Biting Temptation

Par Misguided

2.4M 65.5K 5.5K

The fight for love is never-ending. And for Evie and Michael it proves to be just that. After believing a sad... Plus

Biting Temptation
1: Future
3: Persuasive Customer
4: Own Adventure
5: Rainbows & Flowers
6: New Plan
7: Over and Over
8: "I don't forget."
9: Illness
10: Unexpected Return
11: Her Maker
12: Coyote Ugly
13: Mistakes
14: Regular Hero
15: Power
16: Family
17: Arrivals
18: Trust... Again
19: Release
20: Final
21: Reborn
22: Worries
23: Dealing
24: Not Today
25: My Fault
26: Crack
27: Sired
28: Sixty Minutes
29: Until Dawn
30: Penultimate
31: End

2: Winding Down

96.7K 2.2K 125
Par Misguided

Ain't It Fun - Paramore

(I apologise for mistakes. Its late and I have a cold my eyes are watery LOOL)

"What does that even mean?" I stressed.

Katherine shrugged. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" 

"It was your little 'vision' into the future."

"Yeah but not everything has an explanation does it?" 

We turned the corner and headed to the door of our study hall. "But this literally doesn't make any sense."

"Look, if I see you standing on a large bolder or rock or whatever surrounded by, what I assume is nothing, then I'm going to tell you about it."

A smile tugged at my lips as I glanced at her. "You see weird things."

"I half expected you to come out with, 'you see dead people.'" 

"You're a comedian." I laughed.

As we walked into the study hall I spotted Laura and Damien sitting on a four table. Michael wasn't too far away talking to a table of students probably further preparing them for their finals or helping with their dissertation.

He glimpsed up at me for barely a second and winked before continuing. He'd finally shaved this morning, all weekend he'd kept his little beard and every time he rubbed it against me it tickled and made me laugh. I swiftly prompted him to shave although it did look great on him.

Laura was fiddling with Damien's ashy blonde hair and I could just make out her telling him it was too long which, in all fairness, it was.

Damien and Laura, thank God, started their relationship a few months after all of us moved out of the Town House. Lucas, my lovely other ex-housemate, had finally had enough and pushed the two together and walked off a year and a half ago.

And they've been going strong ever since.

"Hey," Laura greeted, her dark green eyes shining at us before turning back to Damien. "Can you both tell Damien his hair is getting ridiculously long?"

Kate sat down opposite the couple and smirked. "Okay. Damien-"

"I know it's long," He grabbed Laura's hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. "I'll get it cut Wednesday."

Those two as a couple were perfect... In some senses.

"How was your weekend?" I asked them as I sat beside Kate. "Get your dissertation done?" 

"Yeah." They said in unison.


I groaned. "Why am I so unorganised?"

"I could think of one big reason," Laura said with a mischievous grin on her face. Here we go. "That said reason that's walking over here as we speak, Michael hi.

Damien was chuckling but he turned it into a cough when I glared at him.

"Laura you can't call me Michael here." He said obviously amused. 

"What about Mike?" Damien teased. 

"Not that either." Michael laughed obviously amused by their teasing. 

I sure as hell wasn't.

"Have you been keeping Evie from her studies Professor Reeves?" Laura added. And it continues. "And why can't I call you Michael? You let me at your house last week?"

Ever since I'd told Laura about Michael and me, I gave her the go ahead to tell Damien and I promised I would tell Lucas. And now, of course, I completely and utterly regret telling them purely because they tease me and him every chance they got.

"Because, Miss Marks, we aren't at my house are we? Now what's this about Evie's studies?"

This just keeps getting better. "Nothing." I reassured.

"Are you sure?" His emerald eyes pierced into me with that authority he only used on me whenever he was in teaching mode.

"I, well, I haven't had a chance to finish my dissertation." I sent Laura a glower and saw her mouth a 'sorry'. 

"Your first draft is in for tomorrow, Evangeline."

