~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushir...

By AmeChan192

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH CREDITS GO TO TITE KUBO~SENSEI~~<3 Yuuki is a bright, cheerful, compassionate... More

Hi Guys!! (^w^)v
1. " Things Lost in the Rain "
2." Into the Abyss "
3. " New Beginning "
4. " Home "
5. " Unknown Origins "
6. " Shinigami Daikou "
7. " Parting and Reunion "
8. " To Soul Society "
9. " A Chance Encounter "
10. " A New Found Hope "
10.5. Extra Chapter - " 3 Again "
11. " Girls Day Out "
12. " The Sacred Jewel of Soul "
13. " Growing Feelings "
14. " Incoming Storm "
15. " Game Start "
16. " Missing Again "
17. " Battle Preparations "
18. " I Hear Your Voice "
19. " Reunion "
20. " Confession "
20.5. Extra Chapter - " Personality Gone Bad "
21. " Confusion "
23. " Calm Before the Storm "
24. " The Guardian Deity "
25. " Friends and Foes "
26. " Frustrations "
27. " Visored "
28. " Espada "
29. " The Twelve Honoured Knights "
30. " Light x Dark "
30.5. Extra Chapter - " First Date "
31. " True Feelings "
32. " Training in Hell "
33. " Visions of the Past and Future "
34. " Deciding One's Fate "
35. " Personal Vendetta "
36. " Complications "
37. " Hell Has Fallen "
38. " Strategy Meeting "
39. " Under the Moonlight's Glow "
40. " Nagisa "
41. " Pledge of Loyalty "
42. " Awaken "
43. " True Meaning of Sacrifice "
44. " Memories "
45. " Camaraderie "
46. " A Heart That Doesn't Forget "
47. " Choices "
48. " The Inner Abyss "
48.5. " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 1) "
49. " Deepest Secrets "
50. " Truth Unveiled "
Final Chapter ~ A Place to Return To
51.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 2) "
51.5.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Last Part) "
Thank You

22. " Vasto Lorde "

250 16 0
By AmeChan192

Momo and Rangiku were chatting when Toushirou came in and asked what they were talking about.

"Oh nothing interesting...", Rangiku said.

"We were just chatting... you know...", Momo shrugs. "...girl's stuff."

"Right... you sure you should be chatting when you still have pile of workload on your desk?", Toushirou said with an annoyed look on his face as he looks at Rangiku.

"I-I was just taking a break.", Rangiku said.

An irk mark appeared on the young captain's head. "You're break is now over, so get back to work!"

Rangiku sighs. "Hai...."

"W-Well... I guess I should leave you with your work now...", Momo said.

She turns to leave but,

"Hinamori.", Toushirou called.

Momo looks at him over her shoulder expressing a questioning look. "Hai?"

"What brings you here?", Toushirou asked.

Momo turns fully to face him. "Ohh... I just came to visit. I thought Yuuki-chan was still here so I just wanted to have a little chat."

"I see... well since you're here why don't you relax for a while. I know you've been working nonstop.", a sigh escapes the young captain's lips. "I wish Matsumoto can be as diligent as you."

Momo blushes, it was rare for him to compliment her. She was used to being teased by him most of the time. If this is due to Yuuki's influence, she likes it. "Okay, thanks Shiro-chan. I'll go make some tea then, you deserve a break too."

"It's Hitsugaya-taichou....", Toushirou corrected feebly.


The next day at the Kurosaki Clinic. Ichigo and Yuuki were busy preparing for Isshin's 'Welcome Home' party.

"Phew! All done!", Yuuki happily said.

"Yeah, all we have to do now is to wait for dad. He'll arrive in about an hour...", Ichigo said.

Just as Ichigo speaks the door suddenly slams open. The siblings whirled around and saw their father frozen by the doorway.

Upon seeing Yuuki, Isshin sighs in relief and hugs her tightly. "I've missed you.", he tried stop himself from crying.

"I've missed you too.", Yuuki said and hugs him back.

Isshin pulls away to look at her. "Ichigo told me that you can speak now so I hurried back so that I can finally hear your voice. I was really excited."

