Un-Break My Heart

By hollyywriter

84.1K 2.8K 275

The same person who broke your heart is supposed to be the only one who can heal it, right? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

2.1K 84 15
By hollyywriter

Chapter 15.

Monday. The day I dread every week.

My irritating alarm was relentless and I was too lazy to shut it off. Finally, though, I forced myself to sit up and properly turn it off, then got out of my warm, comforting bed.

School was killer this week, as it was preparing for exams and the closure of the year. I sighed whilst straightening my hair and then chose out my outfit, a light blue peasant top and skinny jeans.

Once I got to school, I made a beeline for Sabrina's locker. I was going to talk to her; she couldn't avoid me forever. I saw her pulling out her books for first hour and I took a deep breath and stepped towards her.

"Hey, Sabrina." I tried to sound confident and smiled broadly at her. I saw her jaw tighten and she turned towards me.

"Hi." She said, her tone ice cold and bored.

"I tried to go to your house yesterday to talk, but you weren't home. I just wanted to s-"

"Save it, Katherine. I don't want you to talk to me again." She cut me off bitterly, before slamming her locker and turning on her heel to walk quickly away.

My jaw dropped.

Was this really the girl who I'd called my best friend? Who I had told my secrets and feelings to? It couldn't be. This was completely unlike Sabrina. Dejected, I went off to class where her and I avoided eye contact all hour. The air was thick with tension.

Finally, the hour ended and a few hours later, lunch arrived.

I went to my now usual seat at Rina's table where Mya was gushing about the breakup.

"Honestly, I think the best way to get over a breakup is by finding someone new to heal your heart." She declared and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Mya may be nice, but she needed to learn how to be happy while single. "So I've decided to go for someone else." She continued.

Everyone was quiet, anticipating her announcement. "My new love interest is not a sophomore, but a junior. His name is Jake Rielle."

Everyone around me squealed and giggled, reassuring her. But for me it was the complete opposite. I tried to keep the boiling anger inside, but I had to speak up.

"But he has a girlfriend!" I protested, trying to stay calm. Even if Sabrina was being completely unreasonable with me, I would still stick up for her. And I did not want her to lose her boyfriend to Mya.

"Oh, I know. But it's Sabrina Hills. He'd take me over her in a snap." She states nonchalantly. I bit my lip.

Sabrina was gorgeous and sweet, she might not have a lot of friends, but any boy would be lucky to have her. I knew Mya was well known and hot, a desired subject by every boy in this school, but I couldn't stand her putting Sabrina down like that.

However, Mya had been somewhat accepting of me into her group while I definitely could not say the same for Sabrina, who was pushing me away and ignoring me. I sighed and decided to keep my mouth shut. It was time for me to give my loyalty to a new group of friends who wouldn't cut me out of their lives and over dramatize every single mistake I made.

Everyone is still discussing Jake and how they'd help Mya win him over, and trash talking Spencer who was now no longer seated at our table after the big breakup. I saw him back at his old table, with some guy friends. He was laughing and chatting like nothing had ever happened, like he used to be before Mya.


After school, I had to stay after for a bit to ask a teacher for some help on my review guide, which caused me to be late to pack up my books into my backpack and getting to the front of the school where people were all hurrying out. I needed to get a ride from Fischer, but as I skimmed over the crowd, I didn't see him.

I really hoped he hadn't left, so I checked again but he wasn't there. My only other idea was to see if he was still at his locker. I went back up the stairs to his locker, but he wasn't there either. I tapped on his locker and heard the empty echo, meaning he'd already been there and taken out his stuff.

Crap. How was I going to get home? I released a giant sigh and went back down the stairs to the entrance, where the people were thinning out. I stood by the door and tapped my mom's number into my phone, which went straight to voicemail.

Suddenly, I heard a strangely familiar voice behind me.

"Need a ride, Katherine?" I turned and saw Spencer, a friendly smile on his face, much different than his sloppy, drunk self I'd seen at the party the last time we talked.

"Actually, yeah. Would you mind?" I asked. He wouldn't be my first choice, considering I felt really weird around him after having had a borderline obsessive crush on him for more than a year. But it's not like he had any way of knowing that, and I'm sure he was just being polite anyways.

"It wouldn't be a problem. Come on, I'm parked just outside." I followed him out to his black SUV parked a little ways out into the lot. He unlocked it for me and I got in, smelling the clean air freshener scent.

He climbed in and started up the car, and I glanced at his familiar face that I had admired for so long. Now, I just pushed those thoughts away and thought about Fischer. I was going to be a loyal girlfriend.

"How was your day?" He asked, backing out of his parking spot.

"It was alright." I shrugged. "Exams coming up are just stressing me out."

"Yeah, I get that." He agreed, tapping his palms on the steering wheel to the beat of the electronic song quietly playing through the speakers. He was a drummer, so it was probably natural instinct for him. I smiled a little bit to myself.

"Can't believe we're going to be juniors next year." I admitted.

"I know, people don't lie when they say high school flies by." He nodded. "So, what are your plans for the weekend?" He changed the topic.

"I'm not sure. Probably studying." I laughed.

"Ah, really? A girl like you doesn't have any plans?" His eyebrows slightly raised with surprise. I wasn't quite sure what he meant by a girl like me, but I guessed it was a compliment.

"I don't know, it's only Monday." I replied.

"That's true. So, how's everything with Fischer?" He asked. Shocked at his question, I felt my cheeks go red.

"You know about us?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean, you and him are always driving home together and I've heard a little around school." He shrugged.

"Oh, okay. It's good." I said.

"Just good?" He sounded disappointed.

"I mean, we've only been official for a day." I said defensively.

"Do I turn here?" He asked, and I nodded. "Anyways, if things are just good with him... I'm sure you could do better." He stated casually.

My palms dampened with sweat and I nervously wiped them on my jeans. Was he flirting with me? My cheeks felt permanently heated and I tried to keep calm, otherwise my blushed face would never die down. I don't know why I was freaking out.

"Uh..." I mumbled, not sure how to respond.

"Oh, Katherine. You're just too cute." He chuckled and pulled up in my driveway. "See you around." He smiled at me and I tried to keep it together as I opened up the door and got out.

"Thanks, Spencer." I managed to say and hurried into my house.

How was I supposed to study for exams now?

A/N: OH SHOOT. Spencer is single and ready to mingle! Comment your thoughts and vote for this chapter if you liked it!

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