Stupid First Impressions

By RainyDayGirl

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Amy Martins is your average 15-year-old girl: she spends way too much time messing around with her best frien... More

Stupid First Impressions - Prologue
Stupid First Impressions
Stupid First Impressions - Part 3
Stupid First Impressions - Part 4
Stupid First Impressions - Part 5
Stupid First Impressions - Part 6
Stupid First Impressions - Part 7
Stupid First Impressions - Part 8
Stupid First Impressions - Part 9
Stupid First Impressions - Part 10
Stupid First Impressions - Part 11
Stupid First Impressions - Part 12
Stupid First Impressions - Part 13
Stupid First Impressions - Part 14
Stupid First Impressions - Part 15
Stupid First Impressions - Part 16
Stupid First Impressions - Part 17
Stupid First Impressions - Part 18
Stupid First Impressions - Part 19
Stupid First Impressions - Part 20
Stupid First Impressions - Part 21
Stupid First Impressions - Part 22
Stupid First Impressions - Part 23
Stupid First Impressions - Part 24
Stupid First Impressions - Part 25
Stupid First Impressions - Part 26
Stupid First Impressions - Part 27

Stupid First Impressions - Part 2

136 5 2
By RainyDayGirl

[Okay, I'm gonna upload this part and then I'll probably wait a while and finish my other stories up and come back to it. Unless I get some feedback begging for more, which is unlikely. So, enjoy, comment and...Happy Reading! ^_^]

So, the rest of the week passed without incident and now it's Monday again and I'm really freaking out. What if this new girl is a total b- witch? Will I be able to hack spending time with her? Or will she drive me insane enough to kill her? So, understandably, Luke is helping me calm down from a near panic attack.

"Look, she's probably really nice. Jeez Amy, you haven't met her yet and you're already freaking out!"

I have to admit, he has a point. What if me being all jumpy MAKES her a witch? That actually helped a lot more than I thought it would. Now I just have to remember that when I MEET her and it'll be fine. She's only human. She's only human. She's only-

"Um, hi there. I'm new here, I was wondering if you could point me to the office?"

I spun around at the lilting voice, only to almost crash into her. Well, she was pretty, definitely. Her hair looked like spun gold in the light, her blue eyes keen and intelligent. Yeah. Pretty may not be the exact word I'm looking for'll do I suppose. She was a little -okay, a LOT - shorter than me and she had that kind of fragility you just don't get in most girls - well, me and Gemma at least. She didn't have massive, um, assets but what she did have worked for her. I could tell she was going to fit in SOMEWHERE. Maybe our group, maybe someone else's, but definitely somewhere.

"Uh, sure. I'm Amy Martins. I'm actually supposed to be showing you around anyway." Her eyes brightened slightly, a smile bringing two perfect dimples to her face. "So, I should probably take you up to the office, huh."

"Thank you, really. I've been so nervous about moving to a new school and meeting new people. It's nice to know I've already got a guide."

I found out her name was Marigold and that she had moved here with her mum. She seems really sweet actually, and I feel a little guilty that I was so worked up this morning. I led her over to my little group first, introducing both Gemma and Luke. They were both friendly with her and she looked relieved at already having someone to hang out with. Even as I led her to the little office where our headmistress always is, she came out of her shell a little more.

"So, I guess I'll see you after you're done here. Come find me at break if you're not in anyone's lesson, okay? We'll be in the courtyard, making a lot of noise."

She didn't make it into registration but I figured she wouldn't. Fifteen minutes isn't long enough to get yourself acclimatised to a building and meet your new head teacher. But she was in my science class so I waved her over. She looked so relieved when she saw me that I felt myself warming to her even more. About half way through the lesson I looked up from my work to see how she was doing.

My jaw dropped. She was looking bored, her work totally finished in front of her. Unbelievable. On top of the beauty, she's got brains. Wow. I never thought I would meet somebody that gifted. I allowed myself a moment of jealousy before concentrating on my work again. All it meant was that she could help me out, maybe. I definitely could use a little help with certain parts of the subject. But wow. She must be really smart if she can do that much work on her first day!

Turned out she wasn't taking music so she wouldn't have to suffer through listening to me attempt singing. But she did have history so she would be with Luke. She smiled when I told her that and I couldn't help but be happy that she was making friends with all of my friends so quickly. Not that they were difficult to be friends with but...well, she was new! Nobody usually gets on well with people when they're new.

