Hetalia vampire one shots

By skyler1112

4.9K 128 18

In almost all the one shots your a vampire and I will take requests (for now). That's it enjoy! I'm starting... More

2p! England x Vamp! Reader
Canada x Vamp! Reader
2p!America x Vamp!Colourblind!Reader
England x Bisexual!Vamp!Reader

America x Vamp!Reader

493 14 3
By skyler1112

          Sorry, you can blame the sun

Alfred's POV

_____, my girlfriend, texted me to come over at 7:00 an hour ago wanting to hang out after three weeks of being busy and not having time to see each other, so when seven o'clock rolled around I got ready and headed over to her house.

----/mini time skip to your house\----

I knocked on _____'s door waiting for her usual cheery smile to greet me but I was meet with silence.
I knocked again, with an answer of again, silence. So out of the worries yanking at the back of my mind, I barged into her house, going through everything like a hurricane.
She wasn't in the living room, or the kitchen or the wreck room so I ran upstairs and into _______'s room seeing her peacefully sleeping.
She was in a (f/c) tank top and some boxers with her (hair color) covering her face and her legs and arms sprawled all over the floor.
That's right she wasn't even in her bed, she was just lying on the floor fast asleep.
She must be a really heavy sleeper if she was still asleep after the wreckage I just caused.
I walked up to _____, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder, walking downstairs as I tried to wake her up from her sleep.
So I did what any sane person would do and threw her on the couch but to no avail she was still asleep.
She looked so cute. But I wanted to hang out with the _______ that can talk and has her eyes open, not the one that won't even flinch when thrown on the couch.
So again being sane, I blasted (favorite song) and went around with a pot and metal spoon chanting at the top of my lungs '_______ wake up' repeating the song about three times before giving up, turning off the music and getting a drink to soothe my now sore throat.
I walked back into the living room seeing ______ walking around mumbling about..... something.
"______ are you finally up? Took you long enough."
"Eh eh, Canada I don't wanna go ice fishing I'm gonna hang out with Alfred. What? No."
"______ are you sleep talking?"
"I'm throwing anything in my closet away that has any reference to pink. So what if I like him?"
She is so sleep walking and talking. Is that why she was on the floor?
"I will not hang a Mexican flag in my room. You know I'd rather have his flag. So what if I don't want to eat your food. Bloody he- I mean what the heck stop making me- yea I do like him so what?"
Who does she like other than me? What is she saying? I know she was trying to shake the inherited English accent but was she trying that hard?
"Prussia.... Prussia stop it I don't like you? In fact you DRIVE ME INSANE!"
She is screaming in her sleep about Prussia annoying her. But I'm annoying....
"So what if I have a crush on him? England you know I've had a crush on him for a long ass time now and he is just amazing...... I can't tell him!What if he doesn't like me? He'll think I'm crazy or worse, just stop hanging out with me!"
A crush on who? Who could my girlfriend like more than me?!?
"China he's great! I love him and you want me to confess?!? You and England are crazy I can't tell him!" She kept talking like they were really here.
Who is this and why hasn't _____ told me? I thought we were best friends and well, then we became a couple.
"Alfred who do you like?"
"You! I love you ___!" She starting crying in her sleep, and I still can't get her to wake up!
"Alfred I love you too! For as long as I can remember please be mine?" But she didn't let me finish, because she fell on the floor, curling up into a ball hair everywhere just like how I found her upstairs.
That's why she was always so hesitant. Even before I asked her to go out with me she had this big crush on me and I didn't know about it. How? Looking back on all those times makes it so obvious but how could I not have known then? Is that why she wanted to drop her English accent? All because of me?
"America? Why the bl- heck are you here? Why am I downstairs and why...... It's seven isn't it?" She was finally up after that long dream and I lot of thinking.
"Yea I've been trying to wake you up for awhile now, say what were you dreaming about?"
"Was I walking and talking again? Dammit I thought I had gotten over that!"
"Yea but what was your dream?" I'm very eager to hear this explanation.
"Well if you must k- I mean if you want to know that badly I was dreaming about what happened before you told me you liked me. I always had the biggest crush on you and the others would sometimes tease me about it. And then there was the occasional boy who would hit on me and I would get all pissed. And England drove me into the wall about it, my god he was relentless. " She stood there reflecting on her past before we became a pair. Just lost in thought.
"Why was it so hard to wake you up anyway? I mean I did throw you on the couch....."
"Well us vampires sometimes just need a day to sleep and a night to stay awake. We do have a normal cycle to fight, and I felt really tired so I layer down for a nap and then went into a coma like state..... Yea I'm fine sorry for bugging you. You can blame the sun."
You had told America about you being a vampire a long time ago. He was fine with it, said it gave him a reason to not try to stuff burgers down your throat.
"You weren't bugging me, now let's hang wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure but Alfred?" He gave a hmm in response.
"I'm kinda hungry...." You said taking his hands and pinning them down on the couch.

Word count: 1058

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