Lost Souls

By JaneenHowie

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Welcome to the new generation called Lost Souls. In this new world the strong can barely survive and the weak... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to my Life (The beginning, duh)
Chapter 2: The Forbidden Zone
Chapter 3: Me, Myself and I
Chapter 4: Past Dangers
Chapter 6: So it Begins
Chapter 7: Crazy to Downright Scary

Chapter 5: Encounter

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By JaneenHowie

Dead, I was dead, I remembered as I was greeted by an aching throat, back and wrist. If I am dead, then why the Reapers Scythe am I hurting? When you die, do you feel the pain constantly of what you died from? If so, kill me now.

Idiot, your already dead, you can't die again.

And death cannot separate us, just great my life just got worse.

You don't have a life or I for that matter, were dead.

Thanks for cheering me up again, I love how you always look on the bright side.

"Mmmm." A sound echoed in my ear and then bright light streamed in from nowhere.

What the... Once my eyes adjusted I stared at the forest around me as I laid on moss ground.


I guess so, which makes sense because I don't think were supposed to feel anything when were dead.

But how?

Good question... and are you ignoring me?

I shouldn't be alive...I was attacked by a Reapers Gift. and how could I be so stupid and careless. I started to hyperventilate, each breath stabbed my sore throat.

Your name is Angela. That should explain everything.

I tried to control my breathing to stop the pain. Okay, I'm okay. I should be fine as long as I figure out what happened and how I got here after almost dying.


First things first, where am I?

Really! You're going to act this way again?

Yes, now shut up. We have better things to worry about.


Fine. I humph out loud and instantly regretted it as my throat throbbed again. By the way it hurt, I was surprised my neck was still attached to my head. I groaned in my head and rolled to the other side, trying to see if anything was familiar or would tell me how I got here. And boy, oh boy, did I get a answer. His face was one pinky length away from mine. His Eyes were closed with long black eyelashes and black hair outlined his tanned brown face. Breathing softly his warm breath pushed gently against my face drawing my eyes to his full lips.

Now that is a gorgeous man!

He shifted in his sleep, snuggling closer to me. Making me aware of the sharp broad angles in his face. We were so close that he was almost touching me. Touching me! I needed to get away.

Or closer.

Shut it! We don't have time to argue, he could be infected and there is a chance that he looks at me it could activate.

But he saved us, and the possibility of us being his activator, is one out two chance.

I don't care about the facts! And we don't know for sure if he did save us! Anyway, all I care about is that it could happen at any time, from anything!


No butt's!

I inched my face away from his to look around and see if I could find any weapons to kill him with. I spotted my bow laying against a tree with my arrows. What luck. Now I just need to roll away and grab it with my head still on and back in place. I looked down into my more than likely, rescuers face... no my Foes face. Crap...

Deep, dark, green eyes stared into mine with flecks of gold around the iris. air instantly got caught in my throat. He was awake and he didn't seem to be infected right now, but I would have to stare into his eyes to catch that per active state for ten seconds in a hour to be certain. However, I was planning on making sure his wouldn't last that long. Glaring down, I let the adrenaline fill my veins, as I prepared for battle. He squinted his eyes at me, a confused frown etched into his face, like he was confused of why I was acting this way. The Reaping buddy, the Reaping happened. Saving me or not, does not mean I will trust you. It just means a quick death. Or a quicker one.

Moving fast, I rolled away from him and jumped to my feet. My back and neck screamed in pain that made my world fade to black. Stumbling forward, I snatched my bow and arrows, then turned to face my enemy. Six feet tall he stood to my five and a half feet. Black baggy pants hung to his hips and a black shirt clung to his chest, showing his muscle. Suns blazing heat, was he ever built. This is going to be one hell of a fight. Swiftly I grabbed my arrow and nocked it. One finger on top, two bottom, pull, anchor and then aim. Breathing, I steady my arm with my arrow aimed at his chest, ignoring my throbbing wrists. Internally I struggled with the thought of kill but pushed it down.

"Wait!" His yelled with his hands in the air. I froze at the words at first but then I breathed out and let the string go. My arrow flew towards him. But he wasn't there anymore, he had dodge and was running full speed towards me. Two of his hands shot out and tried to grab me, dodging I dropped to my feet and kicked out to drop him, but I hit nothing. He had jumped over it. Crap this is not going the way I wanted. Getting up, I tried to run away, but strong arms grabbed me and hug me against him. Struggling his hands rubbed my raw wrist, the only thing left I could do was kick. And kick I did. I slammed my foot down on his with my heel. He shouted in pain.

I pulled myself from his grip and stumbled forward. Escaping, but only for a while. Because the next step I took, I tripped over a root. Face first I slammed into the dirt then followed with a hard body, knocking the breath right out of me. painfully blackness welcomed me with open arms.


"Mom!" I cried out as screams filled the night air, waking me up. Struggling out of my covers and big bed, I ran to my parents as fast as my six-year-old feet could. Shaken and scared, I looked into their room as the screams of terror kept echoing into the night. A candle was lit making the room light up. Dad was putting on a pair of shoes, he was still in his PJ's. Looking at the door he spotted me, his blue eyes filled with worry.

"Angela..." He whispered my name slowly and gestured for me to come forward. Another scream pierced the air, but closer. Jumping, I ran into his secure arms, which wrapped around my body, keeping me safe. Trembling, I knew something was not right, something was off. Whimpering I looked for mom. She was still lying on the bed, her dark brown hair was ruffled and she was biting her lip. Her grey blue eyes stared outside the window, she looked scared, I could even feel it from here. Uncertainty filled my voice.

"Mom?" Registering my voice, she turned to face me, with a smile plastered on her face. It was the face she used often when she was worried. "What's happening?" I asked hugging Dad tighter. Dad picked me up and settled me beside her. His blonde hair ticked my cheeks. "Dad?" I turned to grabbed him before he was out of my reach. I wanted for us to stay together; we were safer together.

Bending down to my eye level, his eyes stared into mine. A somber look crossed his face as he stared at me. Whispering in a deep voice he said.

"Angela I need you to listen to me...okay?" I shook my head up and down to let he know that I was.

"There are some very bad people out there right now. I need you to stay here with your mom and keep her safe.... comfort her. Okay?" Deep dread filled my veins as I stared at my Daddy.

"If there is bad people out there, then you shouldn't go!" I yelled.

"Shush" he covered my mouth. Tears started to run down my face. My Mom arms wrapped around me, hugging me to her. But I still kept hugging Daddy's arm. His other hand rested against my face, lovingly. "Angela, I need to go, if I don't. They will come and get you guys. He smiled a little. "I can't have them hurting my girls. I need to protect you, that's what Dads are for."

"But..." I stumbled for something to say, something, anything, to make my Dad stay with me. Sighing, he looked at me with a determined smirk.

"Now Angela are you thinking Daddy isn't strong and big enough to protect you? I thought I told you I was invincible, Not even the Reaper can get me. Remember?" With a wobbly smile I nodded and let go. He then gave me a kiss, and Mom a longer one, which made me worry about them not breathing. Then he was off.

I held onto Mom as screams filled the air. Gently she rubbed my back and whispered calming words. I almost fell asleep when the sound of soft footsteps entered the house, went up the stairs and in came in the room. Lucy stood at the door, six years old, carrying a bloody chef's knife, with glazed brown eyes, she was smiling like it was Christmas.


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