How to love a blind boy. (Boy...

By teenwolflover10

4.7K 154 32

Blue Jackson was a electric green haired boy. Only sixteen. And going to a new school in a new place. He want... More

Moving into a new home
Learning the new house
Learning the new town
Day one is finally over.
Is he my boyfriend?
A kiss? Wait what!(part1)
A kiss? Wait what!(part 2)

Day one at a scary school.

641 25 8
By teenwolflover10

Blue's pov

I woke up in the morning to my alarm clock blaring Savior by Rise Against. I felt around until I flipped the off switch on my alarm clock and sat up just as my mom was walking in "good morning mijo you ready to get dressed?" She asked. I could smell her perfume which meant she was already ready. I nodded and she helped me get dressed then fix my hair and put my piercings back in because I didn't sleep with them on. Rubbing my eyes tiredly I grabbed my iPod and earbuds then followed mom down the stairs and to my seat at the dinning table. Yawning softly I smiled when I smelt French toast and began to dig in happily. After finishing within a few minutes. Zoning out the whole time I heard mom laugh as she took my plate and went to wash it and hers "blue go get your backpack from the living room please and wait by the car?" I nodded and counted my steps with each turn I made making it to the living room then garage waiting on the hood of moms Impala. It's the same car as when she adopted me. I can still remember how beautiful it is. If only I could drive one.. "Get in the car blue." My mom chuckled helping me buckle in then closed the door getting in the drivers spot. "Now it's going to be pretty boring so you can listen to your headphones until I tap you to listen okay?" I nodded and pulled out my headphones. Playing savior automatically. I smiled and closed my eyes. Ten minutes later. Mom parked the car and got out helping me as well I heard whispers and felt eyes on me. But I heard the sound of punches and kids running. There was a fight. I moved closer to my mom as she led me past it unfazed. But then it went silent. I felt like forty eyes on me. The punching sound even stopped. "Who is that..?" I heard quietly from what I was guessing was a boy towards the middle of the fight. I hid my face in my moms arm as she walked me away and back to the office. "Ah, ms Jackson. Mr Slay will be in in a moment he went to break up a fight you can sit in his office." The perky lady from yesterday lead us to a room where mom sat me down next to her and sat back just as I guess who was Mr Slay walked in.

Nate's pov

Mr Slay dragged me to his office. Smiling politely at the woman and boy sitting there waiting "one moment please while I discuss with your sons guide." The green haired boy had his eyes open looking directly at us his head phones in. I'm guessing his mom noticed how uncomfortable the staring made me and smiled at me "he's blind, he doesn't know he's looking in your direction he zones out when his music is on." She explained. I nodded and looked at Slay. Who pulled me to a corner and whispered, "you're going to be his guide. Wether you like it or not. It's been only a month of school and you've had all three of your strikes. If you don't protect that boy with your life and act like you enjoy having him around. You are expelled. No argument." I just stared at him fuck! Wonderful I'm babysitting for the school year! I thought holding back a groan.

Blue's pov.

"You're going to be his guide. Wether you like it or not. It's been only a month of school and you've had all three of your strikes. If you don't protect that boy with your life and act like you enjoy having him around. You are expelled. No argument." I heard what I'm guessing is Slay say to the boy who's stuck as my guide. I looked down and pulled my knees to my chest. As I heard two people sit down in separate seats. "Mr. Jackson Nate here is going to be your guide for the school year, he will carry your books, take you to class, get you lunch, take you to the restroom, and aid your every need." He explained. I nodded slowly "okay." I mumbled. My mom nudged me. I knew it wasn't polite to mumble and she hated it. So I spoke up "okay." I repeated. I heard Nate mumbled something 'wonderful babysitting' I looked down and hugged my bag. "Well schools starting soon. Come on dude." I'm guessing that was Nate. I nodded slowly and stood up feeling for my mom I gave her a hug "call me whenever you need too mijo. I'll answer no matter what." She reminded me. I nodded. I had a flip phone. I couldn't feel the stupid touch screens so I got a flip. I thought it was cool. But no one else does. I stood there patiently usually someone held my hand while walking. But Nate didn't grab it. "Will you come on already?" His voice was farther away. I started walking towards it but tripped and fell. Landing on my face. Ow dick wad floor. I heard a chuckle as I struggled to get up until my mom helped me kissing my cheek "are you sure you want to do this?" She whispered. I nodded and walked towards the door guessing my path until I bumped into Nate "s-sorry" I mumbled. "Mr. Arnold you are aware you need to hold blue's hand correct?" Mr slay informed him but Nate groaned and grabbed my hand forcefully. I let out a soft whimper already scared of this guy. He walked me out holding my hand but let grow and grabbed my shoulder "come on." He growled. I gulped and walked with him to what I'm guessing is our lockers. "So you've got every class with me I'm guessing. First and second we have gym, then math. Then we have a break. Third and fourth is history, then science. Then lunch. Fifth and sixth is English then an elective which we both have as lacrosse. But you're sitting to the side." I simply nodded as he opened the lockers(I'm guessing) and grabbed books. Handing me two of my braille books and slamming both lockers making me jump. "Come on brat!" He half yelled making me whimper. No one called me brat since...
Flash back

