drabbles | bts (discont)

Por jinnism

19.2K 1.1K 300

these stories are sometimes longer than my books. enjoy. copyright © 4sokjin Más

A/N - accepting writing requests!
no rest (for the wicked)
i like fried chicken more than i like you
cranky members and sunny mornings
Wanna be loved
the things i didn't say
between us is a pair of baby sneakers
parties, and a secret love
Kiss me hard before you go
You're all I have
flowers in my veins
Your eyes tell a love story
coffee or tea?
i'm just a normal guy!
biggest yarn ball
fell for your voice
a/n - updates
100 to 0 real quick (I'll make it up to you)
Balconies (r-18 pwp)
a/n - new book
chatroom; 1
chatroom; 2
chatroom; 3
chatroom; 4
The Return of Superman
under the mistletoe

You, the stars in the sky

665 34 22
Por jinnism

jimin is existence. and he is in love with someone who is existing in him.

he's in love with a human named min yoongi.

maybe he was bored one day and decided to go down to earth, to all those who exist in him. last time he was there, there were no lights in the sky of earth when it became night. jimin only exists as a spirit who exists in the people's dreams, thoughts, and life. though some may never realize.

he'd been always watching those who exists in him, he had watched them all grow in size and in intelligence, nowadays there are huge skyscrapers at touch the sky but there are still so many problems in the world. sometimes jimin wants to be human.

he doesn't want to exist in all of them, but he wants to exist with them. mortals who have friends, who sleep, who eat, and drink, and most of all, love.

jimin didn't think he would fall in love with a human. he really didn't. because all he sees are the billions of people on earth with the stars floating around him. it's like he's in a trance, but he really isn't because this is where he belongs. he belongs within the stars warm embrace and tickle of the beautiful galaxies that surround him, and he belongs watching over a single little planet. how could he just fall in love with one of them?

but he did.

yoongi wishes he could sleep then wake up in the flowerbed of death.

but obviously, that will never happen. he's got a lot more living to do before he dies and man he cannot wait for it. maybe there are taco thursdays in hell. working at a grocery store doesn't quite help. he's a fashion forward person, so wearing a green apron that doesn't match his hair is rude to his self esteem.

but he's gotta work, or else he won't be able to eat anything for the next two weeks. yoongi decides it wasn't a good idea ditching school and running away from home if his life was going to be like this.

Thursday meant drinking at home, with crappy on-sale beer he bought at the very place he works at.

maybe he could find a cute girl or guy — but nobody would really want some broke dude who's barely surviving off of his own money. but, he's got what he's got, and he'll probably stay that way. maybe forever. but he wants to change something for forever.

fate is really ... a funny thing.

jimin sometimes spends time on earth as a human life form, just because he can.

but there's a time limit. human standards, of course. when the sun rises and when the sky grows dark is his limit. he can't go around towns at night. he can't see the precious night sky the humans see so beautifully through his own eyes, and he can't see the bright night stars that loom over earth when the sky grows dark.

if he does stay past the limit, he's risking it for humanity.

who should he choose to die? himself, existence, to die, means all of humanity will perish because of him. he wants to see what the earth will become.

and that proves hard, because he's hopelessly in love with a human named min yoongi.

yoongi's working, as always, still clutching desperately onto his life as he's almost at the edge.

that's when a bright, orange haired man comes up to his counter and pays for the limited edition stars in a bottle thing that they were selling at the front desk. no one buys those things, they're just stupid and useless, and yoongi thinks this guy is stupid for even considering to buy this stuff.

the man hands yoongi the bottle, head low, looking as if he's trying to hide. well he really can't thanks to his ridiculously bright hair.

"that'll be twenty dollars, sir." yoongi says, and the man takes out some cash, a few coins, from the pocket of his worn out, dusty black hoodie. his head moves upwards to face yoongi, and he mutters a small, here.

yoongi counts the bills, two scrunched up five dollars and an ancient chinese coin. he sighs.

"excuse me," yoongi dares to say, "but this isn't twenty dollars."

the man doesn't respond, instead taking the money from yoongi's hand, putting it back in his pocket. yoongi decides to wait for what this guy has for him.

"sorry." the man says in a quiet voice, and he pulls out a new, fresh from the bank bill, worth fifty dollars. holy shit. where did that come from?

yoongi mentally shrugs, takes the money and puts it into the register. when he opens it again to get the change, the man stops him.

"no, keep the money. you need it." he mumbles, and yoongi blinks twice.

"is that even okay?"

