Coach me baby {l.s au}

By littleshitwithdreams

29.7K 876 610

Where Louis was a judge and Harry was a contestant {18 year old Harry & 23 year old Louis} More

Audition Day
Boot Camp (I)
Boot Camp (II)
Six Chair Challenge
Song Writing
Judges House
Home Alone
Contestant House
Smoke Weed Everyday
Live Shows: Week One
Week One: Results
Date Night
Meet the Family
Break Up, or Hide
Fake Date
Meeting the family (part 2)
Meeting Her

Off Day

1K 33 32
By littleshitwithdreams

*ok I may or may not be listening to all of the boys X Factor performances right now as i write this ok. Don't judge me. It helps me think. It's beautiful. Ok. Fetus as hell. Ok*


Louis never liked being woken up. Ever. He hated it especially when it was his manager or his phone, and in this case, it was his phone buzzing on his bedside table. Louis usually kept the sound off and left it on vibrate and that's what was happening right then. His phone was vibrating violently against the wooden table and Louis felt like he might rip his hair out if it didn't stop. He grunted and pushed the duvet from over his head and grabbed his phone and without checking to see who it was, he clicked the answer button and held it to his ear.

"'Ello?" He mutters gruffly. He glanced over at his alarm clock and saw that it was 1:30 in the morning and he wondered who the hell called someone at that time.

"Louis?" Came a small voice that Louis recognised almost immediately.

"Harry? Is that you?" Louis sits up and runs his fingers through his hair. Why would Harry be calling at this time? Louis wondered and waited for the younger boy to say something. Louis swore he heard a sniffle, like Harry was crying, and that made his heart ache. Harry Styles should never, ever be sad, Louis thinks.

Harry sniffles again, "Y-Yeah. S'me. I'm sorry for calling at this time. You were probably asleep. M'sorry. I'll let you sleep. This was silly."

"Wait," Louis cries through the phone. "Wait, Harry. It's okay. What's wrong? You sound upset. You can talk to me, yeah? I'm here to listen."

It was quiet on the other side of the line for a while, Louis just listening to Harry's sniffles and breathes. His chest had a dull pain in it as he listened to the sad sounds on the other side of the phone call and Louis just wanted to hold Harry until he became happy again.

"It's silly," Harry finally whispers.

"Of course not love, come on. Tell me what's got you upset." Louis gently coaxed through the phone. He really didn't want his Harry to be sad. My Harry, Louis thinks, he's my Harry. The precious eighteen year old that was shy and cheeky at the same time.

"I... Um, I kind of had a bad dream. I was going to call my mum, but she doesn't answer her phone at night. It's silly. I'm sorry. Never mind. I'll let you get back to sleep now." Harry mumbled. Louis was quick to tell him that it was fine and to keep talking to him because Harry was fine and Louis was fine and he just wanted to make the boy happy.

Louis pushed his hair back band laid back on his big bed and pulled the duvet over his smaller body.

"How bad was this dream of yours, if you don't mind me asking that is?" Louis says quietly. He wanted to know how he could possibly comfort Harry and he figured he could do better if he knew what happened.

"On a scale of one to ten? Eleven." Harry huffed.

Louis closed his eyes tightly, "Want to talk about it?"


"Okay." Louis says. Because it was okay. He wasn't going to pressure Harry into telling him something he didn't want to tell him. The dream had obviously upset him quite a bit and Louis wasn't going to push that.

"You've got an off day tomorrow - today - don't you?" Louis asked.

"Yeah," Harry sighed.

"Would you like to come to my house for a bit? Get away from the crowd at the house? We can drink tea and play Scrabble." Louis smiles to himself and just pictures Harry being so much better at the game than he was. Harry just seemed like he knew a bunch of random words that wouldn't be used in everyday conversation. Words like erinceous, which pertained to, or resemble, a hedgehog. Or words like agastopia, meaning to admire a particular part of someone's body. Louis could be wrong though and would go for simple words like few, or a made up word like rainbowy. Harry could be either person when it came to the game. Or both.

Harry giggles into the phone and Louis smiled at the sound, "That would be lovely. Tea and Scrabble are my favourites."

"Ah," Louis smirks to himself. "You seemed the type. Well, it's a date then."

It was quiet for a moment and Louis realised he had called it a date. Was this a date? Louis thinks to himself. Hell, Louis definitely wanted it to be. The question was though, was if Harry wanted it to be a date as well.

"It's a date," Harry says softly. Louis' smile widen and he doesn't think he's ever smiled so big in his life. How could a simple sentence make him feel as giddy as he was? It made no sense to him. But, he needed to play it cool so Harry didn't think he was a complete freak.

"Great," Louis says with his stupid smile still etched onto his lips. "I'll have a car sent to bring you here. We've got to keep it on the down low though. Okay?"

"Okay," Harry says and Louis swears he can hear the small smile in his voice, but maybe he was just crazy.

