Chim - Whole Lotta History

By cryingonthemetro

41.5K 460 13


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
The Epilogue

Chapter 45

589 9 0
By cryingonthemetro

Chapter 45: Kara’s POV

‘Mam’ I whispered to no answer, I turned to look towards mam who had her eye closed and was breathing softly. I smiled slightly and took her cigarette from her hand, stubbing it in the ashtray before laying her down gently on the bench, covering her with a blanket that was resting on the back. I kissed her lightly on the forehead before heading inside. I wondered around the kitchen searching the cupboards for something to eat. I couldn’t find anything worthy of a meal, Im guessing mum had forgotten to go shopping with everything that had been going on. I walked over to the savings pot on the side and grabbed some notes before grabbing a piece of paper to start a list.

‘Wheres mam’ Summer asked as she walked into the kitchen, ‘Outside, sleeping on the bench, thought id write a shopping list and get a few bits, the cupboards are like bare’ I explained. Summer nodded her head in response before sitting on the seat beside me. ‘Are you ok’ Summer asked quietly, ‘me? Why are you asking me? Surely I should be the one asking you?’ I said quickly, Summer gave me a look before responding; ‘you know what I mean, I know that you are taking it really badly about mam Kara! I know that you’ve been through a lot with mam! I get it but im here if you wanna talk! I know we havnt known eachother properly for that long but im still your sister’. I looked to the table before muttering; ‘I don’t want to talk, talking makes it real’ I snapped before continuing to write my shopping list. Summer sighed heavily beside me but I continued to ignore her.

Kim’s POV

I ran into Starbucks, spotting Nadine sat in the corner twirling a straw around in her frappucino. I ran over and sat in the seat opposite her, ‘I am so sorry I am late’ I blurted out. ‘Its ok’ she giggled, ‘Not like you to be late, Cheryl distract you did she?’ Nadine smirked. ‘Shut it you’ I blushed before looking towards the menu, deciding what I wanted to drink. I walked over to the counter and ordered a vanilla latte before paying and heading back over to our table. ‘So what’s up’ Nadine asked, I took a deep breath, ‘Well, I was wondering if you would help me plan our wedding, its gonna be a surprise for Cheryl’ I blurted out. Nadine looked at me with a big grin on her face ‘Id love too’ she smiled, ‘so what did you have in mind?’.

I had been sat with Nadine for two hours showing her the magazines, So far, we had phoned up the venue and booked a viewing and phoned up the dress shop to book some fittings. There was this one particular dress that looked to be the one that Cheryl really wanted and I was determined to get it, whatever the cost. It was a drop dead gorgeous Alexandra Mcqueen design and it was absolutely stunning. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it and that was just on the glossy pages of a magazine. ‘What music would you like’ Nadine asked, ‘Im not really sure because Cheryl is so obsessed with music that it needs to be perfect and just right, you know?’ I replied. ‘ok so maybe we will sort that out later’ Nadine grinned. As much as I had been dreading talking to Nadine, I was actually having fun.

Kara’s POV

I finished the shopping list in search of Summer who I found sprawled out on her bed listening to her ipod. ‘Hey, Want to come food shopping? Not sure how we are going to get it all back mind you’ I laughed. ‘Well I have my provisional liscence and have taken some lessons so I can drive us’ Summer grinned. I gasped, ‘What if we get stopped?’. Summer rolled her eyes, ‘Why do you care, you never cared about getting into trouble before’. I grinned, ‘Too true but you did! God im such a bad ifluence on you’ I smirked. Summer just laughed and grabbed mums car keys off the side whilst I grabbed the money. I followed Summer out the door and to the car.

Summer grinned at me before starting the car up and backing out of the driveway towards the superstore. We laughed the whole way, it was good to laugh, hanging out with Summer, meant that for just those few moments I could forget about mam, forget about the problems, the rape, the cancer and just be a normal teenager. I liked it that way, I was really hoping that the paparazi didn’t find out about mam coz I don’t think id cope with it being splashed all over the newspapers because then there really would be no escaping the reality, the truth.

We had almost put everything that we needed into the trolley and were heading to the counter when I realised that Summer wasn’t beside me. I turned to look at her, she was just standing still, looking pale white. ‘Summer’ I queried, resting my hand on her shoulder. She just pointed over to someone, I strained my neck to look and finally saw why she was terrified. There in the corner was Luke laughing with a random girl. I stared with fire in my eyes, I felt Summer’s grip on my wrist tighten as I went to walk over there. ‘Don’t Kara, come on lets just pay and go. He aint worth it’ she said calmly. I pulled my wrist out of her grasp, ‘he aint worth it? He *Ducking* raped you’ I screamed before grabbing the trolley and storming over to the cashier. I placed everything on the conveier belt, whilst the cashier scanned it and packed it for me.

I grabbed the bags and walked out of the automatic doors with Summer following closely. Summer unlocked the car and we both loaded the bags into the boot before getting into the car. She started up the car and we were on our way. ‘Im sorry Summer’ I whispered, she turned to look at me, ‘You’re sorry! He *Ducking* raped me, stole my virginity from me and you continue with the *Bar Steward*’s sister’ she screamed with venom in her voice. ‘I just wish I could go back to how I was before you came back! I was nice then, never disobeyed mum, and went to parties, never even dreamed of touching alcohol or smoking! None of this would have ever happened if you hadnt come back’ she continued. I stared at her, before I could reply, I heard the sound of a horn followed by a scream and then everything went black.

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