Beauty & Her Prince ✦ Snily

By rickmanings

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[Pre-Golden Trio Era, before Marauders generation is graduated from Hogwarts. Year 6 going on 7.] Based on th... More

Beauty and Her Prince
1 ✦ Once Upon A Time
2 ✦ Malfoy Manor
4 ✦ James
5 ✦ Be Our Guest
6 ✦ Equanimity
7 ✦ Les Sentiments
8 ✦ Tale As Old As Time

3 ✦ Prisoners

704 45 9
By rickmanings

Dedicated to the man who loved a tale as old as time ♡
"Take me, instead!"

- Belle, asking to take her father's place as prisoner.
Chapter Three: Prisoners

|| Third Person ||

It couldn't be a coincidence, yet the man looked vaguely relative to Severus' old mate.

Letting her father suffer in any way shape or form would inflict pain on her, making her hate him. More than she already does, that is.

He couldn't simply just allow Mulciber to perform an unnecessary unforgivable curse upon him. There was always a mischievous glint in a Death Eater's eye, that craved to cause pain and absurd behaviour.

Severus had found common interest with these people, and although disagreeing with some practices - he couldn't help but find it absolutely fascinating. The art was interesting enough to seduce him to devote his entire life to being a loyal member of the Dark Lord's order.

That summer, his parents were fighting and acting far more abusive than normally. Not being able to handle the distress, Snape packed a suitcase and left. Having lost his best friend who he desperately cared for was enough to deal with, and having to stay all summer with a constant headache that was home is another.

Furthermore, Lucius Malfoy offered for him to stay at the Manor that summer. "Manor-sitting", while he was away with his fiancée Narcissa Black. It was too good of an opportunity, so he excepted to revel in the posh home for the next two months, alone.

There just so happened to be a bad start.

"The latter it is," Mulciber smirked, gripping his wand tighter.

Snape flinched, as he imagined Lily watching her father being tortured. She'd make sure to land them all in Azkaban for life, and Severus would live with the numbness. Not the numbness of being locked away and secluded from the universe, but the numbness of knowing he had wronged her again, and she only felt pure hatred about him.

"Wait –! Mulciber, just... leave him. He did not do anything remotely wrong."

Mulciber stopped and gave Snape the most disgusted look.

"You're just going to let a mudblood free?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Who will he going to repeat this to? No one would believe a foolish old man."

Lily. He'd tell Lily. She'd despise me...

"Then at least lock him up – he's on Malfoy's grounds! You know Malfoy would lock up his arse, down in that bloody cold cellar. Keep him prisoner."

In the cold, sheer way that Mulciber whispered, it sent involuntary shivers down Severus' back. Keeping Mr Evans prisoner was better than doing anything severe... and after all, he did witness something that could get them in trouble.

"Fine." Severus spoke, abruptly turning and pointing his wand at her father. He murmured a spell to immobilize his body and proceeded to levitate it towards the Manor.

Mulciber left in smugness, before turning the remnants of Mr Evans' invention to trash.

• • • • •

"I can't believe the cheek! His nerve drives me insane sometimes..." Lily said, retrieving her book after having her peace disturbed.

Her eyes were able to touch a few more chapters, and she hardly noticed time escaping. That's when she was rudely interrupted by a faint tapping coming from the window. 

Her first thoughts drifted to the Marauders, as they were most likely pressing their faces against her window, eager for banter.

Instead she found her old barn owl, hooting for attention.


Lily pushed up her window and the owl flew in. There was no note attached for Lily's panicked eyes to see, but her owl continued to hoot in a hyper fashion.

She had sent the owl for one reason... to return if her papa was in trouble or harm. If Aurum – her owl – arrived without calmness in her golden eyes, that meant news. Bad, bad news.

"Where's Papa?" She murmured, knowing that the owl couldn't speak a word of English in reply.

Instead, it hooted once more.

Lily rushed to find a cloak that would shield her from the unforgiving coldness of England, and gave a triumphant stance.