"It won't be the last time you'll be hearing it. I can finally say thank you for everything with my own voice. I love you daddy, Ichi-nii.", Yuuki said and smiles brightly at them.

The father and son can't help but smile back at her. Then Ichigo signaled Yuuki and nods.

"Welcome Home!!", they both cheerfully said.

"I'm home!", Isshin said happily and grins.

The Kurosaki family spent the rest of the day together making up for the times they were apart.

"Oh! That's right, Yuuki what about school? They know that you went missing but that doesn't save you from make-up classes.", Isshin said while eating dinner.

"Dad, knowing her, she won't even need make-up classes.", Ichigo said.

"That's true.", Isshin proudly said.

"I can't wait to get back to school tomorrow! I want to see Inoue-san, Ishida-san and Sado-san again!", Yuuki said in excitement

"I'm sure they feel the same, specially Inoue.", Ichigo said.

"Alright time to retire for the night.", Isshin said as he stretches his arms over his head.

"Oh yeah, Yuuki, can you help me out again with my math homework?", Ichigo said.

"Sure thing, I just need to clean up.", Yuugi said while collecting the soiled dishes.

"I'll help you.", Ichigo said.

"Young one's sure have a lot of energy. I'm beat, I'm going back to my room.", Isshin said.

"Hai... goodnight dad.", the young Kurosakis simultaneousmy said.

After they finished cleaning up, Yuuki helps Ichigo with his homework.

Ichigo smacks his fist to his palm. "Oh! I get it now... thanks you've been a big help.", while writing, he notices Yuuki was staring at him. "W-What is it?"

Yuuki shrugs noncomittally. "You know... it's kind of hard to imagine you being a Substitute Soul Reaper fighting Hollows here and there when you do your homework so diligently like a normal high schooler does."

".... come to think of it... you may be right.", Ichigo mused, lightly poking his chin with his pen.

"Have you ever thought of going back to being just a normal high school student?", Yuuki asked curiously.

"To be honest with you, I do sometimes.", Ichigo admited. "I've only been a Substitute Soul Reaper for more than just two months now so I'm still getting the hang of it. But things are different now, I want to get even stronger so I'll have the power to protect you and everyone else."

(Me too... I also want to protect everyone...), Yuuki thought. "I guess there's no turning back now, huh?"

"Yeah...", Ichigo trailed off.

A yawn escapes Yuuki's lips. "I should get to bed as well, goodnight Ichii-nii."

Ichigo refocuses on his homework. "Mmm. Goodnight."

Shortly after Yuuki left, Ichigo lays on his bed staring at the ceiling deep in thought.

Meanwhile, Yuuki went straight to her room and lays on her bed while hugging the stuff toy Rangiku gave her. While deep in thought, she notices a yellow lion plushie on her bed and stares at it. It was the first time she saw it and wonders who it belongs to. Then...

"Yo!", the lion plushie suddenly said, raising a paw in sort of a wave.

Eyes wide in shock and mouth hung agape, Yuuki screamed on top of her lungs. It made a squeaking noise when she kicked it to the wall in reflex.

A few seconds later, the door slams open and Ichigo entered. "Yuuki! What's wrong!?", he frantically yelled.

Pointing shaking finger at the lion plushie, Yuuki stammered. "Ichi-nii.... t-th..."

Not a moment later, Isshin barges in as well while swinging a mop around. "Yuuki! What is it?! Are you okay?! Is it a burglar!? Where'd he go!?", he exclaimed.

Yuuki stared at the plushie but it doesn't seem to be moving. Is it dead? Wait... plushies aren't supposed to be alive in the first place. Thinking that it might just be her imagination, she regained her composure. "S-Sorry, I was just surprised, maybe I'm just tired that I imagined things... sorry for disturbing you...", she told her father.

Isshin's shoulders sagged in relief. "I see... you made me worry there for a second..."

Yuuki sheepishly rubs the back of her head. "Yeah... sorry dad, you should go back to sleep."

"Okay.", Isshin simply said and piles out the room.

Ichigo waited to hear the click of his father's door before picking up the plushie roughly on the head with an irritated look on his face. "Kon!! How many times did I tell you not to leave my room?! What are you doing in Yuuki's room?!"

"But I wanted to meet her in person...", Kon nervously said.

