The nerd is a badass... Wait...

By caitymai

276K 9.2K 912

Meet Harley Everdeen , she's a senior in high school and to everyone there seems to be the classic nerdy girl... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

23K 517 111
By caitymai

Harley's POV

I threw my hand out of the covers and smacked it down on my night stand till I heard a satisfying crack. I smiled and tried to go back to sleep, key word is try because my brother Hunter came into my room and jumped on my bed. "come on Harley time to get up for school"
"Hunt get off me you fatass" I heard him laugh at my comment
"Come on you have to get up or else you'll be late" I grumbled a few choice words under my breath. Hunter the lucky bastard didn't have to go to school any more since he's 20.

I sighed "alright, alright I'm up, I'm up now get out of my room so I can get ready." He did as I asked and I swung my legs out of bed and stood up to stretch. Once I had done all that I went over to my closet and grabbed out my typical school attire which consisted of a baggy long sleeved top and some dark blue jeans. I got dressed brushed my hair and left it down in its natural wavy state. I grabbed my vans, bag and jacket before going downstairs for breakfast. As I make my way down stairs I hear Hunter cursing up a storm. " dude what's up with all the F-Ing and cursing??" He sighed
"The dishwasher isn't working again" I smile and move him out of the way to take a look and chuckle slightly
"Hunt, you forgot to flick the socket on"  he looks down slightly embarrassed and sighs
"Sit down I'll make you breakfast oh and we'll be going to the gym once you've finished school" I nod my head
"That's great I wanna see everyone again and I miss Pixie" my brother laughed and smiled
"She misses you to she wouldn't stop pestering me when you weren't there last week." I smile
"Don't blame me, blame the school and the mountain of homework they set" I say before I begin to eat my food. Once all that's done I race up stairs to do my teeth before racing with my stuff to my car.

After 20 minuets I arrived at my own personal hell or as everyone calls it high school. I parked my car and got out. I walked the halls of hell to my locker and dumped all of my stuff that I didn't need in my locker before turning and heading off to home room. I was almost there when I got stopped by Layla and her gang of hoebags. "Hey nerd" I rolled my eyes at her failed attempt of bullying. "Ew what are you wearing did you go for hobo chic or something" Carla, Layla's right hand slut asked. I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying some smartass remark. The barbie rejects laughed "come on nerd say something" they jeered I clenched my fists "yeah come on its no fun if you don't fight back" said another.
"why should I waste my breath insulting some one who is too incompetent to even understand what I had even said" I snapped they began laughing
"Awe is the nerd going to cry" one laughed out my knuckles turned white as I restrained myself from pulling out her obviously fake blond hair and extensions. I tried to calm down before storming passed the gaggle of giggling bitches.

Once I was inside homeroom I breathed a sigh of relief. I sat in my seat and lay my head on my desk it's only Monday and I already want this week to end. It's been like this for as long as I've been in high school.

You guys might not know much about me so I'll catch you up real quick. My name is Harley Everdeen and I'm 17 I go to school at south tower high where everyone thinks I'm just a defenceless nerd. No one knows that I'm also Raven a champion fighter. I've kept both parts of my life very separate for as long as I've lived them. I live with Hunter my older brother and guardian. It's been just the two of us for a couple years since are dad left and are mum passed away.

Any way back to the point here I was in home room waiting for the bell to go when a group of popular girls came in the room talking and giggling about a new kid that was starting school. Judging from their excitement it was a guy. I sigh he'll probably be popular and another tormentor for me to deal with.

The first bell went and everyone hurried to their home rooms. Our teacher began to do roll when the door burst open to reveal the new kid. One look and I knew he was the typical popular bad boy type. This caused me to scoff. He had a smirk on his face and I could hear the girls begin to talk and whisper about how hot they thought he was.

The teacher scowled at the new kid "alright everyone this is Jay Spencer he'll be starting here next week but he'll be shadowing for half a day today." The girls in my homeroom really need to learn how to control themselves. I mean honestly the kids not even been here for ten minuets and they're all practically eye rapping him. The new kid took his seat at the left side of the class near the back; but as he passed me I got a closer look at his face and noticed a very faded scar across his bottom lip and it hit me I had seen him some where before. Only question was where.

He turned and smiled at me. I looked straight into his grey eyes and knew everything about him was not as it seemed. As soon as the bell went I was outta there. That new kid would be nothing but trouble for me so for the time he's here I'll avoid him like the plague. I can't have everything I've tried to create come crumbling down.

*Time skip to the gym*

Once school was finished I raced to the gym to meet my brother and our friends at the gym. Once I parked I signed in with Jack and took a look at who else was there.

There was Siren, Viper, Bow, Robin, Angel, Chaos, Ghost, Arrow, Spider, Scar and of corse Blade along with other random gym users. To my surprise Pixie's name wasn't on the list. Which means that only 12 of the club/ gyms 14 champions would be here for the meeting today. I sighed the 14th champion hardly ever showed up to things like this though so I shouldn't be surprised.

This may seem a little weird or random so I'll explain, our gym was part of a huge association which scoped out the top talent in fighting and martial arts. Our gym had 14 champions in this association 7 girls and 7 guys. Our gym held over twenty awards in this championship because of us 14. The 7 female champions where me, Pixie, Siren, Viper, Bow, Robin and Angel. The 7 male champions where My brother who fought under the name Blade, his best friend Spider, Chaos, Ghost, Arrow, Scar and one other that I don't know the name of since he's rather secretive about himself and only speaks to certain people at the gym. 

Anyway the meeting wasn't until about 6:00 so it gave me plenty of time to practice and work out.

Soon enough 6:00 came around and all 12 of us champions where taken into the gym owners office. Our gym owner was called Steve and he was like a father to all of us champions. He told us all about a new training course he wanted us to try since the championships would be starting very soon and he wanted us to be in the best shape for it. It was 8:15 by the time the meeting finished so all 12 champions came round ours for a pizza night. Now I know your thinking that pizza night really isn't the best idea for us; but to be honest with the amount of training and exercise we did it didn't really effect us that much. They all went home by around 10 and I went up stairs to sleep and get everything ready for school.

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