"Take me to him."


The forest she travelled through was dark and uninviting, cold and rash in it's own way. Trees cast darkened dancing shadows, hiding the moonlight excellently. The lumos that lit the end of her wand was hardly a helpful tool. She lost track of time and direction, depending solely on her pet. The owl could've been leading her to the wrong way for all she knew.

It must've been well past 9pm now, and she'd be a liar if not noting how scared and hungry she was. Everything would be so much bloody easier if she could just apparate to where she desired, but the Aurum hadn't given her the name of the destination.

It didn't seem like Cardiff, for Cardiff was made of roads and common buildings, as well as plenty of lamps and streetlights to brighten the way ahead. Cokesworth wasn't near much – since it was an unpleasant landing – but Lily could only think of one other place that was rumoured to be mysterious and endeavoured in magic.

She'd heard the tall tales of Wiltshire, and how a mansion stood there, all lonely and isolated. Funny business tended to happen, and it would be easy for her father to lose charge toward Cardiff.

It was definitely worth a shot. Lily could take her chances and apparate to Malfoy Manor, do a quick circulation without getting caught, and confirm her petite guess.

She reached out for Aurum, and with a deafening crack she disapparated.

"Bloody hell!" Lily said irritably.

Apparating constantly made her nauseous, and she surprised herself everyday by not splinching.

Aurum gave a positive hoot, and the chirp carried out with the wind. Lily beckoned him to be quiet, and to stay perched on one of the grand grass hedges.

"Aurum, stay here until I come out. I'll be merely a couple minutes, hopefully papa hadn't got himself caught." The Malfoys were quite unpalatable, and were known for serving the darkness. They had a mediocre reputation - but were obnoxious in attitude.

Severus had been a friend of Lucius Malfoy. Severus, who had also been her friend and the one person she found a confidant in. However everything was merely her past cognizance, that accompanied her subconsciousness in less merrier times. Such as this - where fear shook her. The future was unpredictable, especially when walking up your enemies' doorsteps.

Lily walked steadily from the far end of the cobblestone path, toward the gates. The gates rose high into the air - too high for a possible climb if they were locked. Nevertheless, she persisted. Once Lily reached the tall iron stands that were crested with the Malfoy emblem, she discovered the gate was opened by just a scant creak. Whoever left the gate opened must've been acting carelessly... and was home.

Gulping down her uneasiness, Lily stepped through the gates and proceeded to the front of the manor. She must be going absolutely mental if she was actually going to enter without permission, but the plan was to chivvy along without stalling oneself.

She knocked once on the black oak doors, but with no answer.

"I'm a daft girl," She grunted under her breath, surely going to regret this later on.

Her footsteps made soft patters upon the marble ground. Torches hung along the walls, emitting superb crimson flames. The manor was so bloody tall and fascinating, decorated with the utmost expensive and flourishing souvenirs and paintings. It could've been an attractive home to live in, minus the cold feeling of nefarious spells and murderous actions.

"Papa?" Lily whispered, loud enough for anyone within a range to hear. She pulled her cloak closer around her body, and the hood farther over her face. The noise of creaking scared her, and she tried to walk at a more rapid pace.

The hall lead to different doors and staircases and rooms, all seemingly suspicious. It would be her utmost nightmare to accidentally walk in the dining room as the Malfoy family tucked into a meal, then turn to face her with their foul glares. No thanks, she was dandy with just finding her father and fleeing.

Behind her came low-pitched whispers, but loud of enough for her to notice. Anxiety had stricken, and her first impulse was pull out her wand and pointed it in front of her as she turned around.

"Who's there?"

No response.

Rather, there was a particularly loud creaking noise at the end of the hall, down one of the staircases. Somehow Lily knew that this must've led to some sort of cellar, and the low-pitched whispers had led her here.

Be a true Gryffindor, Lils. She repeated silently to herself, and continued the mantra until she found herself at the bottom of the Malfoy cellar.

