Percy Jackson Preferences and...

By IISilverEyesII

111K 1.8K 1.1K

Percy Jackson preferences and one-shots! Includes PJ and HoO characters. Warning: Feels. Disclaimer: I do no... More

Requests Page
How You Meet (Part I)
You Meet Again (Part I)
You Meet Again (Part II)
What Your Friends Say About Him
What His Friends Say About You
When He Asks You Out (Part I)
Merry Christmas
Christmas One-Shot (Leo)
New Year's (Lukabeth Oneshot)
4k Author's Note
Favorites Tag
Percy - @drinkthatsoda
Nico - @Jadewonders
Connor - @dancer7103
15k Author's Note
Author's Note
Cynthia-Rose12 - Nico
Scars - Percy
Sick - Nico
Jason - Rainy Days
Percy - Makeover

How You Meet (Part II)

8.9K 134 82
By IISilverEyesII


"Ahh! Leo, put it out! Put it out!" You were racing out of Bunker Nine, holding a handkerchief over your mouth, trying to get away from the smoke. Leo, again, had set something on fire. Which half finished project of his it was was still a mystery.

You had just made it out with the rest of Cabin Nine coughing when you ran into something hard. "Oomph! What in Hades?" You looked up from your spot on the ground to see a Chinese teen looking down at you.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

You just coughed some more, unable to answer just yet. "Just fine. Fire in the bunker."

"CLEAR!" You heard Leo yell inside the bunker before the sound of a fire extinguisher went off. "Haha, you look like a snowman, Nyssa.." Clunk. "Ow!"

You looked back over at the person in front of you."Never mind about the fire."

"Well, that's good-" He was interrupted by you coughing again. "Are you sure you're okay."

You started getting dizzy, still coughing and unable to speak. You shook your head and started crouching towards the ground. "Gods, I think you inhaled more smoke than you thought." He picked you up bridal style and started making his way towards the big house. "Just hang on, I'll get you to the infirmary in no time."

>>> <<<

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Chillax, Frank. Will said she's gonna be fine. He's the best healer at camp. Why don't you go catch up with Percy and them while you're visiting. I'll stay here with (Y/N).

"That's okay, Leo. I think I'll stay here for a little while longer."

"Suit yourself." You heard Leo mutter and walk out of  the room after. 

You opened one eye. "How's it going?" The boy's  eyes widened. "You're awake! Will said you wouldn't be up for another couple hours."

"Eh, wanna-be doctors. They know even less than actual-" You were cut off by yourself when you started coughing.

"Take it easy. You still have smoke in your lungs." He helped you sit up on the couch and face towards him.

"Why am I not in the infirmary?"

"It was, er, packed. The Spring games were yesterday, remember? Everyone who competed took a bit of a beating. So I brought you here." He stated, crouching on one knee besides the couch to see you eye-to-eye.

"Oh. I guess I forgot about that. That was very... kind. Very kind of you to do. Thank you."

"Hey, what can I say. I was raised right."

"And how would that be."

"With a belt."

You just looked at him, not sure weather to laugh or take him seriously until he started laughing at your expression. "Kidding, kidding!"

You let out a sigh of relief, "Mostly."


"Nothing! Nevermind." He said quickly, starting to look nervous. "Well, I'll leave you to rest. See you around?" He finally made eye contact with you again, fumbling his hands together.

"Yeah. See you around."



"Hey, (Y/N)!"

"Yeah, Perce?" You called back from the other side of the cabin.

Percy slid halfway out of the bathroom door, toothbrush in mouth and hair still soaked from his five minute shower. "Will fu frab Missus oaf weary anf-"


He held up a finger signaling for you to wait there for a second. He spit and came back, wiping his mouth off with a towel. "Will you grab Mrs. O'Leary for me this morning. Nico, the friend I told you about, took her to the Roman camp for a while to help with some reconstruction and he's bring her back this morning. And, as you can see," he gestured to his half-dressed self, "I'm late and have to go teach a session for Annabeth since she's out sick."

