All I Ever Needed (Klaus Mika...

By harrysteelss

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Julianna Duquette is Klaus Mikaelson's lost lover. The two were separated on that dreadful night in New Orlea... More

Chapter 1 - I Came A Long Way
Chapter 2 - Finally Found You
Chapter 3 - New Orleans
Chapter 4 - Prince of The Quarter
Chapter 5 - Witches
Chapter 6 - Magic
Chapter 7 - The Osiris Coven
Chapter 8 - My Dear Sibling
Chapter 9 - It's Been Too Long
Chapter 10 - Run
Chapter 11 - As I Lay Dying
Chapter 12 - Werewolves and The Wicked Witch
Chapter 13 - Problems Bigger Than You
Chapter 14 - Promise
Chapter 15 - The Witch is Dead
Chapter 16 - Months
Chapter 17 - I'm Here
Chapter 18 - Love Her To Bits and Pieces
Chapter 19 - Hello & Goodbye
Chapter 20 - Always Isn't Forever After All
Chapter 21 - Forbidden Love
Chapter 23 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 24 - The Truth
Chapter 25 - Two Weeks Too Long
Chapter 26 - Broken
Chapter 27 - All Too Familiar
Chapter 28 - Is it Too Late?
Chapter 29 - Wake up
Chapter 30 - Too Much
Chapter 31 - Put the Witch to Rest
Chapter 32 - Gone Girl
Chapter 33 - Find Me, Save Me
Chapter 34 - Midnight
Chapter 35 - Uh Oh
Chapter 36 - New Beginnings
Chapter 37 - Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 22 - Paranoia

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By harrysteelss


"Niklaus!" The booming voice echoes through the house causing me to jump up, awake in alert.

"Julianna!" The same voice calls out again. Elijah, to be exact. He and Rebekah must have barely returned. I scramble out of Klaus' bed, which we managed to move to in a blur last night. I wrap the red satin sheet around me and get out of bed to start looking for some clothes before Elijah or Rebekah find out where we are. As soon as I get off the bed, I feel Klaus' arm wrap around mine and pull me back onto the mattress.

"Nik, I need to put my clothes back on. In case you haven't noticed, I'm completely naked and I would rather much have clothes on when either one of your siblings walk in," I scold him and he lets ago.

"I have noticed, I just prefer you without clothes," Klaus chuckles cheekily and falls back into the fluffy pillow beneath his head

"By the way, your undergarments are scattered across the living room," Klaus smugly smiles, "might as well just stay in bed with me."

I huff and roll my eyes, pulling the satin sheet tighter against my body. Before I can do anything else, the door swings open and Elijah walks in with a not so surprised look.

"Why am I not surprised?" Elijah sighs, "Julianna, please undo whatever spell you put on Kol."

"I was just about to do that," I point out. I speed out of the room and into the living room. I easily find my clothes and go into the bathroom. Without wasting time, I'm putting on my clothes in a messy rush. I make a mental note to myself to shower later. When I step out of the bathroom, Elijah is with Klaus, standing over Kol's body on the ground and Rebekah is sitting cross-legged on the sofa with a magazine in her hand, completely calm with the situation.

"I suppose I will find out why Kol is in this state when he awakens," Elijah crosses his arms and eyes wonder in suspicion between Klaus and I.

"Evigilare faciatis," I snap my fingers and Kol's eyes jolt open with a large gasp in take of breath and he's rushing to his feet. Once Kol's eyes land on Klaus, I can feel his change in emotion. He lunges for Klaus but luckily, Elijah pulls him back.

"Julianna, would you kindly explain to me exactly happened in the time being that I wasn't present?"

"Well," I take a deep breath and sit on a stool to start my story, "Kol and I were here alone. It started off fine, just sitting around and talking. Then he asked me to dance, and I agreed because dancing is harmless."

I look up at Kol and his eyes are focused on the ground. He's deep into thought and I could tell by the grim look on his face.

"Then when he spun me, we got really close and then I saw it, that look in his eyes. The same look Niklaus gives me," I take a deep breath, "love."

"I see," Elijah crosses his arms and caresses the scruff on his jaw, "elaborate what happened next."

"I told him I don't love him the way I love Klaus. He tried explaining to me, insulting Klaus, anything for me to give him a chance. Then he kissed me, and that's when Klaus walked in. Then it all blew up from there, punches were thrown and a big argument just spilled. That's when I put the spell on him and Klaus and I made up."

