World of possibilities (Camre...

By 5havidreader

311K 10.3K 3.2K

Camila Cabello is a sassy and outgoing social worker. With the world at her feet, Lauren Jauregui a rough Chi... More

Plans for change
Flirting with danger and getting to know you...
Saving a life
Paying it forward
I smell a dirty....
Being worthy of more
Sacrifices for the innocent
Looking forward to someday...
Dreams and endless possibilities
Rub downs and words of wisdom
Pushing too hard
Knocking some sense into you
Fuck now, date later?
Scares and meaningful words
Plans and plots of revenge
Preparing to fight back
It's a start
New experiences
The Drop Off
Whose The Bitch Now?!
Hall Of Fame
Deserving Eachother
Matrimonial demands
World Of Possibilities

Beginning of a hard day

10.5K 363 149
By 5havidreader

Camila was shaken awake by a annoyed Ericka and Sofie, and judging from her cell phone that was blaring, they were not happy with her.

"Mila.. answer your phone!" Sofie groaned in frustration.

Groaning in irritation, Camila blindly reached for the nightstand next to her bed grabbing her vibrating and blaring phone.

Seeing Ally's name on the screen, she answered it and yawned,"What?"

"Mila, the FBI are on the way, along with the Sheriff. They need to talk to you." Ally rushed out worriedly.

Suddenly awake, Camila said,"What do they want?"

"To go over your statement, and to see if your going to be brought up on charges for using Lauren's gun to shoot the two gang members." Ally said with a sigh.

Camila growled and exclaimed,"I shot them before they could go after Ericka! If they want to arrest me for that, then they have another thing coming! I gotta go, I need to call Tori."

"Okay, keep yourself calm Mila." Ally warned worried.

"Yeah..yeah." Camila grumbled hanging up as she scrambled out of bed, running to her walk in closet to prepare herself for her new guests.

"Whats going on?" asked Sofie worried.

"You'll see." Camila answered, calling her lawyer and putting her on speaker.

"What did you do now?" asked Tori worried.

"I killed two gang members that were trying to not only kill me, but also a cops kid." Camila explained putting on her best business suit.

"Explain everything from the beginning, I'm on my way to your house now." Tori demanded rushing to do as she just said.

Camila spent twenty minutes explaining everything that happened in the restaurant, and that she was now fostering Ariana's daughter. By the time she exited the closet, she was fully dressed and saw two nervous girls staring at her worried as they sat on the bed.

"Your going to be fine Mila. I'm almost there, and I don't want you to say a thing till I get there. I got this." Tori assured her confidently.

Camila saw the looks of relief on her sister and Ericka's face, and she smiled sadly, feeling guilty that they were worried for her.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get here." Camila said hanging up.

"They're trying to arrest you for defending yourself and Ericka? Are they crazy?" Demanded Sofie angrily.

"But you saved my life, and Aunt Laurens.." Ericka said tearfully.

"Calm down guys. Trust me, they can't do anything to me. I have a license to carry a gun, I've been trained by the FBI. Trust me when I say, there just wanting some info, because even they have to know they got nothing." Camila assured them with a small smile.

She watched them relax a little more, and her heart melted.

"Now you guys get dressed, and Sofie will take you shopping for some clothes. And she will not complain about the body guards now will you Sofie?" Camila ordered, giving her sister a pointed look.

"No. I wont complain." Sofie grumbled in annoyance.

Camila gave her sister a smile, and turned to Ericka with a sad look and said," I need you to get something black for your parents funeral. I know it will be hard, but we have to start making arrangements."

Ericka's eyes filled with tears, and she said,"What about my Aunt Lo? We can't bury my mom without her."

"Is that what you want? To wait for your aunt Lo?" asked Camila gently.

Ericka nodded her head, wiping her eyes as she sniffled. "My mom needs Aunt Lauren there. I can't say goodbye without her." She croaked shakily.

Camila sat next to the teen, and gathered her in her arms. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do. I'll talk to the Jauregui's. But I need you to still get the clothes. There's going to be a lot of funerals this week. Okay?"

Ericka nodded silently. Camila kissed her head, giving her one more squeeze before she said,"I gotta go down stairs and start dealing with things, I know we didn't get much sleep, but it has to be done. Join me when your done?"

The girls nodded, and Camila gave her a look that said,'stay with her'. Once she saw that Sofie understood, she went into the bathroom, and just threw her hair into a high ponytail, before exiting the room.

