Mr. Lone Boy /BoyxBoy/

By DancesWithTheDevil

4.2M 176K 151K

"You can't like him, you just can't!" "I know. It's wrong, but it's how I feel and I can't freaking control t... More

Jake's Story


73.3K 3.3K 1.9K
By DancesWithTheDevil

His fingers were all I felt when I woke up.

They touched the bare skin on my back lightly, tracing invisible lines down my side and unrecognizable shapes at the base of my spine.

I shivered, twisting around to face him.

He leaned against his hand and said, "Good morning."

Green eyes were my new favorite thing. Screw tea.

I remember thinking, this is all I need now and nothing else.


"What do you want to do today?"

I groaned, moving closer to the warmth of his body. "Nothing."

He smiled, climbing over me so I had to look up at him. "Breakfast?"

"Only if I can have it in bed."

"What happened to that warm shower?"

"Can it be a bath instead?"

He chuckled, his voice still a bit raw from waking up. "Let me guess, you want bubbles with that?"

I hummed. "How'd you know?"

He ran his fingers through my hair and I relaxed against the sheets as he leaned in. I tilted my chin up, meeting his lips with my own.

"I'll get the breakfast and run the bath, you can stay here if you want."

"I can help," I said.

He grinned. "Cute, but it's obvious you just want to stay in bed."

I grumbled, but made no move to get up.

I wrapped the covers around, snuggling beneath the soft fabric.

"Pancakes okay with you, sir?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "With chocolate syrup."

"Yes, sir."

I grinned, watching him climb out of bed and my eyes instantly fell to the boxer briefs he was wearing.

My cheeks flushed, and I buried my head under into the sheets to hide my reaction.

I could hear Ian laughing as he walked off, and sighed to myself. It wasn't something I hadn't seen before, anyway.

The scent of pancakes spread across the apartment and I took in a deep breath of it, my stomach rumbling as I tried not to imagine the delicious taste of vanilla and the smooth texture of chocolate syrup I would have on top.

Ian was back in a few minutes, still in his underwear, as he set a tray of food by the door before setting up the bubble bath.

I slowly climbed out of bed, tugging on a pair of sweats I found as I moved towards the tray.

"I thought you're saving that for the bath."

Ian stood behind me, leaning against the archway that separated the bedroom and bathroom with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips.

"I'm hungrier than I thought."

His eyes fell to the sweats I wore and his smirk turned into a genuine smile.

I looked away. "Is the bathtub ready?"


His voice was getting closer to me, and I soon felt his arms wrapping around me from the back as he pressed a few kisses into the skin on my shoulders, causing my stomach to ache and not from the lack of food.

I carried the tray and his arms fell away as I walked into the bathroom, placing the tray near the bathtub before slipping out of the pants.

I turned around and caught Ian watching just as I hooked my fingers at the edges of my underwear.

I froze.

"What?" he asked, "I thought we're going in together."

I didn't say anything.

"Do you need help with that?"

I swallowed. "I go it."

He walked closer to me, then surprised me by turning around. "I won't look."

I took a deep breath and with my eyes on Ian's (well sculptured) back, I tugged my underwear off.

Hurriedly, I stepped inside the nearly overflowing bathtub. I ducked my body under the warm water, breathing in the relaxing scent of lavender.

"You can turn now," I said.

Ian turned. "It's your turn to close your eyes."

My cheeks burnt and I fixed my eyes on the bubbles that rested against my skin.

Seconds later, I felt the water ripple and Ian's body near mine.

"Can I get a little sneak peak?"

My eyes flew open and I moved away from Ian. "No!"

He laughed, holding the bubbles in his hands before blowing them in my direction.

I squirmed, rubbing the soapy mixture off my face before splashing water at Ian's face, his hair wet and plastered to his face just the way he hated it.

His hand shot up but I grabbed it before he could fix his hair.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked.

His hand fell to his lap and he shrugged. "It's annoying."

"There's more to it than that, right?"

His eyes bore into mine yet I refused to look away. "It's stupid."

I moved closer to him, running my fingers through his hair so it lay off his face. "If it bothers you so much, then there is definitely a lot more to it than that."

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just do. Is that wrong?"

"We're naked in a bathtub together," he said. "Isn't that wrong?"

I frowned. "Because you're with Dev?"

He flinched.

I withdrew my hand from him. "This was a bad idea."

He moved, lifting a leg and resting one on either side of me as he leaned over me, hands pressed against the tiled wall behind me.

"Then why haven't you left yet? You're still here."

"I don't know."

I was aware of his bare skin on mine, aware that for the first time there was nothing between us. No pants, no boxers.

He moved his hips and I hissed.

The corners of his mouth lifted. "That's why."

"It's not just sexual."

His eyebrows rose. "Really? Then what is it? You like me?"

I nodded, feeling odd by the new found confidence. "Yeah, I do. I want to know everything about you. Things you never told anyone before."

His expression turned from playful to serious, and his lips crashed against mine in seconds. His lips moved against mine, warm, smooth, engulfing me in just him and nothing more.

He pulled away. "I'll tell you everything you want to know."

I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah?"

"Yeah...Hey, we forgot about breakfast," he said, quickly moving to grab the tray.

I chuckled. "Get off me, you're so heavy!"

He pressed himself harder against me and I gasped, throwing my head back unintentionally.

"Oh, crap. I forgot."

Blushing, I sent him a glare. "Feed me and I might forgive you."

