His Baby {completed}

By jewel_louise

5.6M 139K 120K

{EDITING IN PROGRESS} She left me when I was locked away, taking my heart and something else I didn't know a... More

Story Disclaimer/ Rant??
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part 1
Chapter 18: Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: Part 1
Chapter 22: Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part one
Chapter 25: Part two
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The decision

Chapter 1

332K 8.5K 9.4K
By jewel_louise


***Eve POV***

A knock sounded at the front door of the house. For a split second my heart jumped in panic. Calm down Eve. He isn't out yet. There is no way that he has gotten out.

Taking a deep breath I walked over to the front door and sighed in relief when I seen Justin's face through the peep hole. Justin was my next door neighbor in the suburban community. With his great humor and outgoing personality we quickly became great friends in the short time I was here in Salem, NY.

Smiling I opened the door. "Hey you!" Justin drawled out as he hugged me. "I just wanted to come and check in on you." He finished smiling. I never went into detail of my past with Justin. But I did tell him that my baby's father was not in our lives due to his life style.

Ever since Justin found out that I was pregnant upon moving out here and meeting him, he made it a habit to check on me just about every evening. Even though I knew poor Justin was no match against the people in the life I ran away from, it still made me feel a little safe that someone had me in mind.

I waved him inside. "Thank you Justin, I made some cookies earlier to take the veterinarian clinic tomorrow but I have made more then what I actually needed. You are more than welcome to the extras." I said with a smile.

"Damn girl you know me well. What I wouldn't give to have those cookies of yours." He flirted looking me over with his grey eyes. Smacking him in the shoulder I just rolled my eyes. Justin was such a flirt but he was also very kind hearted and didn't mean half of what came out of his mouth.

I quickly packaged up his cookies. "Sorry about my appearance, I was just heading to bed. My little munchkin is already asleep so I need to take advantage of that." I said with a little laugh.

He just chuckled "I'm not complaining love." He said eying me up and down. I sucked my teeth and stamped my foot "You are such a whore." I teased rolling my eyes.

"But seriously, Eve everything is good over here? I am only asking because I haven't been seeing much of you." Justin said throwing his hands up in innocence at the scowl I was making.

I nodded and sat at the kitchen island as I rested my chin on my hand looking over at him. "I decided to take on some more over time at the animal clinic. I could use the extra cash." I explained smiling weakly.

"You know I am here if you need me for anything right?" Justin asked with a soft expression. I nodded suddenly feeling a little emotional. He stepped forward and wrapped me into his big arms. "Don't kill yourself trying to be superwoman okay?" He whispered.

Nodding my head I returned his hug. "I am fine Justin." I said. He lifted a hand to caress my cheek. "Okay." He said in a husky voice. At the sudden lust filled tone of his voice, I looked up in shock.

Justin stood next to my bar stool at his full height of 6'1. His sandy blonde hair was cut short and jelled into a sexy spiky hair style. Justin was adorable in a boy next store kind of way.

He suddenly cleared his throat and stepped back "I will be by tomorrow to take my two favorite ladies out to dinner. No if ands or buts!" Justin said in a mock British accent wiggling his brows.

I threw my head back and laughed. "You got it!" I said deciding in that moment that I needed to get out more and it would be nice to hang out with Justin and catch up with him and bring Olivia along.

Closing the door behind Justin once he left, I made sure all the locks were secured in place. After having Olivia I had become even more paranoid. Nightmares of my ex fiancée coming back started consuming my nights ever since I had my baby. God I know he has to be pissed!

By now Jason, his business partner and best friend, must have told him I was gone. I found out I was pregnant the day Alex was arrested. I remember feeling so alone and scared. I couldn't run to my family and involve them in this mess. If someone tried to target me and I was with them, they would be in just as much danger.

I knew I couldn't have a baby and live the type of lifestyle Alex lived. The baby would never be safe and  I would always be in fear that someone would take my beautiful girl and use her against us. Olivia would forever be a target for anyone who wanted to retaliate.

With me leaving, I know that Alex would see this as a form of betrayal. Shaking my head tears begun to run down my face. I loved him. Hell I still did but I love Olivia more. She is what matters the most to me. I have never envisioned this kind of life for myself.