"Ichi-nii?", Yuuki called with a confused look on her face.

Ichigo looks at Yuuki over his shoulder. "Ah! Yuuki sorry about that, but there's no need to worry. This is Kon, he's a Modified Soul, Mod-Soul for short."

Yuuki tilts her head in confusion. "Mod-Soul?"

Ichigo nods. "Yeah... look.", he takes out a tiny, candy-like orb from its mouth to show it to her. "I use this candy to become a Shinigami and Kon possesses my body.", he explained and places it back to the plushie.

An irk mark appeared on Kon's head. "Ichigo you jerk! How dare you interrupt me! I wanted to coolly introduce myself to Yuuki-chan but you ruined it.", he angrily said while trying to kick Ichigo's face but to no avail.

Yuuki chuckles and approaches them. "I'm sorry for kicking you to the wall earlier, did it hurt?", she asked with a light smile on her face and pats him on the head.

"My angel!! \(^w^)/", Kon happily said with sparkling eyes and jumps to her.

Just as Kon is about to jump on Yuuki's chest, Ichigo roughly steps on him and a squeaking noise was heard.

"Don't let your guard down with this guy.", Ichigo deadpanned while twisting his foot on the poor plushie. Then he grabs Kon and makes his way back to his room ignoring Kon's protests.

Yuuki stared at them in amusement as they left.


The next morning,

"Ittekimasu.", Ichigo and Yuuki simultaneously said as they made it through their front door.

"Itterasshai.", Isshin called back.

While making their way to school, Ichigo and Yuuki saw Uryu and Yasutora.

"Ishida-san! Sado-san!", Yuuki happily called as she waves her hand to gain their attention.

Uryu and Yasutora stops on their tracks and turns to her.

"Ah! Yuuki-chan! Kurosaki! Good morning.", Uryuu greeted. "It's good to see you back."

"Ohayo! Yeah, it's good to be back.", Yuuki said and beams.

"Yuuki, Ichigo.", Yasutora greeted with a nod.

"Yo! Sado, Ishida.", Ichigo greeted back with a small wave.

"Yuuki-chaaaaan! (>▼<)", a familiar voice happily said.

Orihime tackle-hugs Yuuki the moment she saw her making Yuuki grunt.

"Inoue-san, ohayo! It's good to see you so lively so early in the morning.", Yuuki cheerfully said.

"Hehe... ohayo minna!", Orihime greeted enthusiastically.

The guys nod at her in acknowledgement.

Orihime turns her attention back to Yuuki. "Heeey, Yuuki-chan, since you can talk now, you should call me by my first name! Come on say it!" (OwO), she demanded and grabbed her shoulders.

"E-Eh? Oh... umm... O-Ori..hime....-san?", Yuuki stammered.

Satisfied for now, Orhime released Yuuki's shoulders. "That's acceptable for now, but next time drop the honorifics."

As the gang finished greeting each other, they finally noticed the other students looking at them whispering and murmuring.

"W-Were we too loud?", Orihime asked.

"I don't think so.", came Uryuu's reply.

As they walk they hear some of the whispers and realized that most of them were focused on Yuuki.

"Is she a transfer student?"

"I think so, it's the first time I saw her."

"Woah, she sure is pretty."


Yuuki blushes at their compliments since she's still not used to being the center of attention. She came back to school as a new person, not the old one who hides herself and refuses to talk to others. Everyone stared at her until they finally arrive at their classroom. Ichigo was the first one to enter the room.

Upon seeing him, Kiego grabbed his shoulders and shakes him, much to Ichigo's annoyance. "Ichigo! Have you heard?!", he exclaimed.

"Heard of what?", Ichigo deadpanned.

"There's a new transfer student and I heard she's totally gorgeous!", Kiego said.

The rest of the gang finally enters and Yuuki was the last one to enter.

Kiego lets go of Ichigo's shoulders in favor of pointing finger at Yuuki and screamed in delight.

"What is it now?", Ichigo flatly asked, already used to his antics.

"It's her!! It's you!! The transfer student!!", Kiego exclaimed.

"Ohayo, Asano-san.", Yuuki greeted calmly.

