Percy Jackson Preferences and...

By IISilverEyesII

111K 1.8K 1.1K

Percy Jackson preferences and one-shots! Includes PJ and HoO characters. Warning: Feels. Disclaimer: I do no... More

Requests Page
How You Meet (Part I)
How You Meet (Part II)
You Meet Again (Part II)
What Your Friends Say About Him
What His Friends Say About You
When He Asks You Out (Part I)
Merry Christmas
Christmas One-Shot (Leo)
New Year's (Lukabeth Oneshot)
4k Author's Note
Favorites Tag
Percy - @drinkthatsoda
Nico - @Jadewonders
Connor - @dancer7103
15k Author's Note
Author's Note
Cynthia-Rose12 - Nico
Scars - Percy
Sick - Nico
Jason - Rainy Days
Percy - Makeover

You Meet Again (Part I)

8.6K 146 261
By IISilverEyesII


Ever since you had went to live with your aunt's family at age ten, you knew something was wrong. They watched you constantly, hardly ever letting you out of their sight, and never said more than a couple of short sentences to you at a time.

Aside from this, you simply felt unsafe. You were always jumpy, easy to startle. And the night of your eleventh birthday, it was revealed why.

You had gone to the library down the road that night to finish up some homework, and thus came home late. You had came in the back door so quietly that they did not hear you.

However, you had heard them in a spare room which you were never allowed in for now obvious reasons. You had peeked in to seem them sharpening their knives and starting the large fire, stating that the 'little brat they had adopted' was now 'plump enough to eat.'

Hearing this, you ran away from that home, barely escaping the clutches of the hungry cyclops that could act.

Needless to say, the fact that you had just discovered some mythical creature freaked you out. Thankfully, you had found a protector, your now-best-friend Grover, not long after that in a safehouse him in some others had made previously.

Today was the day that you had finally agreed to go to this camp you had talked about with him. Grover claimed that it was secure and safe. Much safer than any temporary home they could build for protection.

"How far away did you say it was from here, Grover?" You questioned yet again. "About twenty more minutes away, on Long Isle Beach. Twenty minutes assuming you keep up." He yelled from aways up. You were sludging along today, unsure about this camp. What if this was no different from the cyclops' house.

You hadn't noticed that Grover had stopped, waiting for you to catch up. "Hey, everything's going to be alright. Just stick by me and you'll be fine. Okay?"

You took a deep breath, "Okay."

>>> <<<

"Not okay! NOT OKAY!" You had just climbed the top of the hill, eyeing the golden fleece resting on a nearby pine tree. You, being you, was wondering how soft it really was. I mean sure, it looked comfy, but the curiosity was too great. When you had reached out to feel it, a dragon popped up out of nowhere and started throwing its fire breath around.

"I thought you said these people wouldn't fight us!" You yelled back at Grover who was currently racing down the hill behind you, attempting to pat out the flames on his legs. Apparently, goat fur was more flammable than you would have thought.

"He couldn't do that last time I was here!"

You were finally at the bottom of the hill, out of breath, but with no dragon on your tail.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you okay?"

You just nodded, too tired to respond.

"Okay, good. Let's go to the big house."

>>> <<<

You had continued on to the big house to meet Chiron and Mr. D. They had preceded to tell you everything thing that Grover didn't, everything about the Gods, your father, the monsters and why they attacked you.

They had let you stay in a room at the big house that night, deeming that it was too late to wake the Hermes cabin and that you needed a more private place to stay for right now.

When you had woken up, you found yourself in a tangle of sheets, blankets, and pillows. You attempted to get out of bed, but only succeeded in dragging the majority of the covers towards the door with your still half asleep self. When you tried to take a step out the door, you ended up falling face first onto the hardwood floor. Oomph.

"Owf," came your muffled response from ground.

"Struggle much?" You heard a voice chirp above you.

"I wiff hurf fu." You looked up from your spot on the ground and glared at the who was snickering down at you.

"Mmkay then. If you can catch me." he grinned mischievously like a child, irking you on, trying to get you to snap and chase after him.

"You better run little boy. 'Cause when I get up, you're gonna be hurting real bad."

His grin instantly dropped and he turned, racing down the stairs while screaming, "Chiron! Grover! I made her angry! She's gonna kill me!"

You quickly got up and raced down the stairs, not even trying to control your anger. "Heck yeah, I'm gonna kill you!"

"Help!" You followed his voice into the kitchen where you found Chiron, the centaur you had met the previous night, and Grover with a cowering figure behind him.

"C'mon, Perce. What did you do this time? All I wanted you to do was see if she was awake!"