"Papa?" She said again, quite louder this time.

"Lily?" A voice echoed distantly from within the cellar.

Lily held out her wand's lumos as a guide, and heaved a relieved sigh when she saw him stand up attentively.

She rushed towards him, hoping to envelop her father into a hug. "Oh papa! Are you okay?"

"How did you find me?" He shrugged off her hug.

She frowned at him, as his eyes looked alarmed and beyond terrified. He must've witnessed something that muggles weren't prepared to endure - possibly an unforgiveable. "Oh, your hands are like ice. We have to get you out of here."

"Lily, I want you leave this place." Her father spoke with such urgency, that Lily couldn't help but shake her head and argue.

"Who's done this to you?!"

"No time to explain. You must go... now!"

Lily's father pushed her toward the cellar exit, but she had a stronger grip on his arm. "Papa, I won't leave you!"

Suddenly, everything happened all at once. Lily noticed her father's eyes widen significantly, as a hand roughly grabbed onto her shoulder.

She swallowed, as the hand whipped her around. They weren't acting gentle, and Lily prepped herself to look into the unfeeling grey eyes of Lucius Malfoy. The hood of her cloak fell back in the process, revealing the fluorescent view of her red hair. Now the bloody Malfoys will definitely recognize her, no doubt.

Yet instead, the hand that aggressively spun her around wasn't Lucius Malfoy, his relatives, or his fiancée.

•  •  •  •  •

Severus was resting in his chamber, earnestly flipping through some books on dark spells in the older ages, when he had heard a bustle break out between the House Elves. He grunted, repeating to himself on how much of a burden they tended to be to him.

Firewhisky. Severus needed some of the burning liquid down his throat - then he could hit the sack. Today had been overly tiresome, with an unnecessary prisoner down in the cell. Snape didn't see fit in keeping Lily's father captive - mainly because she would be furious - but Mulciber had already alerted the rest of the Death Eaters as well as the Dark Lord himself. If Snape decided to let out their prisoner despite what he had witnessed, he'd be punished by his lord and peers, while Mr Evans would be found and killed in record time.

Severus got up feeling exasperated, and climbed down the winding staircase. He passed armours and paintings on his way toward the kitchens, but then noticed a dim light coming from the cellar's stairwell. Hushed chit-chat followed as well.

Stupid fools, who would dare? A part of him hoped - and didn't hope - that it was Lily who had come to save her father, but it didn't make sense. There could be no realistic way of Mr Evans sending out an S.O.S note to his daughter, saying that he was trapped at a mysterious manor. Whoever was down there was probably a house elf, defying their orders...

He walked down the cellar, immediately noticing someone who was dressed in a dark cloak with the end of their wand alit. Snape furrowed his eyebrows, and drew his mouth in a straight line. His hand reached out to the intruder and swung them around roughly, hardly caring if it hurt.

Their hood flew off in a millisecond, revealing hair the colour of a tamed, red-orange fire.

Bloody fucking hell.

For a moment he let his tough guard down, and the adrenaline that coursed through him had crashed. He felt weakened and suddenly vulnerable... regretful...

Lily Evans' green eyes were so full of fright - and he hated it - until she seemed to realize it was him. It looked like she was fighting a billion different thoughts, as different emotions and decisions flickered across her gaze. It wasn't so much of misgivings that occupied her mind now, as it looked like she was disgusted and outraged with him.

He let go of her shoulder in haste, and put on the most repulsed façade he could muster. Of course, her disgrace toward him was nothing of an act -- the hatred she felt was pure. Snape had learned to ignore that melancholic stirring in his chest, but found himself failing at the look of loathing she gave him.

"What are you doing here?" Severus hissed, in his low voice.

She narrowed her eyes at him, as if his question was made of stupidity. Which it was - of course - he just needed to say something that sounded intimidating.

Nothing seemed to intimidate Lily however, and she stood her ground firmly with a gallant voice.