"Yes, Mr. Lone Boy."

My head shot up at the nickname. "I thought you forgot about that."

"Are you kidding? It's probably the best thing I ever came up with."

"Then you must be stupider than I thought."


I grinned. "Get off so I can eat."

He got off me, and I forced my eyes to stare ahead.

He placed a pancake on a plate and drizzled on a fair amount of chocolate syrup on top before cutting up a few pieces.

He held up a fork near my mouth. "Open up."

"What? You're going to feed me?"

"You asked me to, didn't you?"

My heart warmed and I parted my lips, allowing him to place the fork of food into my mouth.

We ate and talked for a while. It was weird for several reasons. One being that I was eating naked. The other being that I was naked with Ian. And another that I was eating naked with Ian, in his apartment. Alone.

And I was enjoying every second of it.

Eventually, we dragged each other out of the bathtub and wrapped ourselves in one of Ian's fluffy towels.

"Change in here, I'll change in my room," Ian said.

"Alright," I agreed, watching him disappear behind the bathroom door.

Slowly, when I was certain Ian was too busy to bother walking in again, I walked over to my pile of clothes and slipped out of the bathrobe.

I dressed as quickly as I could, covering my skin as best I could against the col.

I was finished dressing up, my hand on the door knob when my eyes landed on a glass jar.

It was a square, glass jar. Transparent and clear, but that wasn't what caught my attention.

It was the extra toothbrush that screamed at me.

It was Devin's toothbrush, I realized. He must have left it behind.

Yet it wasn't just the toothbrush.

The toothbrush was only a trigger to a series of discoveries that left me feeling nauseated, lightheaded.

I suddenly began noticing all sorts of objects that I should have noticed before.

The extra pair of house slippers. The fact that there was two of almost everything in the bathroom; two bottles of deodorant, two loofas hanging by the shower rod, two packs of dental floss.

I messed up.

I messed up, bad.

Almost in a daze, I began retreating from the bathroom.

Ian was standing by the closet in nothing but a pair of baggy pajama pants.

My heart sunk. He looked so good.

His hair was still soaked from the bath, droplets of water falling against his shoulders and sliding down the side of his face.

His chest was smooth, skin taut against his muscles.

He turned to me, surprised to see that I was standing there staring at him. His lips began stretching out into a smile, until he froze, and I guessed he must have noticed I was not feeling so good anymore.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

I looked down at my bare feet. "Devin."

I saw him tense in the corner of my eye. "What?"

"He should be here with you," I said, my voice barely louder than a whisper. "I shouldn't be here. We're hurting him."

Ian moved closer to me and I flinched involuntarily. "I don't want to be with him anymore."

"Then break up with him," I said. "I won't walk around with you naked. I can't. He's my best friend."

"Fine," he said.

My head shot up. "You'd do that?"

Ian let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, I would do that for you. I want to be with you."

I bit my lower lip. "He'll know. He'll hate me."

Ian stepped closer to me and I felt my heart rate pick up, especially when his hand pressed against my shoulder with comfort.

"He can't hate you. He loves you."

"He loves you," I corrected. "I know my best friend, especially when he's in love."

"He doesn't. If he loved me he would call. He would text. He would send me voice mails and ask if I was okay," Ian said. "If he loved me...he would be here."

My chest felt tight. "Instead of me."

His finger found my chin and he forced me to look up into his eyes. "You're here because I want you to be, because I like you. I...I think you like me back, and that's also why you're here."

"I do like you," I confessed. "More than I should."

Ian's very presence softened, and he slowly leaned into to kiss me.

I let him. Of course I did.

I let him run his fingers through my wet hair, trace the tips of his fingers down my side. I let his mouth play with my emotions, his soft lips assault mine in the way he gently pushed me against the wall, his leg between mine so there was no empty space between us.

I felt him against my chest. I felt him against my hips. I felt him on my lips.

He was touching me everywhere and I couldn't get enough.

Selfishly, I let him make me feel good.

He was good at making my heart feel like mush and my stomach like I was on a never ending rollercoaster. The ones that climbed all the way up just to plummet down with full speed, forcing all the air out of my lungs.

I pushed him away, panting and out of breath.

"Are we bad people?" I asked quietly.

He found my hand and laced our fingers together. "What makes a person bad?"

I met his eyes, feeling the same vibrating shock I usually felt whenever his green eyes clashed with my eyes. "Bad people hurt good people. We're hurting Devin. He doesn't deserve it."

"No body's perfect. Devin is not perfect."

"But he's good."

Ian scratched the back of his neck in frustration. "Do you regret every moment we spend together?"

"No," I answered, quicker than I could think.

"Why does anything else matter?"

"What if he comes back?"

"He might," Ian admitted, "but that doesn't change anything. The next time I talk to him, I'll break up with him."

I looked down at our intertwined fingers then back at him. "Okay."

Ian smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. "Let's watch some TV."

"I haven't watched TV in ages."

"Me neither."

Ian and I went to the living room area and Ian tried his best to draw all the curtains shut and turn off the lights. Then we settled on the couch with a heavy balnket over our shoulders as Ian pulled me closer to his side.

He switched the TV on and flipped through the channels. "Cartoons?"

"Perfect," I said, resting my head on Ian's chest.

I am never exercising again. Goodbye fitness, hello pizza. I am DONE.


Question: what was your favorite show as a kid? I loved Tom and Jerry and I think I still would if I watched it. I haven't in a looong time.

Thanks for reading :) :)

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