Him {h.s}

By creator1two

1.3M 25.9K 5.3K

There was just something about him. *sexual content if you cannot handle please do not read* More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

7.8K 175 12
By creator1two

Everything hurt.

I wasn't sure what was going on. Glass was shattered all over the place. I don't even think I could move without touching it. God of all nights why did it have to be this one? I knew he had planned something special and I had to go and jinx it.

I don't even know where we are at, at the moment.

"Harry" I speak hoarsely, no answer. "Harry" I speak again, once again no answer. i don't know if I could look over to see if he is okay or not. I just stare blankly out the window trying to build up the courage to look over. After hearing sirens in the distance I look over.

He is still in the seat next to me. I feel a weight lift off my shoulder immediately. I try to maneuver my hand from under my seat belt reaching over to lightly tap his face, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

"Harry, Harry, please wake up." I say moving his head slightly. I look down to see a half full water bottle. Wincing, I reach down grabbing the bottle, bringing it up to Harry's face pouring it on him hoping it will work to bring wake him.

He stirs a little, "Harry, Harry, c'mon wake up I know you hear me, come back to me, please."

"Alex?" he ask in a barely audible voice.

"Yes, it's me Harry, its Alex."

"What happened?"

"I jinxed us is what happened." I sigh "and you were being a dumbass."

"Sounds right" he lets out a little chuckle then winces, he's hurt. Badly. He has lost a lot of blood, I can tell, its everywhere.

"Ma'am can you get yourself out of the car?" I hear a deep unknown voice outside the car. I look over to see a cop and fireman standing next to each other.

"I haven't tried, I was more worried about my boyfriend he's lost a lot of blood."

"Okay, ma'am one thing at a time. Can you get yourself out?"

"I don't know!" I yell "I just want you to help him do not worry about me."

"Alex," I hear harry say softly. "I'll be fine, listen to the man and get yourself out of the car."

"Harry were going to get you out, just hold on."

"Okay" I hear him say and quickly try to get myself out of the car.

"I can't get out by myself. The seat belt, its stuck."

"Okay ma'am." The fire man comes the door and opens its wider than It already is. He reaches in with a knife and starts cutting at the seat belt.

"Ow!" I say loudly as I feel the knife pierce my skin. The blood starts running down my thigh immediately. It doesn't stand out too much, everything I once had on that was clean is now covered in either, dirt or blood.

"I am so sorry!" The fireman says, I quickly tell him it's okay before he lifts me out of the car in his arms.

"Get Harry" I say demandingly. I would rather me be in the car right now than Harry. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.

I love him.

"We are working on it ma'am. He has lost a lot of blood. He needs to be taken to a hospital." The fireman and EMT says as they make their way back to Harry's side of the car.

"Then get him out and take him to a hospital and stop wasting your time talking to me." I was truly angry at this point. I wanted this whole night be a fairy tale kind of perfect, but no. it has turned into a nightmare. Crashing the car Harry getting injured worse than me. I don't think this night can get any worse.

I standing around like a helpless idiot that was just great. I was worrying myself to death not being able to help. Even though I can see everything the men are doing I can't help but feel like something is going to go wrong, or well get worse than it already is.

After about five minutes of struggling to get Harry put of the car they finally do. The EMT immediately put him in the ambulance.

"Do you want to call anyone?" I hear a man say as I run over to where Harry is.

"Harry" I say as I reach the ambulance.

"Ma'am you can't be in here only immediate family." The male sitting in the back of the ambulance says.

"I'm his girlfriend and I will do as I please since I see no one else around!" I say getting in the man's face. The guy who helped pull me out of the car gives the guy in the back of the ambulance a death glare and he backs down.

'That's what I thought' I think to myself as I enter the back of the ambulance. "Harry we are going to get you taken care of don't worry."

"It's okay Alex." He says softly, I lean down to kiss his lips when a machine starts beeping at me.

"Ma'am yours going to have to sit down we have to get him to a hospital, now." I sit down silently freaking out while the men run around the ambulance frantically saying stuff back and forth between one another.