"Yes, I know I was going to do it tonight. I was originally going to do it Saturday but with Celia and the rest coming over..."

Michael sighed briefly before running a hand through his hair. "We'll talk later."

As soon as he walked away I turned my angry stare onto the two in front of me. Sure act sheepish now.

"Sorry," Damien said but I could see his lips pursing to stop his smile. "It shouldn't be too bad... Um." Obviously the look on my face was enough to shut him up. 

Katherine, the evil soul, was laughing under her breath all the way through it and now she was just full out laughing.

"Be quiet Kate," I grumbled before grabbing my laptop.

The rest of study hall went by quickly and I'd managed to finish three-quarters of my dissertation thank god. Maybe Michael will go a little easier on me. He'd left half an hour before it finished sending me a look that promised, 'later'.

I was walking toward Michael's office when I spotted Lewis exiting through Michael's door. Lewis was a handsome guy and if he wasn't a little bit of an a-hole and a vampire hunter I'd recommend him to a friend. But alas, he was not perfect.

"Evie," He greeted. 

"Lewis, I hear you told Michael about our training during class."

A smile made its way onto his lips and I rolled my eyes. "I had to."

"No, I don't think you did." I disagreed. "It didn't matter anyway. He wasn't upset with me."

"I always found it intriguing how humans let vampires control their lives." 

My nose flared. A habit I caught from Mike. "And right now they're not controlling yours?" 

"Nope. I'm not doing as they tell me am I? I may be helping them but it's for me too. Tell me, does Mike compel you to do things?"

Before I could scream at the infuriating man, the door opened and Michael glared at him. "Goodbye Lewis." He dismissed.

"Go see Ana about the spell she's using to control your hunter gene. It's not strong and enough and you're pissing me off." I suggested with a growl.

He looked between us for a minute before he finally sighed and nodded. "Sorry Evie." He grumbled before walking away. 

Whenever Lew was around vampires he was always crabby like he was right now. He'd switch from one to the other without even realising it sometimes. He's had his worst days, today ironically not being one of them. This wasn't his worst.

"What did he want?" I wondered as we walked into his office. 

Michael shut the door behind him and walked around his desk to sit down. "Numbers. We're keeping track of each vampire killed or swayed away from Vancouver each night."


"It's slowly increasing. But let's not talk about that. Let's discuss the fact you haven't finished your dissertation."

I sighed heavily and rounded his table to lean against it. "I managed to finish three-quarters of it during study hall. I only have a little left to do I promise."

"I want you to graduate with your degree Evie," He leaned back in his chair. "I want you to have something to lean back on so when you've turned and you're ready to be around humans in a few years you'll be able to get a job."

"And I will get my degree and graduate and I will get a job."

"Your dissertation is a big part of your final grade."

"I know, I know. When we get home tonight I'll show it to you, how about that? Is that better?" I stroked the side of his face and cupped his jaw. "I'm trying."

Michael curled his arm around my waist and nudged me to sit on his lap. "We all are. I know you're trying to concentrate on work but this whole Florence thing is driving us all crazy. If I could give you an extra day I would but I want to get the first drafts marked and back to you all by Friday."

My fingers played with the curls of dark hair behind his ears as he spoke.  My fingers dove into the depths of his silky hair and I adjusted my position to peck him on the lips. "Alright. Okay."

"I'll help you as much as I can tonight I promise." 

As I leaned forward to kiss him again he started chuckling. "What?" I said.

"You know I still could be fired for being with you. It may be legal with the age but it's still not policy." 

I shrugged, gripped onto his hair and lightly pulled. His eyes darkened and his smile became a smirk. "Does anyone else share the office?"


"Then we won't get caught."

"My door isn't locked."

"It can be."

Michael glared at the door for what seemed like forever, tapping his fingers against my thighs. "Hmm... Stand." 