"yes, it is. keep it. buy something nice for yourself tonight." and with the last roll of the man's tongue, he walks away, stars in a bottle in his hand, exiting the superstore.

yoongi blinks thrice.

he doesn't see the man again after four months.

jimin felt sad seeing yoongi like this.

jimin didn't like seeing yoongi curled up onto his couch, his only bed, with bottles of beer surrounding him as a way to wash and drain out all of his worries. he couldn't stand seeing yoongi like this. out of all the people in the world, the person he loves has to be in such a tight situation.

he didn't want to keep watching and waiting for something to go right for yoongi, because he knows that won't happen in a long, long time.

jimin wants it to come earlier.

yoongi hears a his doorbell ring, and he's absolutely reluctant to stand with the shattered pieces of glass around him.

he'll hurt himself, but he doesn't want to get up from this hell anyways.

his doorbell rings again, and finally, he decides to get up. he cautiously steps around, careful not to step on any stray pieces of glass, and eventually he lives to reach his door.

yoongi opens the door, only to see a man with bright orange hair infront of him.

"do you need something?" yoongi asks as politely as possible, fixing his messy mint hair awkwardly as he looks at the man.

"yoongi," the man says, and his voice seems so oddly familiar to yoongi, "yoongi, you shouldn't leave so much broken beer bottles lying around."

"huh?" yoongi chokes out. the man can't see past his shoulders, which definitely means he can't see into yoongi's apartment. "excuse me?"

"i'm sorry, i have to go now," the man says again, speed walking away. yoongi scrambles to make it out of his apartment, barefoot while chasing after the man. his feet hurt when they make contact with the rough surface of earth, and in that moment yoongi has never felt so human. yoongi manages to tug at the sleeve of the man's jacket, pulling him back.

"how do you know?" is all yoongi says, in such a small and tiny voice. he didn't plan on chasing after this guy, but somehow his body thought before his brain did.

the man just smiles at yoongi, teeth all pretty and white, and for a second — yoongi can just see stars in his dark brown eyes, and it's so beautiful.

"i have to go." he says, gently pulling yoongi's fingers from his sleeve, then walking away until he disappears from yoongi's line of sight.

that was the first time jimin had felt flowers grow in his stomach. and they actually did.

there are flowers blossoming in his stomach and he doesn't know what to do.

he's so hopelessly in love with min yoongi, it's silly. he is existence, how could be fall in love with one person out of the seven billion he knows?

the only problem was: jimin couldn't help having yoongi fall in love with someone else. he's only been looking at him through the clouds, and he's sure yoongi doesn't even remember who he is no matter how bright his hair is.

but he's okay with that. he's in love with yoongi, and if yoongi doesn't love him back, that's okay too.

they were never meant to be anyways. it's impossible.

jimin wishes it was.

"oh shit, i'm so sorry," a boy says to yoongi, who's spilled this suspiciously opened can of ready-to-eat soup onto his work clothe. he's scrambling around to find the nearest tissue, but that deems hard since the washrooms are like — fifty years away.

"it's fine." yoongi responds, trying not to sound pissed off because he sure fucking does feel pissed off.

when yoongi looks up, he sees a the boy with a flustered expression on his face, cheeks red. his brown hair is messy but is put together with a light pink baseball cap, and the way he's bending down now makes his loose white tee shirt dangerously low, revealing the abundant tattoos spread across the boy's chest. god damn.

yoongi stares too long, and quickly snaps back to reality. "can I make it up to you?" the boy whispers hesitantly, and yoongi feels like he's still stuck in a daze.

"what?" yoongi mutters, and they boy wiggles in his spot.

"I'm hoseok." the boy says, handing a sheet of paper to yoongi's hands, "how's coffee?"


jimin decides to visit yoongi again.

yoongi's back to working a few weeks later after having spent time with hoseok. they went out for a few coffee shop dates, and soon enough, they went around the mall together (hoseok being so obvious that he has a crush on yoongi).

as he's putting some canned foods back in their proper place because stupid people couldn't put them in the right place, he feels a finger tap his shoulder.

"hello," the man says, voice echoing in yoongi's ear. with every roll of his tongue, it sounds as if a star has been born and yoongi swears he can see galaxies in the man's eyes.

"hi?" yoongi responds in a questioning tone.

"yoongi, are you still drinking? did you use the money I gave you?" he asks yoongi.

yoongi shakes his head, not sure how this man knows so much about him. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, sir," he says, as if the man wasn't telling the truth.

the man sighs, ratting his tangerine hair. "I'm jimin," he says, "and I'm in love with you."

yoongi wishes he didn't go to work today.

yoongi is sure.

yoongi is sure he has a stalker.

"I don't know," he sighs over to hoseok, who's looking over at him with worry in his dark brown eyes.

