Complicated Procedures (Medic...

By KlaraRoman

70.1K 1.6K 1.1K

This is basically the Adventures of You and Medic More

A Bullet to The Shoulder
A Failed Attempt
Roses in The Can
Choices, Choices
The New Girl
Love Letters
Syringes (Lemon)
Meet the Parents (Part 1)
Meet the Parents (Part 2)
The Envelope
The Gift
I'm Sorry
There and Back Again
The Dance

Egg on One's Face

3.5K 83 87
By KlaraRoman

Hey guys, thanks for all the views! Are you with me if I say that we need more Medic fanfics out there? Yeah, you are- so let's make it happen!
Oh, and btw, 4 chapters left. :)

"Vater, Ich bin hier!" Stephan's voice rang through the quiet halls along with the howling song of the storm as Mr. Heilburg turned around with a change of face.

"Ah, Stephan- I thought you'll never come!" the old man exclaimed, seemingly running to the lad with wide, open arms.

"I vould never dream of it, Vater," Stephan said as he stepped aside, revealing a younger woman behind him, "ah, und zhis is my fiancé- Gretel Richthofen; she is a lawyer from Cologne, ve met at a conference sefen months ago."

"Ah, of course, come in child, you must be cold from zhe storm- ve vere just about to haff dinner."

The lass beamed and quietly followed the two men to the table where you were seated. The other relatives have come and were excited to meet one another, talking about their lives and experiences, their triumphs and failures and meeting new faces, such as yours. One little girl, one of Medic's second cousins, came up to you and gave your cheeks a slight pinch with her soft, tiny, white hands.

"Mutter, sie ist so schön!" she squealed and looked up at you once more with her sparkling blue eyes.

"Klara, come back here! Don't bother the guest," scolded her mother as she beckoned her daughter to come back. The woman then turned back to you with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry, she usually behaves."

"Ach, no harm done," Medic assured as he hugged you with pride, "ja, es ist true, Klara is a behaved little girl, but you see cousin, mein Schatz is just so stunning zhat Klara couldn't help herself."

You blushed as Medic bragged to his cousin, even though it sounded more like a joke than anything. Very quickly, the uncoordinated event dissolved as Mr. Heilburg, preparing to start the dinner formally, sat at the far end of the table, its surface glistening beneath the mellow light of the chandelier above.

"Now zhen," he began, "let us all gazher here and get to know each ozher over zhe dinner zhat my dear chefs haff brilliantly prepared."

He nodded at their direction and promptly sat down. "Now, we eat."

Throughout the meal, you couldn't help noticing the people talking to or about Gretel, Stephan's fiancé. From the looks of it, her posture displayed excellence, and her casual clothing made her look important and intimidating. But sometimes, the focus was on you, and you couldn't help but smile as Medic's lips would curve up in approval, or whenever they mentioned your name in any of their conversations.

"Uncle, isn't Joseph's Freundin just a little darling?"

"Oh, ja- she is just so Schön!"

"Wie heißt du, Kleine?"

"Joseph," Mr. Heilburg said, clearing his throat as he spoke in his deep, raspy voice, seizing the doctor's attention,"vhen you brought zhe Fraülein in, I couldn't believe zhat a voman like her vould be seen in zhis house."

You smiled inwardly. Yes, this is it! He's finally going to accept me, and Medic will finally have his redemption- I knew it! Maybe this visit isn't as bad as I thought it would far, maybe things won't turn out for the worst.

"I mean look at her," continued the elderly, "she practically looks young enough to be your daughter!"


"At first, I thought you settled in and had a child- for all I care, you could've been her father."

"Nikolaus!" his wife hissed quietly as everyone stopped eating, the worsening situation leaving a bad taste in their mouths.

"There's no need for snide remarks Nikolaus," Mrs. Heilburg whispered, "not in front of the guests."

"Calm down uncle," a cousin of Medic's said, "Joseph finally found a voman to settle in vith, isn't zhat great?"

"Zhe least he could haff done vas pick someone who vould match his age." spatted the old man.

Your cheeks burned crimson. "If I may say, sir," you began, "me and Joseph's ages are legal. There is nothing wrong with our relationship."

"Oh, did zhe doctor tell you zhat?" Nikolaus countered, greatly displeased that someone talked back to him in such a manner, "vell, he may know vhat is good for others, but he clearly doesn't know vhat is good for him."

"Give your son a break, Nikolaus," an uncle retorted, "he's seldom here and now he's brought a guest over. Don't you think it's time for a change?"

The old man shrugged it off and looked away, refusing eye contact from anybody. Some of the parents, seeing the situation getting tenser by the minute, have bribed their children with candy and other sweets to take with outside while they play. Soon, innocent faces left the table, and the only ones that remained were you, the doctor, Mr. and Mrs. Heilburg, Stephan, Gretel, Nikolaus' brothers and some cousins.