"Wha- you know me?", Keigo exclaimed and turns to Mizuiro. "Hey! Mizuiro did you hear that?! She knows who I am!!"

"Good for you.", Mizuiro nonchalantly said.

"Ohayo, Kojima-san, Arisawa-san.", Yuuki greeted.

"Kurosaki-chan, ohayo. Welcome back.", Mizuiro greeted calmly.

"Yuuki-chan, Orihime, ohayo. It's so good to see you're back.", Tatsuki greeted.

"Tatsuki-chan! Ohayo!", Orihime happily greeted back.

Keigo looks back and forth between Yuuki and Tatsuki. "Yuuki?... Kurosaki?..... whaaaaaat?! Y-You mean you're..... you're back!?", he yelled in surprise.

"Yes?", Yuuki questioned.

"How come you knew it was her?! She looks totally different now! And it's the first time I heard her speak!", Keigo asked as he looks at Mizuiro and Tatsuki.

"Orihime told me.", Tatsuki calmly said.

"Ichigo told me.", Mizuiro said equally calm.

Moping, Keigo sat facing the corner drawing circles on the floor. "How come nobody told me...?"

Everyone opted to ignore him. They return to their seats upong hearing the bell ring.

Yuuki makes her way back to her usual seat but noticed someone else sitting there. "Umm..... excuse me but, that's my seat.", she politely said.

That person turned out to be Rukia. She stares at Yuuki with a calm expression while the others were surprised.

"K-Kuchiki-san!? What are you doing here?", Yuuki questioned in surprise.

"We were assigned here to defend Karakura Town against the Arrancars.", Rukia simply said.

Yuuki blinks in confusion. "We? Arrancars?", she questioned.

Rukia came to realize something when she saw Yuuki's confusion. "Ohhh, that's right, you weren't here when 'that' incident happened. I'll explain later."

While they were talking, a group of Shinigami's dressed as students were walking along the school corridors heading towards Ichigo and the other's classroom. Everyone was staring at them with a suspiciously. Murmurs are head as they pass by.

"What room are they?!"

"Forget the room, just try to sense their Reiatsus!"

Pinpointing the correct room, Madarame Ikkaku slams the door open. "Yo! Ichigo!", he yelled thus gaining everyone's attention.

"Ikkaku?! Renji!? Yumichika!? Rangiku-san!? Toushiro!?", Ichigo said with a surprised look on his face.

"It's Hitsugaya-taichou!", Toushirou corrected much to his annoyance.

The teacher arrived a few moments later. "Excuse me but if you're not students in this class then you should go back to your respective classrooms. And bringing weapons to school is strictly prohibited.", he admonished.

"It's just a bamboo sword!", Ikkaku said.

"Kurosaki, we'll talk later.", Toushirou said.

The Shinigami group leaves aside from Rukia. Before leaving, Toushirou took a quick glance at Yuuki and saw the confusion on her face.

The class went on normally after that and by the time it finished, Ichigo and the others quickly went back home. Yuuki went with Orihime since they planned a sleep over at Orihime's place.


Ichigo was lounging in his room when he heard a noise coming from the ceiling. Not a moment later, a shiny bald head suddenly popped out from his lighting and went back in. Renji came down first followed by Yumichika, Rangiku and Ikkaku. Ikkaku was still upside down on the ceiling when,

An irk mark appeared on Ichigo's head. "Hey! Normal people enter through the door!"

"Oh? Don't be mad, we tried to put in a new light bulb for you, see?", Rangiku said as she pats Ikkaku's head repeatedly clearly amused.

"Matsumoto, were not here to play. So let's get down to business.", Toushirou said as he leans by the window frame.

"Taichou was too shy that he didn't want to enter through the ceiling. (=w=)", Rangiku teased.

Despite the irk mark on his head, Toushirou calmly said "Someone has to act normal with this group."

"Do we have to talk in my room?", Ichigo questioned in annoyance.

Toushirou disregarded Ichigo's question and proceeded to explain things about the Arrancars, especially the Vasto Lordes.

As expected, a horrified look crossed on Ichigo's features after Toushirou was done. "N-No way...."

~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤ ~ ¤

Japanese words used:

Bishoujo (美少女) - beautiful girl

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