"Well, she looked pretty comfortable on the floor."

You continued on your attempt of attack on the green-eyed boy until Grover pulled you back saying, "Chillax, (Y/N). Give Percy here a break. He didn't know you went all Medusa in the mornings."


"Your name is Percy? Percy Jackson?"

The boy looked over at Grover, whose eyes were widening. "You all know each other?"

You looked over at Percy. "Yeah. A long time ago."

"Wait, wait, wait. (Y/N)? (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Yeah. Yeah it's me, Perce."

He rushed forward and hugged you tightly. "Omygods, I haven't seen you in forever!"

You hugged him back just as tight, much to Grover's amusement. You didn't like to be touched, ever. It amazed him that you hadn't punched Percy in the gut by now.

By then Percy had finally let you go and had you by the shoulders, studying your face. "You haven't changed a bit. Ha! You still have the scar I gave you!"

You chuckled, "Yeah, I don't think staplers to the forehead are good for the skin."

You both laughed together until Grover spoke up. "Well, since you two are already acquainted, would you mind showing her around camp, Percy? Juniper Iris-messaged me this morning and asked if I could help with some of the more, er, peculiar weeds."

"Yeah, no problem, man. I think we've got some catching up to do anyway." He looked over and winked at me.

Thanks, dude. I appreciate it." He started out the door and called back, "Don't kill each other while I'm gone!"

>>> <<<

You and Percy had spent the majority of the day goofing off around camp, swapping Grover stories. "I swear to God, his eyes popped halfway out of his head when he found me." You were telling him of the time Grover found you waist deep in the dumpster out in the back parking lot of McDonald's with a broken arm. You had lost your retainer when you dumped your tray, wrapped up in a napkin.

"There was a stupid mouse inside of there with me, so I jumped and ended breaking my arm and slicing part of it open. Grover started puking right then and there. After he stopped having his heart attack, he fixed up my arm and gave me some of the best tasting stuff."

"Mm." Percy took another bite out of his hamburger, "That would be ambrosia, food of the gods." He continued on chewing. After swallowing he took his fork and picked at his cheese fries. "What did it taste like to you?"


"It tastes different to whoever eats it, depending on the person. So what did you taste?"

"My mom's homemade brownies. The ones that she would make us from scratch."

"I remember when she made those. They were hands down the best brownies I have ever had. Not even my mom could make them as good as her."

"I remember her trying. I can't believe we didn't die right then."

You and Percy laughed again, letting silence reign after you both piped down. Finally, you broke it, "So how's your mom doing, anyway?"

"Oh, she got married a while back to a man named Paul Blofis. They're pretty happy where they are right now. She'd be ecstatic to see you again. You were like her second child anyways." You laughed again. "So, how are you handling it. Being a child of the gods and all that."

You say your cup of water down, looking down a bit. "A lot better than I would have a couple years ago, but there's been enough crazy in my life that it doesn't really bother me as much as it probably should." You smiled, then frowned quickly, "Although, I am wondering who my father is and why he left my mom."

You noticed a grim smile on Percy's face, "I think I'll let Chiron explain that one to you. However, it shouldn't be that long until you're claimed." He looked up above your head. "Uh-oh."

"What? What's the uh-oh about." A white mist started to surround you. "Percy?!" Your voice started to quiver, "What's happening?"

"You're being claimed! Just stay still!"

You felt yourself be lifted higher and higher up into the sky, until finally, all at once, you were lowered until you felt your feet touch the ground. Once grounded, you looked at yourself, the mist fading. You were dressed in a white, Grecian dress and your hair in curls, lying limp at your sides.

"Wow, who knew Zeus had good taste." You heard a camper comment.

"Five bucks says Aphrodite picked it out for him," another said.

"All hail (Y/N) (L/N)," you heard Percy announce, "daughter of Zeus." You looked up slowly at whatever Percy was pointing at while the campers surrounding you bowed. Above your head was a large, golden lightning bolt."


Your head jerked towards the scrawny Latino kid who screamed. "Grace has a little sister. I've gotta go tell him! You owe me ten bucks, Pipes. I knew she wasn't an Ares kid!" With that he started to run towards the cabins in the distance, but no before ramming into that Butch kid and falling on his face first.


"Okay, you little-" You slammed your hands angrily only the table, only to be stopped by your half-brother Travis.

"Language, sis!" He smirked, waving his forked breakfast around.

"Oh, don't you 'language' me. I've got a bone to pick with you two! I know it was you who did this!" You pointed at your plum colored hair, obviously in distress. The jerks has switched your shampoo out for hair dye "Do you know how hard it's gonna be to get this out?"

