Remember Me, Notice Me


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Canada, also known as Matthew Williams, is always being ignored. He is constently confused for his brother Am... Еще

Russia, What Did You Do?!
Disneyland and Canada
Enter Canada!

I Won't Go Today!(Edited, I Hope)

7.2K 169 437

Beep beep beep. Canada groaned as he turned around in his bed and reached over to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. Canada closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep again.

You have a meeting, remember? The thought went through his mind as he wrapped the blankets around him. Why should I even go? No one ever notices me, and I usually just get sat on by Russia. Canada fought internally with himself, conflicted between going or staying home. What happens if something important comes up, eh? Canada snorted softly, the likelihood of that happening is lower than if he were to be noticed and given a turn during the meeting. He was about to drift off to sleep when something crawled onto his bed and started tugging on his hand. He looked up and saw it was Mr. Kumajiji, his pet polar bear. Kumajiji wasn't the bear's real name, but Canada sometimes couldn't seem to remember his companion's name; coincidentally, Kuma couldn't seem to remember his owner's name either.

"What is it, Mr. Kumacheerio?" Canada asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kuma looked at him and said,

"Food, I'm hungry. Pancakes and fish. Who're you?"

Canada sighed, Kuma always asked the same question every time.

"I'm Canada."

"And I'm Kumajirou, let's try to remember each other now, 'kay?"

Canada blinked. This was new, Kuma had never really made an attempt to remember his name, so he had assumed Kuma didn't care, but this wasn't like Kuma at all.

"Mr. Kumajirou?"

Kuma looked up at his owner's face as he heard his name for the first time in a long time.

"Yeah?" he asked, not trusting himself to say his owner's name properly.

"Are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah, why?" Kuma questioned.

Canada shook his head, "It's just you've never suggested we remember each other's name before."

Kuma licked Canada's hand and said, "I think we should try to remember each other. No one else ever does."

Kuma had a point, if no one else was going to remember them, they might as well remember each other.

Canada smiled softly, "All right then, after breakfast we'll work on remembering each other's name."

"Sounds good to me," Kuma said as he licked his lips, imagining the taste of fish and pancakes drenched in maple syrup.

Canada giggled at his bear's antics, got up from his bed, changed into his favourite red sweater and into a pair of jeans.

Kuma looked at his companion in confusion; wasn't there a meeting today? His owner wasn't planning on going dressed so informally, right?

"Hey, mister?"

Kuma questioned, burning with curiosity. Canada looked down at his bear.

"Yeah, Kuma? What is it?" he asked quietly, as he walked to the kitchen.

"Isn't there a meeting today?"

Canada froze at the question, he had almost forgotten about that, he was so caught up in Mr. Kumaji-something suggesting they try to remember the other's name. He quickly relaxed as he came to a decision and laughed lightly.

"Oh, I decided I'm not going today, the other nations and countries always forget about me anyway."

Kuma rubbed his ear with his paw as he pondered what he heard. If it were anyone else, he might have just shrugged it off, but this was his owner, who never missed a meeting unless he had a good reason to, saying he was gonna skip! It concerned Kumajirou to no end.

But all those worries evaporated like a puddle in the desert when Kumajirou's human(the human thinks he owns the bear, when in actuality the bear owns the human) took out a box of pancake mix(Canada felt lazy that morning), blueberries, maple syrup, a pan, and the rest of the things necessary to making pancakes and started whipping up pancakes as fast as he could. Both Canada and Kumajirou love pancakes, although Kuma loves fish just as well. Once Canada made enough pancakes to feed a small army he started preparing Kuma's fish. Kuma jumped in anticipation. Canada smiled at the bear as he placed the fish in a bowl and set it on the floor, then proceeding to grab his own plate and stacking pancake after pancake onto it until there was a small tower of golden goodness on his plate.

"Well, let's eat."

Canada said cheerfully as he grabbed the bottle of maple syrup and poured nearly the whole bottle onto his stack of pancakes. Kumajirou eagerly dug into his fish as Canada mimicked the bear and practically inhaled his syrup-drenched pancakes with a fork.

Suddenly, Canada's ringtone sounded. ~Yeah, I know that you wanna be Canadian, please! Even if in winter things tend to freeze. We got the world Monopoly on trees.~

"Hmm?" Canada asked as he picked up his phone.

"I wonder who it is, probably my Boss."

He checked the caller ID and saw his phone read 'No Caller ID' he pressed answer.

"H-hello? Who is this?" He asked timidly.

