally warned, looking at her friend as if she lost her mind.

Camila shrugged and said,"So? It's not like I'll make her go anywhere else. She's sixteen, the chances of getting adopted are non existent, and even then I never trust people who want teenagers, unless their like hippies or something. She'll be fine after Ericka leaves. Besides, once everyone leaves, it'll just be me and the staff in that obnoxious house. It would be nice to have some company. Before this whole crazy stuff happened, I assumed I would eventually foster and adopt, hence the license. I've followed Stacy's case since it landed on my desk, this would be her eleventh home in four years, and before that she was in a orphanage. She needs stability. I have that. It's a win win."

Camila had shoved beef and broccoli in her mouth, when Stacy blurted out,"Whats in it for you?"

Chewing quick, Camila tilted her head, and swallowed before she asked,"What do you mean?"

Stacy fidgeted, and said,"Your rich, and beautiful. If you wanted a kid, any guy would make that happen. Why would you want someone broken staying in your nice house. I mean your young, ya know? Things can happen for you."

Camila dropped her fork, and sighed staring softly into Stacy's eyes.

"You can have all the money in the world and be alone. I raised my sister for years, and now she's in law school, and I'm alone in a empty house. I'm a lesbian, so ew on the finding a guy and knocking me up." Camila said scrunching her nose in disgust, making Stacy and the other women laugh, as Zayn coughed with a blush.

"But the fact that you think that you somehow are unworthy of being a part of my family, makes me think that I'm doing the right thing in fostering you. Who cares if I'm pretty and rich, what is that worth in the real world? Me being kind and smart is worth more to me than looks that will fade, and money that can't buy happiness. Just give it a chance, if you don't like it, I'll personally find you a place you will like. I promise." Camila reasoned with a faint smile.

The social worker, watched as blue eyes met hers, that swam with tears. Stacy sniffled, finally nodding her head in agreement.

"Okay. But no hard feelings if you want to send me back." Stacy mumbled insecurely.

Camila snorted and said,"Like I said at the opening of the Cabello foundation... I haven't even begun to give up on you. Besides, you got nothing on my sister Sofie. She was a terror, and put me through the mill. I'm sure you'll be okay. I'm a veteran in trouble maker, bring on your worse."

Stacy burst out laughing, and shook her head at Camila's antics.

"Even if you want to foster her Mila, you have to wait till tomorrow when the doctor releases you, so we still have to find her a place tonight." Ally said gently trying not to ruin the mood.

Camila waved her hand, turned to Zayn and said,"Get my discharge papers please."

Zayn immediately got up, already knowing that when Camila said something she meant it. He hurried out of the room, as the other woman looked at the woman eating casually in her bed with looks of disbelief.

There was some arguing, and a doctor marched into the room in frustration.

"Miss Cabello, you lost a lot of blood, and received fifty six stitches, I highly recommend you staying over night in case their complications." The doctor said in exasperation.

Camila gave the doctor a smile as she raised her eyebrows as she said,"Complications from stitches? I think I'll be fine. I would like to leave now. Either discharge me, or I'll be ripping this IV out, and walking out on my own and you can fax me the discharge papers. Your choice doctor."

The man's face turned red in frustration as he huffed, leaving the room, motioning Zayn to follow him to give him the papers. Minutes later a nurse came in, and started unhooking the IV's.

"Where are my clothes?" asked Camila with a smile.

The nurse froze and said,"They had blood on them, we didn't know if you wanted them, so we saved them for the police to have."

"The police are aware of the incident, and hardly need my clothes as evidence. I'd like them back, because waiting an hour for new ones will just be annoying." Camila said with a smile.

The nurse nodded and walked towards a cabinet in the room that held the bag of her clothes, and handed them to Camila with a nervous smile.

Camila thanked her and hobbled to the restroom, almost stumbling when she felt hands grip her, helping her across the room. Looking up, she saw Stacy helping her, and smiled at the teen, thanking her before entering the restroom to get dressed.

Stacy turned to Ally and asked,"Is she really like this all the time? Nice?"