"We're guessing-" One started.

"Extremely hard," the other finished.

"Yep, and it's gonna be extremely hard to move after I- "

"After you what?" A new voice called out, coming up behind you. "Wow, nice hair. Very... Roman." You turned around to see the boy from yesterday, smirking.

"Well, well, well, sis."

"Who might this be?" They both raised their eyebrows, eyeing you then Jason. "You didn't tell us you were seeing someone."

Your face immediately reddened and you started stuttering, "H-He is definitely not-"

"I'm her boyfriend," He had snaked an arm around your waist, making it impossible for you to escape. "It's nice to finally meet you." He held out his hand to your brothers, shaking theirs.

"Wow, (Y/N)."

"You're finally getting serious, are you?"

"Oh, shut up." You muttered, annoyed.

"Oh, did you hear that, Connor? She didn't deny it." Travis wiggled his eyebrows while you glared up at the smirking Jason.

He bent down and whispered in your ear, "That's for pranking me yesterday." You merely frowned in response. "It took me forever to get all those feathers off."


"There you are, (Y/N)! Finally! Will's been waiting for twenty minutes now!"

"Chill out, Annabeth. We were supposed to meet at one, ten minutes ago. You both got here early. I'm just fashionably late."

Annabeth eyed your pair of jeans and camp t-shirt. "Late sure, but fashionable?"

"Oh, give me a break, Annie. We're in a Summer camp for Zeus's sake. There's not a lot of places to go shopping," you begged as she started messing with your hair, which you had  put up in a quick messy bun on the way here.

"Okay, fine." She gave a strand of hair a final tug and pushed you towards a table near the back of the dining hall. "Actually talk to him and do not start talking about Wall-e, for the gods' sake."

You turned your head sticking your tongue out at her before heading over to the table where Will was.

"Hi, I'm sorry for being late. Had a problem with a mechanics project."

"It's cool. I didn't even notice the time anyway." He lied.

"Good, good."

"So, uh, how's your day been?" Will, asked, trying to make conversation.

"It's been okay. Had a kinda rough morning. Haywire robot, ya know."


"Yeah... What about you?"

"Fine other than a new camper this morning. Almost had an arrow shot in my butt, the kid trying to be some sort of Cupid. Thankfully, they missed by an inch."

The two of you laughed before another spurt of awkward silence fell.


"You see-"

You both started at the same time, but stopped.

"You first," you urged on.

"Oh, well, you see. I've liked you for a while, so I asked Annabeth to help me out." Will rubbed his neck with his hand. "I was wondering if, I don't know, you would consider going out? With me?" He pressed his hands firmly together, waiting for your answer.

You were dumbfounded. So this wasn't just Annabeth trying to fix you up with some poor sucker. Someone actually liked you.

"Oh." You said very bluntly, trying not to let much emotion into your voice. You hated to tell him no, that you weren't looking for a relationship right now, but you really didn't want to hurt his feelings. "Well, Will, I... I-"

"Already have a boyfriend." You looked up to a figure at the table, making eye contact with the boy from earlier. He pulled up a chair from a nearby table and sat it at the table of two. "Yeah, sorry about the confusion. We haven't told anyone yet, so her sister didn't know when she set up this little meet'n'greet." He took a roll out of the appetizer basket and quickly buttered it, popping part of it in his mouth.

"Sorry about this again, man." He pat Will on the back then stood up, pushing his chair out and held out his hand to you, which you took.

"See you later, Will." You said softly and followed him out of the dining hall, passing Annabeth with her mouth in an 'o' shape.

"Thank you so much! It was starting to get really awkward in there." You were so relieved to be out of that situation, but could feel the guilt of lying to Will settling in.

"I totally get it. My friend Percy has been trying to set me up for months." Once outside, he held out his hand, "Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus"

"(Y/N) (L/N). Daughter of Athena."

"So how's that robot working out for you?"

"It was working great until earlier this afternoon. Some of Ares campers kind of fell on it while they were dueling."

He laughed, "I've had my fair share of those. If you would like any input, I'd be totally cool with helping out sometime."

You perked up, "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, how hard can it be. I did fix up a two ton pound mechanical dragon didn't I. How different can this be.

You giggled, "Sure, why not. I could definitely use some help."

Omygod, can I tell you how awesome you all are. This book has been up for barely over a day and I've already gotten several reads. Thank you so much!

So, I, unfortunately, am completely aware of house disproportional these are. I mean, Percy's has like, five pages worth and then Jason's and Leo's are just... there...

Anyway, part two coming up soon. Thank you again for reading!




C'mon, bruh. You know you wanna...

Maddie ;]

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