I could feel Kol's stare on me, and I could feel his presence full of sorrow. The room is quiet, and the only thing you can hear is the sound of Kol speeding out of the room.

"Julianna, I need you to go after him and make sure he does not do anything foolish," Elijah orders," I'll stay here with Niklaus." I nod and speed out of the room in a blur to begin my search for Kol.

After searching for at least twenty minutes through the streets of France, I can't seem to spot him. He's completely lost. Maybe I should just go back to the house and do a locator spell. I turn around to start walking back to the house but I abruptly stop I see police cars start zooming past me in a desperate hurry. Right away, I get this feeling in my gut and I know they're here because of Kol doing something terrible. I'm turning back around and running towards the scene. The police cars are messily scattered across the parking lot of a local pub.

"Damn it Kol, what did you do?" I whisper to myself. I speed over to the constable, the highest ranked policeman and tap on his shoulder. He turns around in confusion and I place my hand on his shoulder and focus into his eyes.

"You will gather your men and return back to your station. This is a false alarm and there is no real damage here," I compel and after a few seconds he comprehends and nods. The constable speaks into his walkie-talkie clipped on his jacket and goes back into his car. All the other policeman are confused with his order but don't disobey and go back inside of their cars. I sigh in relief and prepare myself for whatever I see when I open the door. I slowly inch towards the door and gently push it open. Blood, fresh blood is the first thing I smell. The pub is oddly quiet and it reeks of death. It's almost tempting, but I'm stronger than to feed. When I fully open the door, the door hits a body on the floor and I look down to see a man lying in his own puddle of blood. I step over his body and go further into the apocalyptic pub. More bodies are lying in puddles of blood. Some are leaning over the bar, dead and drained of their blood. A woman is lying on a pool table with her neck torn out.

"Kol!" I call out, while walking and stepping over bodies lined all over the floor, "Kol!" I scream out one more time. That's when I see him. He's draining a girls blood that's lying on the pool table. He pulls away from her and I can hear his fangs rip away from her skin. Kol's once clean clothes are now drenched in blood and almost every inch of his face is slathered in it as well. The dark veins are protruding from underneath his black eyes and the red liquid is dripping from his mouth. He let this whole pub feel his wrath without holding back. His vampire form slowly disappeared when his eyes landed on me. For a moment, neither of us say anything and I'm staring at him in disbelief while his eyes are trained on the ground.

"I messed up," Kol looks up and his eyes seem somewhat teary, "didn't I?"

I don't want to say anything in fear of hurting him more, but he's right. He did mess up.

"I don't know what was going through my head when I actually believed you would pick me over Niklaus," Kol drops to the floor and hugs his knees to his body, "I'm sorry Julianna, I truly am."

"Sorry for what?" I finally manage to speak.

"I'm sorry for last night. I'm sorry that I wreaked havoc on this pub and you have to come clean it up, I'm sorry for disappointing you, I'm sorry that I couldn't be the one for you, and most of all," Kol's glassy eyes look up at me and I felt a pang of hurt on my heart, "I'm sorry for falling in love with you."

"Kol," I trail off, not knowing how to respond to his confession. He truly looks like he's given up and I can hear the soft sniffles coming from him.

"I just want to be loved," his small broken voice whispers and that's when I drop to the ground in front of him and wrap my arms around his shaking body.

"The thousand years I have lived, I can't remember the last time my siblings showed they cared. I never found a woman, besides you, that I could love and she could love me," I soothingly rub my hand up and down his back to try and calm him. Is this what he thinks? That his family doesn't care about him. I sort of always knew this insecurity he had with them. That somehow, the lot of them never really cared for him. I could understand how he might feel that way. The strongest bonds in this family is between Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah. Elijah is always looking out for Klaus, Klaus looking out for Rebekah, and Rebekah looking out for Elijah. Kol is usually the odd one out, and he's left to fend for himself.

"You're the only one who understands me and you're the only one who cares about me. I couldn't help falling in love with the only person who showed me it."

"Your siblings do love you, Kol. I know they do," I state, "I'm sorry I can't love you the way you want me to, but I do love you as a brother of my own." Kol might not believe it, but I know his family loves him. They don't show it much, hell, all of them show little to no emotion and the only time they do show emotion is when they can't hold it in. Yet, I know that they care for their youngest brother. After all, the Mikaelson's are all about family.

"It doesn't seem like it," his cries have subsided and he's just lying against me with a tight grip on my arms wrapped around him.