"Okay, well you should be getting some sleep then. Goodnight Hazza," Louis says softly.

"Goodnight Lou," Harry says just as softly and he was the first to hang up. Louis laid awake for a while because, wow he had finally asked Harry out. Louis was quite proud of himself for doing so since its been a long time just listing after the younger man.

Louis grabbed his phone again and sent a quick message to Liam that read: i asked him. And that was it. He locked his phone and set it on the bedside table again before pulling the duvet over him once more and snuggling into it. And Louis must say, he's never gotten such great sleep in his life.


"So," Liam said through the phone. "You finally asked him out?"

Louis hummed in response and tugged on his black skinny jeans. He had woken up around 10:30 the next morning because Liam was calling him and he wanted to make sure his house was clean enough for Harry. He didn't want him to think he was a slob even though his house was already pretty clean in the first place. So when Liam called, Louis had put him on speaker and slipped his phone into his back pocket and talked to him while he straightened up.

"And he's coming over today?" Liam asked again.

"Yes Liam. I just sent a car to get him so he'll be here soon." Louis tells him and pushes his fingers through his hair as a way to comb it and make it neat. He looked in his mirror and was satisfied with how he looked. He smiled to himself and walked down to his kitchen so he didn't keep Harry waiting when he showed up.

"You're not planning on like making a move or anything, right?"

Louis scoffed and started making himself some tea, putting his phone down on the counter and walking around to gather his cup and a teabag.

"No," Louis tells him. "We're just going to have tea, play a bit of Scrabble, maybe watch a movie. Nothing crazy."

He heard Liam sigh from the other side of the phone, "Right, well, I'll let you go now I guess. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, yeah?"

"Liam," Louis scoffs. "What wouldn't you do honestly?"

"Goodbye Louis. Have fun." Liam chuckled and ended the call. Liam's had a few experiences were he's gotten drunk on a date and they ended up going further than expected. When that's happened, the relationship never works out and the person would've left him the next morning or used him for money and fame. And honestly, Louis thought Liam was too kind for most of the people in the world and he deserved much better than some slag that wants him from his money.

Anyways, Louis set the kettle on the stove to start boiling the water and jumped up of the counter and waited for either the water to be done, or Harry to knock on the door. He scrolled through his Twitter account as he waited, responding to a few of his fans. Mostly the questions that caught his eyes were the ones that he responded to. He read one that asked if he's ever smoked weed before and he laughed lightly and scrolled past it. Management would kill him if he told his fans that he smoked pot. 'You're supposed to be a good influence Louis,' they had told him when he had been in that one stage where he went out to clubs almost every night.

Louis was about to tweet something random out as he heard his doorbell ring. His smiled widened and he jumped down from the counter and went open the door. He go there and before he opened it, he straightened out his hair once more, pushing his fringe back with his fingertips and making sure it wasn't in his face. When he got himself situated finally, he opened the door and was greeted with a nervous looking Harry standing there with his arms wrapped around himself and his coat being tightened around him.

"Hi Harry," Louis says and opens the door wider. "Come in."

The curly haired boys smiled gratefully and stepped into the large house. Louis watched as he took in the modern furniture and build of the house offered to take his coat from him. Harry shrugs it off and hands it to him and watched as Louis hangs it up on the coat rack. Louis tools Harry's hand after that and led him to his kitchen. The kettle was whistling by then and Louis was quick to take it off the stove and turn the stove off.

"Tea?" He asked Harry.


Louis nodded and grabbed an extra cup and started fixing the tea up. He asked Harry how he liked his tea and fixed it the way Harry would like it and then made his the way he liked it. He handed Harry his cup and gestures for him to follow him, which the younger boy does - and he may or may not have taken a few looks at Louis' bum as he walked, but no one really needed to know that. Anyways, Louis leads them to the living room and sits down and pats the seat next to him for Harry to join him. And Harry does so, careful not to spill his tea and make a fool of himself in front of Louis.

"So," Louis crossed his legs and held his cuppa tighter. "Are you feeling better now?"

Harry blushed and thought back to the night before and recalled how he called Louis because he had a bad dream. In his dream, Louis had died and Harry really thought it was real life. He was devastated and broken in the dream because Louis had died right in front of him. That's why Harry called Louis the night before. He wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Haz?" Louis called for his attention again because Harry had got lost in his thoughts. "You alright, love?"

Harry smiled lightly and nodded, "Yeah, I'm good. Sorry. Sorry for last night too. I don't- um, I don't usually call people at two in the morning but yeah. Sorry."

Louis let's his free hand come down and pat Harry's thigh, rubbing soothing circles on it as a way to comfort the boy.

"It's okay," Louis says. "Mind telling me about the dream though?"

Harry crosses his legs under him and wiggles around a big to get comfortable on the couch, holding his tea to his chest so he doesn't spill it. Louis smiles as the boy makes himself at home and wow Louis has never wanted to hold and kiss someone so bad before.