"Yeah, no problemo."

"Thank you so much, (Y/N)-"

"But I want first shower privledges for the rest of the month."

Percy gave you a hard state. You were the little sister he never had, and thus got nearly anything you wanted out of him with a puppy dog look. At least that's what worked this time.

"Oh, okay! Fine. I've already Iris-messaged Nico to tell him you were coming. He's expecting you near Zeus's fist around nine thirty." He glanced over at the alarm clock, you following his gaze.

"Which is right now! Gotta go, Perce. See you later! Say hi to Annabeth for me!" You yelled, racing out the door after grabbing your Camp-Half Blood hoodie. 

"Bye!" He yelled back, but you were already gone.

>>> <<<

You ran all the way to Zeus's fist, not stopping but once to catch your breath. "Wow." Gasp. "I'm so-" Gasp. "Out of shape."

In the couple month's time you were at camp, you still haven't gotten used to the constant exercise and training.

You made your way to a nearby lump of rocks next to the forest and sat down, still catching your breath when you heard it.

It sounded like an animal whining. It was a sad and pitiful noise that sounded like something that an animal on one of those animal shelter commercials would make. You always cried during them, too.

The sound was made again, and this time you could tell it was from inside the forest.

You started walking closer and was soon inside the forest, delving deeper and deeper towards the noise.

Finally, you felt like you were right next to it, but all you could see was a big shadow that looked like a-

"Ruff!" A giant hellhound jumped out of the shadows and straight at you, knocking you to the ground and trapping you underneath it's huge paws. It was twice the size of a regular hellhound and smelled twice as bad.

"Grrr." It growled softly in your face, it's eyes boring into yours. Frozen in terror, you were completely still, refusing to make a sound.

It's face kept inching closer and closer towards yours until it opens its mouth and licked you. It licked you. And your mouth was open.

"Mrs. O'Leary! Where are you, girl?" A voice called, whistling a few times. "Come on, Mrs. O'Leary. You win; I officially suck at hide'n'seek." You heard the voice mumble, "Although, I thought we were playing fetch."

The dog on top of you cocked it's head, then turned it to face towards the direction the voice came from. You turned your head involuntarily the same way, seeing a figure practically melt out of the shadows. "You can't just run-" his eyes landed on you trapped beneath the hellhound before it bounded off and ran up to him, nuzzling his arms and shoulders.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked sincerely, obviously trying not to laugh while you desperately tried to spit the non-human saliva out of your mouth.

You sat up, attempting to wipe dog slobber of your face, "I am now that your dog is off me." You shuddered as a long strand of spit came off of your hands.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Mrs. O'Leary gets excited around new people." He stayed right by the dog's side, not letting go of her fur.

"Wait a minute, 'Mrs. O'Leary?' Are you Nico? Nico di Angelo?" His grinning face instantly changed into an expressionless one.

"Yeah, I'm Nico. I guess you're Percy's sister, huh?"

"Um, yeah. (Y/N). I would shake your hand, but frankly..." You wiggled your slime-covered hands.

"Mm. Well, would you like help getting her back to wherever it is you're going, or can I leave now?"

His sudden change of attitude surprised you. How could anyone frown so hard in the presence of moi. "Um, either is fine. If you want to go I'm sure someone can help me, but Percy might be a bit disappointed. He seemed excited to see you this morning. When he found out he had to sub in for Annabeth he looked real bummed.

"He'll get over it." He turned around to leave, right back into the shadows, but turned back around. "Thanks. That's the first time I've laughed in a long time." Then, he was gone again, fed to the shadows.

"What was that about, Mrs. O'Leary?"

Her answer was to lick you.




"Dad! I'm not making it up! It was a monster!" You argued to your father.

"(Y/N), for the last time. They are not real! You're just imagining things." He gripped your shoulders tighter, shaking you.