Leaving her room, she saw  Mike and Clara exiting their room.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Camila with a small smile.

"Those beds are amazing. Thank you again Camila for you generosity. We truly appreciate the way your taking care of us." Clara said appreciatively.

"Trust me Clara it's my pleasure. There is something I needed to speak to you about..." Camila said nervously.

"What is it dear?" asked Mike smiling.

"Ericka doesn't want to bury her parents until Lauren wakes up. I know Ariana was like a daughter to you, and I was wondering if we could hold off on it for Ericka. I think she isn't ready to deal with this until Lauren's awake. From what I saw, they were all very close." Camila explained, as the elevator doors closed behind them.

Clara nodded as her eyes started to fill with tears. "No, Ericka is right. Lauren needs to be awake. She wont be able to accept it if she isn't there. Do you know how long we can hold off on a funeral?" Clara asked, wiping the stray tears that fell from the corner of her eyes.

"A couple months at least. If becomes a problem, I'll find a place that can store them until you are all ready." Camila assured the two grieving parents.

"Thank you." Mike said gruffly.

"Did Ariana have no family left?" asked Camila curiously.

Clara shook her head and said,"Her mother was my closest friend, her and her husband died in a car accident when Ariana was fifteen. Ariana and Lauren were raised together, and when Ariana's family died, they left her to us. She's always been a part of our family."

Camila nodded giving the Jauregui's a sympathetic look and said,"Then we'll wait for Lauren. As it should be."

The doors to the elevator opened, and the three froze as they heard arguing in the sitting room.

Camila and the Jauregui's rushed to the sitting room, where they saw multiple officers arguing with the FBI including her head of security.

"Whats going on?!" Camila asked angrily.

"Are you Camila Cabello?" asked a agent in frustration.

"Yes I am. Is there something I can help you with?" asked Camila stepping next to her security.

"Yes, you can come with us. We have to place you under arrest until we determine the murder of the two men in the restaurant was self defense." The Agent answered matter of factily.

Once those words left his lips, there was a roar of protest and anger from the many families in the house.

"Like hell your arresting her! She saved my daughters life! A officer and a officers daughter! How the hell don't you see self defense? Are you blind?" shouted Mike angrily.

Camila sighed in frustration, and raised her arms to calm every one down, and smiled in her mind when she saw her lawyers bright red hair enter the room panting in anger.

"Hold it right there!" Tori shouted angrily.

The agents turned to the red head and said,"Who are you?"

"I'm Miss Cabello's attorney, and you wont be taking my client anywhere. I talked to the chief of police, and he assured me that miss Cabello was in no way responsible for the deaths of those men. Her actions were that of self defense, and the defense of a fallen officer and minor. You may question her, and get her acccount of the events, but she is not under arrest. He urged you to call him should you need to hear it from him, but he's already called your superiors, and you two will not be working this case. There are special agents on their way to replace you as we speak." Tori explained smugly.

The agents face turned red as the one that had tried to arrest Camila exploded,"She shot two men in cold blood! She should at least be in jail for a trial!"

Camila saw red, and before anyone could react, she was in his face.

"I shot two sick gang members that had no freaking problem shooting innocent people, along with two officers trying to enjoy a family outing. I did what I had to, and if you think I feel bad about that, than you'd be wrong. Do I hate that I had to take a life? Of course I do. I didn't wake up yesterday blood thirsty. Do I regret it? Excuse my language, but Fuck no. Would I do it again? In a heart beat. If they didn't want to be shot, then they shouldn't have walked into a family establishment intent on murdering innocent people. What you want is someone to blame. If that's the case, then you can blame the bastards that started this whole mess, but don't come into my home and think I should feel sorry for the bastards I killed. Not when an officer and a child is alive because of it." Camila ranted angrily.

"You can't get away with murder! Your a civilian, you have no right to pick up a police officers gun, and kill people, its not your job." The agent ranted back.

The front door slammed shut, and two brunettes walked in with fierce looks on their faces. The two male agents looked at each other with a groan, and immediately stepped away from Camila.

"This civilian, was trained by the best the FBI has to offer. She was trained to handle high stress situations, and her aim is better than yours Mahone. Now, You and your partner are reassigned to Los Angles for some field work. Call your director, and she'll explain your new assignment. Now get out of here, NOW." The older brunette ordered angrily.

The two Male FBI agents scowled at her before turning to leave.

"Mahone?" The woman called, stopping the two agents at the door.

