Little Miss Dan and Phil (SLO...

By stillawesomerthanyou

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Madison Drake is a young, 14 year old normal girl. At least, she looks normal. With a dead mum and an alcohol... More

Little Miss Dan and Phil
Shopping and water ballons
School is awesome sometimes
Locked in
For the lawls
"We're literally on thin ice."
"Guess who babydoll."
Little miss broken-hearted


927 34 7
By stillawesomerthanyou

Maddie P.O.V

The next day at lunch, we all got a piece of pie and sat at our usual table, opposite 'the populars'.

"Ready?" I asked. We all nodded, trying not to laugh. "3.. 2.. 1.. FIRE!" We threw our pie at our targets. I hit Jordan right in the face, making him look like a brown hulk. We got up and legged it out, the populars chasing us and Nicole screaming about her hair. We ran into the boy's toilets and crammed into a stall and locked the door and nearly peed ourselves with laughter while Jordan, John and Jack tried to kick the door down.

"Do you guys want to sleep at my house tonight?" Sophie asked, still laughing a little. We all agreed and made a plan to meet at the park at 5 with our stuff. The cubicle door suddenly opened and while Kyle and Luke kept it shut, we hopped over to the next cubicle and legged it out of the door back to the hideout.

"Where's Luke and Kyle?" Amelia asked.

"They'll be here." Sophie said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Luke and Kyle suddenly burst the door and fell to the floor, while Jordan and Nicole came in too. I stood up.

"Get out." I said calmly.

"Why should I?" Nicole growled. I lunged for her and pinned her against the wall.

"Leave us alone!" I shouted.

"Or what?" She challenged, kicking me in the stomach and pushing me over.

"Let's just go. They're not worth it." Jack said.

"Wait. Who else threw pie at me?" Jordan shouted.

"Me. And you know what? You deserved it. Nobody likes a bully." Amelia stood up. Jordan lunged for her, but Kyle and Luke stood in front.

"Touch her and you're dead." Luke growled. Amelia was the youngest out of the three triplets, Luke being the oldest and most protective. They walked out, and we all sighed of relief.

After school, we ran home to avoid Jordan going the same way and quickly opened the door to our apartment.

"How was school?" Phil asked.

"Good." I said quickly.

"You sure?" Dan asked confused.

"Sure." Hayden said, grabbing two cans of coke and passing me one.

"Oh by the way, is it okay if we sleep at a friend's house tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, who's house though?" Phil asked.

"Sophie's, the others are coming too." I explained, and went to my room. I tipped the stuff out of my school bag and put in my pikachu onesie, my phone charger, some sweets, DVDs and a bottle of sprite. We got the bus to the park where we were met by Amelia, Kyle, Luke and Sophie and walked to Sophie's house.

"Dibs on top bunk!" I exclaimed, climbing up, but not before Kyle grabbed my waist and carried me down screaming 'I called dibs first!' Over and over again.

"Top and tail?" I suggested while I was being held bridal style. The others laughed and he slowly put (or dropped) me down. I got out my pikachu onesie and put it on in the bathroom, and hopped out.

"Pika pika!" I shouted, nearly crying with laughter.

"What... Are... You... Doing?!" Amelia said, falling backwards with laughing so much.

"Pikachu is pikachu." I said, also laughing.

"You're a bad pikachu." Hayden said, trying to wind me up.

"PIKACHU USE QUICK ATTACK, PIKA PIKA!" I shouted, before jumping on top of Hayden and bouncing. "Pikachu has no mercy!"

"Is pikachu going to be talking in third person all night?" Luke laughed.

"Pika." I said while nodding my head.

"Have any of you ever mattress surfed?" Sophie asked. We all shook our heads. "Basically, we go into pairs, grab a mattress and surf down the stairs as fast as we can, and then crash into the front door. You in?" She explained. We each grabbed a partner, mine being Kyle and grabbed our mattress.

"Ready?" Hayden asked as me and Kyle lay on the mattress, holding on to the front for dear life. Hayden pushed us and we went flying down the stairs and straight into the wall, laughing so hard we couldn't stand up. We had another couple of surfs before we got tired, and went to watch Paranormal Activity 4. Me and Kyle sat on the top bunk again, and I felt a finger link with my pinky finger. I looked over to Kyle who looked (or was pretending to) scared, and I linked my full hand with his. There was suddenly a loud bang from downstairs.

"Sophie is your mum back from work or something?" I asked.

"She shouldn't be, and my dad is at my grandma's.." She said confused. There was another loud bang. I got down from the top bunk and slowly opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Hayden asked.

"I'm going to see what's going on. You coming?"


Sorry it's so short, I couldn't think of anything

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