You were sobbing by now,  tears streaming down your face as you tried to convince your father once more about the things you see constantly: monsters, myths, fantasies. Every possible made-up creature that you can think of.

You walked away from him, "No. No, dad. It was real. I could feel it." You were trying to stop the tears with sniffles, but it just made your throat burn worse.

You slid down the nearest wall, covering your mouth with your hand. "Real. It's all real."

"Stop it! It's not real, it's never going to be real. Your mother would be ashamed of you. She would never have you lie to her face."

No. No, she would believe me. She would convince me that I was going to be okay. She would whisper in my ear that they weren't going to get me. She would protect me like she always did.

You couldn't reply to your father with this. He would only get more angry than he already was. You got up and walked straight past him as he sat, sobbing silently in your mother's rocking chair.

You walked onto the porch and down the few steps that were there. You kept walking until you were nearly on the street, but stayed on the sidewalk, unprotected from the wind and rain. You kept walking and walking and never stopped. Never looked back.

You walked the whole night, walking nearly the whole way to Long Isle Beach from your small house.

You kept on until you saw it. There, in the middle of the road, was a giant horse made of darkened bones.

Only a select few known as demigods would have known what this creature was. It was a mythical beast found only in legends of the bold. For humans, it could have merely looked like a large dog baring it's teeth, but you and it both knew that it wasn't a creature as harmless as that.

You stopped, frozen in your tracks as the skeleton slowly turned and faced towards you, eyes blazing blue and white flames. It took a step towards you and another. It went from a slow walk, to a trot. Then from a trot to a gallop. A gallop right at you, it's mouth open and a slithering tongue edging it's way out.

You tried to move, but you couldn't. You just fell to the cold, hard ground, your legs no longer stable.  It was almost as if some magnetic force had you glued to the spot.

It was getting closer and closer. At any moment now it would ram into you, making you a permanent addition to the road. You sat there and cried, unsure what to do.

"Gahh!" Someone jumped in front of you from behind and attacked the monster. He stabbed the horses ribs with a long knife, almost a sword, and hopped on top of it, riding the beast.

You scooted yourself backwards, trying to get farther away from the battle at hand. "Get!Away! From her!" The man yelled, taking a final stab at the beast, in its back where the shoulders and neck connected.

"Gahh!!" And with that, the monster disintegrated into a pile of dust, left to be swept away by the wind and rain.

The man was left on the ground, sword in hand. He slowly rose on one knee, then the other, obviously drained. He turned around and looked you in the eye.

While walking towards you, you could see him clearly. On his right cheek, there was a scar that ran from his eye down, paler than the rest. His messy blonde hair clung to his forehead in the rain and his eyes blue eyes shone bright in the night.

He kneeled down next to you and said seriously. "Did you see that?" You only nodded, unable to speak.

"What do you think it was?"

"A-A monster."

"So you can see through the mist. Must be a demigod." He hummed to himself. Demigod? Mist? What the hell is this guy talking about.

He looked at you again, his eyes connecting with yours. "That was called a threshal. A horse that only those who have seen death can see. Most people would have seen nothing, or those who've witnessed death would see a horse, or large dog."

You only nodded in response, not completely sure what to say.

"Can you walk?"

"I-I think so."

"Good, let's try." He got up, and gave you his hand, helping you steady yourself as you stood.

"Now, take a step." Still grasping your hand, he led you along the sidewalk. "Another."

"W-Who are you?" You asked, your voice quivering.

"I'm... I'm Luke. Luke Castellan.

You only nodded as you made your way down the road.

Before you knew, you were at the base of a pine tree with a blanket of wool on it. It was guarded by a dragon looking creature, who seemed to be sleeping.

Not believing it was real, you reached out and tried to touch to creature. However, before you could touch it, it opened its eyes and bit you, it's fangs breaking your skin and venom sinking into your flesh.

You fell down on your knees yet again that night, darkness overtaking you.

Yes, I used the term threshal as in Harry Potter, but bended some of the info.

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