A life of having a child out of wedlock with my baby's father in jail on charges of burglary and assault and having to run away from him because I knew he would never let me go. Not alive anyway.

With being a single mother and not relaying on anyone for anything, I have to take on odd hours at the 24/7 hour veterinarian clinic as a vet tech in order to make ends meet.

As tough as my constant struggle is, I do not regret having Olivia. Being a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. With Alex's release date drawing nearer fear and worry has become a constant companion of mine. I hated constantly having to look over my shoulder and worry whether this day or the next would be the day he found us.

I often thought about the possibility of Alex finding us, that if he found us what would he do in his anger of me leaving and not telling him that he is a father? Would he even want to be a father?

It hurt me mostly to know that Olivia most likely won't know her father. Growing up I didn't have the luxury of a white Pickett fence childhood and I always envisioned and promised myself that I would make sure to give my future kids a stable environment and family to grow in if I decided to have any.

Alex wasn't exactly father material. He was a fucking enforcer for the mob for Christ sake. Suddenly feeling incredibly depressed I walked through the house's hallway. Opening the first room door I peeked in on Olivia.

My little coconut. She was a beautiful mixture of Alex and I. Her head full of brown curly hair poked out of the top of her knitted crib cover. When her now closed eyes were open it was a beautiful blue gray color. The same color as her father's eyes. Her skin was a beautiful tan golden color. The perfect medium between our two complexions.

Moving the cover back some, my heart filled with love as I looked upon her sweet face. Her little pink pouty lips were pursed and quivered in a smile as she slept.

I smiled at her sleepy smile. Growing up my grandmother told me that whenever babies smile in their sleep it was because they were dreaming of angels. I don't know how true that saying was but I loved the idea of it.

Leaning forward over the dark wooden crib I kissed her soft curls and stroked her little back. Brushing my tears away I quietly walked out closing her door softly behind me.

I need to get some sleep. I am working a double at the animal hospital tomorrow. I would have to drop Olivia off to Mrs. Anderson first thing in the morning. Mrs. Anderson was a retired school teacher down the street who took care of Olivia for me while I was away at work. Through her help I was able to work as much as I did. The 65 year old elderly woman was practically family to us.

Stepping into my room with a yarn I closed the door behind me. Flipping off my room light, I made my way over to my bed. A rough callused hand clasp over my mouth and drew me roughly into a hard body. Panic flooded me.

Omg Olivia! I can't let whoever this is get to my baby! I thought in panic. Kicking and struggling in his iron grasped, I prayed. I quickly prayed that he wouldn't kill me leaving my child an orphan or worse hurt my baby.

With all my weight I back pedaled screaming into his hand. I landed heavily into him as his back hit the closet door behind us. He let out a loud grunt. I turned quickly in his arms as he was knocked off balance, and brought a knee up hard to his groin. Taking the advantage of his loosened grip I turned and started to run forward reaching for the baseball bat that was laying not too far away beside my bed.

Before I could reach the bat, my hair that fell out of my scarf in the struggle was yanked causing me to scream as I was thrown against the floor.

"Is that how you greet me after so long sweetheart?" Sneered out Alex with his heavy German accent in the dark. Oh dear god no! I tried to scramble up but was knocked back down with a blow to the side of my head. My breath left out of my body from the blow.

Unconsciousness threaten to consume me but I fought it as I curled up into a ball. I had to stay awake for her. I had to get away from him and get to Olivia somehow.

Thinking of Olivia's sweet face I quickly mustered up the strength and rolled to the side and pushed off of the ground to my feet facing the beautiful devil who I was once so head over heels in love with.

A evil laugh sounded out in the dark "Come on babe what you want to do huh? You think you can take daddy on?" Alex taunted.

How dare he? Anger consumed me as I thought of all the shit I had to go through because of his trifling ass and he had the nerve to come up in my house and put his hands on me?!

