Tale As Old As Time

By April-13

349 13 7


A Slightly More Than Unusual Day
My Room Is a freaking Mall

Tale As Old As Time

236 5 4
By April-13

I curled my hair and put on whatever shirt and jeans I could find. I grabbed the book I had fallen asleep reading last night, and walked out the door. I started walking to school and read my book.

"I started into the forest, knowing that I would never get out."

It started to rain and I grabbed my umbrella and put it up, all while continuing to read.

"I found Derek staring at me. He was behind all of this, he motioned to the giant cauldron in the clearing."

I crossed the street, and a car almost ran into me. Again. I waved my hand in a "Sorry" motion, while continuing to read.

"'Come on, Phoebe, you know what you have to do.' He said, I did know what I had to do. I knew the spell, all I had to do was-"

"Watch where you're going!" Someone yelled at me.

"Sorry," I said

"all I had to do was give it a single drop of blood from the most powerful witch's body. My body."

I walked into school and put my bag into my locker and got out all of my books and things for the day, without putting my book down.

"I didn't want to give up Derek, even though I knew he'd betray me."

I started walking to homeroom, I sat down.

"This spell to cure everyone with this disease required a sacrifice. I knew that that sacrifice had to be me. I took the knife into my hands and-"

"Hannah Polan,"


"I took the knife into my hands and slit one of my wrists, then I-"

"Taylor Pipa"


"then I got the cloves of garlic from my bag and dropped them-"

"Liza Pooka,"


"and dropped them into the cauldron. I finally had gotten to the last ingredient: A willing sacrifice."

"Violet Prince,"

"I was prepared to jump in when-"

"Violet Prince?"

"when Derek got in my way and-"

"Violet Prince!"

"and jumped in himself. Before jumping, he said,"

"Violet Prince! Get your nose out of that book!"

"Huh? Oh sorry Mrs. P, it's a really good book." I said

"I don't care. Nose out."

"Yes, ma'am." I said, but secretly I was reading it under my desk.

"he said, 'I'll love you forever, Phoebe.'

The End"'

My jaw went open. That couldn't be the end! I looked at the back of the book, while my jaw dropped open.

"What are you staring at, Violet?" Mrs. P asked.

"Hm? Huh? Oh, nothing. Sorry."

"Yes, so anyways..."

I zoned out. That could not have been the end of the book! There had to be a sequel somewhere! I could not get Phoebe and Derek out of my mind. Derek's love for Phoebe was so intense that it made my heart race. By the end of the day, I had reasoned that I would walk to the bookstore, for the third time this week, and look for the sequel. I walked into the bookstore.

"Good to see you back, Violet." One of the cafe workers said to me.

"Looking for anything specific, Vi?" Another  worker asked me.

"The sequel to Witch's Blood."

"It's right here, I figured that you would want the sequel." Artie said. Artie was 17, like me, he was attractive in a sort of "not-trying" way. He was also being an Abercrombie model to pay for college, and it disturbed me when I bought stuff from there and got a bag with his abs on them.

"Thanks, Artie."

"On the house, your purchases make up most of the profits anyway, and I figure you deserved it."

"Thank you so much!" I took the book and left the store.

"I flipped my curly blonde hair in the wind. It was nice to be popular on hot days. I gestured at the young boy to fan my a bit more. I looked to my right, expecting a perfect view of our pool, when I saw a dark spot in the water. It floated up to the surface. It was something with black hair, and a white streak. My dear sister, Phoebe, in her black bikini. It was so dark against her pale skin."

I was so shocked! I would hate it if this story was told from the point of view of Phoebe's sister. A car almost ran over me, again. I raised my hand in a "Sorry" motion, and ran across the road, deciding to take the long way home. Through the woods. There was a legend about this woods, that there used to be a castle here. It goes:

Once upon a time, a Prince lived in a beautiful castle. He was surrounded by beautiful women, gold, jewels, and many other luxurious things. The Prince payed no mind to this. He was bored and wanted adventure. He gathered some hunters and went to provoke an old witch. She was expecting him and told him that she knew of his boredom and would not be a part of his entertainment. He then proceeded to poke her with his sword. She told him not to make her angry, for she would have to defend herself. She told him that one day he would be content without money and things, he would have one girl to love, and only one jewel to his name. An engagement ring, and before he would give her the ring, he will try to kill her. The Prince no longer wished to hear of this, and he decided to kill her. Before she died, she placed a very powerful spell upon the Prince, his castle, the beautiful women, and his servants. It would curse him to turn into a hideous beast for one week a month, and for all of the people that worked in the castle to be blind. It caused the girls to turn into rabbits. Many of the servants died, and by the end, two were left and were to serve the Prince until he found this woman.

This was the legend of the woods, but I still had yet to see this castle. I continued reading, until I got home.


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