"Is this Matthew Williams?" questioned a gruff voice, it sounded like whoever was on the other line was used to giving orders and having them followed through.

"Y-yes," Canada answered. "And who is this?"

The gruff voice answered,
"I am General Ludington Neseveran of the Royal Canadian Air Force."

Canada straightened his back immediately.

"Sir! What is the General of the Royal Canadian Air Force calling me for?" he exclaimed, resisting the urge to salute.

He could hear the voice chuckle,

"Well, how do I say this? I don't need the civilian Matthew Williams, I need the personification of Canada."

The voice stated in a no-nonsense tone of voice. Canada's eyes widened, why would the Air Force need him?

"Sir," Canada started. "With all due respect, why would you need me?"

There was a pause, then,

"Son, we want you to help in a training excersise."

Canada was shocked, sure, he had aided his troops in the air during both world wars, but no one ever said anything. Not a single 'thank you' or a 'good job'.

"I checked your background in our files, and do you know what showed up?"

General Ludington asked. Canada shook his said.

"No, sir, I don't." He said, although he had a hunch that he did.

"It showed that you had the most successful air raids and missions. You still fly, correct?"

Canada paused, he did still fly, but usually just for World meetings or for whenever he went to visit his brother. Otherwise, he didn't leave his country.

"Yes sir, I still fly." Canada confirmed.

"Good. We need someone who can fly well, we have new recruits, and who better to train them than the very country they're training to defend?" Ludington inquired.

Clearly, he expected Canada to agree. Well, it's not like you have anything to do. Canada thought to himself. Why spend your day not doing anything? It'll be like agreeing with all the other nations that you don't do anything, you won't even help your own country! You're just proving that you really are a weak country! Canada felt a surge of anger at that.

"Sir, at what time and at what location am I supposed to be at?" He asked, ready to prove the countries wrong, he could help his country, and he will! Canada could almost hear the General smile.

"1300 hours, you know where." and with that the connection was cut off.

Mr. Kumajirou looked at his human.

"So, where are we going?" Canada looked at him and smiled softly.

"Kuma, we're going to go help train some new recruits."

Kuma rubbed his ear,

"Okay, but I think we're gonna need name tags, y'know, so we can start trying to remember each other's names."

He stated, he was getting really tired of forgetting Cana-something's name, and he was just as tired of having his name forgotten as well!

Canada giggled softly,

"Alright, I'll make you one, but I think I'm going to get one at the training field, so I'll just wear that one."

"Sounds good to me." said Kuma, hey, as long as his human remembers his name, and vice versa, he was okay with it.

Canada went to his room with Kuma in tow. He opened his closet and took out a heavy-looking trunk.

"I haven't opened this thing since WWII." he muttered to himself as he unlocked the trunk.

Reverently, as if what he were rummaging through were ancient relics, he took out a Canadian Air Force uniform. I never realized how much I missed this uniform. Canada thought to himself as he changed into his uniform.

Kuma looked on, impressed with how his human seemed to change. Cana didn't physically change, but there seemed to be a type of confidence, determination, something about how Cana now carried himself that almost made him look warriorlike. Like a true soldier. Kumajirou thought to himself. No one can say Cana looks weak when he's like that.

Canada looked at himself in the mirror.

"Wow, I'm amazed this still fits." he admitted to Kuma. Kumajirou just rubbed his paws together and said,

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Canada couldn't agree more.

"Let's go, Kuma." He smirked. "We've got some work to do."

Somewhere in France. Paris, France, to be exact...

"I'm the hero!" America exclaimed, eating burger after burger.

"You're a bloody wanker, that's what you are!" England yelled, disgusted with how fast America was eating those burgers, and with how high in fats and calories they were jam-packed with.

"Ohonhonhon, you both need to coat your words with love. Otherwise your words will be flavorless and bland. Well, for England it's just the way 'e is." France snorted, instigating England's temper.

"What was that you frog?!" he yelled as he proceeded to choke France. France then started throwing insult after insult at England, all the while putting him in a stranglehold.

"Veh~ Doitsu, Doitsu! Do you-a think we can have-a pasta tonight?" Italy asked, hyper as ever.

"Italy, not right now. Ve are in a very important meeting. That hasn't even started yet, because everyvone is too busy fighting to even properly begin!" Germany answered, exasperated with how slow the progress of the meeting was going.

"Why you other nations so loud and obnoxious, aru? Why don't you all try some delicious Chinese treats, aru?" China asked, holding up a basket filled with Chinese goods.

