Live Shows: Week One

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Ok but adding that gif was so time consuming since I can't do it from the app and have to go to the actual wattpad website and do all of the link shit. Wattpad, please make it were I can use the app and put gifs in my chapters. Thanks.


Okay. Harry has been antsy and ready to perform since Thursday. He had gotten up on that Thursday morning, did his regular morning things, and went off the the stadium. He was rehearsing with Louis in that stage that and he thought he was more excited to see Louis than he was to perform. But, who could blame him? He did kiss that man the night before. And Harry has only kissed a limited amount of people in his eighteen years of life and he must say, Louis was definitely the best one. Harry loved the way Louis' small, thin lips fit against his perfectly and how Louis was gentle with him, treating him as if he was a porcelain doll or something. Since Wednesday, when they kissed, Harry and Louis had been texting back and forth non stop. Of course, there were a few times that someone in the house would try to see who Harry was texting and Harry would just blush and hide his phone away from them. He didn't have Louis' name plugged into his phone - it was let as Vibey, because Louis did say that very often Harry figured out. He also didn't end up giving Niall and Zayn Lou's number when he had given it to him. He wanted to keep it to himself.

The rest of the week pasted with Lou and Harry texting non stop and Harry constantly practicing. He would walk all around the house singing his song to himself so he made sure he nailed it for when he performed. The other contestants would laugh at him sometimes when he would lay on the floor in the lounge and sing - he said it helped his diaphragm to sing that way. Harry didn't mind them laughing at his silly techniques because they all had different ways to prepare for their performances too. For example, Niall would sing every song but his song he was performing until he had to rehearse or actually perform. Zayn would sing his in the shower. He wouldn't even be taking a shower, but he will randomly stand in the shower and sing. Della would listen to her sing through her headphones until she nailed everything she needed to nail. Everybody prepared differently in the house so no one could really judge each other for the silly things they do.

"Alright Harry," Louis called his attention. They were rehearsing once more before they had to go get ready and Harry was starting to feel his nerves.

"Make sure you try to connect with everyone in the audience as well as singing, okay?" Louis says from where he was leaning against the judges table watching Harry get ready to sing his song. Annie was sitting behind the judges table, along with Robert, and the choreographer. They all wanted to make sure Harry did what was right and get him to be able to perform like he wants to be there. Harry was a bit distracted though, keeping his eyes on Louis because he fucking kissed that beautiful man. And wow. Harry feels like patting himself on the back with how well he did with that one.

"Harry," Louis called out to him, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy. "You okay? Are you planning on singing any time soon?"

Harry smiles and blushed before apologising and getting ready to sing his song. There were other contestants sitting around, waiting for their turn to rehearse before the show started and they all watched as Harry sung his song. Everyone knew was he was singing of course, since he's been singing around the house all week but they all enjoyed Harry's voice and clapped for him when he was finished. When he pulled the mic from his lips, Louis was smiling widely and clapping along with everyone else and Harry swears he felt his face burn hotter than the sun. Performing in front of Louis would never fail to make him nervous and Louis cheering for him never failed to make him smile.

"Very nice, very nice. You're going to kill it tonight Haz." Louis tells him.

"Thank you," Harry says. Louis walks up on stage to speak to Harry so he didn't have to basically shout in order to talk to him. Harry's never wanted to reach out and touch someone as much as he did with Louis, and the urge might have gotten worse since they kissed. Harry just wanted Louis to hold him like he did on Wednesday and then kiss him until he can't breathe. Is that too much for a boy to ask for? Harry thinks to himself and crosses his arms over his chest to refrain from reach out and touching the beautiful man standing in front of him. Lou was extra soft today, compared to most days. His hair was pushed back by a headband and he had his beard grown out as much as Harry has ever seen it and his eyes were soft and looked a bit tired. He was sporting his football shorts that Harry's seen him wear when he did the charity football game and he had his green Adidas jumper covering him. On his feet were slippers, fucking slippers, and he didn't have socks on - no surprise there really. And he was just extra soft and cuddly and making it really hard for Harry to function correctly.

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