I whimpered looking at my step dad he was throwing things again. Mom was at work and I had just gotten home from school. He didn't like my hair. He was furious.. And drunk. "Daddy don't you like my hair?" "You look like a f*cking f*ggot! How could my son ever look like that!?" He growled grabbing my hair and dragging me upstairs. He pulled out a box of moms hair dye "daddy no! Please I like it!" He slapped me with the box "shut up brat! Before I send you back to England!" "No!" I screamed pushing him off. He didn't like that. Oh no.. I ran off running to my room and locking the door. Mom said to always lock it if she and dad weren't home and I was in trouble. There was no key to the door. Only mom had it around her neck. I ran and hit behind my closet when I heard a shot.. He shot the lock. I screamed when he walked in drunk pissed off and with a loaded gun. He grabbed me by the hair dragging my back to the bathroom to dye my hair. "Daddy no it's my favorite color!" "Then let's make sure your bratty little eyes don't see anymore f*ggoty colors!" He yelled and poured the dye into my eyes. I screamed and kicked. It burned. He was rubbing the dye into my eyes. I can't see! I want mommy.

End of flash back.

I guess I froze because he was shaking me. I don't know why. I shook my head and pulled the hood of my jacket on "s-s-sorry" I stuttered. That only happened when I remembered.. I could feel his eyes on me. "What happened? What were you thinking about? You're crying." He asked "j-just please d-don't c-call m-me b-brat.." I stuttered. "Yeah yeah sorry.." He mumbled and held my shoulder walking us to what I'm guessing is class. I jumped when I heard the bell sound. I guess that mean everyone was on their way to class now. I followed close to Nate scared of getting lost. He pulled me into class by the hair when I got distracted and almost lost. I kept thinking back to that moment. I was whimpering "p-p-p.." I stuttered I couldn't even get the word out before he pretty much threw me into the bench on the bleachers. I was holding my two books tightly still "put those in your bag idiot." He told me sounding annoyed. I quickly did and lowered my head trembling. I could hear him and other guys laughing. I don't think he likes me.. The teacher took roll calling out names. When he got to mine. "Blue Jackson! Who the fuck names their kid blue..?" He grumbled. "H-h-here." I stuttered looking towards the voice "right.. What's wrong with you kid don't those damn eyes work? They would if you moved the damn hair out of your face." I looked directly at the voice and removed my hair from my eyes. Their were stained with brown dye. That was never going to come out. The teacher fell silent when he noticed and so did Nate and his friends who were laughing at me. "I'm blind sir. My father poured hair dye into my eyes when I was seven years old. If you'd like continue to talk crap about me for my blindness is most enjoy finding my way to your boss." I said without emotion. Feeling a bit of confidence. Everyone was silent for a moment "I-I see. I'm sorry son it says nothing on my roster about your needs. Who is your guide?" "I don't know his name. It's like Kate or something. It sounds like Kate. Mate maybe..?" I shrugged "Nate I'm guessing. Captain of lacrosse. Seems Nate you'll be having to sit pe out and do this like walking around the track with blue here." The teacher explained. "I'd rather have the f*g suck me off." Nate said laughing with his friends. "I'm the f*g yet you want me to suck your dick. Yeah seems quite logical there dumbass." I shot back at him. Everyone laughing. "Now boys. Language. Blue what you prefer?" "Not to be around the dumbass all day long. So how about I sit alone and hopefully don't get hit with something?" I looked towards the teacher. He laughed and nodded. So during that period I sat alone in the bleachers while everyone did something. I don't know what I listened to music. After class was over I felt Nate grab me by the arm and yank me off the bleachers pulling me to math. When we finally got inside the class I yanked my arm away and followed his foot steps sitting next to him in a desk. Getting my braille math book out I sat back as the bell sounded. I listened quietly scared of