"WE DON'T WANT THEM!" France and England paused their fight to scream at China.

"Are they free?" South Korea asked.

"QUIET!!" a voice pierced the loudness that was the World Meeting room.

"Germany?" England and France looked up from their attempts at choking each other. Germany looked ready to strangle someone. "Good, now that everyvone is quiet ve can begin ze meeting. Everyvone is going to be given eight min-Urk!?" Germany fell as something slammed into his head. The room was silent as Italy rushed to Germany's side, along with Japan. Italy was freaking out yelling at Germany to 'Not die on us!'. "What is this?" Japan asked as he picked up a small leatherbound book.

"HAHAHAHA! All right, who threw that?" America laughed, looking around to see who had thrown the book at Germany.

England scoffed, "As if we didn't all know it was you."

America shook his head, the last of his giggles subsiding. "As much as I want to take credit for that, I didn't do it. It's hilarious, that's for sure!"

Spain(Me!) blinked, "If it wasn't you, then who did it?"

"Ugh..." Germany groaned as he stood up. "Vell, whoever threw that at me, has very good aim.."

Russia walked over, leaving shivering countries in his wake. He leaned over and picked up a piece of paper.

"Dear countries and nations," he read.

"I have decided that my sweet little boy has been ignored long enough."

"Sweet little boy'?" mused Finland. "I wonder who that is."

"I do not know," said Russia, "Perhaps the note will say, da?"

Finland shivered. Russia continued reading,

"I believe that you all have a misconception of who my son is and what he's done. I know that a few of you fear him because of his and his countries valient fighting in your 'World Wars-"

"All right," England interrupted. "Now I really want to know who this is."

Russia smiled creepily, "Perhaps if I were to finish the note we would know, da?"

The other countries and nations shivered and decided that they would like to live a little longer. Even if they couldn't die, Russia would find a way.

"And that some of you seem to believe he is weak and innocent. I have decided to show you that my son is not like that. He is neither weak nor childish, nor is he someone who has never seen war, he is not someone who isn't above trickery. And although he seems incapable of causing someone harm, he is not someone you want as an enemy. Hopefully, this will enlighten you countries and nations. The book is composed of facts and diary entries. You can not leave until you are done. Pass this note to America, he will be the only one able to read this next part." Russia passed America the note, wondering what the next part was.

America took the paper and looked it over, eyes widening as he saw what language the bottom part was written in.

A/N This next part is in a Native American language(not specified to allow any Native tongue to be used). I am sorry that I didn't bother to find out how any Native American language that is written is actually written... But to be fair, I was a 14-15 year old at the time of having written this book.

But yeah, whatever is in <> is a Native American language.

<And I'd like to say hello to my son. America, you've grown very strong, but do not lose sight of that which is most important to you; otherwise it will leave you. Good hunting.
-Native America>

America got misty-eyed as he read, making the rest of the countries and nations wonder what was written.

"Ha, I-I guess we should read, right?" laughed America as he rubbed his eyes dry.

England nodded uncertainly, "Yes, we might as well finish this book. Who'll read first?"

"Ohonhon, I will." said France. "Otherwise it will be bland and without any love if you read it, England." England gained an irk mark as he tried to control his temper. Japan passed France the book.

"Ahem." France cleared his throat and started reading.

"Dear Diary, I know I shouldn't ask for much, but... It makes me sad sometimes when people forget that my people fought in WWI and WWII. A week after England and France declared war, I independtly announced zhat I would fight too. I trained Arthur's and Al's pilots."

"Wait just a moment." interjected England. "I don't remember anyone declaring anything or training my pilots."

"Yeah," agreed America. "Well, I remember that someone trained them, but I can't really remember who."

France huffed, "Well, maybe, if you would allow me to finish reading then we would know who this is."

"Right, carry on then," spoke England, embarrassed.

"I fought in Normandy on June 6, 1944, alongside my brother and Arthur."

Brother...? England thought. But America doesn't have a brother, does he?

"On D-Day-" a lot of countries and nations winced at the mention of D-Day.

"I held my beach and reached my objective to save France." Save France? Francis thought to himself, an inkling of who this 'sweet son' was.

"I was one of the liberators of the Netherlands. And yet... I'm usually forgotten, or considered cowardly and weak. I wonder what I did to make them zhink zhat way...
-Canada." France finished, a sad tone entering his voice.

He had never noticed Canada's efforts, never thanked him either... He just... Took him for granted. What kind of a Père was he?!

