Lost in His World (A Sasuke F...

By Yllianna

297K 5.8K 1.1K

When Mika went to Japan, she never imagined that her trip would turn into a disaster. After her cruise ship s... More

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⇜Chapter 1 ⇝
⇜Chapter 2 ⇝
⇜Chapter 3 ⇝
⇜Chapter 4 ⇝
⇜Chapter 5⇝
⇜Chapter 6 ⇝
⇜Chapter 7 ⇝
⇜Chapter 8 ⇝
⇜Chapter 9 ⇝
⇜Chapter 10 ⇝
⇜Chapter 11 ⇝
⇜Chapter 12 ⇝
⇜Chapter 13 ⇝
⇜Chapter 14 ⇝
⇜Chapter 15 ⇝
⇜Chapter 16 ⇝
⇜Chapter 17 ⇝
⇜Chapter 18 ⇝
⇜Chapter 19 ⇝
⇜ Chapter 20 ⇝
⇜Chapter 21⇝
⇜Chapter 22 ⇝
⇜Chapter 23⇝
⇜Chapter 24⇝
⇜Chapter 25⇝
⇜Chapter 26⇝
⇜Chapter 27⇝
⇜Chapter 28.1⇝
⇜Chapter 28.2⇝
⇜Chapter 29⇝
⇜Chapter 30⇝
⇜Chapter 31⇝
⇜Chapter 32⇝
⇜Chapter 34⇝
⇜Chapter 35⇝
⇜Chapter 36⇝
⇜Chapter 37⇝
⇜Chapter 38⇝
bonus chapter: Chapter 38 alternative ending
⇜Chapter 39⇝
⇜Chapter 40⇝
⇜Chapter 41⇝
⇜Chapter 42⇝
⇜Chapter 43⇝
⇜Chapter 44⇝
⇜Chapter 45⇝
⇜Chapter 46⇝
A brief message from the author
⇜Chapter 47⇝
⇜Chapter 48⇝
⇜Chapter 49⇝
⇜Chapter 50⇝
⇜Chapter 51⇝
⇜Chapter 52⇝
⇜Chapter 53⇝
⇜Chapter 54⇝
Message from the author
⇜Chapter 55⇝
⇜Chapter 56⇝
⇜Chapter 57⇝
⇜Chapter 58⇝
⇜Chapter 59⇝

⇜Chapter 33⇝

3.6K 57 14
By Yllianna

            “No!” exclaimed their former sensei. The rest of them opened their mouth in disbelief but couldn’t utter a single word. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. In front of them was a complete scene of horror. Bodies of ninjas and innocent citizens were lying lifeless everywhere, drenched in their own pool of blood. Kunai knives were still sticking on most of the bodies. No one’s moving.

            Genta slowly walked around, his eyes scanning the bodies of his village people with a mixture of disbelief and horror. The rest unconsciously followed him. It was as if they were walking and looking at something that isn’t real. But they knew none of this was an illusion.

              Ren stopped a foot away from the small body of a girl. She’s lying face down but it didn’t matter. He knew who she was. He could tell who she was even if he couldn’t see her face. He noticed something sticking from under her tiny body. He bent down and carefully tried to take it from under her. But doing so disturbed her arm’s position, revealing her left hand. It’s missing a finger. Ren closed his eyes tight, trying to rid his chest of the sickening feeling that sight brought. He turned to not see her hand again before he opened his eyes to see what he had taken from underneath her body. A scroll. It’s a scroll with their village’s symbol, half-burned and stained with fresh blood. Ren crumbled the half-burned paper in his hands and brought it close to his heart.

              “No one’s alive. I didn’t see anyone alive”, said Genta who just came back from searching. He left the group earlier to check the surrounding area for possible threat and to search for survivors. The jounin left at the same time but headed in the opposite direction.

                “I didn’t find anyone either”, said their former teacher.

         “Why? Why did this happen? I don’t understand why no one survived. We have an underground hide out for our citizens. Surely the others are down there right now.”


                 “That’s right. They should be down there. Let’s go and check sempai.”

                 The jounin nodded.

                 “Sempai”, called Shiro.


           "I’ll go to my house and get Ami-chan. She might be really scared”, Shiro said, his voice shaking. His nervousness was eating him and his sempai could tell.

               “Let’s all go to Shiro’s house before we check the underground.” 

            Everyone agreed. They hurried towards Shiro and Ami’s house, which didn’t take them long to reach. From the outside the small home looked undisturbed. Shiro bursted open the door as soon as he reached it.


            No answer.

            “Ami-chan. Where are you?”


            “Ami-chan, it’s me. I’m back.”

            Still nothing.

            Shiro ran and searched inside. His comrades followed him.

            “Shiro”, Genta called from the tiny kitchen. Shiro ran towards where his friend was. He found Genta standing two feet from Ami. She’s lying on the bamboo floor.

            “She…she’s not moving”, said Genta, struggling to say the words. The rest of the group now stood behind Shiro.


            Shiro kneeled down and held Ami.

           “Ami! Ami! Wake up!” He ordered frantically. But Ami’s eyes remained closed. Shiro shook her tiny body, desperate to get any response from his sister. But she didn’t move at all. Shiro held her closer to him, revealing her back to his comrades.

            “Shiro!”, exclaimed Genta, pointing at Ami’s back. “Ami-chan…”

          Shiro then noticed that his arms were wet. He held up his left arm to check what’s dripping on it.

           “Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” He screamed as he stared at his arm, wet with a generous amount of fresh blood.

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