well. Nate. He scared me, he reminded me of my dad he made me want to go home. I heard everyone stop talking when someone stood next to me "um why are you in my seat?" oh god he sounded gay. And cute. "I-I'm sorry." I stood up quickly bumping into him. He was about my height. He giggled and held my cheek "I'm joking cutie. But I want your number?" I looked towards his voice hearing a tiny gasp.. My hair fell from my face "I.. Uh.. Sorry nevermind." He rushed and walked off. I sat back down quickly pulling my hood up. I wanna go home. But the teacher walked in as the bell sounded "hello everyone! Okay so I'm aware we have a new student. His name is blue. Blue stand up please and introduce and tell us about yourself." I stood up slowly "my name is blue, I was born in England my mother adopted me when I was four. I'm blind." I said a bit quiet and sat back down. The class went by quickly I got most of my work done. Nate didn't help much. After that was break. He sat me down on a bench and refused to let me move when he went with his friends. I cried softly and hid my face the whole time. Then he dragged me to out next two classes. I wrote down my work and did it all as well as homework in both. Come lunch.. I really wanted to go home. I had made Nate mad in my last two classes so he pretty much dragged me by my hair. All I'd done was not hear the teacher so I had to talk to him in class. Which I guess interrupted him flirting with someone. He pulled me into the cafeteria shoving me down into a seat. My head nearly flew forward and connected with the table. "Aye nate man come on the kids blind you can't toss him around like that." I heard a strong voice say from behind me where nate was "I know man but he's ugh so annoying." Nate replied and I heard them hug then two people sit in front of me "so brat you want anything to eat?" Nate asked me sounded mad, I shook my head quickly and pulled my hood over my head hiding my face. The other voice placed a hand on my shoulder "blue right? My names Alex I'm Nate's cousin." I mumbled a hi and looked down "h-how do I get to the bathroom?" I mumbled hugging my bag "I'll take you come on brat." I winced at the name Nate called me as he pulled me to the bathroom. I quickly went into the big stall locking it. Curling up against the wall hugging my knees. I wanna go home. I want my mom! I started to cry silently into my hands staying quiet. "Fucking hell what are you doing in there hurry the fuck up!" Nate screamed at me. I whimpered and I guess it came out loud. Because he was somehow getting the door unlocked and walking over to me. "Blue what's wrong?.." His voice suddenly sounded softer. I didn't fall for those voices. Only my moms. I moved away from him wiping my tears "I-I'm s-sorry..." I mumbled and hugged my knees "I know I'm just a burden.. I don't want you to get stuck with me I just want to go home. I want my mom but then if I'm home she can't work. And I'm just a burden on her. That's all I've ever been I don't know why she didn't just put me up for adoption when I became blind. I just wanna go home I want my room I want my bed and my bear and I'm sorry." I rushed out while crying hiding my head in my knees. He wrapped his arms around me "no I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to cry I didn't think I was being that mean blue I'm so sorry." He rocked me holding me in his arms. I sniffled and wiped my eyes looking towards the floor just shaking my head "n-no ones nice to me... It's fine." I mumbled standing up slowly. He helped me and held my hand "okay, I'm gonna be a good guide and make sure you enjoy school and make friends okay?" I shook my head "I don't want friends.." "Why?" He looked at me holding my shoulders "because within about a month or two I'm gonna try to kill myself people will start teasing me then I'll try again and get so close to succeeding that my mom says it time to move again just like last time.." I mumbled. He said nothing...

Cliff hanger hehe anyways I hope you guys enjoyed that I'll pick up maybe the same place next part but I wanted to get this out and not leave people waiting. Damn man it's got 2773 words I can't believe it well! I hope you all
Enjoyed. Later!

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