The Bad Boy's Got Bets (COMPL...

Da honeymoon-avenue

893K 24.1K 3.6K

Jade Pesado was perfectly happy with her life, but when "bad boy" Ryder Steele moves in next door she doubts... Altro

The Bad Boy's Got Bets
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 14

18.6K 565 66
Da honeymoon-avenue

We piled into Hunter's car, Hunter in the drivers seat with Leo riding shotgun and in the middle section of the car, me in the back with Connor to my left and Ryder to my right. I was unfortunately placed in the middle of the two because I was the smallest and it left more room for the two boys, whilst I was squished between them. Needless to say I wasn't in the most comfortable position. I told Hunter the address and he pulled off the curb and onto the road. Music, which I could only describe as 'hood music', was blasting through the speakers. There was swear words flying around every couple of lines in the song and if I'm honest I'd be lying if I said I hated the songs that were playing.

"Did you tell her we were coming with you?" Leo asked turning around from his spacious front seat to look at me.

"Nope. I thought I'd leave it as a surprise." I said shrugging as much as I could whilst being caught between the two boys.

"I'm sure she'll love it." Hunter said with a laugh. I joined him laughing, because I know full well that she's going to freak, which will be funny to watch I'm sure of it. We sat in silence for a minute or two until I felt someone pull lightly on my hair. I noticed it was Ryder because it was the right side of my head, and I looked up at him.

"What?" I said quietly so only he could hear me over the loud music.

"Do you dye your hair?" He asked looking down at me.

"No, why?"

"It's got different shades of brown in it." He said flatly, looking into my eyes. I realised how close our faces were and my stomach turned. He was too close for my liking, it was making me nervous and I don't even know why.

"Yeah I know. It just happens with the sun I guess."

"Kay." He replied before looking away and staring out the window. I felt myself breathe out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, when he looked away.

"Is this the one?" Hunter asked me from the drivers seat, looking at me through the rear view mirror. I looked out to the street and noticed we were sitting out the front of Libby's house.

"Yes. I'll go get her, can you move out of the way?" I asked Ryder. He sighed and rolled his eyes before opening the door and stepping out. I followed him out of the car and noticed that he stayed back and leaned on the side of the car. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Hopefully her parents don't answer because I don't think they'll allow her out with four boys. I waited for a minute until the door finally opened.

"Gosh, you took your sweet ass time getting here." She said looking at me with a disapproving look.

"It's not my fault, I got held up."

"By who?" she asked cocking her head to the side. I stepped to the side revealing the boys. Hunter had rolled down the windows and they were all looking out towards us. Libby straightened up and her head flicked towards me. "What the hell is going on?"

"I was at Ryder's house and they invited themselves. There was nothing I could do." I defended putting my hands up in surrender.

"Why were you at Ryder's house?" She asked me with a smirk and a cheeky eyebrow wiggle.

"We were vigorously making out in his bed and they barged into the room so we had an orgy. Please Libby, my mum was invited for coffee and he wasn't even originally supposed to be there."

She rolled her eyes at my sarcasm, "well, why are we wasting time? Hot boys await." She said walking past me and heading down towards the boys. I shook my head at my overexcited friend before following her down to the car.

"Hey Libby." Connor said as she approached the car.

"Hey." We stopped just before the car. "So how are we doing this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"How are we all fitting into this car?" Hunter got out of the drivers seat and opened the boot. He pulled on a tab in the boot floor and the back of the seats pulled up revealing two spots in the back of the car. "I wanna sit there." Libby said pointing to the back seats. She was really not a shy person. Connor got out of the car and slid his seat forward so that Libby could step into the back of the car. He followed her into the back and I sighed in relief. That means I won't be stuck in the middle of the two boys again. Ryder pushed the middle seat back into its positions and sat down in it. I sat down in the other window seat of the middle row and the two in the front sat where they were before. Once we were all in the car, Hunter started the car and drove away.

"So, I heard you invited yourselves today." Libby said to the boys in the car.