"Yes, Lovato?" Agent Mahone said through gritted teeth.

"If your feeling all blue because someone killed to murderous gang members in self defense, than maybe you should rethink your career choices. I don't want to see you near Cabello again. Got it?" Agent Lovato said angrily.

"Yeah. Got it." Mahone said, marching out of the house, his partner following behind him quickly.

The two female agents turned to the red faced Camila, and smiled.

"Good to see you again Cabello, sucks that its under these circumstances." The agent said with a smile.

"Demi, Selena. God am I glad to see you." Camila sighed, hugging the two woman.

"Your not arresting her right?" Ericka asked worried. She had come down in the middle  their argument, and she had to hold Sofie back before she smacked the FBI agents.

Shaking her head, Demi said,"No way kid. Mila was acting in self defense. Any one with a brain would have done what she did. She handled it like a pro."

There were collective sighs from the families in the room, and it suddenly occurred to Camila that these strangers were genuinely worried for her.

"I do need your accounts of what happened though, and when your done, I need everyone else's accounts of the cop shop, and the drive by's to their homes. We need to start putting faces together, and a time line. So if there's a place we can start doing that.." Demi looking around the room.

"I set up my dads office for you. It's sound proof, and will give you the privacy you need. We can do it in shifts, a lot of the people here need to get clothes, and set up their kids for school. Which reminds me. " Camila cut off facing the group.

"Do you guys want to risk your kids going to school? I can provide body guards until this is over, but things can happen regardless. If you decide the risk isn't worth it, I can have teachers brought in for any of the kids ages. We can make one of the rooms a class room, until this is over." Camila assured them kindly.

"I think that's a great idea. From what we know, more of the officers homes were ransacked, and we can only assume the gang members were looking for your were about's. I urge you all to take Camila's generosity, pride aside, we want you all safe. That's all that should matter." Demi urged the group.

There was a murmur around the room, and suddenly, the words tutor were heard.

Seeing it pretty unanimous, Camila sighed in relief and smiled.

"Okay, I'll have my people get some tutors, we can start in a few days. Once your done talking to Demi and Selena, security will take you out to get some clothes, and anything else you may need." Camila said smiling.

There were calls of thanks, and smiles of gratitude, as one by one, they were questioned by the FBI. Camila, Sofie and their security entered the kitchen where the many servants were starting breakfast, and started to discuss the security measures.

"Zayn, I want you to hire as many security guards as it takes. I want every one guarded, no one leaves this house alone. I want more armored cars ordered, and guards around the house and property twenty four hours a day." Camila ordered frowning.

"That's gonna be really expensive Mila." Her head of security Zayn explained.

Camila and Sofie both giggled shrugging.

"We have hundreds of billions of dollars Zayn. I mean, we live really middle class most the time, and never really spend it. All we did when we were in foster care was build more and more money. Our dad bought plenty of stock, and really we make hundreds of thousands an hour doing nothing. I can't think of a better way to spend it then to help these people. They're hurting because they volunteered to be a part of my project. I'm not gonna let them suffer because of that." Camila finished frowning.

Zayn nodded in agreement and smiled at his boss. She was truly a good person, and he loved working for her.

"Okay. Well.. Its going to take us at least a week to get everything together, so make sure no one takes any unnecessary risks." Zayn urged concerned.

"I'll let them know. I also want two guards with Lauren Jauregui at all times. I don't know if there will be more attacks, but I'm not taking a risk. If we have to get motion detectors and added security camera's to this property that's fine too. No one gets in this house that we don't know about. I don't care if we're as protected as a military base. Until the people responsible for these attacks have been put away, I'm taking no risks." Camila said seriously.

"Alright Mila, I'll make it happen." Zayn promised smiling.

"Good. Well, I better go check in to the office. I need to take at least a week off to get every one situated." Camila said smiling lightly.

"You should take Ericka with you. Keep her mind off her grief for a bit." Sofie suggested softly.

"You don't think its too soon?" asked Camila worried.

Sofie shrugged and said,"Maybe. But afterwords, you can take her to see Lauren. It might make her feel better to see Lauren still here."

Camila thought it over, and nodded. Finally agreeing with her sister, she asked,"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna help Jenny get these guys everything they need. It'll be less things for you to worry about."Sofie responded giving her sister a small smile.

Camila smiled gratefully at her sister, and stood up from the table, giving her sister a kiss on her head." Sounds like a plan. Thanks Sof." she said, before leaving the kitchen.

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