"In case you've forgotten, when it comes to you Mikaelson's, family is above all, always and forever," I reassure and this seems to throw him into thought.

"You're right," even though I can't see him, I know he's smiling.

"Of course I am, I know this family like the back of my hand, I've been running with you guys for centuries," I smile, knowing that everything I did right now might fix things for Kol. For the next ten or so minutes, we just sit on the floor in silence, my arms still tightly wrapped around him.

"Now that that's over with," Kol unwraps my arms from around him and stand up, "what are we gonna do with this mess?"

I stand up and look around. This place is thrashed.

"Light it on fire?" I suggest. There is no way we could do anything about the people or the blood stained floors. Kol really messed it up in here.

"Let us exit and then you can blow it up," Kol speeds out of the building and I follow. In seconds, we're out of the dark pub and out in the open. Fresh air that doesn't smell like decomposing bodies and light that's not coming from a dim lightbulb.

"Incendia," once the words leave my mouth, I can hear a spark crack inside the pub. Then I can hear the flames spread and soon enough the whole building bursts into flames.

"Well, now that that's done with, we should head back now," Kol suggests.

"I agree," I stuff my hands in the pockets of my jacket and start walking towards the direction of our home with Kol following.


**this is happening while Julianna is out looking for Kol**

No matter how long I sit at this window, watching cars drive by and people passing, my mind can't astray from tormenting itself. I'm beyond worried that somehow, Kol might manage to turn Julianna against me. That she will finally see me as the monster I truly am. That I don't deserve her or any of her love. That she will realize maybe Kol might be a better suitor for her, rather than me.

I tip my head back and the old scotch inside my glass empties into my mouth. I turn away from the window, in hopes of keeping my mind from wandering to my worst nightmare.

"I take it you are worried about this certain conflict between the love of your life and your younger brother," Elijah walks into the room. Unfortunately, he's right. I ignore him and walk over to the end table where the tall bottle of scotch is sitting. I refill my cup and continue on my drinking.

"Niklaus, I can smell your paranoia from a mile away," Elijah squints his eyes in the way where he's basically saying 'I just figured you out' sort of way. "In case you have forgotten, this girl is madly in love with you. I don't believe she would run off with Kol."

"You never know," I scowl, "Kol has a way with his charm." I empty my cup and harshly place it on the silver tray holding other cups and the liquor. Julianna has been gone for at least half an hour. It stresses me what they might be up to.

"Do you not trust her at all?"

"It's not whether I trust in her to be faithful," I snap at him, "I'm afraid of what Kol might try."

"What, might I ask, are you afraid of, exactly?" Elijah leans on an armchair and he's focusing on me and giving me his full undivided attention.

"Wouldn't you love to know?" I point out and he chuckles under his breath.

"You're afraid to lose her," Elijah states. It does not take a genius to reveal my fear at this moment. I sigh and lean against the sofa with both my hands holding me up for support on the part of it. I love Julianna, with every fiber in my being. It would break my heart and destroy me, if I were to lose her. Just thinking of her loving someone else, doing the things that only her and I do, makes me want to rip my own heart out. I don't think I could ever recover if she were to tell me she did not love me anymore.

After another thirty minutes of waiting, I'm driving myself mad with the endless thoughts that are running through my mind. If she doesn't walk through that door in the next five minutes, I myself will go out and find her. As if on queue, the door swings open and in comes Julianna with a mess of Kol trailing in behind her.

"Which unfortunate and large group of humans, pray tell, did Kol unleash his rage on?" Elijah questions while taking in Kol's appearance.

"Sadly, it was the ones at the pub, either drinking their sad lives away or drinking for a good time. Irregardless, they're all dead so I burnt it down," Julianna explains and I slightly smile. Her eyes skip over to mine and I can tell she's holding back a smile. I can tell by the playfulness that hides in her eyes. That's when I'm reassured my fear of her abandoning me, is nothing I need to be concerned about in this very moment.


So this chapter is mostly just a filler. Just Kol, Klaus, and Julianna problems. Sadly, I start school again tomorrow bc of thanksgiving break being over. Talking about thanksgiving, I want to take this time to thank every single one of you for giving my story a read. Clicking on it and voting and even the rare comments. I love all of you guys and I hope you guys continue reading bc I'm gonna try to make it more interesting the next few chapters. Hopefully I can get in a chapter this week!! Hasta luego!

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