Music is one of my FAVOURITE lessons because it's easy at the moment. I know that it's going to get harder but I figure that I've got a fair chance of keeping up. Well, as much as anyone else does. But all we're doing at the minute is practical work so I just shut myself up in a practice room so nobody could interrupt me. I'm trying really hard to add lyrics to this tune I got in my head but I have to sing it out loud to know if they fit. Yeah. I don't like the catcalls I get when I try to sing.

So, shut up in this room, I try to write. It's harder than it sounds, writing lyrics to the tune. I usually write music to the lyrics but...Miss Belmont decided it would help me to be able to come up with lyrics to music I DIDN'T write. I would tell you how they went but it's kind of embarrassing. Anyway, sitting facing a wall (there's a window in the door and people tend to stare at you when you're in a practice room) and I just keep scribbling out all the ideas that I think are okay until they're on the paper.

I stop when I hear the clapping. Mark and a few of his friends are standing in the doorway, listening intently. I try to stop myself blushing but it's really difficult to stop a blush. Have you ever tried? It's horrible, knowing you're blushing and not being able to do anything about it. I try to glare because, hello? Door was shut for a reason. But I just can't get a good enough glare when I blush. So I just sit there staring at them all for a minute or two before Mark clears his throat.

"Are you done in here? Because we need to practice."

How could I say no? I mean, if they're in here, less people are out there staring in through the window. Plus, so many of the girls love Mark's 'band' that all they pay attention to in class is them. So, less people listening to me. I love that I have double music every second Monday. It's so relaxing, having a break in between as well, so I can rest my throat to torture more innocents afterward.

I was relieved when the bell rang for break - I was desperate to know what Gemma and Luke thought of Marigold. I got my answer straight away when I got to the courtyard. Well, almost straight away. That stupid Geoffrey guy bashed into me again, knocking me flat on my ass. He didn't stop to help me up, either. Jerk. I shouted after him again but he didn't even seem to hear me.

"Amy, didn't we already talk about this?" Gemma said, disapproval radiating from her. "What part of 'I like my best friend living' don't you get?"

"The part where he'd be able to do anything anyway. It's not like he's even listening to me when I shout after him. He just completely blanks me."

"Um, who're we talking about?" Marigold inquired, big blue eyes curious.

"Just some guy who keeps knocking Amy down." I looked at Luke surprised. He was just brushing this off? Wasn't he supposed to get all protective of me, like usual? "Where did you say you were from Marigold? I can't place your accent."

"Leicester. It's pretty cool there, lots of bustle. And people. It's just really..."

"Cool? Yeah, sounds it. Why'd you move here? I mean, not dissing our town's nothing special. You're probably the most exciting thing to happen to it in...a forever!"

Okay, what? Yeah, she's new, but she's not all that, is she? I tried to see if Gemma thought this was as weird as I did but she was staring at Marigold, in total agreement with Luke. Well, maybe it was just me being jealous of Luke's obvious ogling. But I wasn't usually the jealous type...

"Amy? Amy!" Gemma's yelling pulled me out of whatever I was thinking.

"What?" I looked around the emptying courtyard and up at the three of them, standing there. Crap. Talk about space case. I smiled goofily before blushing a little. "Geoffrey must've knocked a few screws loose when he bashed into me."

"Weren't they already loose?" Luke said mildly. Wow, he's being a bit of an ass, compared to usual. I would expect that from Gemma but usually Luke is really sweet. Hmm. Maybe he's in a bad mood...I let it go. It just isn't worth a fight when I'm waiting for him to ask me out at last. I really don't know why he hasn't asked already, I mean, I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I like him back...

"Haha, funny Luke. Come on, we're going to be well late."

Luke started grumbling about how it was my fault and Gemma grinned knowingly, agreeing with them. Seriously, what's come over them? They're both being...mean. They know I don't take jokes that well. I mean, that's what best friends are for right? Knowing when to stop. And being nice to you when other people aren't.

I was still brooding over it when I arrived in music again. Just my luck, Mark and his crew were sitting in the practice room again - meaning I had to practice in the open. Today just keeps getting better...

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