Ally smiled at the teen and nodded with a smile.

"Mila's always been like this. She's the best social worker we have, because she cares more than anyone I've ever seen in this job. I think it has to do with the fact that she moved from home to home just like kids like you. She understands foster kids on a level that the rest of try but never seem to reach. She'll do her best by you. When Mila makes a promise, she keeps it unless she's forced not to." Ally answered honestly, smiling at the teen as she saw her tense shoulder relax for the first time since their encounter.

Camila came out of the restroom, dressed in her bloody clothes, and Ally fidgeted nervously, knowing Camila was likely to get angry at her next words.

"Um... Mila." Ally hesitated nervously.

Camila looked up with a scrunched nose after glaring at her ruined clothes and asked,"Whats up Ally cat?"

"Well... You see, we assumed you would be discharged tomorrow, so we sent some worker to get Ericka in Lauren's room." Ally said nervously.

Camila froze, narrowing her eyes, when realization hit her that they had sent someone to take Ericka from her.

"When did they leave?" demanded Camila angrily.

"Twenty minutes ago." Ally answered fidgeting.

Camila grabbed Stacy's hand, and jogged out of the room, rushing to the elevators with the teen following behind her.

She slammed her hands down on Lauren's floor, and as soon as the elevators opened, they heard shouts of anger from two woman and a crying teen.

Rushing to the room, she saw Normani and Lauren in front of a worker, blocking Ericka from her.

"Hold it!" Yelled Camila rushing into the room.

The three adults and teen gasped at Camila confusing her, until she realized she had on her bloody clothes, with her arm covered in bandages. Some drugs they gave her, she barely felt a sting.

"I have been discharged, and will be leaving with Ericka and Stacy. You do not need to take her. I am fine." Camila ordered in her no nonsense tone.

The social worker nodded, and quickly left the room, intimidated by the glare Camila shot their way.

"Mila what happened to you!?" exclaimed Ericka worried.

Camila looked down, shrugging as she said,"Hazards of the job. I'm okay. Just a couple stitches."

"You look like hell." Normani stated concerned.

Camila waved her off as she huffed, "I'll be fine. Ready to get out of here? Cause I'm feeling some of Jenny's pie right about now."

Ericka laughed exclaiming,"You would be thinking about food as bloody as you are."

Camila smiled and said,"Injured people got to eat too. Besides, I lost a lot of blood, might as well give my body what it wants."

"Are you sure you shouldn't stay? I mean, from the blood on your clothes, you lost a lot." Normani said worried.

"There's no way I'm staying here, it smells like old people and old medicine." Camila said scrunching her nose in disgust.

Normani rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Just like Lo. She wont stay either." Normani groaned in annoyance.

"I've been here for a month too long, I want to go home." Lauren defended in frustration.

Camila shot Normani and Ericka a look and threw her hands up in frustration as she groaned,"You didn't tell her?"

Both girls looked away guilty, and Camila scowled muttering,"Leave me to do the dirty work."

Lauren looked at them confused as she slowly said,"Whats going on?"

Camila sighed and said,"About going home...."

Camila spent twenty minutes explaining to Lauren that her family, and multiple others were staying with her, due to the danger of returning home.

Lauren's face contorted into confusion, anger and then fury.

A nurse entered the room with Lauren's doctor in tow, and Lauren angrily snapped,"I want my discharge papers now. I don't give a damn if I just woke up, I'm getting the hell out of here now."

The doctor that had been treating Camila, was also unfortunately Lauren's primary doctor. He looked at Camila, and all she did was raise her eyebrow in challenge, and the doctor huffed, marching out of the room to get Lauren's discharge papers.

Stacy looked at both woman and mumbled,"A match made in heaven."

She thought she had whispered it, but everyone heard from the quietness of the room, which caused Camila and Lauren to blush, while Ericka and Normani giggled.

"So who are you kid?" asked Normani curiously.

Stacy tensed and quietly said,"Um.. Camila's new foster kid."

Ericka peeked out from behind Lauren and Normani and smiled widely.