"Yeah it was a slow day." Hunter replied from the drivers seat and Ryder choked back a laugh. I looked over at him and he looked back at me before I quickly turned away.

"Please, you guys practically begged to come." I added.

"That was all Leo." Ryder said in response to my statement and Leo turned around in his seat to face me.

"Maybe I like your company." He said with a smirk.

"Or maybe you have a tendency to invite yourself to things." I said with a fake smile and he laughed before turning back around.

"Maybe." He agreed and we all laughed lightly. The music slowly increased in volume as we drove. I could hear Libby and Connor talking behind me but I couldn't be bothered to listen to their conversation. Leo and Hunter were also mid conversation with what I think was the song we were listening to. Ryder was sitting quietly staring out the window. I looked over at him and noticed that he looked really good. Maybe it was the lighting, or the way he had his hair today, but he was looking extra fine today and I sure am not complaining.

I know nothing will ever happen between us, even though Libby so desperately wants it to, but I can still check him out because I am a teenage girl and I am allowed to. His head turned and his eyes locked with mine.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked with a smirk, so quietly that only I heard it.

"No, there's an asshole blocking it." I replied instantly, I had a habit of calling him an asshole, even though he had proved today that he did in fact have feelings when he apologised for his friend's behaviour.

"Ha, ha." He said rolling his eyes. That was probably the last time he would ever apologise to me, whoops. "Is this your first time ice skating?" He asked me out of nowhere after a few minutes of being quiet.

"No. I actually used to compete when I was younger but then it got way to expensive so I had to quit."

"Really?" I nodded. "So you're a figure skater."

"Not anymore. What about you, is this your first time?"

"No. I've been once before, when I was a kid."

"So do you remember how to skate?"

"I hope so. But I'm sure it would be your pleasure to reteach me. It's the least you could do."

"The least I could do for what?"

"For me gifting you with my presence."

"I hope you slip and break your leg." He laughed and looked out the window signalling that the conversation was over. We reached the ice rink a few minutes later and we all piled out of the car. I'm not going to lie I was really excited. I haven't been here in a very long time. I used to spend a lot of time here, practising and practising for my competitions. But after I quit I gradually started coming less. So coming back here, it's a thrilling feeling for me. Libby and I practically ran inside and I heard the boys laughing at us but frankly we didn't care. This is where Libby and I met. Sure we went to school together but we really became friends on the ice because we were the youngest in our class. We used to compete as partners when we were younger, before the age where partners needed to involve both genders. We were the fiercest competitors in the competition but as the prices rose we slowly started competing less and eventually had to stop.

We waited for the boys to make it inside before we quickly went over to get our skates. When approaching the desk the girl behind it perked up when she saw the four good-looking boys. She was probably from the same school as us.

"Hi, can we get six pairs of skates please?" I asked her and she her eyes flashed towards me. She looked me up and down probably wondering what I was doing with these boys.

"Have you all skated before?" She asked. I looked towards the boys and they all nodded.

"Yup." We gave her our sizes and signed the legal documents that basically just say we wont sue if we break a bone. She bought us our skates and Libby and I skipped over to the benches to change our shoes. I started removing my shoes when the boys came over to the benches. Leo picked up the shoe that I have taken off and held it up to inspect it.

"Your foot is tiny." He said chucking the shoe to Ryder. "Look at it." Ryder caught it with ease and looked at the shoe lazily.

"It's pretty small," he said before tossing it to Connor. Connor put it next to his foot and we all laughed at the extreme difference in sizes.

"What the hell, Jade?" Connor asked looking at me shocked.

"It's not my fault I have a small foot." I said snatching my shoe away from him. I continued putting on my skates ignoring the others who were laughing at my expense. Once my skates were on I stood up and looked at the others. Libby was just finishing tying her second shoe. The boys however were still on their first. "You guys are so slow." Libby stood up as well and I looked at her with a big smile. "This is so exciting." She nodded in agreement and gave me a smile.