"I've come for my father," She answered. "Let him go, Snape."

Merlin, the sound of his last name being spat like it was vermin actually physically hurt in his chest. He hated how sensitive he was for a Slytherin, as he aspired to be like his mates. It was hard though, he just couldn't see himself striving for a life where he didn't care or have that deep sinking feeling of love for Lily.

It was just a natural reaction. He does something ridiculously stupid, she is repulsed by it, resulting in that same sinking feeling.

"He shouldn't have trespassed here," He bit back, trying for a voice of contempt.

"Let him go! I bet he didn't do anything to hurt one greasy strand of hair on your head, did he?! You just need the satisfaction of fitting in with your Death Eater mates, don't you?"

Severus breathed. He didn't want his temper to blow up in front of her, even though there was no way it would drive her further. She was at her farthest from him, completely gone and uninterested in any friendship. Every internal hope and dream of his was busted anyways, but it was what often kept him sane.

"I suggest you leave - "

"You don't even live here! Where's your chum Malfoy, hm?"

He knew that she knew that her witty talk was pushing the limits, passing the fine line of patience he held.

"Li - Evans, there's nothing here for you to do. Our business is over." There was a tone of finalization as he snapped the words, standing aside to make room for when she was to ascend the stairs.

The unforgiving, fiery stance that she composed had faltered violently, and he noticed the desperate tears that glimmered in her beautiful emerald eyes. Severus looked behind her, to her father, and noted the same eye aspect.

"Please -"

"He had bared witness to an unforgiveable curse being practiced on a muggle, and nearly acted irrationally. All the Death Eaters, as well as the Dark Lord have been informed, so it would be deeply unwise of me to release him. I am not stupid, and neither are you - so flee now."

He hated himself for using such a controlling voice on her, especially when she seemed on the verge of tears. Don't cry Lily, don't bloody cry...

"You can't do this to him! I'll do anything - please... Severus."

It was enough to make him feel conflicted, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes - though secretly reveling in the sound of her melodic voice speaking his name for the first time in... years.

"There's nothing you could do," Severus muttered, "He's my prisoner."

Silence stretched, as Lily sobbed. He didn't open his eyes, until Lily uttered the most disturbing thing he had heard all night.

"Take me instead."

Her voice shaky and fragile, but sincere and ready.

Severus studied her, sizing her up, giving her an emotionless glare.

"You... you'd take his place?"

She shrugged and spoke sarcastically just as her father was going to protest. "They didn't indicate a name or gender to your 'high and mighty' lordship?"

Snape rolled his eyes, but didn't answer.

"Lily! No! You don't know what you're doing, they're all evil - "

She ignored her father nonchalantly, focusing intensely on Snape's unmoving expression.

"Snape," She paused, and drew in a breath. "If you take me prisoner, would you let him go?"

He grunted, and watched with an unamused look as Lily's father grabbed her arms forcefully, flashing her looks of utter panic and distress.

"Lily - no! I wont let you do this!"

She turned to look at Snape, who smirked sourly at her. She shot him a distasteful snarl in return.

"Yes, but you must promise to stay here... presumably forever."

The look on her face went grave. He knew of her plans of finishing her last year of Hogwarts, and the career and life she planned to pursue soon after. He knew that she was beginning to fancy Potter by the sparkle in her eyes - generating sparks of jealousy within him - and she would want some sort of future in relationships. But she quickly collected herself and hesitantly whispered, "You have my word."

"Done!" Severus snapped, grabbing her father by the collar. He wriggled and protested, shouting Lily's name - but Snape acted quickly. Lily faced the other way and didn't look, sending a strike of guilt down his spine.

He dragged the older man toward the front of the mansion and threw him roughly on the front porch of the manor, holding his wand to Evans' throat.

"Leave, now."

With that, he slammed the door in a messy blaze of fury and regret and trite. Nothing in life could've prepared him for what he had done - tearing the heart and pride apart of someone he loved deeply.

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