I obeyed demanding Mike and watched as he stood to walk to his door, lock it and then sit back down. His gaze swept over me quickly and I started to smile when he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.

He eyed me carefully and I registered the changed in him almost immediately. This was hungry Michael. My insides warmed immensely when he gestured me over to him. Together for two years and his office hadn't ever been an option oddly enough. There was a window but a big poster was covering it so no one could see in or out. 

I straddled his hips and hummed a contented sigh when he captured my lips within his. He destroyed every logical thought with his mouth and tongue; his fingers digging into my jean clad thighs and softly rocking me against him. A soft moan escaped my lips as he took my bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth. 

My fingers roamed beneath his shirt briefly before lowering my hands to the belt of his pants.

But then he took my wrists and held them behind my back.

I opened my heavy lidded eyes and glared at him. "What?"

A lazy smile grace his pink swollen lips and I yanked on my hands to get free. His grip only tightened. "How about a compromise."

"Sorry what?" I growled knowing exactly where his sneaky little mind was headed.

"Give you something to look forward to after you finish your dissertation." He grumbled huskily.

I opened my mouth to swear, curse him to the depths of hell and back when his hips very slowly however precisely rolled into mine. I pursed my lips and controlled my intake of breath when I felt him nudge against me.


"You said you've only got a quarter left to do, honey."

I rolled my eyes feeling the mood shift and manoeuvred myself off of his lap. "Don't honey me."

"Are you pissed off?" I could hear the laughter in his voice. 

I fixed my t-shirt and ran a hand through my hair. "No. See you at home." 

"You are pissed." Finally he let out a small laugh and I started to the door sending him a glare.

"I'm not." I snapped. But then mumbled as I opened the door, "Just undoubtedly horny."

His loud snorting laughter was the last thing I heard before shutting the door.


I'd probably reread my dissertation four times in the last three hours. 

By half eight, I'd finished it. It'd taken me an hour and a half. I didn't go straight home after my last class which finished around five because I went to see Ana but that wasn't for long. 

I rubbed my eyes and stared out of the glass wall of Michael's study. It was his turn to go on patrols with Pam tonight so he wouldn't be home until midnight which was in an hour. So technically, Mike wouldn't have any time to go over my dissertation with me, albeit, he didn't know he was on patrol until Pam had supposedly reminded him after work. He'd texted me halfway through class alerting me he'd be home later.

I hated the fact he went out there with all of those new vampires. They were bloodthirsty and I was almost glad I hadn't witnessed a brand new vampire but it was a matter of time. With the increasing number of vampires and Lewis and Nate training me it was obvious it would happen soon enough.

My eyes swept over the woods before I turned my gaze back to my laptop screen. I cursed at a stupid misspelling and started typing out the correct word when I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I looked back outside and stared at the spot where I saw the movement. It was too dark for me to see anything but I caught the movement easily. Quickly, I stood and pressed my palm to the window. Was it a person...? Nate? My vision cleared and focussed according to the darkness but I found no movement. Not even the wind blew the leaves on the trees above.

I shook my head and blinked. I must have been imagining it-

A knock on the window made me jump and I spun around to spot the culprit. I exhaled sharply thankful a pair of striking grey eyes was on the other side.

"You scared the living crap out of me." I said as I unlocked and slid the door open.

Nate slid the door shut behind him and smiled. "You were in your own little world how else was I supposed to get your attention?"

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Mike's doing patrol isn't he so I thought I'd keep you company."

"I'll probably be going to bed soon anyway, I just finished my dissertation."

"Yeah?" He glanced at my laptop. "Mind if I have a quick read?"

"Like you know what it's about."

"Who helped you with your Greek Civilisation homework all those years ago? I'm not too bad with history Evie. Let me have a read."

I watched as Nathaniel sat in front of my laptop and scrolled up to the beginning of my word document. After ten minutes of watching him read through I disappeared to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and came back. Having Nate back in Canada permanently was odd but I was starting to get used to it. If I thought back to all those years ago when we both had to sneak to even see each other it felt like a different life.

