Hetalia vampire one shots

By skyler1112

4.9K 128 18

In almost all the one shots your a vampire and I will take requests (for now). That's it enjoy! I'm starting... More

2p! England x Vamp! Reader
Canada x Vamp! Reader
America x Vamp!Reader
England x Bisexual!Vamp!Reader

2p!America x Vamp!Colourblind!Reader

502 16 2
By skyler1112

                                   What colour is this?

                      Your POV

       It was a normal day, just siting around reading and watching tv the usual stuff I do waiting for my boyfriend to get home from the meetings he has as a country. Allen was his name and he was the personification of America and was good about me being a vampire. I told him a long time ago and he didn't do anything that a thought he would do.
Like try to kill me, but he was cool about it, and I respected him for having the audacity to hang with me, even become my partner in crime and life.
But I never told him about being colour blind, it just never came up. I could see and so what if all I saw was black and white. They are my favorite colours, considering that they're the only ones I can see.
Today would change that. Because what I didn't know is that my close friend, Luciano, told him everything in a fit of rage. I don't know why the fact of me not seeing colour is such a big one, but apparently Allen was pissed and didn't believe him. So instead set up a little test for me, to tell if it was true.
"________ I'm home!" Allen came home the same time he always did and yelled to me in just the same way, but he was trying to cover up his rage. Of what? At the time I hadn't had a clue he was even mad.
"Allen! How was the meeting?" I asked wanting to make sure he was ok and so was everyone else. But if something did happen to him we would probably go on a hunting spree and break into the other countries homes.
"Same as always. Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course you can!"
"What's your favorite colour?" I don't know how the simple question hadn't come up in the past year we had been dating, but I didn't know how to respond.
"Uhhh, black is nice but I don't really do colour, it hurts my vampire eyes!" I said pulling my eyes open to emphasize the vampire part. I didn't think he was going to be technical, and tell me black isn't a real colour.
"No I mean, what colour of the rainbow, like black and white doesn't count." Well shit what am I supposed to do now?
"Oh ummm, I guess yellow is nice and green?" I didn't even know if those were even real words, let alone colours.
"_____, what colour are my eyes?" I was taken a back, confused and at a loss for words. I couldn't answer, at least correctly. So told him what I see.
"Light grey." I know it wasn't the best answer and he wasn't going to be happy that his girlfriend didn't know the colour of his own eyes but what was I supposed to do? I didn't know anything else and it's probably better he knows the truth.
"So he wasn't lying. You really are colour blind." He was pissed and I was scared.
"Yea, I didn't think it really mattered all that much and I used to get picked on by some of the other countries so I just stopped making a big deal out of it. I didn't know if you wouldn't like me after I tol-"
"_______! Are you even listening to yourself! Why would I stop loving you over something as stupid as this?!"
"If it doesn't matter then why are you making such a big deal over it?!?"
"Cause I thought you trusted me but I guess I was wrong!"
"Are you kidding me!?!? Whenever I tell someone I end up getting hurt or they act like I can go anything!!! That I'm helpless AND IM NOT!!!!" How could he not understand that I wanted him to think of me as capable and not treatment like I'm useless?!? My knees gave way and I started crying remembering all the times they said I couldn't. That they laughed at me and called me awful names and the kicks and punches. All the running I did made me stronger. Strong enough to lock it all away in my heart. But Allen found the key and I can't do anything.
"_______, I'm -"
"SAVE IT!!! I'm done, with all this fucking bullshit!! I don't care anymore!!!" I ran up to my room and locked the door, grabbing my I pad and hiding in the closet. Trying to run away, but you can't run away from the past or who you are.

      Allen's POV

       Holy fucking shit I just made her snap. She always sad that she could just lose it any minute but I didn't think it was possible. Or that I would be the cause. Shit what am I supposed to do? Why is this something she can't tell me? I mean for fucks sake she told me she was a fucking vampire and I was cool with that so why is is something like this what sends her over the edge.
Don't tell me I'm going to have to call that basterd Italy. But he knows everything about her and her fucked up past as _________ would like to put it.
So I reached into my pocket pulling out me cell and called him up. And he answered too. (Italics are Italy)
"Hello? You~a didn't tell~a _______ did you?" How the fuck did he know?
"Yea and know she's locked herself in her room and started swearing at me too."
"She~a started to~a swear at~a you? Jesus Christ she~a must~a be really pissed."
"No shit that's why I called you. Why did she get so worked up anyway, it's not a big deal" (I'm not doing the ~a you can use your imagination)
"Well, back when I first ~a meet her I high school, she was a target for bullies. She would get into so many fights at one point she was in a full body cast. The doctors became her friends and she was put on a special kind of food for losing so much weight from running miles and miles trying to get away. But that wasn't even the worst part. The words they said were worse than any of the beatings. She Sometimes came so me saying that she would rather be hospitalized than hear the words they said. It wasn't just the kids either, sometimes the teachers would call her out in class and fail her, just because she didn't see the world the same way. Her father was a drunk and would beat her, so she moved in with me. And that's when I found out."
"Found out what? That she was a vampire?"
"............. It's her decision to tell you what she's been trying to bury for so long.  I will tell you but you can't tell her. If you can't respect that _____ will come back and live with me."
"So what happened after she moved in?" I was trying to get him off the subject of _______ moving in with him again.
"She well, was depressed. And I did everything I could, stopped the beatings, got her away from that hell she called home and even sent a letter to the school and the teachers stopped. The bullying eventually ceased and ____ got off the food she was given by the doctors. But she would still scream in the night and wake up sick. She would sometimes have panic attacks and I was there through all of it. But I couldn't do anything else for her, I couldn't stop the continuous laughing she heard in her head. That is until she started going out with you. The panic attacks stopped and she let herself heal. I see the big deal, and if you don't see what you did for her I don't think you are human. You drove the bullies away all over again, that's why she didn't want to tell you. Because imagine the person who made you happy the most, sending you into a depression again."
"............. I gotta go."
"Si, I wish you luck." And with that he hung up.

::::time skip to night::::

Your POV

     Allen was asleep, but I couldn't take not being around him anymore. So at 3:00 A.M. I snuck into his room and under the sheets in his bed, my back resting against his.
I felt really bad for snapping at him but I couldn't take him yelling at me.
I could feel myself calming down, my eyes turning from the black pit that was the vampire side of me to the normal un-dilated eyes that the world sees.
I became lost in thought and fell asleep, right next to the country I loved so much.

###time skip to morning###

      I woke up to someone saying my name. An arm around me and the sun shining in my face.
"______ I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry I yelled." It was Allen, that's right I fell asleep in his room.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I should have told you a long time ago." I replied.
"_______ I don't care, I'm just glad your here."
"Allen can I ask you a question. "
"Anything. "
"What colour are your eyes?"
"They're red doll face, now let's go eat."
"You know I only drink blood"
"Yea and I only eat vegetation. Now let's go before I starve and you bite me."
"That was one time Allen!" I yelled at him jokingly.
"Yea and I wouldn't mind if it happened a second." My fangs grew and I could feel the smirk come just that more scary as I moved in closer to my loved one.
"Come here and let me bite you now!"
"Your gonna have to catch me first!" And we ran around the house like crazy people until I had enough and speed up to him. And then tackled him to the ground pinning his arms above his head.
"What colour are my eyes?"
"A beautiful (e/c)"
"Thanks, now I'm hungry!"



           Word count: 1684

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