"He's crashing." Is all I hear before I black out?

As soon as I wake up I realize I'm in the hospital. All the memories of the last few hours come flooding back to my mind. I look over to my left and see a man sitting in the chair beside my bed, I think its harry for a moment but then remember what happened. I can't really identify the man sitting in the chair because of the hoodie he has pulled over his head.

I whisper-yell "Psst, hey, wake up, who are you?"  I reach my foot out and kick him. He jumps quickly, making himself fall out of the chair.

"Oakley?" I say trying to confirm if it's him or not.

"Alexandria" He says with a smile and walks over to my bed give me a big bear hug. I hug him back slightly and then let go wanting answers as to why he is here.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was in the hospital? Are you stalking me?" he just chuckles, I was so confused.

"Well considering I work in the hospital."

"Oh yeah, but how did you know I was here again?"

"I work in the emergency room now I moved floors for a little while."

"Oh" was I could say. "I need to see Harry." I try to get of bed but when I try to stand my whole body starts to collapse to the floor. Oakley is quickly at my side to catch me before I fall all the way to the ground.

"Are you okay?" he ask in a soft voice.

"Yeah" I look down at his hands and the parts they are touching, I don't think he meant too but he was basically grabbing every part of my body that he shouldn't be grabbing. He quickly realizes why I'm looking down he quickly apologizes and moves his hands elsewhere, then blushes. I sit back down on the bed.

"I need to see him."

"I don't think that's the best idea."

"And why not! I want to see him and make sure he is okay, unless you know something I don't I'm going to see him."

"You can't even walk Alex, I don't think it's a good idea to go see him right now is all I'm saying. What if I go check on him and come back to tell you what's going on. You need to rest."

"No, I want to see him."

"I don't think you're going to like what you see" is all he says before he exits my room into the hallway.

"Where are you going?" I yell at him but no answer. After a few minutes he comes back in the room with a wheel chair.

"I'm not carrying you all the way to his room." He merely says, helping me get into the chair. I thank him quickly then tell him to take me to Harry. I don't know what's waiting for me. Is he going to be all banged up and not going to be able to speak to me, or is he going to be totally okay and be able to leave within a few days? I don't know what to expect. He had lost a lot of blood and I do remember the EMT guy say 'he's crashing' but that's all I really remember before the black out.

Oakley stops pushing me in front of a door. "I haven't checked on him in a few hours but when I was last in here it wasn't good." I all Oakley say before he opens the door and lets me wheel myself in. I hear a whole bunch of machines running and when Harry comes into sight I see them as well. He had a little breathing thing over his mouth, some little thing attached to his finger, and a whole bunch of little cords running from his chest to all kinds of machines doing who knows what. I wheel myself next to the bed. I know he isn't awake right now but I need to say I'm sorry.

"Harry I'm so sorry." Is all I can choke out before I start to cry? Oakley pulls me out into the hallway to calm me down. 

"Im so sorry, this is all my fault, it should be me in that bed not him. If he dies because of me I will never be able to live with myself." I am full on sobbing now with Oakley crouching in front of my trying to comfort me.

"Let's go back to your room. We can talk to harry tomorrow." All I do is nod. Oakley starts to wheels me back to my room and helps me get into bed. He leaves my room to put the wheel chair back. He comes back into the room, turns off the lights and sits back in the chair he was in earlier. We sit in silence for a while. I try to sleep but every time I shut my eyes I'm back in the car with harry.


"Yeah Alex?"

"Will you lay with me?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Yeah, you're right I'm sorry for asking." God I'm so stupid, I start to weep trying to be quiet to Oakley doesn't hear. I can believe I just asked him that, Harry is just down the hall and I'm asking another guy to lay with me? Shit I'm such a bad person. As I'm laying down thinking about all this I feel the bed dip and arms wrap around my torso.

"Save the thinking and crying for tomorrow, go to sleep." I nod, then snuggle into Oakley's arms wishing it was Harry's, I think?

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