The moonlight from my window provided the only light in my room. I couldn't see his face but I could make out his figure. Glancing out to the side I knew the baseball bat was too far away now. I had a knife under my pillow as well but I definitely wouldn't be able to make it that far. If I could get past him I could run into Olivia's room and lock myself in there. Inside Olivia's room was an emergency phone.

I'm going to fuck him up. I thought. Growling I charged him and tackled him to the ground. I know my small frame didn't cause him to fall. He most likely fell more out of shock then anything. Violence is not even in my character but I am like a momma bear when it comes to my baby.

Landing on his chest I started punching any part of him that I could get. A curse and a grunt from Alex came as a result of me catching him in the jaw and in the side of his head. "That's enough!" He screamed. Grabbing my arms, he quickly turned his body ending up on top of me sitting back on my legs so that I was immobile.

I still bucked in squirmed without success. "As much as I enjoyed your surprising little display of courage angel I am running low on patience. You are coming back home with me." Alex yelled.

"No! I do not want to go back to the city with you Alex. So you can just get up and take your crazy ass back to the city because I am_" before I could finish my rant a heavy slap cut off my words. I screamed out in pain as my head knocked back into my bedroom floor.

Leaning forward Alex grabbed my chin and squeezed down causing me to cry out once again. "Did I fucking ask you what you wanted Eve?" He growled out as his fingers tighten even more. I whimpered as he roughly nudge my head back letting go of my chin.

A sudden small cry rang out into the quiet house. "What the fuck?!" Alex shouted getting up off of me, turning his head to and fro trying to locate the cries. Panic exploded in my chest. With Alex off of me I jumped forward and out into the hallway. Running as fast as I could. I was able to get to the room and opened it.

As I was closing Olivia's door to shut it Alex was there pushing it open. "Alex please go away!" I shouted in fear.

"Eve if you don't fucking get away from this door I swear to god you are going to not be able to sit down for a fucking month! Move!" He screamed out in rage. All of the screaming caused Olivia to cry harder.

"No! I won't allow you to hurt her!" I screamed out in fear and frustration.

"What the fuck Eve?! Is that a baby?! Why the fuck would I hurt a baby?!!!" Alex shouted. With his shout he shouldered his way into the room.

I quickly ran over to the crib and lifted the crying baby into my arms curling my body around my child. Olivia quickly started to settle down once she was in my arms. I watched Alex advance further into the room with the feeling of fear and dread like a rock in my stomach.

The lights flickered on in the room and I buried Olivia in my arms clasping her tighter to my shaking body. Alex stood in just in front of the door with the his head almost touching the ceiling with his 6'4 height. Damn he still looked just as tasty in his black on black outfit completed with a leather jacket. His muscles were bigger. I guess that came with the fact he was in prison for the past year and a half and had little else to do but workout. His hair was shaved on the sides with the middle gelled back.

His face held a shock expression as he took in the sight of me and the now quiet baby in. His mouth was agape as he looked from me to the baby. Closing his mouth he began to pace back and forth and run his hands through his hair over and over again.

"No fucking way." He kept repeating over and over. Finally he turned to me after several minutes of whispering to himself. Wearing a determined expression he stepped forward. I quickly stepped back. "Stay back Alex. Actually no. You need to leave." I forced out between clenched teeth.

"Are you kidding me?! That's my child! That's my fucking kid. I am not going any fucking where!" He hissed out in anger with a beet red face and hands balled in fist.

"She isn't your child. She is my child." I hissed back. Alex paused and threw his head back and laughed "So I guess you fucked yourself and became pregnant. Is that what you telling me sweetheart?"

I remained silent. And attempted to walk around him. He quickly blocked me from leaving the room. "I don't think so Eve." He growled out. "Let me hold her." He demanded stepping up close to me.

"No!" I shouted causing Olivia to whimper. I started to shake uncontrollably.

"You need to calm the fuck down! You are scaring her with all of this carrying on. She is our fucking baby for Christ sake! I am not going to hurt her or take her from you." Alex hissed out.

My eyesight blurred with tears as they spilled over onto my cheeks and I clung to Olivia burying my nose into her curls. Alex's hand roughly brushed away my tears on my cheeks as he clucked softly in disproval. "Stop this nonsense Eve. You are doing way too much." Alex said in a whisper.