"Me too! We can share a room, its massive and kinda scary if you stay in one by yourself, but the beds are like the best ever! They're like those hotel ones that are nice and fluffy." Ericka exclaimed beaming a smile.

"I wouldn't know." whispered Stacy nervously.

Camila face softened into a soft smile, and she threw her injured arm around Stacy's shoulders, wincing slightly as she said,"You'll love it. Along with Jenny's pie. It's heaven in your mouth. We'll get you some clothes tomorrow, for now, I'm sure Ericka has some pajamas she hasn't worn yet."

Ericka snorted as she said,"Well yeah. You got me enough clothes to last me for like ever. And she's skinnier than me so they'll fit since I'm kinda tall."

Stacy giggled, as Camila scowled.

"You can never have too many clothes!" Camila exclaimed dramatically.

"Too true girl." Normani said raising her hands in praise, making the room fill with laughter.

Lauren smiled for a minute, until it dropped, remembering her best friend. No one noticed but Camila, and she sent the woman a sympathetic smile.

Breathing deeply, Camila said,"Well, I'll have Zayn see if he has any work out clothes in the car for you."

Camila left the room after receiving a thanks from Lauren, and left to see if she could find something to dress the green eyed girl in so they could go home.


Lauren entered the mansion, after having gaping at its massive size, and silently asked herself why someone would even want something so obnoxiously large.

Camila stood next to the raven haired detective, as if she just read her mind and said,"Obnoxiously big right? It's been in the family a long time or I would have sold it years ago."

Lauren nodded, and followed Camila and the two teens into the kitchen where Lauren froze at the sight of her mother cooking on Camila's stove with her sister Taylor, as Chris and her father laughed at some joke they just heard.

When the Jauregui's noticed Lauren slowly enter the kitchen, they all froze and then proceeded to scream as tears of joy started to run down their faces.

They gathered around Lauren, Hugging her tightly, forgetting about her stitched wounds that were still tender.

Lauren cried silently, as she held her mother, receiving kisses to her cheeks from both her mother and father, and whispered 'I love you' from her siblings.

The kitchen filled with smiles and laughter, and Lauren couldn't help but feel the absence of her best friend as she looked a those who loved her beyond measure.

Once they had detattached themselves from Lauren, the Jauregui's noticed the bloody and bandaged Camila, and bruised teen next to her.

"Mila what happened?!" exclaimed Clara as she frantically searched the woman for the injuries that would have produced the blood that had seeped into her clothes.

"Just a hazard of the Job. This is Stacy, I'll be fostering her from now on. She's had a hard day, I'll explain my appearance after I shower and change, and get her situated. If you guys see Jenny, can you see if she can send up some pie? We've had a hard day, and it would hit the spot just right." Camila said tiredly.

"Of course sweetheart, you can show Lauren her room too. I'll bring the chikita some ice packs, it should bring down the swelling some. Go relax, we can talk tomorrow before work." Clara said ushering the girls out of the kitchen.

Camila, Ericka and Normani led Lauren and Stacy into the private elevator, and the two watched in fascination as the screen read Camila's palm.

Noticing Stacy's fidgety nature, Camila leaned over and whispered,"You okay?"

Stacy jumped and relaxed when she noticed it was Camila talking to her.

"Yeah. Everyone just seems so loving and nice." Stacy whispered confused.

Camila smiled, and gently took the teens hands in hers.

"It was hard for me too. You'll get used to it. I was lucky enough to have my sister Sofie to keep me company when I got lonely. We never got separated luckily, mainly because I refused to go anywhere without her, but you don't have to worry about being around mean or hurtful people again. If I can help it from happening, I will. Whether you turn eighteen or not, you'll always have a home with me. That's a promise. I know you wont believe it now, but you will someday." Camila whispered with a smile.

Stacy looked at Camila tearfully as she whispered,"I'll look forward to someday then."

Camila smiled, and gently squeezed the girls hand in reassurance, not noticing the piercing green eyes that were watching the whole exchange with a look of adoration.


A/N: Happy thanks giving ppl! I'll try to proof read in the future. Sorry for the miss steps.

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