"Vhat is wrong, Nikolaus?" asked his eldest brother, "vhy is it so hard?"

"Vhy can't you just forgive Joseph?"

Forgive? Did he do something wrong?

"Stephan almost died..." he replied quietly through gritted teeth.

Medic dropped the spoon onto his plate, his hands shaking as cold sweat beaded his brow. Stephan cleared his throat and faced his father.

"Vater, zhat vas a long time ago...I vasn't seriously hurt."

"He tried to experiment on you, Stephan!"

"Ve vere children, Vater!"

"Everyone, STOP!" Medic yelled, face flushed, dripping with sweat. "JUST STOP! Stop rubbing it in my face!"

"Rubbing what?!" Nikolaus fired back, standing abruptly, "your mistake?!"

"Yes, MY MISTAKE!" the doctor bawled, rising up in the same manner, "my mistake zhat you never allowed me to live down- my mistake zhat caused me to question myself, and my mistake zhat made me vant to kill myself!"

You gasped as a tear ran down his face. You've never seen him like this...and you never wanted to. Quickly, you stood up and gently patted his back, encouraging him to calm down and take deep breaths.

"Joseph..." Mrs. Heilburg said sadly, lips quivering as she registered his words, " zhat vhy you vere at zhe swamp?"

His face turned white as tears streamed down his dear mother's face. The sound of her broken voice shattered his heart, and he couldn't take it anymore. He hurt her. He felt like a monster. That night came back to him, the police sirens, the blinding light...the murky water and his brother and mother's screams.


Mother, look!

Ma'am, we're going to have to tell you to stand back.

We found a body! Quickly, it's warm- it's still alive!


Medic turned back to leave, but he heard a scream and he turned to find you face to face with his father.

"What kind of a father are you?!" you cried, "you are suppose to be there for him; help him in his time of need- but it seems as if you're the one driving him to his problems!"

"You haff no right to talk to me like zhat!"

"He wanted to kill himself!"

"You don't know vhat happened so you better purse your mouth or I vill drag you out of zhis house!"

You were surprised and taken back by the fierceness in his voice. You suddenly grew scared of his threats. What have I done? You felt your cheeks burning from the embarrassment, the unsettling eyes of everyone around you making you shift uncomfortably.

"You vill not talk to her like zhat." Medic said, taking your hand as he led you to your room. "Come (Y/N), let us retire for zhe night."

"You shouldn't haff come." the old man whispered bitterly.

"You're right," Medic replied, "it vas a mistake coming here."

Time Skip

You lay on your bed, tears streaming down your cheeks as the embarrassment from awhile ago persisted to make its way through your head.


You quietly wiped your tears away, sniffling as your back faced the doctor. You couldn't look into his eyes. How could I? After I embarrassed him. You took it all out on his father without having any clear detail of the incident that really took place many years ago. I must've sounded so stupid...

"Frau, bitte, I need to see you." he whispered, wrapping his arms on your waist to turn you over to him. Your red, puffy eyes met his as he wiped more of your tears away. A sad smile found its way on both your faces as he turned the lamp on, wanting to get a clearer view of you.

"Ve vill go tomorrow Schatz," he said, "if zhat's vhat you vant."

"No- don't worry about me," you said quickly, "I'll be fine...your mother really wants you to stay. I know it."


"Come on," you insisted, "this will be the first Christmas you'll spend with your family since you joined the team... you don't get this opportunity every year."

"Vhat good is it if all it's going to come to is zhis?"

The sadness in his voice lingers, and you leaned in to give him a kiss, hoping it will comfort him. Medic wasn't content and pulled your face to him, assaulting your lips with his. The warm, velvet feel of it made you wonder why you were in such a pathetic state as before. He lightly bit your lower lip and pulled away, leaving you panting and breathless and begging for more.

"M-Medic!" you gasped as the doctor hoisted you up on your knees with surprising strength, effortlessly pulling you to his body. He kissed the side of your neck with wanting as his hands roamed your figure, very subtly peeling your garments off and leaving them haphazardly on the bed.

"Medic, it's cold..." you whispered shakily as he took his shirt off. His warm hands stroked your bare skin, enticing you to meet his desires.

"I know Frau," you heard him growl behind your neck as he carried you to the fireplace,laying you down on the carpeted floor, "vhich is vhy ve'll need are stressed, ja?"

You nodded and arched your back as he ground his hips against yours. You tried to keep in your moans, fearing someone might hear them. But Medic assured you that the doors were soundproofed, so no sound comes in or out.

"Let me hear you bitte," he groaned, nuzzling his nose against your chest as he kissed the skin there, "don't hold back lieb."

You complied and pulled him closer to you as he established the much awaited connection. He smirked as he observes you, face contorted with both pain and was the same look he had when you two first made love.

"I'll just be you and me tonight."

Welp. There ya go, another chapter. Thanks again for all the views. And remember- 4 chapters left my loves! :*

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