Things had changed between us. He may have... admitted a long time ago about having some sort of feelings for me but never were they mentioned again. I didn't know whether he felt the same or not I hadn't dared to ask or even mention it. Nate was one of my closest friends; I loved him with my entire being. I wasn't in love with him.

...I'd never allowed myself to think that way.


"Hm?" I shook the thoughts away and stepped forward. "What do you think then?"

"I think it's brilliant. And Michael would be a damn fool to make you change too much of it."

"Too much of it? So things do need to be changed."

"Not much of it. Hey, I'm being honest." He defended after I hit him. "Do you want me to lie and tell you it's amazing and then have you sad when he gives you your corrections?"

"No." I mumbled. "Are you sure then? Check the spellings."

"Microsoft Word has a spellchecker." He pointed out with a smirk. "Stop worrying. Come on, save this, shut it down and wind down. You need it."

I swallowed a gulp of water before doing as he said and following him into the living room. As we settled into the living room with the television on a repeat of the eleven o'clock news, I wondered aloud, "What do you do during the day, Nate?"

"Well, I've gotten into the habit of only having a few hours sleep so I usually wander the streets asking other day walkers whether they know anything about Florence."

"Don't you take any time to yourself?"

"What could I possibly do in my spare time?"

I shrugged. "Maybe get a job? I don't know what do you want to do?"

He laid his arm across the back of the sofa, his shoulders lifting causing his low neck t-shirt to hang lower over his chest. The corner of one of his swallow tattoos' peeked from the right side of his chest. I always forgot he had those from when he was in the navy.

"I'm not too sure really. How about I get back to you?"

"As long as you think of something." I winked before yawning.

"Go to bed Evie. Michael will be home in a few." His knuckles reached over and skimmed across my cheek. "Go on. I'll see you later."

I nodded briskly and stood. "Goodnight." I ran my hand over his head of blonde hair as I passed and made my way upstairs, bottle of water in hand. After brushing my teeth and turning off the lights, I settled under the comforter, inhaling Michael's heady scent and hugging my pillow.

I'd closed my eyes only for a second before I heard the door creak open. So much for a compromise. I didn't move a muscle as he silently moved through the bedroom. He knew I was awake from the rhythm of my heart; he'd told me once that he always knew the very moment I would wake up according to the beat of my heart.

After a few moments, he slid in behind me and his cold nose ran along my neck. I couldn't help but sigh at the feeling but I stopped myself from snuggling into his embrace.

"I'm sorry." He said softly pressing feather light kisses over the back of my neck and shoulder. "Nathaniel told me he read your dissertation and that it's great."

I nodded.

"I'll make this up to."

"You didn't know you were on patrol."

"But I made a commitment and I let it get in the way of your work after the big speech I made earlier." He nudged my arm so I could roll onto my back. In the darkness his green eyes glowed with guilt but I knew there really wasn't anything to forgive him for.

"Michael, my work may be important but this is as well. You have nothing to feel guilty about."

"I teased you to no end this afternoon." He pointed out with a small smile. "And you're saying I have nothing to feel guilty about?"

"Well maybe that then," I smirked. "But tomorrow morning you can join me in the shower and make it up to me..." I rolled onto my side and snuggled myself into his front. "Twice."

His chuckle rang throughout my ears as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Thank you for your patience!!! Last week really took its toll on me BUT back to reg' updating !!

NOTE: The first few chapters are a bit of a recap and to show you guys how much their relationship has progressed.

Soo what'd you think of Nate and the way he used to feel for Evie? Or the fact all of this Florence business is somehow taking a tiny effect on Mike and Evie's relationship? ORR What about Evie and Mike's little escapade in the office! I enjoyed that hahaha!

COMMENTSSSSS <3 VOTTESS <3 (The comments make me way happier :P)

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