"I will not hurt her or take her from you Schätzchen." Alex crooned as he gently wrapped his big hands around our baby in my arms. Exhausted from fighting and not wanting to start a tug of war with my child I released her. I internally fought the panic that was threatening to consume me at the sight of her in her dangerous father's arms.

Alex gently cradled Olivia to his chest and upon looking into her little face he did the most unexpected thing. Alex, the executioner. The mob's grim reaper. The end of all ends. The man who could kill anyone. The man who made all men who knew of him shiver in their boots. This big ass tough overgrown man started to cry.

I stood in shock as I stared at Alex crying and cuddling our baby. He crooned and soothed to her in German. I stood there dumb founded. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel anything as I watched the man who use to be the love of my life be emotional upon meeting his baby. Our baby. It did soften my heart.

While still holding Olivia, he suddenly stepped forward to me and leaned down and kissed my lips. "Thank you for being a mother to my child and for keeping her safe." He rasped out. I nodded my head feeling a fresh new set of tears come to.

"What's her name and how old?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"Her name is Olivia and she just turned 6 months." I whispered back.

My fear and panic eased over the next 45 minutes as I watched him talk to Olivia gently in his native tongue as he placed kisses and soft touches on her face. As it was time to put her to bed, he watched me change her diaper and I allowed him to feed her. After laying her gently back in the crib after Olivia fell asleep on Alex' chest. My arm was grabbed in a painful grip.

"We need to talk Schätzchen." Alex growled out. Tired I nodded my head. He took my hand and led me back to my bedroom. Closing the door of the bedroom once we entered, Alex jerked met around to face him.

"So you never was going to tell me about my baby Eve? Is this the reason why you left me?" Alex hissed through clenched teeth.

"My baby." I corrected with a sniff looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Don't fucking play with me woman. I am not in the mood." He said as he stepped forward menacingly. Tired of fighting him at the moment and scared for the future, I replied "I was scared Alex. I know. I know it's not an excuse but what you expected me to do? You were arrested the day I found out I was pregnant! I had no one!"

"Don't give me that bullshit! You should have told me. I could have had you protected. If someone dared to even go for you they would have succeeded by you leaving out of my protection you fucking fool!" Alex hissed with a finger pointing in my face.

Looking into his face I whispered back fiercely "I am not going back with you Alex."

"Yes you and the baby will come back with me and that's final. Don't fuck with me Eve because you will not win." Alex said louder looking at me with death in his eyes.

Sighing I turned away from him deciding to drop the matter for now. This shit wasn't going anywhere and personally I wasn't going to argue for hours into the night. Glancing at the clock it was already a quarter until midnight.

Fuck him. I'm going to sleep. After seeing him with Olivia I was reassured that he could never hurt her. Clearly she already had him wrapped around her little finger. It made me feel better that he took the news so well and that he wasn't planning on ripping my baby from my arms. If I don't know anything else about Alex I know that he keeps his word and that his word was bond.

Moving to the bed I pushed back the comforter and sat down on the bed. "Alex I am exhausted. I do not wish to fight with you anymore. I need to get some sleep. There is a guest room across the hall from this room. You are welcome to stay there." I said yawning.

Alex looked at me for a moment before he started stripping out of his clothes. "Alex what are you doing?" I asked annoyed as fuck at this point.

"I am getting ready for bed Schätzchen. I am not going to sleep in a fucking guest room. Your bed is big enough for the both of us." Alex stated matter of factly. Rolling my eyes I turned over on my side away from him.

Peeking back over my shoulder I saw that Alex had stripped down to his black boxer briefs. Good lord this man was something else. His tattoos which covered most of his body was on full display and his muscles clenched and moved as he walked to cut off the room's light. My body instantly grew hot and my mouth watered. Fuck me.

Ugh calm your ass down. I thought in disgust.

Once the lights in the room was out, Alex slid into the bed next to me. I was then tugged into his body as he held me tightly. This annoyed the hell out of me but at the same time it felt nice to be held from not being held for so long. As I drifted off to sleep I felt a gently kiss on my temple.

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