Chapter 20

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Everything hurt.

I wasn't sure what was going on. Glass was shattered all over the place. I don't even think I could move without touching it. God of all nights why did it have to be this one? I knew he had planned something special and I had to go and jinx it.

I don't even know where we are at, at the moment.

"Harry" I speak hoarsely, no answer. "Harry" I speak again, once again no answer. i don't know if I could look over to see if he is okay or not. I just stare blankly out the window trying to build up the courage to look over. After hearing sirens in the distance I look over.

He is still in the seat next to me. I feel a weight lift off my shoulder immediately. I try to maneuver my hand from under my seat belt reaching over to lightly tap his face, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

"Harry, Harry, please wake up." I say moving his head slightly. I look down to see a half full water bottle. Wincing, I reach down grabbing the bottle, bringing it up to Harry's face pouring it on him hoping it will work to bring wake him.

He stirs a little, "Harry, Harry, c'mon wake up I know you hear me, come back to me, please."

"Alex?" he ask in a barely audible voice.

"Yes, it's me Harry, its Alex."

"What happened?"

"I jinxed us is what happened." I sigh "and you were being a dumbass."

"Sounds right" he lets out a little chuckle then winces, he's hurt. Badly. He has lost a lot of blood, I can tell, its everywhere.

"Ma'am can you get yourself out of the car?" I hear a deep unknown voice outside the car. I look over to see a cop and fireman standing next to each other.

"I haven't tried, I was more worried about my boyfriend he's lost a lot of blood."

"Okay, ma'am one thing at a time. Can you get yourself out?"

"I don't know!" I yell "I just want you to help him do not worry about me."

"Alex," I hear harry say softly. "I'll be fine, listen to the man and get yourself out of the car."

"Harry were going to get you out, just hold on."

"Okay" I hear him say and quickly try to get myself out of the car.

"I can't get out by myself. The seat belt, its stuck."

"Okay ma'am." The fire man comes the door and opens its wider than It already is. He reaches in with a knife and starts cutting at the seat belt.

"Ow!" I say loudly as I feel the knife pierce my skin. The blood starts running down my thigh immediately. It doesn't stand out too much, everything I once had on that was clean is now covered in either, dirt or blood.

"I am so sorry!" The fireman says, I quickly tell him it's okay before he lifts me out of the car in his arms.

"Get Harry" I say demandingly. I would rather me be in the car right now than Harry. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.

I love him.

"We are working on it ma'am. He has lost a lot of blood. He needs to be taken to a hospital." The fireman and EMT says as they make their way back to Harry's side of the car.

"Then get him out and take him to a hospital and stop wasting your time talking to me." I was truly angry at this point. I wanted this whole night be a fairy tale kind of perfect, but no. it has turned into a nightmare. Crashing the car Harry getting injured worse than me. I don't think this night can get any worse.

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