"Its just ice skating." Hunter said, looking at us like we were weird. I chose to ignore his words and instead tucked my shoes away into the locker provided. The others soon followed my actions and we all walked over to the door of the ice rink. Leo opened the door and Libby and I were the first ones onto the ice. Memories flowed back as soon as my skates touched the ice. I started skating and turned around to see how the boys were doing.

Hunter was skating fine, he must have done it quite a few times before, Connor was holding onto the wall and Leo was slowly working his way around the ice. Ryder however was not even on the ice; he was tapping away at his phone leaning on the outside of the wall of the ice. I made my way over to stand next to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, he jumped as I spoke not realising I was there.

"Just talking to Ashley, I'll be there in a second." He said turning around to face me.

"Ok I'll wait." I said jumping up and sitting on the wall of the ice rink.

"I'm fine, you don't have to wait."

"It's fine, I'll wait.


"To be honest, I want to see you fall."

"And break my leg?" He said referring to what I said in the car.

"That would be a bonus." I said with a smile and he shook his head in lightly laughing.

"Well I guess you'll be waiting for a while because I'm not going to stack it." He said bringing his face closer to mine.

"Prove it." I imitated his actions so now our faces were really close.

"Fine." He aggressively put his phone in his pocket and moving away from me. He opened the door and stepped onto the ice. I watched him from my spot as he went to skate and slowly stepped forward. He was actually doing ok. I caught up to him and started skating backwards to face him.

"You're doing ok, Steele." I said voicing my thoughts.

"Did you expect anything less?" He asked smirking at me. I shrugged and began to turn around. Luckily I didn't turn around very fast because he quickly lost his footing and slipped. It all happened very fast but the next thing I knew he was looking up at me from the ice. I burst out laughing and he scowled at me.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" I asked through my laughter.

"I'm fine." He said unimpressed as he tried to get up. He put his hands on the floor and began to lift himself up. He's done it wrong. He fell again and I couldn't help but start laughing again. "Could you not laugh?"

I stifled my laughter. "Lift up one knee and then put your hand on it. Use it to help yourself up." He did as I said and slowly got up onto his feet again.

"Thanks." He said flatly and began to skate away back towards the door.

"You leaned backwards and that what made you fall." I said skating next to him.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I quickly over took him and stood in front of the door.

"No your not. You'll be fine, let me teach you."

"No I'm done. I'm just going to go sit down."

"No." He looked back at the others and I followed his gaze. Libby was helping Connor from getting off the wall. Hunter and Leo were slowly skating around them but they were all on the other side of the rink.

His nostrils flared before he turned back to look at me. He thought it over for a minute, whilst staring me down trying to make me break. I crossed my arms and stared back at him.

"Fine." He said throwing his hands up in the air. "Teach me, if you really want to." I smiled and held out my hand towards him and he looked at it and then back up at me.

"It's the only way, Ryder." He rolled his eyes and took my hand. His hands were cold from trying to get up off the ice. "Ok so here's what you've got to do."


It took about twenty minutes but I finally got him skating properly. He wasn't the best skater but he was doing well enough to get around, and that's all I was really expecting.

"There you've finally got it." I said to him. He was standing across from me on the ice and smirking at me.

"You're a good teacher, Jade."

"Thanks," I said smiling at his comment. We began skating again and I was going slowly so that I was next to him. "I thought you said you had skated before?" I asked him.

"I have, but I was young." He admitted and I nodded.

"Fair enough, it's fun though right?"

"Yeah I guess." He said, I felt him slowly veer towards me and our sides touched. "Why am I moving towards you?" I moved him back into his path giving us room between us. I moved in front of him, skating backwards so we wouldn't touch again.

"Because of the marks in the ice, it's normal for amateurs." I said smirking at him. He scowled at me before looking down at his skates. "Don't look down, you'll lose balance."

"You just want me to keep talking to you." He said with his signature smirk and I rolled my eyes hiding my cheeks that I could feel were turning red.

"You wish, Ryder." He laughed at me as I'm guessing he noticed my red cheeks.

"So you can do tricks and stuff?" Ryder asked me, after a few seconds of us not talking.