England felt like he knew 'Canada', but couldn't quite seem to put his finger on who exactly 'Canada' was. Then something clicked, the country he had battled that Frog for! He had never thought about Canada much, and finding out that he had fought in both wars was shocking. The last he had heard of the country was that it was rather peaceful.

With a full blast, memories flashed through America's mind. The times he and Canada had tried to fool England by switching places, when they fought on opposite sides of the Revolution... They all came rushing back, and older memories too. He remembered hunting with Native America, he remembered everything. America stumbled slightly as more and more memories rushed into his mind.

"A-are you all right?!" England asked, rushing to America's side, worried.

No matter how many times they fought, no matter how annoying America is, England always has, And always will, have a soft spot for the younger country.

"Ah, I-I'm all right." America waved him off, sitting down as he did so. "Just a-a dizzy spell."

England stepped back, uncertain. "A-alright then.

Italy ran over. "Wow, America! I didn't-a know you had a brother!"

America and, surprisingly, Prussia winced at the past tense.

"Have," corrected America. "I still have a brother, dude. He's not dead."

"Oh, okay!" Italy chirped.

"We have read one of many entries in this book," started Japan. "But I have the feering we shourdn't be reading this without Canada-san's consent."

"I agree with Japan." Greece said for the first time.

Immediately, he fell asleep. Spain walked over. "Sí, I agree too. Where is Canada anyway?"

As the other countries looked around for Canada Germany was awfully quiet. He was starting to remember why he chose to ignore Canada. Indeed, most of the time he never noticed the young country anyway, but sometimes, he remembers how bravely the Canadians fought during the world wars. And it made him shudder every time he thought about it.

Everyone realized that Canada wasn't even present and England noticed something. "Hey, where,did the other countries go?"

It was true, most,of the other countries had disappeared, all except the G8, Romano, Spain, Prussia and China.

"Ai yah! All other countries gone!" exclaimed China, wondering why everyone else had been taken away.

A note fluttered down to the floor. Spain picked it up and read,

"The other countries aren't nearly as important, I have decided to send them back to the real world. They won't remember a single thing, time in here runs differently. In fact, you are in limbo as of now. Read the book and learn to respect my son.
~Native America."

"Well, that explains who put us here," sighed England.

"Ja," agreed Germany. "Vell, ve might as vell continue vizh ze book."

Prussia reached for the book. "I'll read, Vest."

Spain mock-gasped. "Sabes leer?! You know how to read?!"

"Ha ha," Prussia laughed sarcastically. "Dummkoph, of course I can! It vould be unawesome if I couldn't!"

"Estaba bromeando, I was joking." Spain laughed. "Go on, seeing as Canada isn't even here we can read and not feel guilty, fusoso."

"Alright then." Prussia cleared his throat.

___Meanwhile, back in Canada____

"All right, cadets!" exclaimed General Ludington as he walked down a line of newly recruited air pilots.

"This is pilot Matthew Williams, also known as Tall Poppy, he will be your flight instructor for today and will help in today's flight exercise. Aero, Skipio, and Toris will follow Tall Poppy first. The rest of you will split into your already designated groups and follow another one of our pilots."

General Ludington was practically a mountain, as in, he was tall. Matthew thought of him as 'Russia tall'. And his attitude reminded him of either Germany or Switzerland.

Quickly, he strode to his cf-18, his students following suit.

"Alright, we're gonna do some basic flight patterns, then you three have to get missile lock."
He spoke into the radio, his voice soft, but not his usual whisper voice.

He turned off his radio and turned to Kumajirou.

"You'll be my spotter, eh?"

Kuma looked up from his seat and lifted his paw in a salute.

"Aye, captain!"

Canada sighed, "You're rewatching Fairytail again, aren't you?"

Kuma shrugged, "Maybe."

"Alright then, let's get started." Canada spoke, gunning his engine.

The excersize went well enough, but during the second part something strange happened.


Don_Spain: Stopping here, this chapter is split into two parts. This story was inspired by Daredevil by Fave101 and the diary entry that Francey-pants read; which, ironically is also posted at the beginning of the chapter.

Marth: Don_Spain does not own Hetalia even though technically speaking, Spain is owned by Hetalia and Hidekaz Himaruya.

Jess: Yeah, we no own anything.

Marth: Who, in the name of Davy Jones are you expecting to speak like that? A baby?

Jess: Why you little-

Don_Spain: Okay! Before this gets out of hand, please comment, vote, and like. Gracias~

Wordcount: 3401

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