One shots jelena

By yvygirl

18.8K 227 75


'Each other's muse'
'Who says'
'Syrup waffles'
'A rainy day'
'Falling down'
'Take it slow'
'Love is a medicine'
'Mixed signals'
'Different directions'
'Our story is never finished'
'Holding your hand'
'Wave after wave'
'Shop till you drop'
'Love in a photograph'
'Singing along'
'Choosing your favorite'
'We own the night'
'The view'
'Ice.. ice.. baby'
'Just say yes'


546 10 2
By yvygirl

'There's no place like home. Home... where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong and families are forever. Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home. And home is where our story begins...'

Selena's POV
Poor Bruce had to pick us up from the airport around 2 am in the early morning. He insisted to drive us to Stratford instead of a cab driver. He didn't aloud to hear a no from us. We just arrived at his and Diane's home. Diane was already asleep. After Bruce helped us carrying our luggage to the bedroom he could finally sleep too. But not before giving me and Justin a tight bear hug. Such a sweet man.

Right now I was looking at an old picture from Justin during a icehockey game. Next to it were standing a lot of throphies aswell. And a lot of medals hanging on the wall. The room wasn't changed after Justin left Stratford many years ago. The walls were still plastered with Toronto Maple Leafs. And there even was a flag and curtains with the Maple Leafs logo.

Justin came back from the bathroom and caught me looking at his picture. 'What do you think of my old room?' I took my eyes of the picture and looked at my favorite Canadian who already took his clothes off and now only wore some boxers. Seeing him like that would never get old. I admired his body and it still made me weak. 'Selena?'

'Uh... what did you say?' My eyes left the sight of his chest and then I noticed a smirk on his face. He walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. 'What do you think of my old room? Or is my body more interesting?' Ofcourse my cheeks became red again. Why does he have this huge power on me?!

'I think it's cute that your grandparents didn't remove stuff here. It's all still the same.'

'Yes they are the best. I can't wait to give my grandma a hug tomorrow morning. And did you know that she makes the best pancakes? You'll love them!'

'Now I'll keep having images in my head of delicious pancakes with Maple Leaf Syrup. Thanks a lot Justin. Now I'll probably can't sleep.'

Justin's smile turned into a heated look. 'Who said something about sleeping? We had a lot of rest already during the flight.'

Justin's lips were on mine before I even could say something.

Justin's POV
While kissing her I pushed her slowely in tiny steps towards my old bed. Her legs hit the side of the bed and than I fell on top of her. She broke the kiss after a few seconds. 'Babe.. we can't do this here. What if your grandparents hear us?'

I started to chuckle. Swept her soft hair to the side. And began to give little pecks of kisses along the side of her neck. I wispered in her ear 'Then we just have to stay quiet.'

'No sorry I don't feel comfortable.' While hearing this I've stopped kissing her neck and crawled off the bed. I walked to the sparebed on the other side of the room and pushed it towards my bed. I've heard Selena saying 'What are you doing?'

When the bed was against mine I looked up to her. 'I'm making it comfortable here. You should change already. And then we can cuddle before going to sleep.'

Selena crawled off the bed and gave me a hug. She wispered 'I love you' in my ear and than went to the bathroom. I took a seat on my bed and prayed to God and thanked him for this beautiful day. Thankful for finally being in my hometown again. And seeing my grandparents together with the love of my life.

Selena came back in the room when I just ended my prayer. She crawled under the blankets. Wrapped an arm around my stomach and layed her head on my chest. Besides making love was cuddling also a favorite of mine.

Selena's POV
I've woke up through the sound of birds whistling a beautiful melodie. When I opened my eyes the bed next to me was empty. Justin was probably downstairs already. Giving Diane a tight hug and catching up with her and Bruce. I was happy to finally being in Stratford for the first time. Justin told me so many stories about this town. I was curious to explore it all.

After a shower I walked downstairs and saw Bruce and Justin sitting next the kitchen table. Diane was already baking pancakes just like Justin promised last night. They all looked in my direction. Diane walked to me while Bruce watched the pancakes for a moment. She pulled me in for a hug. 'Hello darling. You look lovely. How have you been?'

'Goodmorning. Thank you Diane. I'm doing great. Thank you so much for letting us staying here for a couple of days.' Diane let go of me and returned back to the stove while saying 'Anytime sweetie. I love it to have you finally here with Justin. You will love this small town. Sit down now please. I'll give you some pancakes. I've heard you love them.'

I walked to the table and noticed a smirk on Justin's face. First I gave Bruce a hug and then put a short peck on Justin's lips. I sat down on the other side of the table and before I knew it I've got my pancakes served. I thanked Diane and started to eat. Justin was right these pancakes are the best. Bruce asked me if I slept good tonight. 'Yes the bed was really comfortable.' Justin winked at me before asking his grandpa which lake they always went to go fishing many years ago.

After breakfast Diane showed me some old picture books. There were also a lot of pictures from Pattie when she was a little girl. Diane talked with so much proudness about her daughter. All the tough challenges she have been through. And how she raised a beautiful sweet boy. I agreed with Diane that Pattie really is a strong woman.

Justin's POV
Me and grandpa had an amazing time this afternoon with fishing together at the lake. Just like old times. Selena and grandma preferred to stay at home and watch a movie with tea and cookies. I was really thankful for days like this.

Around 6 pm we arrived back home. I've smelled a delicious scent coming out of the kitchen. Seeing Selena and grandma cooking together made my heart warm. They were too busy with talking so they didn't even notice me. When I slowely walked towards them and put a hand on grandma's shoulder and my other hand on Selena's shoulder I said 'Hello my favorite cooking ladies'. They turned around and gave me a kiss on the cheek at the same time.

'Hey.. hey does this old man get a kiss too?' We all started laughing and after some more kisses back and forth we enjoyed an nice dinner with more laughter.

When my grandparents went to bed I've decided to take a walk outside with Selena. It was already late so hopefully no paparazzi on the streets. We pulled our coats on and left the house walking hand in hand. It was a beautiful night with a lot of stars in the sky. And just like we hoped no paparazzi or many people in sight.

After a 15 minutes walk we arrived at the place where it all started for me. We were standing right in front of the Avon Theatre. Selena pulled me in for a hug and I've heard her saying 'I'm so glad to finally see it.'

I wispered in her ear 'This place brought me to you.' Selena let go of me for a moment and asked 'What do you mean?' I saw a curious look on her face.

I put my hands on her shoulders and replied 'If I didn't start busking here on these steps I would probably have never met you. I wouldn't be famous. And I would only have seeing your pretty face on Disney Channel. I'm so thankful for being able to do what I love the most.. singing. And I could have never imagined that it also brought me to the most beautiful girl of the world.'

I've noticed tears well up in her eyes. 'Hey.. hey please don't cry.' I gave a kiss against her forehead and pulled her in for another hug. I've heard her saying 'You should remind me to give Scooter a kiss next time we see him. Because he also brought me to you.'

I've started to laugh and said 'I'm only allowing kisses on the cheek. I'll show you what you aren't aloud to do with other guys.' I pulled her against me and then my lips were on hers.


The 20th one shot already. I hope you liked it as much as I liked writing this. I probably don't have to tell you where I've got the inspiration from to write this one shot :) I've started writing last Summer and I've never thought I was able to write 20 different short stories. I'm glad I could do it. And more to come! ♡

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