Love & Basketball: Alessia an...

By lmfaobrit

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Alessia is a girl that love basketball. When one day a new boy comes and catches Alessia eye. Will she choose... More

Chapter 1: Intoduction
Chapter 2: Stephen
Chapter 4: The Stalker
Chapter 5: The Hospital
Chapter 6: Breaking Up?
Chapter 7: Moving In
Chapter 8: The Big Reveal (Pt.1)
Chapter 9: The Big Reveal (Pt.2)

Chapter 3: The Big Game!

112 2 0
By lmfaobrit

Alessia P.O.V
Today was the big day and we play against StoneWall High. There one of our top rivals. There this girl on named Katie Madson and she their star player. She won over 10 championships, so my team and I knew what we were in for.

~Phone Rings~
Alessia:Hey Bree whats up!
Bree: Basketball practice is during 7th period.
Alessia: Okay, did you tell the others?
Alessia:Okay see you in class....Bye!
Bree: Okay Bye!

While walking to class I see Stephen having problems with his locker. I think it's kinda cute how mad he got ( blushing). Okay Alessia focus (stop blushing).

Alessia: Hey need help with your locker? (laughs a little)
Stephen: Its not funny. The school I went to had keys not codes , so it made everyone be overprotective about there locker.
Alessia: Well you get used to it.
Stephen: So..... Are you gonna help open my locker or what? (Smiles)
Alessia: Yea what's you code?
Stephen: It's 15...32...10...
Alessia: 15...32...10... okay go it! (opens locker)
Stephen: Guess you got the mightiest touch! (Drake voice)

~After Class~
Bree: We have practice in 30 minutes go get ready!

Having a big game makes Bree very nervous. It brings out her inner coach and she starts to take charge. Sometimes it gets annoying but it can be useful. She gives the best pep talks before every game. I noticed something very strange in the locker room bathrooms. I looked like someone was just standing there. No even moving like there were changing.

Alessia: Hey, come here. (whisper voice)
Mya: What. (whisper)
Alessia: Look. (points to the bathroom stall)
Mya: I bet it's a boy! (making mad face)
Alessia: Okay we bust him on 3.
Mya: Okay
Alessia & Mya: 1....2....3.... (kicks the door)
Alessia: Gotcha!
Mya: Boy what are doing in here!
?: Uhhhh.....ummmmm
Alessia: Don't even try to come up with a lie!
?: Okay I was waiting for one of you girls to come in so I can take some pictures.
Mya: Uhmmmm... You better get out of here before I tell Coach Ray!
?: Please don't tell Coach Ray!
Alessia:Yea, because you know Coach Ray gonna tell Coach Lee and you get kicked off the team!
?: I should leave uhh?
Alessia & Mya: Yeah!

~At the game~
There she was..... Katie Wadson. In her blue and yellow jersey and wearing the Jordan's that match. We were giving all kinds of death stares because we knew this game determined all. I knew this was going to be a rough game.
During the game the crowd was going crazy. Mya,Bree,Ashely, and I were doing so many moves it wasn't funny. We knew we had this game in the bag! Katie wasn't having it she tried to to cross us up (failed), lay-ups (failed), and jump shots (failed). She almost had us at one point but you know we got that point back. Mya, Bree, and I do this play called "The Confusing Triangle" it were I stand on the 3 point line while Mya and Bree stand on the side (making a triangle shape), we keep passing the ball in a confusing pattern.The point is for me to make a 3-pointer, but if that fail Mya or Bree try to make a shot, or somebody from our team try to make the shot. We had 10 seconds on the clock so we did our "The Confusing Triangle" formation. The last 5 seconds I went for the jump shot (at the 3 point line). I made the shot and the crowd went crazy! I knew we were going to the championship. I knew Katie was mad, because she stormed out gym as quickly as she can.

Alessia: OMG WE WON!!!!!

I was holding the trophy and they carried me in the air( like they do in the movies). After they let me down I saw Stephen was waiting for me at the door.

Stephen: Hey! You did good out there!
Alessia: Thank you I was so nervous.
Stephen: What was that play you guys did?
Alessia: We call it "The Confusing Triangle".
Stephen: Cool, so you need help putting up the trophy in the case.
Alessia: Yea

After putting that trophy in the case I had the biggest smile on my face. I knew me, Alessia Janae Washington made the winning shot. That night my mom and dad made me dinner with all my favorite foods. All night we talked about the game. I know we won , but that mean we have to work harder.

Yayy they going to the championship! Who was they boy in the bathroom? Is Alessia falling for Stephen? What going to happen next? Read to find out!

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