"Uh," Harry blushed again after he made himself comfortable. "It's silly, so don't laugh, okay?"


Harry looks down at his tea before explaining to Louis what his dream was.

"It was kind of you and me just hanging out, like we are now, but we were out in a coffee shop and then you got shot. I don't know," Harry shrugs. "But it was scary and you died in my arms and I called because I wanted to check on you because I was scared something had happened to you. And then where would we be? No Louis Tomlinson in the world to make everyone happy."

Louis stared at the blushing boy for a second before setting his cup on the table and taking Harry's and doing the same. Harry looked at him with confusion etched across his face but when Louis opened his arms up and smiled at Harry, Harry knew that Louis wanted to hold him. And damn, Harry wanted Louis to hold him too. So, being the actual child he is, Harry moved over and let Louis wrap his arms around him. Now, this hug was different from all of the other ones. Maybe it was because they weren't on telly and they were alone. Like actually alone. And that made Louis and Harry's hearts flutter because they knew this was what they wanted. They wanted to stay like this forever, with Louis holding his arms around Harry's waist and Harry laying his head on Louis' chest. It was amazing how easily the two just melted together.

"Well," Louis smiled into Harry's curly hair. "I'm not dead. You're stuck with me for a while."

Harry moved his head and looked up at Louis and saw him smiling down at him, which caused him to smile back.

"I guess so," Harry whispers.

They lay like that for a while, just enjoying the comfort of one another, until Louis speaks up and suggested Scrabble. Harry smiled and said okay and let Louis get up to grab the Scrabble board. They play for a few minutes until Louis breaks out to word vibey and Harry laughs at him.

"That's not a word!" Harry says.

Louis scoffs, "Of course it is. I use it all the time."

"That doesn't make it a word!"

Louis rolls his eyes and tells Harry that he needed to go now but Harry whips out his phone and takes a picture of the board. Louis watches him curiously as he begins typing and raised his eyebrow when Harry showed him his phone and saw that they boy had put the picture on Instagram. It was captioned first recorded attempt at 'Vibey' in Scrabble. Louis laughed and rolled his eyes at the boy before telling him to go.

The rest of the game goes along like that, with Louis putting silly words down and Harry putting down words that Louis didn't even know existed.

Later, when Louis was waiting for the popcorn to pop, Louis tweeted out Vibes vibey vibey vibes. He chuckled to himself and then took the fully popped popcorn out of the microwave and walked back to the lounge, where Harry was sprawled across the couch skimming through the movie channels.

"Find something yet?" Louis asked and moved Harry's feet out of the way and sat down before pulling his feet back to his lap.

"We should watch Inside Out." Harry says. Louis nods and let's Harry put on the child's movie.

"That was cute and sad at the same time," Harry mutters when the credits rolled. Louis agreed and lifted his head from Harry stomach. He had moved to lay down next to Harry at some point during the movie and had his head on Harry's stomach and fingers looped around Harry's belt loops. Harry's fingers had previously been running through Louis' hair and Louis was so content with how they were. But Harry has to get back to the house because he had to get up early the next morning to rehears and such. And Louis had go with the boys to help them rehears. So, they both needed sleep in order to function.

"Alright," Louis sighed. "We've got to get you back to the house. Long day tomorrow, for the both of us."

Harry sighs as well and sits up. He didn't really want to leave. Louis didn't want him to either, but they knew he had to go back or people would start to worry about him.

"Thanks for letting me come over," Harry whispers when they walk to the door. Louis had already called the driver to come pick Harry up and he was waiting outside for him.

"Any time, love." Louis says and hugs Harry tightly. He pulls back and his blue eyes lock with Harry's green eyes and it's like how it was back in LA. Louis leans closer, as does Harry and before either of them fully realise what's happening, they were kissing. It was nice and slow and Harry held Louis' face and Louis had his fingers looped in Harry's belt loops again. It was quite literally the best kiss Louis has ever had and he was so relieved when Harry actually kissed him back.

They pull back from the kiss after a moment and let their foreheads rest against each other. Harry was blushing like mad Louis had a cocky smirk growing on his face.

"Wow, um." Harry tried to speak but his words just would not come out.

"Goodnight Harry," Louis says and pecks his lips once more before opening the door and letting harry walk out to the car.

"Thank you Lou," Louis hears Harry say quietly. Louis waves to the boy and watched the car pull away before shutting the door and throwing himself on his couch with a stupid smile on his face.

Thank god Harry dreamt about me dying, was all Louis could think about after that.


Well, they kissed. I'm happy now and finally the story can get moving. Just FYI, the story isn't going to be just rainbows and butterflies okay. It'll get gritty.

*Im putting this up today instead of tomorrow because I can't have a fully write chapter just waiting to be put out for long. I get antsy.*

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I think it's my favourite so far.

Please vote and comment if you'd like to.

I love you and thanks for reading!!


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