"do you want to call the police?" hoseok asks him.

"no, I don't think we need to. I mean, he's so small and he's got cute chubby cheeks, you can't throw someone like that into jail." yoongi groans, throwing his hands up in the air comically, and hoseok laughs at that, teeth shining brightly in this horribly dim lighted restaurant they're in.

"but don't you think that's weird?" hoseok inquires, "he just went up to you and said he loved you. what are you? star struck lovers?"

"definitely seemed like he had galaxies in his eyes though." yoongi shrugs, taking a sip of the champagne in front of him, and hoseok sighs, shoulders shrugging back.

"i'm just worried about you."





jimin realizes some things are not meant to be.

yoongi doesn't go to the police reporting he has a stalker.

instead, he waits in his house for the orange haired man, also known as jimin, to stop by. yoongi isn't usually the type to wait for something to happen. but he feels like jimin is a good thing that's happening to him. and if he's got that feeling in his chest, he's got to follow it because all the world has been giving him is shit and he just wants something good to happen for once.

something good hadn't happened in a long, long time.

he really wishes it could come earlier.

yoongi waits.




he waits for jimin to come.




jimin doesn't come.

when jimin cries, the sky cries.

he's really sorry for the people down there on earth, he shouldn't cry because he'll be giving them problems, but now he just can't help it. dead stars fall onto his hands that glow like new born galaxies from across the universe, waiting for his touch. jimin sees how the clouds become thick on earth because of his sadness, and he's sure its pouring there.

he's really sorry.

jimin's only been good to earth lately because he's in love — something he shouldn't feel — and now that he's starting to realize whats right and what's wrong, jimin starts to feel human.

the thing is, he doesn't want to feel human.

he wants to be human.

jimin wants to stay there on earth, fall in love with min yoongi all over again, and finally be able to cherish him, touch him, hug him, kiss him, but he can't fucking do that because he's existence. he can't be with a human, he can't stay on earth when it's dark because he'll die and that means all of humanity will die with him.

he loves humanity too much to do such a thing.

so, he waits.

he waits for yoongi to forget the orange haired man he always knew.

he waits for yoongi to forget him.





but in the end, yoongi really doesn't forget about jimin.

jimin watches yoongi with hoseok having their first kiss by a lake.

he watches yoongi slowly open up to hoseok, he watches them spend their time together, he watches them go on dates, he watches yoongi slowly snaking his hand to wrap around hoseok's and jimin watches the two share many more kisses.

oh how jimin wishes that were him.

jimin watches hoseok take yoongi, and he watches them get into their first argument.

what's left of it is yoongi sitting in his bed looking lost, completely devoid of emotion, and he looks so sad because of hoseok. beer bottles surround him once again, and jimin sees yoongi smell the sheets and he starts to tear up because fucking hoseok you fucking ass hole, and God, does yoongi miss hoseok.

everything screams hoseok in yoongi's now clean apartment.

jimin can't stand this anymore.

yoongi doorbell rings.

deja vu?

he sees an orange haired man at his door step.

"i missed you."

hoseok scrambles back into yoongi's house, running up to yoongi's side to embrace him as tightly as he can, kissing him messily, teeth clacking and all. yoongi stays silent over hoseok's frequent sorry's and his wet cheeks peck yoongi's. yoongi kisses him back softly, rubbing hoseok's back in order to calm him down.

"i'm sorry," hoseok whimpers, "i fucked up, and i'm sorry."

yoongi hushes him, hugging him a little tighter and petting his hair. 




he loves hoseok. he really does.

jimin watches yoongi and hoseok kiss each other for the millionth time.

it's been three years since he's gone to earth, since he's touched yoongi's soft skin. but jimin doesn't feel sad anymore. the skies are clear on earth and it's a good day. 

jimin kissed yoongi goodbye on that night.

he probably didn't mean much to yoongi, and he's sure yoongi didn't even remember him. but all jimin wanted was to kiss yoongi for once, to feel the person he loves before he has to go. he's spent too much time down there. 

and with that kiss, yoongi forgot about the small, orange haired man that had visited him at work buying a bottle of stars.

yoongi has that bottle of stars perched onto his new counter top to his new apartment, unable to remember where and who gave it to him.

"hey, where'd you get this from?" hoseok asks him. "seems pretty useless, honestly."

"i don't know," yoongi sighs, bringing his lips to peck hoseok's, cupping the boy's face with his hands. "i don't know, but i feel like the stars feel so near when i see it, and someone is always watching over me."

"who's watching you?"

and yoongi sighs again.

"...someone who loved me."


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