"Yeah, I used to be better than I would be now though. I haven't done this in a while."

"Show me something." I sighed, what could I show him that wasn't too hard but would impress him. Oh I know. I turned around so I wasn't facing him anymore and lifted my back leg up so I was skating on one foot. I rounded the bend of the ice rink before I felt someone clip my ankle and luckily I quickly caught myself on my other leg and straightened up. I looked past me to see Libby skating backwards laughing at me.

"Bitch." I said under my breath and I heard Ryder laugh as he heard what I said. I sped off to catch up to her and pushed her shoulder as she was bent down laughing and she fell over. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as I watched her fall to the ice. The boys all laughed at her and she quickly got back up to her feet.


Our hour was finally up at the rink and we all headed for the door. We had spent the last half hour of our time on the ice, pulling jokes on each other and making fun of each other's ice skating. We stepped off the ice and walked over to the lockers to get our shoes. We changed shoes and handed in our skates before walking out to the car.

"Thanks for inviting us, Jade." Leo said to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"You invited yourself." I retaliated, looking up at him. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Yeah, but you're glad we came right?"

"I didn't hate your company." I admitted shrugging and he laughed.

"Well then, you're welcome." His arm was still wrapped around my shoulder so I flicked it off. The others were all talking as we reached the car.

"It's your turn to sit in the back seat, Jade." Libby said.

"But I don't want to."

"Yeah but you have to. Plus I'm getting out first." I rolled my eyes and got into the back seat. Ryder followed me and I looked at him in confusion.

"Connor made me." He said rolling his eyes and putting on his seatbelt. Ryder leaned towards me and I looked at him confused. "I think he has an obsession with Libby," he whispered to me and I held back my laughter.

"Trust me, she would love that." I whispered back and he laughed.

"I'll let him know."

"Such matchmakers we are." I said laughing and he winked before sitting back up straight.

We were in the car for a few minutes, with the music blasting loudly when we stopped outside Libby's house. We all waved her good bye and I told her I'd text her later before she got out and walked into her house. As we drove away Ryder put his hand up around my chair. That's a natural thing right? Guys do that. He pulled out his phone and I looked over at it nonchalantly.

Ashley: Is it still cool for me to come over tonight?

Ryder: No

Ashley: Why not, babe?

Ryder: I'm not in the mood, and don't call me babe.

He slipped his phone back in his pocket and I looked up at him.

"Hey are you and Ashley still fuck buddies?" I asked him and he looked down at me. The backseats were closer together then those in the middle so we were in pretty close proximity to each other.

"Were you reading my messages?" He said with a laugh, at least he wasn't mad.

"Maybe." I said with a small smile.

"Didn't Patricia ever teach you about respecting other peoples privacy?" He said with a smirk, I felt my cheeks go red.

"Apparently not." I replied.

"Well to answer your question, yes."

"But you just turned her down?"

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to deal with her, though."

"What do you mean?" Is he saying that he doesn't like her?

"Don't worry about it." Hunter went over a bump and Ryder's arm fell off the back of the chair and slid down onto my shoulders. He didn't make an attempt to move it, though. My stomach flipped and I slowly moved as far away as I could from him in these seats, which felt extremely close at the moment. He got the hint and moved his arm off my shoulder and back to his side. We reached mine and Ryder's houses soon after and Connor got out to move the seat so we could get out. We climbed out of the car, Ryder having more struggles than me because he was bigger than me.

"Hey Ryder, is Ash still coming over later?" Leo asked him from the passenger seat of the car and we both turned around in our spots.

"No, not in the mood." Ryder said shrugging.

"Well then I'll pick you up later." He said giving Ryder a look that asked if he knew what he was talking about.

"Ok." Ryder said, the boys drove off waving goodbye to Ryder and I. "See you around shortcake?" Ryder said as he walked away towards his house.

"Bye, Ryder." I replied walking up to the front door of mine.


Picture of Jade laughing at Ryder falling on the ice above.

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XXX <3 <3 <3

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