Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

40.4K 460 13


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 46

551 6 0
By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 46: Summer’s POV

I opened my eyes and gradually looked around, I turned to see Kara slumped forward in her seat, the front window had smashed and there was blood everywhere. I shook her gently but got no response. ‘Kara’ I whispered but again got no response, ‘Kara’ I screamed, ‘Help’ I screamed whilst breathing heavily. Suddenly a man walked over and tapped on the window, ‘Are you ok miss’ he asked, I just shook my head before letting the tears run down my cheeks. ‘An ambulance is on its way, ok’ he said sympatheticaly. I just nodded before taking in my surroundings once more. ‘sh!t’ I mumbled, I suddenly recognised where we were, I now knew we were on Nicola’s street right outside the Starbucks that mum had gone to meet Nadine in. ‘sh!t, I needed to tell her’.

I struggled with my seatbelt before finally managing to get it undone and trying the door handle. I slammed myself into the door before banging on the window, it was no use, it was jammed shut. I suddenly noticed mum and Nadine walk out of the Starbucks just as an ambulance pulled up. They glanced over and I could see the recognition on mums face as she realised that it was her car followed by dread. A policeman came over and got me to roll down my window. ‘Darling im going to have to help you out of the window’ he smiled slightly, ‘What about my sister’ I cried, ‘Don’t worry, we will get her but we want to get you out first’ I nodded lightly before grabbing my phone and letting him help me out of the window. I watched as Nadine held mum as she cried into her shoulder. I saw my phone flashing and noticed that I had 3 missed calls from mam. I quickly phoned her back;

Mam… yeah, im fine, mmmm that was my idea…. Im sorry… it crashed…. Im ok mam I swear….im sorry…. Kara…. Shes not woken up

I let the tears consume me as I limped over to Nadine and mum, mum glanced up at me, ‘what were you thinking Summer’ she screamed, ‘you have no liscence, no insurance, you could have got yourselves killed! Just a couple of lessons does not mean that you can suddenly drive’ she continued to yell. ‘I know mum, im sorry’ I cried, mum just ran her hands through her hair and ignored me. A police officer suddenly walked over, ‘excuse me miss’ they smiled slightly, I glanced up at him and nodded, ‘I need to ask you some questions’ I nodded and took a deep breath. ‘Your sister wasn’t wearing a seatbelt to start with! It could have been much more serious than it was! You are lucky that she is still alive to be honest and on top of that, you have no liscence or insurance. You could be looking at court’ the officer exclaimed. I sniffed slightly, ‘What would come from that?’ I asked quietly, ‘As it is your first offence, you could be looking at community service or be let off with a caution but it could be as bad as a jail sentence’ he snapped. I nodded and stayed quiet.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, I turned a bright shade of red as fight for this love blared out of it. I cringed as the officer smirked at me, ‘Your mum is your ringtone?’ he raised his eyebrow. ‘Shut it and don’t tell her, she will get a big head’ I snapped. He just laughed and followed my gaze as I stared at Kara being lifted out of the car onto a stretcher, ‘she will be ok you know’ he whispered. ‘Thanks but im not so sure’ I mumbled. I cancelled mams call and continued to cry as I watched Kara be loaded into the ambulance. ‘Are you ok, I think you should get checked over’ the officer spoke softly, I just shook my head continuously as the tears streamed down my face. ‘Its all my fault’ I mumbled, the officer put his hand on my shoulder, ‘Im sure she won’t blame you’ he smiled slightly, ‘you don’t understand! I blamed her for everything, we were arguing, that’s why I crashed’ I cried. ‘We were just trying to do something nice for mam, we just wanted to do the shopping because she hadnt been able to do it and she wasn’t coping and mum wasn’t there, im sorry’ I mumbled. He nodded, ‘its ok Summer but you will have to just say all of this down at the police station, it probably doesn’t help that you were with Kara because she has offences’.

I looked towards the floor and just cried, a paramedic wondered over, ‘I think you should come to the hospital just to get checked sweetheart’, I nodded my head, barely paying attention to what he had said. Suddenly my phone started ringing again, I looked at it and sighed as I answered;

Mam, im fine, I swear. Im with mum and Nadine… Just going to the hospital with Kara… Shes in a bad way mam, im so sorry… Mam…. Mam, im sorry… Mam…. Ok I’ll meet you there

I hung up the phone and just burst into tears, Mum wrapped her arms around me and I just cried into her shoulder, ‘I’m so sorry mum’ I mumbled repeatedly over and over again until I felt that I couldn’t cry anymore. ‘Come on, lets just get you to hospital, we will talk when we get home, ok’ she mumbled as she rubbed my back gently. Nadine just stroked my shoulder before I got helped into an ambulance. Mum was allowed to come with us but Nadine was following behind in her car.

I was shaking as I got helped out of the car and walked towards A and E. Mum held my hand the whole time offering some sort of comfort but I couldn’t concentrate on anything at the moment. I was in my own little world and I couldn’t stop blaming myself for Kara’s state right now. What if those harsh words were the last words I ever got to say to her, id never forgive myself. I sat in a room, everything was white and I felt like I couldn’t breath. Why was I even here, I wasn’t the injured one, I practically came out unharmed whilst Kara was fighting for her life. I wanted to stit by her bed and not leave until she woke up. If she woke up. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Nadine was sat on a chair beside me whilst mum was with Kara.

A doctor walked in and smiled at me slightly before looking at his notes, ‘How are you feeling Summer? Any pain, bruising anywhere?’ He questioned, I just shook my head, finding it hard to form words at the moment. He did some more tests and took some blood before disapearing again. ‘Why do they have to do all this Nadine, im fine’ I cried, ‘I know babe but they just want to make sure, take precautions, just incase theres something internal because you can’t always tell with that just from looking at you babe, don’t worry, im sure you are fine’ She explained as she wrapped an arm around me, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

I waited for what seemed like ages before another doctor walked in shutting the curtain behind him. He looked at me with what looked to be a worried expression on his face. ‘What is it’ I asked in a panic, ‘Were you aware that you were pregnant Summer’ he asked slowly, ‘What, no, that’s impossible, I can’t be’ I screamed, ‘Have you had sex in the past three months because the blood tests state different’ he asked sympathetically, ‘What? Not by choice, that *Ducking* *Bar Steward*!’ I cried, lying back on the bed and curling myself into a tight ball, ‘Summer’ he said gently, resting his hand on the top of my arm. ‘*Duck* off’ I screamed as tears poured down my face. He looked around as if trying to find the right words, ‘Im sorry Summer but I wanted to tell you that you lost the baby from the impact of the crash, I really am sorry’ he whispered. ‘That’s great, I didn’t want a *Ducking* rapist’s baby anyway’ I screamed before continuing to cry into my pillow. I felt Nadine scramble onto the small single bed behind me and wrap her arms around me in a comforting gesture but I just couldn’t breath, couldn’t talk, nothing.

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